Symbolic Identifiers
- ! (value; Uref)
- !~ (value; boolSyntax)
- ## (value; Portable, hurdUtils, Lib, mlibUseful)
- $ (value; Lib, Portable)
- && (value; bossLib, simpLib)
- * (value; Arbrat, mlibArbint, Arbnumcore, mlibArbnum, Arbintcore, mlibOmegaint)
- + (value; Arbrat, mlibArbint, Arbnumcore, mlibArbnum, Arbintcore, mlibOmegaint)
- ++ (value; mlibParser, errormonad, optmonad, bossLib, seqmonad, simpLib)
- +++ (value; optmonad, seqmonad)
- ++? (value; errormonad)
- - (value; Arbrat, mlibArbint, Arbnumcore, mlibArbnum, Arbintcore, mlibOmegaint)
- -* (value; bossLib, simpLib)
- -- (value; Lib)
- --> (value; FinalType)
- / (value; Arbrat)
- ::> (value; mlibSubst)
- := (value; Uref)
- < (value; Arbrat, mlibArbint, Arbnumcore, mlibArbnum, Arbintcore, mlibOmegaint)
- <= (value; Arbrat, mlibArbint, Arbnumcore, mlibArbnum, Arbintcore, mlibOmegaint)
- == (value; Parse)
- > (value; Arbrat, mlibArbint, Arbnumcore, mlibArbnum, Arbintcore, mlibOmegaint)
- >* (value; Coding)
- >- (value; optmonad, readermonad, errormonad, seqmonad, Tactical, smpp, Coding, stmonad)
- >-> (value; optmonad, Coding, seqmonad)
- >= (value; Arbrat, mlibArbint, Arbnumcore, mlibArbnum, Arbintcore, mlibOmegaint)
- >> (value; optmonad, mlibParser, readermonad, errormonad, seqmonad, Tactical, smpp, Coding, stmonad)
- >>++ (value; mlibParser)
- >>- (value; Tactical)
- >>> (value; Tactical)
- >>~ (value; Q, bossLib)
- >>~- (value; Q, bossLib)
- >| (value; Tactical)
- >~ (value; Q, bossLib)
- ? (value; Portable)
- ?> (value; Lib, Portable)
- ?? (value; Tactical)
- @> (value; mlibSubst)
- \\ (value; Tactical)
- |-> (value; Lib)
- |-> (constructor; mlibUseful)
- |-> (value; Portable)
- |<>| (value; mlibSubst)
- |> (value; Portable, Lib, liteLib)
- |>> (value; Portable)
- || (value; ThyDataSexp, mlibParser, Coding, smpp)
- ||-> (value; Portable)
- ||> (value; Portable)
- ||| (value; smpp)
- ~ (value; Arbrat, mlibArbint, Arbintcore, mlibOmegaint)
- ~~ (value; boolSyntax)
- A (value; hurdUtils)
- ABB (value; markerLib)
- ABB' (value; markerLib)
- abb_dest_type (value; type_grammar)
- Abbr (value; bossLib, BasicProvers, markerLib, markerSyntax)
- ABBREV (constructor; DefnBase)
- Abbrev (structure)
- ABBREV_ss (value; boolSimps)
- ABBREV_TAC (value; Q, OldAbbrevTactics, jrhUtils, markerLib)
- abbrev_tm (value; markerSyntax)
- ABBRS_THEN (value; markerLib)
- AbPTME (type; term_grammar)
- ABS (value; Q)
- abs (value; Arbintcore)
- ABS (value; FinalThm)
- abs (value; Arbrat)
- Abs (constructor; clauses)
- abs (value; mlibArbint)
- Abs (constructor; Count)
- abs (value; mlibOmegaint)
- ABS_CONV (value; Conv, RJBConv, liteLib)
- ABS_TAC (value; Tactic, jrhUtils)
- ABSDATATYPE (constructor; EmitML)
- absolute_deviation (value; aiLib)
- ABST (value; RW)
- abstract_term (value; tttToken)
- abstract_thml (value; tttToken)
- abstraction (structure)
- absval_tm (value; intSyntax, realSyntax)
- absyn (type; Defn, Absyn, TermParse)
- Absyn (structure)
- Absyn (value; Parse)
- absyn (value; TermParse)
- absyn_postprocessor (type; term_grammar)
- absyn_postprocessors (value; term_grammar)
- absyn_to_preterm (value; Parse, TermParse)
- absyn_to_preterm_in_env (value; TermParse)
- absyn_to_term (value; Parse, TermParse)
- AC (value; bossLib, jrhUtils, AC, markerLib)
- AC (structure)
- AC (value; refuteLib, simpLib)
- AC_CANON_CONV (value; AC, refuteLib)
- AC_CANON_GEN_CONV (value; AC, refuteLib)
- AC_CONV (value; Conv, Q)
- AC_Sort (structure)
- ac_ss (value; simpLib)
- ac_term_ord (value; Cond_rewr)
- AC_tm (value; markerSyntax)
- ACCEPT_TAC (value; Tactic, jrhTactics)
- accepted_axioms (value; Sanity)
- accepted_oracles (value; Sanity)
- accessors_of (value; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- aconv (value; FinalTerm)
- acs_tm (value; transcSyntax)
- action (type; Trace, clauses)
- adata_info (type; AncestryData)
- add (value; mlibClause, mlibClauseset, UTF8Set, mlibHeap, Redblackset, mlibPatricia, PIntMap, mlibResolution, Manager, mlibRewrite, Intset, mlibSubsume, CharSet, mlibSupport, mlibUnits)
- ADD (constructor; ThmSetData)
- add (value; patriciaLib)
- ADD (constructor; RW)
- add (value; proofManagerLib)
- add_absyn_postprocessor (value; Parse)
- add_alist_compset (value; alistLib)
- add_alist_repr (value; alist_treeLib)
- add_ASCIInumbers_compset (value; ASCIInumbersLib)
- add_assoc (value; liteLib)
- ADD_ASSOC_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- ADD_ASSUM (value; Drule)
- add_assums (value; abstraction)
- add_bare_numeral_form (value; Parse)
- add_binder (value; term_grammar)
- add_bit_compset (value; bitLib)
- add_bitstring_compset (value; bitstringLib)
- add_break (value; OldPP, HOLPP, smpp)
- add_calldep (value; mlNearestNeighbor)
- add_cast_ptree_compset (value; patricia_castsLib)
- add_check_factoid (value; OmegaMLShadow, mlibOmega)
- ADD_COEFFS_TO_LEQ_CONV (value; Norm_ineqs)
- add_combin_compset (value; combinLib)
- add_cong (value; DefnBase)
- add_congs (value; RW)
- add_const (value; Parse, folTools)
- ADD_CONV (value; reduceLib)
- add_CONV (value; binary_ieeeLib)
- ADD_CONV (value; Arithconv)
- add_conv (value; computeLib)
- add_convs (value; computeLib, simpfrag)
- add_csfrag_rewrites (value; congLib)
- add_cthy_time (value; mlThmData)
- add_datatype_info (value; computeLib)
- add_defs_to_EVAL (value; Defn)
- add_delta (value; term_grammar)
- add_deltas (value; term_grammar)
- add_extern (value; clauses)
- add_extra (value; TypeBasePure)
- add_facts (value; Satisfy)
- add_finite_map_compset (value; finite_mapLib)
- add_fst (value; hurdUtils)
- add_funs (value; computeLib)
- add_hyp (value; folTools)
- add_ieee_to_compset (value; binary_ieeeLib)
- add_impl_param (value; abstraction)
- add_implicit_congs (value; RW)
- add_implicit_rewrites (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- add_implicit_rws (value; RW)
- add_implicit_simpls (value; RW)
- add_indexedLists_compset (value; indexedListsSimps, listLib)
- add_inferior_overloading (value; Overload)
- add_infix (value; Parse)
- add_infix_type (value; Parse)
- add_int_compset (value; intReduce)
- add_integer_word_compset (value; integer_wordLib)
- add_labels_CONV (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- add_leqs (value; mlibTermorder)
- add_list (value; patriciaLib)
- add_list_tm (value; patriciaSyntax)
- add_listform (value; Parse, term_grammar)
- add_lists_tm (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- add_listw_tm (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- add_literal (value; Literal)
- add_mask_arg (value; tttTrain)
- add_mask_pol (value; tttTrain)
- add_mask_val (value; tttTrain)
- add_ML_dependency (value; Theory)
- add_monadsyntax (value; monadsyntax)
- add_mono_thm (value; IndDefLib)
- add_named_rwt (value; simpLib)
- add_namespace_time (value; mlThmData)
- add_newline (value; OldPP, HOLPP, smpp)
- add_numeral_form (value; Parse, term_grammar)
- add_numposrep_compset (value; numposrepLib)
- add_overloading (value; Overload)
- add_pair_compset (value; pairLib)
- add_parameter (value; abstraction)
- add_persistent_funs (value; computeLib)
- add_pmatch (value; parsePMATCH)
- add_pred_set_compset (value; pred_setLib)
- add_ptree_compset (value; patriciaLib)
- add_qtype (value; Parse)
- add_readings (value; mlibMeter)
- add_record (type; parsePMATCH)
- add_record_field (value; Parse)
- add_record_fupdate (value; Parse)
- add_relsimp (value; simpLib)
- add_rewrites (value; Rewrite)
- add_rewrs (value; TypeBasePure)
- add_rich_list_compset (value; listLib, rich_listSimps)
- add_rule (value; Parse, term_grammar, transferLib)
- add_rule_induction (value; IndDefLib)
- add_rws (value; RW)
- add_rwts (value; simpfrag)
- add_safe (value; transferLib)
- ADD_SGS_TAC (value; Tactical)
- add_simp (value; transferLib)
- add_snd (value; hurdUtils)
- add_sorting_compset (value; sortingLib)
- add_sptree_compset (value; sptreeLib)
- ADD_SSFRAG (constructor; BasicProvers)
- add_ssfrag_convs (value; TypeBasePure)
- add_state_monad_compset (value; state_monadLib)
- add_std_simpls (value; TypeBasePure)
- add_string (value; OldPP, HOLPP, smpp)
- add_string_compset (value; stringLib)
- add_strings (value; SharingTables)
- add_stringsz (value; OldPP, HOLPP, smpp)
- add_strlit_injector (value; term_grammar)
- add_strliteral_form (value; Parse)
- add_style_to_string (value; Parse)
- ADD_SYM_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- add_tag (value; FinalThm)
- ADD_TERM_TO_LEQ_CONV (value; Norm_ineqs)
- add_terms (value; SharingTables)
- add_thm (value; folTools)
- add_thms (value; clauses, computeLib)
- add_thmset (value; clauses, computeLib)
- add_time (value; aiLib)
- add_tm (value; bitstringSyntax, patriciaSyntax)
- add_trace (value; mlibUseful)
- add_tyargltag (value; hhExportLib)
- add_type (value; Parse)
- add_types (value; SharingTables)
- add_user_printer (value; Parse, term_grammar)
- add_vectl (value; mlMatrix)
- add_weakener (value; simpLib)
- add_with_carry_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- add_word_cast_printer (value; wordsLib)
- add_words_compset (value; wordsLib)
- add_zeroarity (value; hhExportLib)
- addbvs (value; term_pp_utils)
- addctxt (value; Traverse)
- added_thms (value; ThmSetData)
- addf (value; PIntMap, mlibPatricia)
- ADDITIVE_TERMS_CONV (value; CooperSyntax)
- addl (value; mlibUnits)
- ADDL_CANON_CONV (value; intSimps, NumRelNorms, numSimps)
- addList (value; Intset, Redblackset, CharSet, UTF8Set)
- ADDR_CANON_CONV (value; intSimps, NumRelNorms, numSimps)
- adds_tm (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- addState (value; errormonad, optmonad)
- addString (value; CharSet)
- addw_tm (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- addzero (value; OmegaMath)
- adjoin_after_completion (value; Theory)
- adjoin_to_theory (value; Theory)
- advance (value; mlibResolution, qbuf)
- afea (type; mlNearestNeighbor)
- aiLib (structure)
- aint (type; Arbrat, RealArith)
- Alien (constructor; BasicProvers)
- align_table (value; mlibUseful)
- align_tm (value; alignmentSyntax)
- aligned_tm (value; alignmentSyntax)
- alignmentSyntax (structure)
- AList (structure)
- alist (type; ThmSetData)
- alist_merge (value; ThyDataSexp)
- alist_ops (value; ThmSetData)
- alist_reprs (type; alist_treeLib)
- alist_treeLib (structure)
- alist_withflag_thms (value; ThmSetData)
- alistLib (structure)
- all (value; Redblackmap, Portable, UTF8, Lib, mlibMultiset, mlibStream)
- all2 (value; Lib)
- all_atoms (value; FinalTerm)
- all_atomsl (value; FinalTerm)
- all_attributes (value; ThmAttribute)
- all_bvar (value; aiLib)
- ALL_CONJ_CONV (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- all_consts (value; FinalTerm)
- ALL_CONV (value; Conv, RJBConv)
- all_data (value; ThmSetData)
- ALL_DISJ_CONV (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- ALL_DISJ_TF_ELIM_CONV (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- ALL_DISTINCT_CONV (value; permLib)
- all_distinct_tm (value; listSyntax)
- ALL_EL_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- all_goals (value; goalTree)
- ALL_LT (value; Tactical)
- all_monads (value; monadsyntax)
- all_named_frags (value; simpLib)
- all_negative (value; mlibSolver)
- all_pairs (value; aiLib)
- all_positive (value; mlibSolver)
- ALL_RULE (value; hurdUtils)
- all_set_types (value; ThmSetData)
- all_subterms (value; aiLib)
- ALL_TAC (value; Tactical, jrhTactics)
- all_tac (value; Tactical)
- all_terms (value; DefnBase)
- ALL_THEN (value; Thm_cont)
- all_tyop (value; hhExportLib)
- all_vars (value; FinalTerm)
- all_varsl (value; FinalTerm)
- allasms (value; simpLib)
- AllCaseEqs (value; TypeBase, bossLib)
- AllCasePreds (value; TypeBase, bossLib)
- allf (value; hurdUtils)
- ALLGOALS (value; Tactical)
- alli (value; Redblackmap)
- allow_new_clauses (value; Pmatch)
- allow_octal_input (value; base_tokens)
- allowed_term_constant (value; Lexis)
- allowed_type_constant (value; Lexis)
- allowed_user_type_var (value; Lexis)
- allpairs (value; Lib)
- allpairs' (value; Lib)
- alookup_tm (value; alist_treeLib)
- ALPHA (value; FinalThm)
- alpha (value; FinalType)
- Alpha (constructor; Count)
- alpha (value; UnicodeChars, liteLib, mlibParser)
- ALPHA_CONV (value; Drule)
- alphabet (value; Lexis)
- alphanum (value; mlibParser)
- alphanumerics (value; Lexis)
- alt_zero_tm (value; numSyntax)
- Always (value; Parse)
- always_fails (value; RW)
- analyse_pmatch (value; patternMatchesLib)
- ancestors (value; TheoryGraph)
- ancestry (value; GrammarAncestry, Theory)
- AncestryData (structure)
- And (constructor; mlibTerm)
- AND_CONV (value; Boolconv, reduceLib)
- AND_EL_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- and_el_tm (value; rich_listSyntax)
- AND_EXISTS_CONV (value; Conv)
- AND_FORALL_CONV (value; Conv)
- AND_IMP_ELIM_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsTools)
- AND_IMP_INTRO_CONV (value; Conv, quantHeuristicsTools)
- AND_NOT_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase, quantHeuristicsTools)
- AND_PEXISTS_CONV (value; PairRules)
- AND_PFORALL_CONV (value; PairRules)
- AND_RES_FORALL_CONV (value; res_quanLib)
- and_special (value; GrammarSpecials)
- ANDNOT (value; HOLtokens)
- annotation (type; PPBackEnd)
- ansi_terminal (value; PPBackEnd)
- ANTE_CONJ_CONV (value; Conv)
- ANTE_RES_THEN (value; Thm_cont)
- ANTI_PRENEX_CONV (value; normalForms)
- ANTIQUOTE (constructor; HOLPP)
- Antiquote (constructor; term_tokens)
- antisymmetric_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- any (constructor; PEGParse)
- any (value; mlibParser)
- Anything (constructor; match_goal)
- AP_TERM (value; FinalThm, Q)
- AP_TERM_TAC (value; Tactic)
- AP_THM (value; FinalThm, Q)
- AP_THM_TAC (value; Tactic)
- apfst (value; Lib, Portable)
- apiDefine (value; TotalDefn)
- apiDefineq (value; TotalDefn)
- apidefn (type; TotalDefn)
- apnth (value; Lib)
- app (value; PIntMap, Redblackmap, LVTermNet, Redblackset, KernelSig, TypeNet, Intset, mlibHeap, Intmap, mlibMultiset)
- App (constructor; clauses)
- app (value; mlibPatricia)
- app' (value; Redblackmap)
- app_axioml (value; hhExportLib)
- APP_CONV_BV (value; hhTranslate)
- APP_CONV_BV_REC (value; hhTranslate)
- APP_CONV_MAX (value; hhTranslate)
- APP_CONV_MAX_REC (value; hhTranslate)
- APP_CONV_ONCE (value; hhTranslate)
- APP_CONV_STRIPCOMB (value; hhTranslate)
- app_o (value; hurdUtils)
- app_stac (value; smlExecute)
- app_wrap_proof (value; tttRecord)
- append (value; Portable, Lib, hurdUtils, mlibStream, mlibUseful, seq)
- APPEND_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- append_endline (value; aiLib)
- append_file (value; aiLib)
- append_merge (value; ThyDataSexp)
- append_tm (value; listSyntax)
- appf1 (constructor; PEGParse)
- appf2 (constructor; PEGParse)
- appi (value; Lib, Portable)
- apply (value; ConstMapML, Count, History)
- apply_cva (value; hhExportLib)
- apply_delta (value; type_grammar)
- apply_deltas (value; type_grammar)
- apply_logged_updates (value; BasicProvers)
- apply_sos_filter (value; mlibSolver)
- apply_subst (value; Pretype)
- ApplyExp (constructor; smlParser)
- applyexp (type; smlParser)
- ApplyUnit (constructor; smlParser)
- approx (value; aiLib)
- apropos (value; DB)
- apropos_in (value; DB)
- apsnd (value; Lib, Portable)
- ApTerm (constructor; Count)
- ApThm (constructor; Count)
- arb (value; boolSyntax)
- Arbint (structure)
- arbint (type; mlibOmega)
- Arbintcore (structure)
- Arbnum (structure)
- Arbnumcore (structure)
- Arbrat (structure)
- arg1 (value; Arith_cons)
- arg2 (value; Arith_cons)
- ARGS_CONV (value; RJBConv)
- argv (value; Portable)
- Arith (structure)
- ARITH_AC_ss (value; numSimps)
- arith_cache (value; numSimps, realSimps)
- Arith_cons (structure)
- ARITH_CONV (value; Gen_arith, Arith, intLib, numLib)
- ARITH_DP_FILTER_ss (value; numSimps)
- ARITH_DP_ss (value; numSimps)
- ARITH_FORM_NORM_CONV (value; Arith, Norm_ineqs)
- ARITH_NORM_ss (value; numSimps)
- ARITH_PROVE (value; intLib, numLib)
- ARITH_RWTS_ss (value; numSimps)
- ARITH_ss (value; numSimps, bossLib)
- arith_ss (value; bossLib, numLib)
- ARITH_TAC (value; intLib, numLib)
- Arithconv (structure)
- arity_of (value; aiLib)
- AroundEachPhrase (value; Parse)
- AroundSameName (value; Parse)
- AroundSamePrec (value; Parse)
- array (type; Dynarray)
- array (value; Dynarray)
- art (value; hurdUtils)
- ASCIInumbersLib (structure)
- ASCIInumbersSyntax (structure)
- asList (value; Arbnumcore, mlibArbnum)
- ASM (constructor; OmegaMLShadow, mlibOmega)
- ASM_BC_SIMP_TAC (value; BackchainingLib)
- ASM_CASES_TAC (value; Q, Tactic)
- ASM_CONGRUENCE_SIMP_TAC (value; congLib)
- ASM_CONSEQ_CONV_TAC (value; ConseqConv)
- ASM_CRW_RULE (value; RW)
- ASM_CRW_TAC (value; RW)
- ASM_LIST_TAC (value; schneiderUtils)
- asm_marker_ELIM_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- asm_marker_INTRO_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- asm_marker_tm (value; ConseqConv)
- ASM_MATCH_MP_TAC (value; hurdUtils)
- ASM_MATCH_MP_TAC_N (value; hurdUtils)
- ASM_MESON_TAC (value; mesonLib)
- ASM_QI_TAC (value; bossLib)
- ASM_QUANT_INSTANTIATE_TAC (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- ASM_REWRITE_RULE (value; Ho_Rewrite, RW, Rewrite)
- ASM_REWRITE_TAC (value; RW, Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- asm_rewrite_tac (value; Rewrite)
- ASM_RW_RULE (value; RW)
- ASM_RW_TAC (value; RW)
- ASM_SET_TAC (value; bossLib)
- ASM_SIMP_RULE (value; simpLib)
- ASM_SIMP_TAC (value; bossLib, simpLib)
- asm_simp_tac (value; bossLib, simpLib)
- ASM_TAC (value; schneiderUtils)
- ASM_TAUT_TAC (value; tautLib)
- ASMLIST_CASES (value; hurdUtils)
- asn_tm (value; transcSyntax)
- asr (value; UnicodeChars)
- ass_prec (value; parmonadsyntax)
- AssembleHolindexParser (structure)
- assert (value; Unittest, Lib, hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- assert_exn (value; Lib, Portable)
- assoc (value; Lib, hol88Lib, hurdUtils)
- assoc1 (value; Lib, Portable)
- assoc2 (value; Lib, Portable)
- ASSOC_CONV (value; AC, refuteLib)
- assoc_mode (type; GenPolyCanon)
- assoc_tm (value; boolSyntax)
- associate_restriction (value; Parse, Parse_support, term_grammar)
- associativity (type; Parse, term_grammar)
- ASSUM_LIST (value; Tactical, jrhTactics)
- Assume (constructor; mlibKernel)
- ASSUME (value; FinalThm)
- Assume (constructor; Count)
- ASSUME (value; Q, mlibKernel)
- Assume' (constructor; mlibThm)
- ASSUME_CONJS (value; Drule)
- ASSUME_NAMED_TAC (value; markerLib)
- ASSUME_TAC (value; Tactic, jrhTactics)
- assume_tac (value; Tactic)
- Assumption (constructor; match_goal)
- AST (type; Datatype, ParseDatatype)
- asterisk (value; UnicodeChars)
- astHol_datatype (value; Datatype)
- Aterm (constructor; tttToken)
- Athml (constructor; tttToken)
- atleastone (value; mlibParser)
- atn_tm (value; transcSyntax)
- Atom (constructor; mlibTerm)
- ATOM_CONV (value; hhTranslate)
- atom_name (value; wfrecUtils)
- atoms (value; hhTranslate)
- atp_dir (value; tacticToe)
- attrfun (type; ThmAttribute)
- attrfuns (type; ThmAttribute)
- aty (type; tttSearch, tttToken)
- augment_srw_ss (value; BasicProvers, bossLib)
- augment_with_typebase (value; BasicProvers)
- auto_import_definitions (value; computeLib)
- aux_defn (value; Defn)
- average_int (value; aiLib)
- average_loss (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- average_real (value; aiLib)
- average_rvect (value; mlMatrix)
- ax_tag (value; FinalTag, Tag)
- Axiom (constructor; mlibKernel, mlibClause)
- AXIOM (value; mlibKernel)
- Axiom (constructor; Count)
- axiom (value; DB)
- Axiom' (constructor; mlibThm)
- axiom_in_db (value; OpenTheoryReader)
- axiom_of (value; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- axiom_of0 (value; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- axiomatize (value; mlibThm)
- Axioms (type; folMapping)
- axioms (value; DB)
- axioms_of (value; FinalTag, Tag)
- b (value; proofManagerLib)
- B2 (value; Portable)
- BACKCHAIN_ASSUME_TAC (value; BackchainingLib)
- BACKCHAIN_EVERY_THEN (value; BackchainingLib)
- BACKCHAIN_MP_TAC (value; BackchainingLib)
- BACKCHAIN_TAC (value; BackchainingLib, InductiveDefinition)
- BACKCHAIN_THEN (value; BackchainingLib)
- BackchainingLib (structure)
- backup (value; Manager, proofManagerLib)
- BadUTF8 (exception; UTF8)
- BAG_AC_ss (value; bagLib, bagSimps)
- BAG_ALL_DISTINCT_tm (value; bagLib, bagSyntax)
- BAG_CARD_tm (value; bagSyntax)
- BAG_DIFF_INSERT_CANCEL_CONV (value; bagLib, bagSimpleLib)
- BAG_DIFF_tm (value; bagLib, bagSyntax)
- BAG_EQ_INSERT_CANCEL_CONV (value; bagLib, bagSimpleLib)
- BAG_EVERY_tm (value; bagLib, bagSyntax)
- BAG_IMAGE_CONV (value; bagLib, bagSimpleLib)
- BAG_IMAGE_tm (value; bagLib, bagSyntax)
- BAG_INSERT_tm (value; bagLib, bagSyntax)
- BAG_RESORT_CONV (value; bagLib, bagSimpleLib)
- BAG_ss (value; bagLib, bagSimps)
- bag_ty (value; bagLib, bagSyntax)
- BAG_UNION_tm (value; bagLib, bagSyntax)
- bagLib (structure)
- bagSimpleLib (structure)
- bagSimps (structure)
- bagSyntax (structure)
- band_tm (value; bitstringSyntax)
- bare_readl (value; aiLib)
- base64_to_int (value; mlibUseful)
- base_config (value; satConfig)
- base_pp_num (value; Arbnum)
- base_token (type; base_tokens)
- base_tokens (structure)
- base_transfer (value; transferLib)
- base_type (value; bagLib, bagSyntax)
- BASIC_CONV (value; IntDP_Munge)
- basic_diffs (value; Diff)
- basic_fix (value; mlibModel)
- basic_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- basicex_to_tnnex (value; mlTreeNeuralNetwork)
- BasicProvers (structure)
- basicSizeSyntax (structure)
- BBLAST_CONV (value; blastLib)
- BBLAST_PROVE (value; blastLib)
- BBLAST_PROVE_TAC (value; blastLib)
- BBLAST_RULE (value; blastLib)
- BBLAST_TAC (value; blastLib)
- BC_SIMP_TAC (value; BackchainingLib)
- been_stored (value; Defn)
- before_elem (value; hhExportLib)
- begin_block (value; OldPP)
- BeginFinalBlock (value; Parse)
- BEQ_CONV (value; Boolconv, reduceLib)
- best_in_distrib (value; aiLib)
- best_n (value; aiLib)
- best_n_rmaxu (value; aiLib)
- Beta (constructor; Count)
- Beta (value; FinalThm)
- beta (value; FinalType, UnicodeChars)
- BETA_CONV (value; FinalThm, Q)
- beta_conv (value; FinalTerm)
- BETA_RULE (value; Conv)
- BETA_TAC (value; Tactic)
- beta_thm (value; compute_rules)
- BETA_VAR (value; Drule)
- between (value; locn)
- bfs (value; ImplicitGraph)
- bigasterisk (value; UnicodeChars)
- biginter_tm (value; pred_setSyntax)
- bigunion_tm (value; pred_setSyntax)
- bij_tm (value; pred_setSyntax)
- bin_rep (value; aiLib)
- binary_ieeeLib (structure)
- binary_ieeeSyntax (structure)
- bind (value; mlibUseful, errormonad, seq)
- bind_term (value; Parse_support)
- bind_tm (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- binder (type; term_grammar)
- BINDER_CONV (value; Conv, liteLib)
- binder_grule (value; term_grammar)
- binder_restrictions (value; Parse_support)
- binder_to_string (value; term_grammar)
- binders (value; term_grammar)
- bindl (value; DB)
- bindstr (value; Systeml)
- BINOP_CONV (value; Conv)
- BINOP_TAC (value; Tactic, jrhUtils)
- binops (value; liteLib)
- binstring_of_term (value; bitstringSyntax)
- bit1_tm (value; numSyntax)
- bit2_tm (value; numSyntax)
- bit_count_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- bit_count_upto_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- bit_field_insert_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- bit_modify_tm (value; bitSyntax)
- bit_reverse_tm (value; bitSyntax)
- BIT_SET_CONV (value; wordsLib)
- bit_set_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- BIT_ss (value; wordsLib)
- bit_tm (value; bitSyntax)
- bitArithLib (structure)
- bitify_boolify (type; bitstringLib)
- bitify_boolify (value; bitstringLib)
- bitify_num (value; bitstringLib)
- bitify_tm (value; bitstringSyntax)
- bitLib (structure)
- bitlist_of_term (value; bitstringSyntax)
- bitlist_to_num (value; bitstringSyntax)
- bits (type; mlibClause)
- BITS_INTRO_CONV (value; wordsLib)
- BITS_INTRO_ss (value; wordsLib)
- bits_tm (value; bitSyntax)
- bits_to_int (value; mlibUseful)
- BITSTRING_GROUND_CONV (value; bitstringLib)
- BITSTRING_GROUND_ss (value; bitstringLib)
- bitstring_of_binstring (value; bitstringSyntax)
- bitstring_of_bitlist (value; bitstringSyntax)
- bitstring_of_hexstring (value; bitstringSyntax)
- bitstring_of_num (value; bitstringSyntax)
- bitstring_ty (value; bitstringSyntax)
- bitstringLib (structure)
- bitstringSyntax (structure)
- bitSyntax (structure)
- bitv_tm (value; bitSyntax)
- bitvector_of_binstring (value; bitstringSyntax)
- bitvector_of_bitlist (value; bitstringSyntax)
- bitvector_of_hexstring (value; bitstringSyntax)
- bitvector_of_num (value; bitstringSyntax)
- bitwise_tm (value; bitSyntax, bitstringSyntax)
- BL_CONS_CONV (value; enumTacs)
- bl_to_bt_CONV (value; enumTacs)
- blackstar (value; UnicodeChars)
- blastLib (structure)
- BLEAF_CONV (value; CooperMath)
- block (value; HOLPP, smpp)
- block_info (type; Parse, term_grammar)
- bn_tm (value; sptreeSyntax)
- bnot_tm (value; bitstringSyntax)
- body (value; FinalTerm)
- BODY_CONJUNCTS (value; Drule)
- BODY_CONV (value; liteLib, Canon, refuteLib)
- bold (value; testutils)
- boldgreen (value; testutils)
- boldred (value; testutils)
- Bool (constructor; ThyDataSexp)
- bool (value; FinalType, FlagDB)
- bool_case (value; boolSyntax)
- BOOL_CASES_TAC (value; Tactic)
- bool_compare (value; Portable, Lib, mlibUseful)
- bool_compset (value; computeLib)
- bool_decode (value; ThyDataSexp)
- bool_EQ_CONV (value; Conv)
- BOOL_EQ_IMP_CONV (value; BoolExtractShared)
- BOOL_EQ_IMP_convdata (value; BoolExtractShared)
- BOOL_EXTRACT_SHARED_CONV (value; BoolExtractShared)
- BOOL_EXTRACT_SHARED_convdata (value; BoolExtractShared)
- bool_monoset (value; InductiveDefinition)
- BOOL_NEG_PAIR_CONV (value; BoolExtractShared)
- BOOL_NEG_PAIR_convdata (value; BoolExtractShared)
- bool_of_term (value; bitstringSyntax)
- bool_rewrites (value; Rewrite)
- bool_size_tm (value; basicSizeSyntax)
- BOOL_ss (value; boolSimps)
- bool_ss (value; BasicProvers, boolSimps, bossLib)
- bool_to_string (value; mlibUseful)
- bool_ty (value; liteLib)
- BOOL_VAR_ELIM_CONV (value; schneiderUtils)
- BOOL_VAR_ELIM_TAC (value; schneiderUtils)
- Boolconv (structure)
- BoolExtractShared (structure)
- boolify_tm (value; bitstringSyntax, numposrepSyntax)
- boolop_cval (value; hhExportLib)
- boolpp (structure)
- boolSimps (structure)
- boolSyntax (structure)
- bop_characterise (value; CooperSyntax)
- bor_tm (value; bitstringSyntax)
- boss_ss (value; bossLib)
- bossLib (structure)
- Both (constructor; mlibRewrite)
- BOTH_EXISTS_IMP_CONV (value; Conv)
- Both_horn (constructor; mlibCanon)
- Bound (constructor; Sup_Inf)
- bound (type; Sup_Inf)
- Bound (constructor; BasicProvers)
- bound (value; Dynarray)
- BOUNDED (constructor; BoundedRewrites)
- BOUNDED_EXISTS_CONV (value; numLib)
- BOUNDED_FORALL_CONV (value; numLib)
- BOUNDED_NOT_EXISTS_LIST_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase, quantHeuristicsTools)
- BOUNDED_REPEATC (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase, quantHeuristicsTools)
- bounded_tm (value; boolSyntax)
- BoundedRewrites (structure)
- bp_nn (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- bp_nn_doutnv (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- bpdata (type; mlNeuralNetwork)
- bracket_special (value; GrammarSpecials)
- BRANCH (constructor; mlibUseful, hurdUtils)
- branch_tm (value; patriciaSyntax)
- branching_bit_tm (value; patriciaSyntax)
- break_abs (value; Term)
- break_const (value; Term)
- break_style (type; OldPP, HOLPP, Portable)
- BreakSpace (value; Parse)
- bring_to_front_overload (value; Parse)
- bring_to_front_overloading (value; Overload)
- bs_tm (value; sptreeSyntax)
- bt_rev_CONV (value; enumTacs)
- bt_to_list_CONV (value; enumTacs)
- bts (value; aiLib)
- Bug (exception; mlibUseful)
- BUG (value; hurdUtils)
- BUG_to_string (value; hurdUtils)
- BUILD (constructor; TotalDefn)
- build_after_reloc_envvar (value; Systeml)
- build_arith (value; Term_coeffs)
- build_id_vector (value; SharingTables)
- build_leq (value; Term_coeffs)
- build_log_dir (value; Systeml)
- build_log_file (value; Systeml)
- build_map (value; folTools)
- build_searchobj (value; tacticToe)
- build_sharing_data (value; SharingTables)
- build_skeleton (value; transferLib)
- build_stac (value; tttToken)
- build_tac (value; tttToken)
- build_term_vector (value; SharingTables)
- build_tyinfos (value; Datatype)
- build_type_vector (value; SharingTables)
- buildheap_dir (value; smlExecScripts)
- buildheap_options (value; smlExecScripts)
- bushy_dep (value; hhExportLib)
- BUTFIRSTN_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- butlast (value; Lib)
- BUTLAST_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- BUTLASTN_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- butlastn_tm (value; rich_listSyntax)
- Bv (constructor; clauses)
- bv2term (value; term_pp_utils)
- bvar (type; term_pp_utils)
- bvar (value; FinalTerm)
- bvar_in_env (type; Parse_support)
- bvk_find_term (value; HolKernelDoc)
- bxor_tm (value; bitstringSyntax)
- by (value; BasicProvers, bossLib, jrhTactics)
- byA (value; BasicProvers)
- bys (value; jrhTactics)
- byte_align_tm (value; alignmentSyntax)
- byte_aligned_tm (value; alignmentSyntax)
- byte_reader (type; SHA1_ML)
- C (value; Portable, Lib, hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- c2b_tm (value; cvSyntax)
- C_tm (value; combinSyntax)
- cache (type; bagLib, bagSimps, Cache)
- CACHE (value; Cache)
- Cache (structure)
- cache (value; mesonLib)
- cache_values (value; Cache)
- CACHED_ARITH (value; numSimps)
- caching (value; quotient)
- calculate_range_disjunct (value; OmegaMath)
- call (type; mlTacticData, tttLearn, mlNearestNeighbor, tttToken)
- call_compare (value; mlTacticData)
- call_info (type; Profile)
- callknn (value; mlNearestNeighbor)
- can (value; Portable, Lib, hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- can_match_term (value; FCNet)
- can_unify (value; Pretype)
- CANCEL_CONV (value; bagLib, bagSimps)
- Canon (structure)
- Canon_Port (structure)
- canonicalize_clauses (value; InductiveDefinition)
- CANT_BACKUP_ANYMORE (exception; History)
- capture (value; Exn)
- CARD_CONV (value; PFset_conv)
- card_tm (value; pred_setSyntax)
- cart (value; hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- cartesian_product (value; aiLib)
- cartesian_productl (value; aiLib)
- cartwith (value; hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- case2pmatch (value; patternMatchesLib)
- case_arrow_special (value; GrammarSpecials)
- case_cong_of (value; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- case_cong_ss (value; DatatypeSimps)
- case_cong_stateful_ss (value; DatatypeSimps)
- case_cong_thm (value; Prim_rec)
- case_cong_typeinfos_ss (value; DatatypeSimps)
- case_const_of (value; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- case_constant_defn_name (value; Prim_rec)
- case_constant_name (value; Prim_rec)
- case_def_of (value; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- case_elim_of (value; TypeBasePure)
- case_eq_of (value; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- case_initialised (value; GrammarSpecials)
- case_pred_disj_of (value; TypeBase)
- case_pred_imp_of (value; TypeBase)
- case_rand_of (value; TypeBase)
- CASE_SIMP_CONV (value; BasicProvers)
- case_split_special (value; GrammarSpecials)
- CASE_TAC (value; BasicProvers, bossLib)
- Case_tm (value; markerSyntax)
- CaseEq (value; TypeBase, bossLib)
- CaseEqs (value; TypeBase, bossLib)
- CasePred (value; TypeBase, bossLib)
- CasePreds (value; TypeBase, bossLib)
- Cases (value; BasicProvers, bossLib)
- cases (value; seq)
- Cases_on (value; BasicProvers, bossLib)
- Cases_on_i2w (value; integer_wordLib)
- Cases_on_v2w (value; bitstringLib)
- Cases_on_word (value; wordsLib)
- Cases_on_word_value (value; wordsLib)
- cases_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- CASES_THENL (value; Thm_cont)
- cases_to_top_RULE (value; DatatypeSimps)
- Cases_word (value; wordsLib)
- Cases_word_value (value; wordsLib)
- cast_ptree_compset (value; patricia_castsLib)
- CAST_PTREE_CONV (value; patricia_castsLib)
- cat_error (value; Exn)
- catch_SIGINT (value; Portable)
- catch_withpp_err (value; OldPP)
- categorise_leaf (value; CooperSyntax)
- categorize_clauses (value; mlibCanon)
- category (type; mlibCanon)
- category_to_string (value; mlibCanon)
- CBV_CONV (value; computeLib)
- CC (value; Systeml)
- Ccontr (constructor; Count)
- CCONTR (value; FinalThm)
- CCONTR_TAC (value; Tactic)
- cd (value; Portable)
- ceil (value; Arbrat)
- chainy_dep (value; hhExportLib)
- CHANGED_CONSEQ_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- CHANGED_CONV (value; Conv, RJBConv)
- CHANGED_TAC (value; Tactical)
- Char (constructor; ThyDataSexp)
- char_decode (value; ThyDataSexp)
- char_EQ_CONV (value; stringLib)
- char_ge_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- char_gt_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- char_le_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- char_lt_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- char_rewrites (value; stringSimps)
- char_ty (value; stringLib, stringSyntax)
- charclass (type; HOLtokens)
- CharSet (structure)
- CharSet (type; CharSet)
- charto_CONV (value; totoTacs)
- chase (value; Pretype)
- chatting (value; mesonLib, proofManagerLib, goalStack, quotient)
- cheat (value; bossLib)
- cheat_flag (value; tttEval)
- check (value; mlibModel)
- CHECK_ASMS_TAC (value; hurdUtils)
- CHECK_ASSUME_TAC (value; Tactic)
- check_constraints (value; transferLib)
- check_definition (value; InductiveDefinition)
- check_delta (value; Tactical)
- check_divides (value; CooperMath)
- check_for_listreductions (value; PrecAnalysis)
- check_guess (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- check_HOL_ERR (value; testutils)
- check_HOL_ERRexn (value; testutils)
- check_meter (value; mlibMeter)
- check_result (value; testutils)
- checking_const_names (value; Globals)
- checking_type_names (value; Globals)
- checkn (value; mlibModel)
- choice (constructor; PEGParse)
- choice_tm (value; pred_setSyntax)
- chomp (value; mlibUseful)
- CHOOSE (value; FinalThm)
- Choose (constructor; Count)
- CHOOSE (value; Rules)
- choose (value; PIntMap)
- CHOOSE_TAC (value; Tactic, jrhTactics)
- CHOOSE_THEN (value; Thm_cont)
- chop (value; Coding)
- chop_list (value; liteLib)
- chr (value; UTF8)
- chr_tm (value; stringLib, stringSyntax)
- cid_of (value; hhExportLib)
- cinst (value; TypeBasePure)
- cinst_infos (type; abstraction)
- circlestar (value; UnicodeChars)
- cj (value; Drule)
- class (type; DB)
- classic_heuristic_fun (value; PmatchHeuristics)
- clausal (value; mlibCanon)
- clause (type; mlibResolution, mlibClauseset, mlibSupport, mlibClause)
- clause (value; mlibThm)
- clauses (value; mlibClauseset)
- clauses (structure)
- clauses (value; mlibThm)
- clauseset (type; mlibClauseset)
- clean (value; Pretype)
- clean_create_thmdata_cache (value; mlThmData)
- clean_dir (value; aiLib)
- clean_goalcfea_cache (value; mlFeature)
- clean_goalsubfea_cache (value; mlFeature)
- clean_subst (value; hurdUtils)
- clean_tsubst (value; hurdUtils)
- clean_ttt_tacdata_cache (value; tacticToe)
- clean_vthm (value; hurdUtils)
- CLEANUP_DEF_CNF_CONV (value; defCNF, normalForms)
- CLEANUP_SKOLEM_CONSTS_RULE (value; normalForms)
- clear (value; testutils)
- clear_arith_caches (value; numSimps)
- clear_cache (value; Cache)
- clear_CONSEQ_CONV_CACHE (value; ConseqConv)
- clear_CONSEQ_CONV_CACHE_OPT (value; ConseqConv)
- clear_deltas (value; GrammarDeltas)
- clear_overloads (value; term_grammar)
- clear_overloads_on (value; Parse)
- clear_ppstream (value; OldPP)
- clear_stateful_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase, quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibParameters)
- clgl (value; UnicodeChars)
- clgr (value; UnicodeChars)
- CLOS (constructor; clauses)
- close_in (value; Portable)
- close_out (value; Portable)
- cmd_in_dir (value; aiLib)
- cmp (type; Lib, Portable)
- cnf (value; mlibCanon)
- CNF_CONV (value; hurdUtils, Canon, normalForms, refuteLib)
- CNF_CONV' (value; normalForms)
- CNF_EXPAND (value; hurdUtils)
- CNF_REFUTE (value; Canon, refuteLib)
- CNF_RULE (value; hurdUtils)
- CNF_TAC (value; hurdUtils)
- CNF_THEN_REFUTE (value; Canon, refuteLib)
- CNTXT_REABBREV_TAC (value; markerLib)
- cntxt_solver (type; RW)
- coalesce (value; AList)
- Coding (structure)
- coeffs_of_arith (value; Term_coeffs)
- coeffs_of_leq (value; Term_coeffs)
- coeffs_of_leq_set (value; Term_coeffs)
- coin_flip (value; mlibUseful)
- CoIndDefLib (structure)
- colHeu_constr_prefix (value; patternMatchesLib)
- colHeu_cqba (value; patternMatchesLib)
- colHeu_default (value; patternMatchesLib)
- colHeu_first_col (value; patternMatchesLib)
- colHeu_first_row (value; patternMatchesLib)
- colHeu_last_col (value; patternMatchesLib)
- colHeu_qba (value; patternMatchesLib)
- colHeu_rank (value; patternMatchesLib)
- collapse (value; FullUnify)
- collate (value; Redblackmap)
- collect_additive_consts (value; intReduce, intSimps)
- collect_arity_noapp (value; hhTranslate)
- collect_ex (value; tttEval)
- collect_in_sum (value; CooperMath)
- COLLECT_NUM_CONSTS_CONV (value; Norm_arith)
- collect_terms (value; CooperMath)
- collect_tyop (value; hhExportLib)
- colRank_arity (value; patternMatchesLib)
- colRank_constr_prefix (value; patternMatchesLib)
- colRank_first_row (value; patternMatchesLib)
- colRank_first_row_constr (value; patternMatchesLib)
- colRank_small_branching_factor (value; patternMatchesLib)
- column_heuristic (type; patternMatchesLib)
- column_ranking_fun (type; patternMatchesLib)
- COMB (constructor; FinalTerm, Rsyntax)
- COMB2_CONV (value; Conv, liteLib)
- COMB2_QCONV (value; liteLib)
- COMB_CONV (value; Conv, liteLib)
- COMB_QCONV (value; liteLib)
- combin_axioml (value; hhExportLib)
- COMBIN_ss (value; combinSimps)
- combine (value; Lib, mlibSolver)
- COMBINE_HEURISTIC_FUNS (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- combine_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- combine_qps (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- combine_sgsfwcs (value; quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- combine_triple (value; aiLib)
- combinLib (structure)
- combinpp (structure)
- combinSimps (structure)
- combinSyntax (structure)
- comm_tm (value; boolSyntax)
- comma_tm (value; pairSyntax, pairLib)
- commafy (value; Lib, Portable)
- command (type; mungeTools)
- comp (value; Subst)
- compare (value; FinalTerm, FinalType, Arbrat, ThyDataSexp, Arbnumcore, mlibArbint, Arbintcore, mlibMultiset, mlibOmegaint, mlibTermorder)
- compare_abbrev (value; markerSyntax)
- compare_CONV (value; binary_ieeeLib)
- compare_imax (value; aiLib)
- compare_imin (value; aiLib)
- compare_namethm (value; hhExportLib)
- compare_rmax (value; aiLib)
- compare_rmin (value; aiLib)
- compare_token (value; tttToken)
- compile_info (value; tttEval)
- compile_pattern_match (value; GrammarSpecials)
- compl (value; mlibMultiset)
- compl_tm (value; pred_setSyntax)
- completeInduct_on (value; bossLib, numLib)
- compset (type; clauses, computeLib)
- compset_conv (value; computeLib)
- compset_element (type; computeLib)
- Compute (structure)
- Compute (constructor; Count)
- compute (value; FinalThm)
- compute_inst_infos (value; abstraction)
- compute_rules (structure)
- computeLib (structure)
- con (type; mlibParser)
- concat (value; hurdUtils)
- concat_word_list_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- concl (value; FinalThm)
- Conclusion (constructor; match_goal)
- Cond (value; hurdUtils)
- COND_ABS_CONV (value; IntDP_Munge)
- COND_CASES_TAC (value; Tactic)
- COND_CONV (value; Boolconv, Conv, reduceLib)
- COND_ELIM_CONV (value; Arith, Sub_and_cond)
- COND_elim_ss (value; boolSimps)
- COND_EQ_LESS_CONV (value; enumTacs)
- COND_EXPAND_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- COND_FUN_EXT_CONV (value; schneiderUtils)
- COND_FUN_EXT_TAC (value; schneiderUtils)
- cond_lift_SS (value; normalForms)
- cond_lift_ss (value; normalForms)
- COND_RAND_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- COND_RATOR_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- cond_removal (value; OmegaMath)
- Cond_rewr (structure)
- COND_REWR_CANON (value; Cond_rewrite)
- COND_REWR_CONV (value; Cond_rewr, Cond_rewrite)
- COND_REWR_TAC (value; Cond_rewrite)
- Cond_rewrite (structure)
- COND_REWRITE1_CONV (value; Cond_rewrite)
- COND_REWRITE1_TAC (value; Cond_rewrite)
- condify_SS (value; normalForms)
- condify_ss (value; normalForms)
- conditional (value; boolSyntax)
- condprinter (value; ParseExtras, boolpp)
- CONDS_CELIM_CONV (value; normalForms)
- CONDS_ELIM_CONV (value; normalForms)
- confidence_tnn (value; tacticToe)
- Cong (value; bossLib, markerLib, simpLib)
- cong2proc (value; Travrules)
- CONG_ss (value; boolSimps)
- Cong_tm (value; markerSyntax)
- congLib (structure)
- congproc (type; Opening)
- CONGPROC (value; Opening)
- CONGRUENCE_EQ_SIMP_CONV (value; congLib)
- CONGRUENCE_SIMP_CONV (value; congLib)
- CONGRUENCE_SIMP_QCONV (value; congLib)
- CONGRUENCE_SIMP_RULE (value; congLib)
- CONGRUENCE_SIMP_TAC (value; congLib)
- Congs (constructor; RW)
- congs (type; RW)
- congset (type; congLib)
- congsetfrag (type; congLib)
- CONJ (value; FinalThm)
- Conj (constructor; Count)
- conj (value; UnicodeChars)
- CONJ_ACI (value; AC, refuteLib)
- CONJ_ASM1_TAC (value; Tactic)
- conj_asm1_tac (value; Tactic)
- CONJ_ASM2_TAC (value; Tactic)
- conj_asm2_tac (value; Tactic)
- CONJ_ASSOC_NORM_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- CONJ_CANON_CONV (value; normalForms)
- CONJ_DISCH (value; Drule)
- CONJ_DISCHL (value; Drule)
- CONJ_FORALL_CONV (value; unwindLib)
- CONJ_FORALL_ONCE_CONV (value; unwindLib)
- CONJ_FORALL_RIGHT_RULE (value; unwindLib)
- conj_lift_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibParameters)
- CONJ_LIST (value; Drule)
- CONJ_PAIR (value; Drule)
- CONJ_ss (value; boolSimps, bossLib)
- CONJ_TAC (value; Tactic)
- conj_tac (value; Tactic)
- CONJ_VALIDATE (value; Tactical)
- CONJN (constructor; CooperSyntax)
- Conjunct1 (constructor; Count)
- CONJUNCT1 (value; FinalThm)
- Conjunct2 (constructor; Count)
- CONJUNCT2 (value; FinalThm)
- CONJUNCT_CONV (value; hurdUtils)
- conjunction (value; boolSyntax)
- CONJUNCTS (value; Drule)
- conjuncts (value; hurdUtils)
- CONJUNCTS_AC (value; Drule)
- CONJUNCTS_TAC (value; hurdUtils)
- CONJUNCTS_THEN (value; Thm_cont, jrhTactics)
- CONJUNCTS_THEN2 (value; Thm_cont)
- cons (value; Portable, Lib, Subst, hurdUtils, mlibStream)
- CONS (constructor; mlibStream)
- cons (value; mlibUseful, seq)
- cons_tm (value; listSyntax)
- conseq_conv (type; ConseqConv)
- CONSEQ_CONV___APPLY_CONV_RULE (value; ConseqConv)
- CONSEQ_CONV___GET_DIRECTION (value; ConseqConv)
- conseq_conv_congruence (type; ConseqConv)
- conseq_conv_congruence_syscall (type; ConseqConv)
- CONSEQ_CONV_context (type; ConseqConv)
- CONSEQ_CONV_default_cache_opt (value; ConseqConv)
- CONSEQ_CONV_direction (type; ConseqConv)
- CONSEQ_CONV_FULL_CONTEXT (constructor; ConseqConv)
- CONSEQ_CONV_get_context_congruences (value; ConseqConv)
- CONSEQ_CONV_IMP_CONTEXT (constructor; ConseqConv)
- CONSEQ_CONV_NO_CONTEXT (constructor; ConseqConv)
- CONSEQ_CONV_STRENGTHEN_direction (constructor; ConseqConv)
- CONSEQ_CONV_TAC (value; ConseqConv)
- CONSEQ_CONV_UNKNOWN_direction (constructor; ConseqConv)
- CONSEQ_CONV_WEAKEN_direction (constructor; ConseqConv)
- CONSEQ_HO_REWRITE_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- CONSEQ_HO_REWRITE_TAC (value; ConseqConv)
- CONSEQ_REWRITE_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- CONSEQ_REWRITE_TAC (value; ConseqConv)
- CONSEQ_TOP_HO_REWRITE_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- CONSEQ_TOP_HO_REWRITE_TAC (value; ConseqConv)
- CONSEQ_TOP_REWRITE_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- CONSEQ_TOP_REWRITE_TAC (value; ConseqConv)
- ConseqConv (structure)
- CONSISTENT (constructor; HOLPP)
- consistent (value; mlibTermorder)
- CONST (constructor; FinalTerm, Rsyntax)
- const_eq_ref (value; Defn, DefnBase)
- const_from_ot_map (value; OpenTheoryMap)
- const_name_in_map (value; OpenTheoryReader)
- CONST_TIMES_ARITH_CONV (value; Solve_ineqs)
- const_to_ot_map (value; OpenTheoryMap)
- constant_string_printer (value; Parse)
- constants (value; Theory)
- constants_of_defn (value; DefnBaseCore)
- constmap (type; ConstMapML)
- ConstMapML (structure)
- constraint_size (value; CooperSyntax)
- constraint_var (value; CooperSyntax)
- constrFamiliesLib (structure)
- constructor (type; ParseDatatype, constrFamiliesLib, Datatype, ind_types)
- constructor_is_const (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- constructorFamily (type; constrFamiliesLib)
- constructorFamily_get_case_cong (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- constructorFamily_get_case_split (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- constructorFamily_get_constructors (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- constructorFamily_get_nchotomy_thm_opt (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- constructorFamily_get_rewrites (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- constructorFamily_get_ssfrag (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- constructorFamily_of_typebase (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- constructorList (type; constrFamiliesLib)
- constructors_of (value; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- contains_fun_ty (value; cv_miscLib)
- context (type; RW)
- Context (constructor; RW)
- context (type; Traverse)
- context_heuristics_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- context_oracle_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- context_policy (type; RW)
- context_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- context_top_heuristics_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- contmid_flag (value; tttSearch)
- CONTR (constructor; mlibOmega)
- CONTR (value; Drule)
- CONTR (constructor; OmegaMLShadow)
- CONTR (value; mlibThm)
- contr (value; mlibUnits)
- CONTR_TAC (value; Tactic, jrhTactics)
- CONTRACT_CONV (value; normalForms)
- contradiction_solver (value; mlibSolver)
- CONTRAPOS (value; Drule)
- CONTRAPOS_CONV (value; Conv)
- control (type; BoundedRewrites)
- controlled_thm (type; Cond_rewr, BoundedRewrites, simpLib)
- conttop_flag (value; tttSearch)
- conv (type; fmapalTacs, folTools, enumTacs, fracLib, Solve_ineqs, fracUtils, Solve, hurdUtils, Satisfy, intExtensionLib, PGspec, inttoTacs, PFset_conv, listLib, Norm_ineqs, Norm_bool, ratLib, Norm_arith, ratUtils, ListConv1, realLib, Canon, schneiderUtils, Abbrev, tcTacs)
- Conv (structure)
- conv (type; temporalLib)
- Conv (constructor; clauses)
- conv (type; totoTacs, unwindLib)
- conv_at (value; CooperMath)
- CONV_OF_PROVER (value; Canon, refuteLib)
- CONV_RULE (value; Conv, RJBConv)
- conv_ss (value; simpLib)
- CONV_TAC (value; Tactic, Tactical)
- conv_tac (value; IntDP_Munge)
- CONV_THEN_REFUTE (value; Canon, refuteLib)
- convdata (type; simpLib, simpfrag)
- Conversion (constructor; clauses)
- convert (value; jrhTactics)
- Convs (constructor; computeLib)
- convs_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- convtest (value; testutils)
- Cooper (structure)
- cooper_cache (value; intSimps)
- cooper_compset (value; CooperMath)
- COOPER_CONV (value; Cooper, intLib)
- COOPER_PROVE (value; Cooper, intLib)
- COOPER_ss (value; intSimps)
- COOPER_TAC (value; Cooper, intLib)
- CooperCore (structure)
- CooperMath (structure)
- CooperShell (structure)
- CooperSyntax (structure)
- CooperThms (structure)
- COPY (constructor; TypeBasePure)
- COPY_ASM_NO (value; schneiderUtils)
- core_case_special (value; GrammarSpecials)
- coreRENAME_TAC (value; Q)
- correct_guess (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- correct_guess_collection (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- correct_guess_list (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- cos_tm (value; transcSyntax)
- cost_fn (type; mlibSolver)
- count (value; mlibModel, Lib, mlibMultiset)
- Count (structure)
- count (value; mlibStream)
- count0 (value; Tactical)
- count_decreases (value; Tactical)
- count_dict (value; aiLib)
- count_list_tm (value; rich_listSyntax)
- count_tm (value; pred_setSyntax)
- count_vars (value; CooperSyntax)
- countable_typesLib (structure)
- counting_thms (value; Count)
- CP (constructor; UTF8)
- CP (value; Systeml)
- cpEU_THM (value; CooperThms)
- cpEVERY_CONJ_CONV (value; CooperSyntax)
- cpEVERY_DISJ_CONV (value; CooperSyntax)
- cpis_conj (value; CooperSyntax)
- cpis_disj (value; CooperSyntax)
- cpl_compare (value; aiLib)
- cpn_REWR_CONV (value; totoTacs)
- cpstrip_conj (value; CooperSyntax)
- cpstrip_disj (value; CooperSyntax)
- cr_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- create_btrace (value; Feedback)
- create_tacdata (value; mlTacticData)
- create_thmdata (value; mlThmData)
- create_thmdata_time (value; mlThmData)
- create_trace (value; Feedback)
- cross_tm (value; pred_setSyntax)
- CRW_CONV (value; RW)
- CRW_RULE (value; RW)
- CRW_TAC (value; RW)
- cs_addfrag (value; congLib)
- CSFRAG (constructor; congLib)
- csfrag_rewrites (value; congLib)
- csimp (value; CSimp)
- CSimp (structure)
- csimp (value; bossLib)
- CST (constructor; clauses)
- Cst (constructor; clauses)
- cstdb (type; mlibOmega)
- ctxt (type; numSimps)
- CTXT_ARITH (value; numSimps)
- ctxt_preterm_to_term (value; TermParse)
- ctxt_term (value; TermParse)
- ctxt_termS (value; TermParse)
- current (value; TheoryGraph, qbuf)
- current_axioms (value; Theory)
- current_backend (value; Parse)
- current_data (value; ThmSetData)
- current_definitions (value; Theory)
- current_grammars (value; Parse)
- current_ML_deps (value; Theory)
- current_proof (value; Manager)
- current_theorems (value; Theory)
- current_theory (value; Theory)
- current_trace (value; Feedback)
- current_userdefs (value; DefnBaseCore)
- curry (value; Portable, Lib, hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- CURRY_CONV (value; PairRules)
- CURRY_EXISTS_CONV (value; PairRules)
- CURRY_FORALL_CONV (value; PairRules)
- curry_tm (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- custom_pp_term_ptree (value; patriciaLib)
- cut_modulo (value; aiLib)
- cut_n (value; aiLib)
- cv (value; cvSyntax)
- cv_add_tm (value; cvSyntax)
- cv_auto_trans (value; cv_transLib)
- cv_auto_trans_pre (value; cv_transLib)
- cv_auto_trans_pre_rec (value; cv_transLib)
- cv_auto_trans_rec (value; cv_transLib)
- cv_compute (value; cv_computeLib)
- cv_computeLib (structure)
- cv_div_tm (value; cvSyntax)
- cv_eq_tm (value; cvSyntax)
- cv_eval (value; cv_transLib)
- cv_eval_raw (value; cv_transLib)
- cv_from_to_add (value; cv_memLib)
- cv_from_to_thms (value; cv_memLib)
- cv_fst_tm (value; cvSyntax)
- cv_if_tm (value; cvSyntax)
- cv_inline_add (value; cv_memLib)
- cv_inline_thms (value; cv_memLib)
- cv_ispair_tm (value; cvSyntax)
- cv_lt_tm (value; cvSyntax)
- cv_memLib (structure)
- cv_miscLib (structure)
- cv_mod_tm (value; cvSyntax)
- cv_mul_tm (value; cvSyntax)
- cv_num_tm (value; cvSyntax)
- cv_pair_tm (value; cvSyntax)
- cv_pre_add (value; cv_memLib)
- cv_pre_thms (value; cv_memLib)
- cv_print (value; cv_memLib)
- cv_print_term (value; cv_memLib)
- cv_print_thm (value; cv_memLib)
- cv_rep_add (value; cv_memLib)
- cv_rep_cv_tm (value; cv_miscLib)
- cv_rep_cv_tm_conv (value; cv_miscLib)
- cv_rep_for (value; cv_repLib)
- cv_rep_from (value; cv_miscLib)
- cv_rep_from_conv (value; cv_miscLib)
- cv_rep_hol_tm (value; cv_miscLib)
- cv_rep_hol_tm_conv (value; cv_miscLib)
- cv_rep_pre (value; cv_miscLib)
- cv_rep_pre_conv (value; cv_miscLib)
- cv_rep_thms (value; cv_memLib)
- cv_repLib (structure)
- cv_size_tm (value; cv_miscLib)
- cv_snd_tm (value; cvSyntax)
- cv_sub_tm (value; cvSyntax)
- cv_termination_tac (value; cv_transLib)
- cv_time (value; cv_memLib)
- cv_trans (value; cv_transLib)
- cv_trans_deep_embedding (value; cv_transLib)
- cv_trans_pre (value; cv_transLib)
- cv_trans_pre_rec (value; cv_transLib)
- cv_trans_rec (value; cv_transLib)
- cv_transLib (structure)
- cv_typeLib (structure)
- CVC_ORACLE_PROVE (value; HolSmtLib)
- CVC_ORACLE_TAC (value; HolSmtLib)
- cvSyntax (structure)
- D (value; hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- dadd (value; aiLib)
- daddl (value; aiLib)
- daddset (value; aiLib)
- dapp (value; aiLib)
- dappend (value; aiLib)
- dappendl (value; aiLib)
- data (type; DB, Hol_pp, ThmSetData)
- data_entry (type; holindexData)
- data_entry___add_page (value; holindexData)
- data_entry___update_comment (value; holindexData)
- data_entry___update_content (value; holindexData)
- data_entry___update_full_index (value; holindexData)
- data_entry___update_in_index (value; holindexData)
- data_entry___update_label (value; holindexData)
- data_entry___update_latex (value; holindexData)
- data_entry___update_options (value; holindexData)
- data_entry___update_printed (value; holindexData)
- data_entry_is_used (value; holindexData)
- data_entry_transform (type; holindexData)
- data_exportfns (value; ThmSetData)
- data_list_to_string (value; Hol_pp)
- data_store_ty (type; holindexData)
- data_value (type; DB)
- DataSize (structure)
- Datatype (structure)
- DATATYPE (constructor; EmitML)
- Datatype (value; Datatype, bossLib)
- datatype_theorems (value; EmitTeX)
- datatype_thm_to_string (value; EmitTeX)
- datatypeForm (type; ParseDatatype)
- DatatypeSimps (structure)
- DB (structure)
- db (type; clauses)
- dbempty (value; OmegaMLShadow, mlibOmega)
- dbfetch_of_depid (value; mlThmData)
- dbfetch_of_thmid (value; mlThmData)
- dcnfgv (value; defCNF)
- dconcat (value; aiLib)
- dcutin (value; mesonLib)
- DEAD_CODE (exception; compute_rules)
- dealwith_nats (value; IntDP_Munge)
- debug (value; aiLib)
- debug_flag (value; aiLib)
- debug_sys (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- debugf (value; aiLib)
- debugp (value; RecordType)
- debugprint (value; term_grammar)
- dec (type; ThyDataSexp, GrammarDeltas)
- dec (value; Portable)
- dec_ids (value; SharingTables)
- dec_mat (value; mlMatrix)
- dec_nn (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- dec_real (value; aiLib)
- dec_sdata (value; SharingTables)
- dec_strings (value; SharingTables)
- dec_vect (value; mlMatrix)
- decdepth (value; term_pp_utils)
- DECIDE (value; bossLib, numLib)
- decide_closed_presburger (value; OmegaShell)
- decide_pure_presburger_term (value; Cooper, CooperShell)
- decide_strategy (value; OmegaShell)
- DECIDE_TAC (value; bossLib, numLib)
- decide_tac (value; bossLib)
- decimal_fraction_special (value; GrammarSpecials)
- DecimalFractionPP (structure)
- declare_monad (value; monadsyntax)
- declare_ring (value; EVAL_ringLib)
- decls (value; FinalTerm, FinalType)
- decode (value; UC_ASCII_Encode)
- decoder (type; HOLsexp)
- Decr (constructor; psMCTS)
- decr (value; aiLib)
- deduce (value; mlibClauseset, mlibResolution)
- DEEP_INTRO_TAC (value; Tactic)
- DEEP_INTROk_TAC (value; Tactic)
- def_cnf (structure)
- DEF_CNF_CONV (value; defCNF, normalForms)
- DEF_NNF_CONV (value; defCNF, normalForms)
- def_suffix (value; Defn)
- default (value; AList)
- Default (constructor; RW)
- default (value; Dynarray)
- default_data_entry (value; holindexData)
- default_delta (value; mlibMetis)
- default_depth (value; transferLib)
- default_eq_funs (value; quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- default_heuristic_fun (value; PmatchHeuristics)
- default_heuristic_list (value; PmatchHeuristics)
- default_meson (value; mlibMetis)
- default_parallel_dir (value; smlParallel)
- default_prover (value; Tactical)
- default_resolution (value; mlibMetis)
- default_reward (value; tttSearch)
- default_sgsfwcs (value; quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- DEFAULT_STATE (value; Systeml)
- defaults (value; mlibMeson, mlibClauseset, mlibMetis, mlibClause, mlibModel, metisTools, mlibResolution, folTools, mlibSupport, folMapping, mlibTermorder)
- defCNF (structure)
- Define (value; TotalDefn, bossLib)
- define_case_constant (value; Prim_rec)
- define_const_in_thy (value; OpenTheoryReader)
- Define_enum2string (value; stringLib)
- define_enum_type (value; EnumType)
- define_equivalence_type (value; quotient)
- define_from_to (value; cv_typeLib)
- Define_mk_ptree (value; patriciaLib)
- Define_mk_ptree_with_is_ptree (value; patriciaLib)
- Define_mk_word_ptree (value; patricia_castsLib)
- define_new_type_bijections (value; Drule)
- define_quotient_lifted_function (value; quotient)
- define_quotient_type (value; quotient)
- define_quotient_types (value; quotient)
- define_quotient_types_full (value; quotient)
- define_quotient_types_full_rule (value; quotient)
- define_quotient_types_rule (value; quotient)
- define_quotient_types_std (value; quotient)
- define_quotient_types_std_rule (value; quotient)
- define_size (value; DataSize)
- Define_string2enum (value; stringLib)
- define_subset_types (value; quotient)
- define_subset_types_rule (value; quotient)
- define_tyop_in_thy (value; OpenTheoryReader)
- define_type (value; Datatype, ind_types)
- defined (value; AList)
- DefineSchema (value; TotalDefn)
- Definition (constructor; Count)
- definition (value; DB)
- DefinitionDoc (structure)
- definitions (value; DB)
- defn (type; Defn)
- Defn (structure)
- defn (type; DefnBase)
- DEFN (constructor; EmitML)
- defn (type; TotalDefn)
- defn_eqns (value; DefnBaseCore)
- DEFN_NOSIG (constructor; EmitML)
- defn_presentation (type; DefnBaseCore)
- defn_thm (type; DefnBaseCore)
- DefnBase (structure)
- DefnBaseCore (structure)
- defnDefine (value; TotalDefn)
- Defs (constructor; computeLib)
- deinitcomment (value; Lib, Portable)
- deinitcommentss (value; Lib, Portable)
- del_consts (value; computeLib)
- del_funs (value; computeLib)
- del_persistent_consts (value; computeLib)
- del_segment (value; FinalType, FinalTerm, KernelSig)
- DELAMB_CONV (value; Canon_Port, normalForms)
- delay (value; Susp, seq)
- delete (value; Net, LVTermNet, Redblackset, Intset, TypeNet, FinalNet, mlibUseful, AList, schneiderUtils)
- delete_binding (value; Theory)
- delete_const (value; Theory, boolSyntax)
- DELETE_CONV (value; PFset_conv, pred_setLib)
- delete_hook (value; Theory)
- delete_restriction (value; Parse_support)
- delete_tm (value; pred_setSyntax, sptreeSyntax)
- delete_trailing_wspace (value; Lib)
- delete_type (value; Theory)
- delete_unused_consts (value; OpenTheoryReader)
- delim_pair (value; Literal)
- delsimps (value; BasicProvers, bossLib)
- delta (type; Portable, type_grammar, Lib)
- Delta (value; UnicodeChars)
- Delta (constructor; mlibMetis)
- delta (value; FinalType, UnicodeChars, mlibMeson)
- delta' (value; mlibMeson)
- delta_apply (value; Lib, Portable)
- delta_map (value; Lib, Portable)
- delta_pair (value; Lib, Portable)
- delta_toString (value; type_grammar)
- demod (value; mlibUnits)
- DEMODULATE (value; mlibClause)
- dempty (value; aiLib)
- Denominator (value; Rationals)
- denominator (value; Arbrat)
- Dep (structure)
- dep (type; Dep)
- DEP_ASM_REWRITE_TAC (value; dep_rewrite)
- DEP_FIND_THEN (value; dep_rewrite)
- DEP_LIST_ASM_REWRITE_TAC (value; dep_rewrite)
- DEP_LIST_FIND_THEN (value; dep_rewrite)
- DEP_LIST_REWRITE_TAC (value; dep_rewrite)
- dep_of (value; FinalTag, Tag)
- DEP_ONCE_ASM_REWRITE_TAC (value; dep_rewrite)
- DEP_ONCE_ASM_SUBST_TAC (value; dep_rewrite)
- DEP_ONCE_FIND_THEN (value; dep_rewrite)
- DEP_ONCE_REWRITE_TAC (value; dep_rewrite)
- DEP_ONCE_SUBST_TAC (value; dep_rewrite)
- DEP_PURE_ASM_REWRITE_TAC (value; dep_rewrite)
- DEP_PURE_LIST_ASM_REWRITE_TAC (value; dep_rewrite)
- DEP_PURE_LIST_REWRITE_TAC (value; dep_rewrite)
- DEP_PURE_ONCE_ASM_REWRITE_TAC (value; dep_rewrite)
- DEP_PURE_ONCE_ASM_SUBST_TAC (value; dep_rewrite)
- DEP_PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_TAC (value; dep_rewrite)
- DEP_PURE_ONCE_SUBST_TAC (value; dep_rewrite)
- DEP_PURE_REWRITE_TAC (value; dep_rewrite)
- dep_rewrite (structure)
- DEP_REWRITE_TAC (value; dep_rewrite)
- DEP_SAVED (constructor; Dep)
- DEP_UNSAVED (constructor; Dep)
- DEPDIR (value; Systeml)
- depdisk (type; Dep, FinalThm)
- depid (type; Dep)
- depid_compare (value; Dep)
- depid_of (value; Dep)
- depidl_of (value; Dep)
- deplist (value; clauses)
- depnumber_of (value; Dep)
- depnumber_of_thm (value; mlThmData)
- depo_of_thm (value; hhExportLib)
- depo_of_thmid (value; hhExportLib)
- deprecate_int (value; intLib)
- deprecate_num (value; numLib)
- deprecate_rat (value; ratLib)
- deprecate_real (value; realLib)
- deprecate_word (value; wordsLib)
- depth (value; goalStack)
- DEPTH (value; mlibThm)
- depth (value; mesonLib)
- DEPTH (value; RW)
- depth (value; patriciaLib)
- DEPTH1 (value; mlibThm)
- DEPTH_BINOP_CONV (value; liteLib, Canon, refuteLib)
- DEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- depth_conseq_conv_cache (type; ConseqConv)
- depth_conseq_conv_cache_opt (type; ConseqConv)
- DEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV_TAC (value; ConseqConv)
- DEPTH_CONV (value; Conv, liteLib)
- DEPTH_EXISTS_CONV (value; unwindLib)
- DEPTH_FORALL_CONV (value; Solve, unwindLib)
- DEPTH_ONCE_CONV (value; hurdUtils)
- DEPTH_QCONV (value; liteLib)
- depth_tm (value; patriciaSyntax)
- depthw_tm (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- depthy_of (value; Dep)
- deref_tmenv (value; Unify)
- derivation (type; mlibClause, mlibOmega, OmegaMLShadow)
- derivation (value; mlibClause)
- derive_l_asscomm (value; GenPolyCanon)
- derive_mono_strong_induction (value; IndDefLib, IndDefRules)
- derive_nonschematic_coinductive_relations (value; CoIndDefLib)
- derive_nonschematic_inductive_relations (value; InductiveDefinition)
- derive_r_asscomm (value; GenPolyCanon)
- derive_strong_induction (value; IndDefLib)
- des (type; mlibParser)
- descale_out (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- descale_real (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- DESCEND_CONV (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- dest (value; Nonce, mlibResolution)
- dest_abbr (value; markerSyntax)
- dest_abbrev (value; markerSyntax)
- dest_abs (value; FinalTerm, Psyntax, Rsyntax)
- dest_absval (value; intSyntax, realSyntax)
- dest_acs (value; transcSyntax)
- dest_add (value; bitstringSyntax, patriciaSyntax)
- dest_add_list (value; patriciaSyntax)
- dest_add_lists (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_add_listw (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_add_with_carry (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_adds (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_addw (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_align (value; alignmentSyntax)
- dest_aligned (value; alignmentSyntax)
- dest_all_distinct (value; bagSyntax, bagLib, listSyntax)
- dest_and_el (value; rich_listSyntax)
- dest_antisymmetric (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_anylet (value; pairSyntax)
- dest_app (value; Absyn)
- dest_append (value; listSyntax)
- dest_aq (value; term_tokens)
- dest_AQ (value; Absyn)
- dest_aq (value; type_tokens)
- dest_arb (value; boolSyntax)
- dest_asm_marker (value; ConseqConv)
- dest_asn (value; transcSyntax)
- dest_atn (value; transcSyntax)
- dest_atom (value; mlibTerm)
- dest_axiom (value; mlibThm)
- dest_b (value; bitstringSyntax)
- dest_bag (value; bagLib, bagSyntax)
- dest_band (value; bitstringSyntax)
- dest_biginter (value; pred_setSyntax)
- dest_bigunion (value; pred_setSyntax)
- dest_bij (value; pred_setSyntax)
- dest_bind (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- dest_binder (value; Absyn, HolKernelDoc)
- dest_binop (value; hurdUtils, HolKernelDoc, liteLib, Absyn, mlibTerm)
- dest_bit (value; bitSyntax)
- dest_bit1 (value; numSyntax)
- dest_bit2 (value; numSyntax)
- dest_bit_count (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_bit_count_upto (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_bit_field_insert (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_bit_modify (value; bitSyntax)
- dest_bit_reverse (value; bitSyntax)
- dest_bit_set (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_bitify (value; bitstringSyntax)
- dest_bits (value; bitSyntax)
- dest_bitv (value; bitSyntax)
- dest_bitwise (value; bitSyntax, bitstringSyntax)
- dest_bn (value; sptreeSyntax)
- dest_bnot (value; bitstringSyntax)
- dest_bool_case (value; boolSyntax)
- dest_bool_size (value; basicSizeSyntax)
- dest_boolify (value; bitstringSyntax, numposrepSyntax)
- dest_bor (value; bitstringSyntax)
- DEST_BOUNDED (value; BoundedRewrites)
- dest_branch (value; patriciaSyntax)
- dest_branching_bit (value; patriciaSyntax)
- dest_bs (value; sptreeSyntax)
- dest_butlastn (value; rich_listSyntax)
- dest_bv (value; hurdUtils)
- dest_bxor (value; bitstringSyntax)
- dest_byte_align (value; alignmentSyntax)
- dest_byte_aligned (value; alignmentSyntax)
- dest_C (value; combinSyntax)
- dest_c2b (value; cvSyntax)
- dest_card (value; bagSyntax, bagLib, pred_setSyntax)
- dest_cart_type (value; fcpSyntax)
- dest_case (value; Pmatch, TypeBase)
- dest_Case (value; markerSyntax)
- dest_case (value; TypeBasePure)
- dest_case_special (value; GrammarSpecials)
- dest_char_ge (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_char_gt (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_char_le (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_char_lit (value; Literal)
- dest_char_lt (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_choice (value; pred_setSyntax)
- dest_chr (value; stringLib, stringSyntax)
- dest_clause (value; mlibClause)
- dest_cmeasure (value; numSyntax)
- dest_comb (value; FinalTerm, Psyntax, Rsyntax)
- dest_compl (value; pred_setSyntax)
- dest_concat_word_list (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_cond (value; Psyntax, Rsyntax, boolSyntax)
- dest_config (value; satConfig)
- dest_conj (value; Psyntax, Absyn, Rsyntax, boolSyntax)
- dest_cons (value; listSyntax)
- dest_const (value; Psyntax, FinalTerm, Rsyntax, mlibTerm)
- dest_constraint (value; CooperSyntax)
- dest_cos (value; transcSyntax)
- dest_count (value; pred_setSyntax)
- dest_count_list (value; rich_listSyntax)
- dest_cr (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_cross (value; pred_setSyntax)
- dest_curry (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- dest_cv_add (value; cvSyntax)
- dest_cv_div (value; cvSyntax)
- dest_cv_eq (value; cvSyntax)
- dest_cv_fst (value; cvSyntax)
- dest_cv_if (value; cvSyntax)
- dest_cv_ispair (value; cvSyntax)
- dest_cv_lt (value; cvSyntax)
- dest_cv_mod (value; cvSyntax)
- dest_cv_mul (value; cvSyntax)
- dest_cv_num (value; cvSyntax)
- dest_cv_pair (value; cvSyntax)
- dest_cv_proj (value; cv_miscLib)
- dest_cv_snd (value; cvSyntax)
- dest_cv_sub (value; cvSyntax)
- dest_delete (value; pred_setSyntax, sptreeSyntax)
- dest_depth (value; patriciaSyntax)
- dest_depthw (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_dest_string (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_diag (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_diamond (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_diff (value; bagSyntax, bagLib, pred_setSyntax)
- dest_difference (value; sptreeSyntax)
- dest_dimindex (value; fcpSyntax, wordsSyntax)
- dest_dimword (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_Dint (value; transcSyntax)
- dest_disj (value; Psyntax, Absyn, Rsyntax, boolSyntax)
- dest_disjoint (value; pred_setSyntax)
- dest_div (value; numSyntax, intSyntax, realSyntax)
- dest_div2 (value; numSyntax)
- dest_div_2exp (value; bitSyntax)
- dest_divides (value; intSyntax)
- dest_division (value; transcSyntax)
- dest_divmod (value; numSyntax)
- dest_divmod_2exp (value; bitSyntax)
- dest_domain (value; sptreeSyntax)
- dest_drestrict (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- dest_drop (value; listSyntax)
- dest_dsize (value; transcSyntax)
- dest_el (value; listSyntax)
- dest_ell (value; rich_listSyntax)
- dest_empty (value; pred_setSyntax)
- dest_eq (value; Psyntax, Rsyntax, Absyn, boolSyntax, mlibTerm)
- dest_eq_ty (value; Term, boolSyntax)
- dest_eqc (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_equivalence (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_even (value; numSyntax)
- dest_every (value; bagSyntax, bagLib, listSyntax)
- dest_every_leaf (value; patriciaSyntax)
- dest_every_leafw (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_exists (value; Psyntax, Rsyntax, Absyn, boolSyntax, listSyntax)
- dest_exists1 (value; Psyntax, Absyn, Rsyntax, boolSyntax)
- dest_exists_leaf (value; patriciaSyntax)
- dest_exists_leafw (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_exp (value; numSyntax, intSyntax, transcSyntax)
- dest_explode (value; stringLib, stringSyntax)
- dest_extract (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_fact (value; numSyntax)
- dest_fail (value; combinSyntax)
- dest_fakeconst_name (value; GrammarSpecials)
- dest_fapply (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- dest_fcard (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- dest_fcp (value; fcpSyntax)
- dest_fcp_cons (value; fcpSyntax)
- dest_fcp_every (value; fcpSyntax)
- dest_fcp_exists (value; fcpSyntax)
- dest_fcp_hd (value; fcpSyntax)
- dest_fcp_index (value; fcpSyntax)
- dest_fcp_map (value; fcpSyntax)
- dest_fcp_tl (value; fcpSyntax)
- dest_fcp_update (value; fcpSyntax)
- dest_fdiff (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- dest_fdom (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- dest_fempty (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- dest_fevery (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- dest_field (value; bitstringSyntax)
- dest_field_insert (value; bitstringSyntax)
- dest_fields (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_filter (value; listSyntax)
- dest_find (value; patriciaSyntax, updateSyntax)
- dest_finds (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_findw (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_fine (value; transcSyntax)
- dest_finite (value; pred_setSyntax)
- dest_fixwidth (value; bitstringSyntax)
- dest_flat (value; listSyntax)
- dest_float (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_abs (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_add (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_bottom (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_compare (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_div (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_equal (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_exponent (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_greater_equal (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_greater_than (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_is_finite (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_is_infinite (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_is_integral (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_is_nan (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_is_normal (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_is_signalling (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_is_subnormal (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_is_zero (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_less_equal (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_less_than (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_minus_infinity (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_minus_min (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_minus_zero (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_mul (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_mul_add (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_mul_sub (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_negate (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_plus_infinity (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_plus_min (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_plus_zero (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_round (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_round_to_integral (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_round_with_flags (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_sign (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_significand (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_some_qnan (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_sqrt (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_sub (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_to_int (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_to_real (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_top (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_ty (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_float_value (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_floating_point (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_flookup (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- dest_fmap_map2 (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- dest_fmap_ty (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- dest_fmerge (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- dest_fn (value; mlibTerm)
- dest_foldi (value; sptreeSyntax)
- dest_foldl (value; listSyntax)
- dest_foldr (value; listSyntax)
- dest_for (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- dest_forall (value; Psyntax, Absyn, Rsyntax, boolSyntax)
- dest_foralls (value; hurdUtils)
- dest_foreach (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- dest_fp16_to_fp32 (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_fp16_to_fp32_with_flags (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_fp16_to_fp64 (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_fp16_to_fp64_with_flags (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_fp32_to_fp16 (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_fp32_to_fp16_with_flags (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_fp32_to_fp64 (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_fp32_to_fp64_with_flags (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_fp64_to_fp16 (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_fp64_to_fp16_with_flags (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_fp64_to_fp32 (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_fp64_to_fp32_with_flags (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_fp_op_ty (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_frac (value; fracUtils)
- dest_frac_add (value; fracSyntax)
- dest_frac_ainv (value; fracSyntax)
- dest_frac_div (value; fracSyntax)
- dest_frac_dnm (value; fracSyntax)
- dest_frac_minv (value; fracSyntax)
- dest_frac_mul (value; fracSyntax)
- dest_frac_nmr (value; fracSyntax)
- dest_frac_sgn (value; fracSyntax)
- dest_frac_sub (value; fracSyntax)
- dest_frange (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- dest_fromAList (value; sptreeSyntax)
- dest_fromBinString (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- dest_fromDecString (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- dest_fromHexString (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- dest_fromList (value; sptreeSyntax)
- dest_fromString (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- dest_front (value; listSyntax)
- dest_fst (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- dest_fun_fmap (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- dest_fun_ty (value; liteLib)
- dest_funion (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- dest_funpow (value; numSyntax)
- dest_fupdate (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- dest_fupdate_list (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- dest_gauge (value; transcSyntax)
- dest_genlist (value; listSyntax)
- dest_geq (value; intSyntax, numSyntax, Arith_cons, realSyntax)
- dest_goal (value; tttSearch)
- dest_greater (value; intSyntax, numSyntax, Arith_cons, realSyntax)
- dest_guess_tm (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- dest_hd (value; listSyntax)
- dest_hex (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- dest_hide (value; markerLib)
- dest_I (value; combinSyntax)
- dest_i2w (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- dest_idem (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_ident (value; Absyn)
- dest_ifloat_ty (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_image (value; bagSyntax, bagLib, pred_setSyntax)
- dest_imp (value; Rsyntax, Psyntax, boolSyntax, Absyn, hurdUtils, liteLib)
- dest_imp_only (value; Psyntax, Rsyntax, boolSyntax)
- dest_implode (value; stringLib, stringSyntax)
- dest_IN (value; boolSyntax)
- dest_in (value; pred_setSyntax)
- dest_in_ptree (value; patriciaSyntax)
- dest_in_ptrees (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_in_ptreew (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_index (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_infinite (value; pred_setSyntax)
- dest_inj (value; pred_setSyntax)
- dest_injected (value; intSyntax, realSyntax)
- dest_inl (value; sumSyntax)
- dest_inr (value; sumSyntax)
- dest_insert (value; bagSyntax, pred_setSyntax, bagLib, sptreeSyntax)
- dest_insert_ptree (value; patriciaSyntax)
- dest_insert_ptrees (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_insert_ptreew (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_INT_CEILING (value; intrealSyntax)
- dest_int_float_bottom (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_int_float_minus_infinity (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_int_float_minus_min (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_int_float_minus_zero (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_int_float_plus_infinity (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_int_float_plus_min (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_int_float_plus_zero (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_int_float_some_qnan (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_int_float_top (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_INT_FLOOR (value; intrealSyntax)
- dest_int_largest (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_int_max (value; integer_wordSyntax, wordsSyntax)
- dest_int_min (value; integer_wordSyntax, wordsSyntax)
- dest_int_numeric_type (value; fcpSyntax)
- dest_int_threshold (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_int_ULP (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_int_ulp (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_integral_round (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_inter (value; pred_setSyntax, sptreeSyntax)
- dest_inter_eq (value; sptreeSyntax)
- dest_inv (value; realSyntax, relationSyntax)
- dest_inv_image (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_invol (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_irreflexive (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_is_int (value; intrealSyntax)
- dest_is_none (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- dest_is_ptree (value; patriciaSyntax)
- dest_is_some (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- dest_is_sublist (value; rich_listSyntax)
- dest_is_suffix (value; rich_listSyntax)
- dest_isalpha (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_isalphanum (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_isascii (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_iscntrl (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_isdigit (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_isgraph (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_ishexdigit (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_isl (value; sumSyntax)
- dest_islower (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_isprefix (value; listSyntax, stringSyntax)
- dest_isprint (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_ispunct (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_isr (value; sumSyntax)
- dest_isspace (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_isupper (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_itself (value; boolSyntax)
- dest_itself_size (value; basicSizeSyntax)
- dest_join (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- dest_K (value; combinSyntax)
- dest_K_1 (value; combinSyntax)
- dest_keys (value; patriciaSyntax)
- dest_keyss (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_keysw (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_l2n (value; numposrepSyntax)
- dest_l2v (value; fcpSyntax)
- dest_l2w (value; wordsSyntax)
- DEST_LABEL (value; markerLib)
- dest_label (value; markerSyntax)
- DEST_LABEL_CONV (value; markerLib)
- dest_label_ref (value; markerSyntax)
- DEST_LABELS (value; markerLib)
- DEST_LABELS_CONV (value; markerLib)
- DEST_LABELS_TAC (value; markerLib)
- dest_lam (value; Absyn)
- dest_largest (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_last (value; listSyntax)
- dest_lastn (value; rich_listSyntax)
- dest_leaf (value; patriciaSyntax)
- dest_least (value; numSyntax)
- dest_LEAST_INT (value; intSyntax)
- dest_length (value; listSyntax)
- dest_leq (value; intSyntax, numSyntax, Arith_cons, realSyntax)
- dest_less (value; intSyntax, numSyntax, Arith_cons, realSyntax)
- dest_let (value; Psyntax, Rsyntax, boolSyntax)
- dest_lex (value; pairSyntax)
- dest_linearorder (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_linv (value; pred_setSyntax)
- dest_list (value; listSyntax)
- dest_list_case (value; listSyntax)
- dest_list_elem_count (value; rich_listSyntax)
- dest_list_to_set (value; listSyntax)
- dest_list_type (value; listSyntax)
- dest_list_update (value; updateSyntax)
- dest_literal (value; mlibTerm)
- dest_literal_case (value; boolSyntax)
- dest_ln (value; sptreeSyntax, transcSyntax)
- dest_log2 (value; bitSyntax)
- dest_lookup (value; sptreeSyntax)
- dest_ls (value; sptreeSyntax)
- dest_map (value; listSyntax)
- dest_map2 (value; listSyntax)
- dest_max (value; numSyntax, intSyntax, realSyntax)
- dest_max_set (value; pred_setSyntax)
- dest_measure (value; numSyntax)
- dest_mem (value; listSyntax)
- dest_min (value; numSyntax, intSyntax, realSyntax)
- dest_min_set (value; pred_setSyntax)
- dest_minus (value; intSyntax, numSyntax, Arith_cons, realSyntax)
- dest_mk_bn (value; sptreeSyntax)
- dest_mk_bs (value; sptreeSyntax)
- dest_mk_wf (value; sptreeSyntax)
- dest_mmap (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- dest_mod (value; intSyntax, numSyntax)
- dest_mod_2exp (value; bitSyntax)
- dest_mod_2exp_eq (value; bitSyntax)
- dest_mod_2exp_max (value; bitSyntax)
- dest_mod_word_literal (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_modify (value; bitstringSyntax)
- dest_monad_type (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- dest_monop (value; HolKernelDoc)
- dest_mult (value; intSyntax, numSyntax, Arith_cons, realSyntax)
- dest_n2l (value; numposrepSyntax)
- dest_n2s (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- dest_n2v (value; bitstringSyntax)
- dest_n2w (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_narrow (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- dest_neg (value; boolSyntax, mlibTerm)
- dest_neg_asm_marker (value; ConseqConv)
- dest_neg_eq (value; BoolExtractShared)
- dest_negated (value; intSyntax, realSyntax)
- dest_nil (value; listSyntax)
- dest_node (value; psMCTS)
- dest_none (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- dest_nub (value; listSyntax)
- dest_null (value; listSyntax)
- dest_Num (value; intSyntax)
- dest_num_case (value; numSyntax)
- dest_num_from_bin_list (value; numposrepSyntax)
- dest_num_from_bin_string (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- dest_num_from_dec_list (value; numposrepSyntax)
- dest_num_from_dec_string (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- dest_num_from_hex_list (value; numposrepSyntax)
- dest_num_from_hex_string (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- dest_num_from_oct_list (value; numposrepSyntax)
- dest_num_from_oct_string (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- dest_num_to_bin_list (value; numposrepSyntax)
- dest_num_to_bin_string (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- dest_num_to_dec_list (value; numposrepSyntax)
- dest_num_to_dec_string (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- dest_num_to_hex_list (value; numposrepSyntax)
- dest_num_to_hex_string (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- dest_num_to_oct_list (value; numposrepSyntax)
- dest_num_to_oct_string (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- dest_numeral (value; Literal, numSyntax)
- dest_numeric_type (value; fcpSyntax)
- dest_numset_of_ptree (value; patriciaSyntax)
- dest_nzcv (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_o (value; combinSyntax, relationSyntax)
- dest_odd (value; numSyntax)
- dest_one_size (value; basicSizeSyntax)
- dest_option (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- dest_option_case (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- dest_option_join (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- dest_option_map (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- dest_option_size (value; basicSizeSyntax)
- dest_or_el (value; rich_listSyntax)
- dest_ord (value; stringLib, stringSyntax)
- dest_order (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_outl (value; sumSyntax)
- dest_outr (value; sumSyntax)
- dest_override (value; updateSyntax)
- dest_pabs (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- dest_pad_left (value; listSyntax)
- dest_pad_right (value; listSyntax)
- dest_pair (value; pairLib, Absyn, pairSyntax)
- dest_pair_case (value; pairSyntax)
- dest_pair_map (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- dest_pair_size (value; basicSizeSyntax)
- dest_part (value; sortingSyntax)
- dest_part3 (value; sortingSyntax)
- dest_partition (value; sortingSyntax)
- dest_PATLIST_COLS (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- dest_pbinder (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- dest_peek (value; patriciaSyntax)
- dest_peeks (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_peekw (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_PERM (value; permLib)
- dest_perm (value; sortingSyntax)
- dest_pexists (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- dest_pexists1 (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- dest_pforall (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- dest_plet (value; pairSyntax)
- dest_plus (value; intSyntax, numSyntax, Arith_cons, realSyntax)
- dest_PMATCH (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- dest_PMATCH_COLS (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- dest_PMATCH_IS_EXHAUSTIVE (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- dest_PMATCH_ROW (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- dest_PMATCH_ROW_ABS (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- dest_PMATCH_ROW_ABS_VARIANT (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- dest_PMATCH_ROW_COND (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- dest_PMATCH_ROW_COND_ABS (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- dest_PMATCH_ROW_COND_EX (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- dest_PMATCH_ROW_COND_EX_ABS (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- dest_pow (value; pred_setSyntax, realSyntax)
- dest_pre (value; Arith_cons, numSyntax)
- dest_prefix (value; mlibUseful, rich_listSyntax)
- dest_preorder (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_prod (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- dest_pselect (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- dest_psubset (value; pred_setSyntax)
- dest_ptree (value; patriciaLib)
- dest_ptree_of_numset (value; patriciaSyntax)
- dest_ptree_of_stringset (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_ptree_of_wordset (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_ptree_type (value; patriciaSyntax)
- dest_ptvar (value; Preterm)
- dest_qsort (value; sortingSyntax)
- dest_qsort3 (value; sortingSyntax)
- dest_quadop (value; HolKernelDoc)
- dest_quot (value; intSyntax)
- dest_rat (value; ratUtils)
- dest_rat_add (value; ratSyntax)
- dest_rat_ainv (value; ratSyntax)
- dest_rat_div (value; ratSyntax)
- dest_rat_dnm (value; ratSyntax)
- dest_rat_geq (value; ratSyntax)
- dest_rat_gre (value; ratSyntax)
- dest_rat_leq (value; ratSyntax)
- dest_rat_les (value; ratSyntax)
- dest_rat_minv (value; ratSyntax)
- dest_rat_mul (value; ratSyntax)
- dest_rat_nmr (value; ratSyntax)
- dest_rat_of_num (value; ratSyntax)
- dest_rat_sgn (value; ratSyntax)
- dest_rat_sub (value; ratSyntax)
- dest_rc (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_rcdiamond (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_rcompl (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_rdom (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_read (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- dest_real_of_int (value; intrealSyntax)
- dest_real_to_float (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_real_to_float_with_flags (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_realintconst (value; RealArith)
- dest_record (value; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- dest_record_type (value; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- dest_reduce_and (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_reduce_nand (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_reduce_nor (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_reduce_or (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_reduce_xnor (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_reduce_xor (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_reducer (value; Traverse)
- dest_reflexive (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_relation (value; wfrecUtils)
- dest_rem (value; intSyntax)
- dest_remove (value; patriciaSyntax)
- dest_removes (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_removew (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_replicate (value; bitstringSyntax, rich_listSyntax)
- dest_Req0 (value; markerLib)
- dest_ReqD (value; markerLib)
- dest_res_abstract (value; boolSyntax, res_quanLib)
- dest_res_exists (value; boolSyntax, res_quanLib)
- dest_res_exists_unique (value; boolSyntax, res_quanLib)
- dest_res_forall (value; boolSyntax, res_quanLib)
- dest_res_select (value; boolSyntax, res_quanLib)
- dest_rest (value; pred_setSyntax)
- dest_restrict (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_reverse (value; listSyntax)
- dest_rewr (value; mlibClause)
- dest_rewrites (value; Rewrite)
- dest_rinter (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_rinv (value; pred_setSyntax)
- dest_root (value; transcSyntax)
- dest_rotate (value; bitstringSyntax)
- dest_round (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_rpow (value; transcSyntax)
- dest_rrange (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_rrestrict (value; finite_mapSyntax, relationSyntax)
- dest_rsubset (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_rsum (value; transcSyntax)
- dest_rtc (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_runion (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_S (value; combinSyntax)
- dest_s2n (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- dest_s2v (value; bitstringSyntax)
- dest_s2w (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_saturate_add (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_saturate_i2sw (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- dest_saturate_i2w (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- dest_saturate_mul (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_saturate_n2w (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_saturate_sub (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_saturate_sw2sw (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- dest_saturate_sw2w (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- dest_saturate_w2sw (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- dest_saturate_w2w (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_sbit (value; bitSyntax)
- dest_sc (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_scanl (value; rich_listSyntax)
- dest_scanr (value; rich_listSyntax)
- dest_seg (value; rich_listSyntax)
- dest_select (value; Psyntax, Absyn, Rsyntax, boolSyntax)
- dest_set_spec (value; pred_setSyntax)
- dest_set_type (value; pred_setSyntax)
- dest_shiftl (value; bitstringSyntax)
- dest_shiftr (value; bitstringSyntax)
- dest_sign_extend (value; bitSyntax, bitstringSyntax)
- dest_signed_saturate_add (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- dest_signed_saturate_sub (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- dest_simpls (value; RW)
- dest_sin (value; transcSyntax)
- dest_sing (value; pred_setSyntax)
- dest_size (value; patriciaSyntax, sptreeSyntax)
- dest_sizew (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_slice (value; bitSyntax)
- dest_sn (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_snd (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- dest_snoc (value; listSyntax)
- dest_some (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- dest_some_ptree (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_sorted (value; sortingSyntax)
- dest_splitl (value; rich_listSyntax)
- dest_splitp (value; rich_listSyntax)
- dest_splitr (value; rich_listSyntax)
- dest_sptree_ty (value; sptreeSyntax)
- dest_sqrt (value; isqrtLib, transcSyntax)
- dest_stac (value; tttToken)
- dest_sterm (value; tttToken)
- dest_sthml (value; tttToken)
- dest_str (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_strcat (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_stream_cons (value; hurdUtils)
- dest_string (value; stringLib, stringSyntax)
- dest_string_case (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_string_fn (value; hurdUtils)
- dest_string_ge (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_string_gt (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_string_le (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_string_lit (value; Literal)
- dest_string_lt (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_string_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_stringset_of_ptree (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_strip_comb (value; boolSyntax)
- dest_strlen (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_stronglinearorder (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_strongorder (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_strord (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_sub (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_sub_bag (value; bagLib, bagSyntax)
- dest_subset (value; pred_setSyntax)
- dest_substring (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_suc (value; Arith_cons, numSyntax)
- dest_suffix (value; rich_listSyntax)
- dest_sum (value; listSyntax, sumSyntax)
- dest_sum_image (value; pred_setSyntax)
- dest_sum_set (value; pred_setSyntax)
- dest_sum_size (value; basicSizeSyntax)
- dest_surj (value; pred_setSyntax)
- dest_sw2sw (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_swap (value; pairSyntax)
- dest_symmetric (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_tag (value; FinalTag, Tag)
- dest_tagged (value; HOLsexp)
- dest_tagged_rewrite (value; BoundedRewrites)
- dest_take (value; listSyntax)
- dest_tan (value; transcSyntax)
- dest_tc (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_tdiv (value; transcSyntax)
- dest_temp_binding (value; Theory, TheoryPP)
- dest_term (value; FinalTerm, Psyntax, Rsyntax)
- dest_testbit (value; bitstringSyntax)
- dest_the (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- dest_the_ptree (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_theory (value; DB)
- dest_thm (value; FinalThm, mlibKernel)
- dest_threshold (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_thy_const (value; FinalTerm)
- dest_thy_type (value; FinalType)
- dest_time (value; Portable)
- dest_times_2exp (value; bitSyntax)
- dest_tl (value; listSyntax)
- dest_tmkind (value; BasicProvers)
- dest_toAList (value; sptreeSyntax)
- dest_tochar (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_tokens (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_toList (value; sptreeSyntax)
- dest_tolower (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_toString (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- dest_total (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_toupper (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_transform (value; patriciaSyntax)
- dest_transformw (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_transitive (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_translate (value; stringSyntax)
- dest_traverse (value; patriciaSyntax)
- dest_traverses (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_traversew (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_triop (value; HolKernelDoc)
- dest_ty_antiq (value; parse_type)
- dest_type (value; FinalType, Psyntax, Rsyntax)
- dest_typed (value; Absyn)
- dest_uint_max (value; integer_wordSyntax, wordsSyntax)
- dest_ULP (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_ulp (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- dest_unaryop (value; hurdUtils)
- dest_uncurry (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- dest_unhex (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- dest_union (value; bagSyntax, pred_setSyntax, bagLib, sptreeSyntax)
- dest_unit (value; mlibThm, state_transformerSyntax)
- dest_unit_eq (value; mlibThm)
- dest_univ (value; pred_setSyntax)
- dest_unzip (value; listSyntax)
- dest_unzip_fst (value; rich_listSyntax)
- dest_unzip_snd (value; rich_listSyntax)
- dest_update (value; combinSyntax)
- dest_update_comb (value; combinSyntax)
- DEST_USING (value; markerSyntax)
- dest_v2l (value; fcpSyntax)
- dest_v2n (value; bitstringSyntax)
- dest_v2s (value; bitstringSyntax)
- dest_v2w (value; bitstringSyntax)
- dest_var (value; Psyntax, FinalTerm, Rsyntax, mlibTerm)
- dest_vartype (value; FinalType)
- dest_vstruct (value; term_pp_utils)
- dest_W (value; combinSyntax)
- dest_w2i (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- dest_w2l (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_w2n (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_w2s (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_w2v (value; bitstringSyntax)
- dest_w2w (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_wcr (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_weaklinearorder (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_weakorder (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_wf (value; relationSyntax, sptreeSyntax)
- dest_wfp (value; relationSyntax)
- dest_while (value; numSyntax)
- dest_widen (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- dest_word_1comp (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_2comp (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_abs (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_add (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_and (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_asr (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_asr_bv (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_bit (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_bits (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_compare (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_concat (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_div (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_extract (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_from_bin_list (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_from_bin_string (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_from_dec_list (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_from_dec_string (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_from_hex_list (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_from_hex_string (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_from_oct_list (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_from_oct_string (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_ge (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_gt (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_H (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_hi (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_hs (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_join (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_L (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_L2 (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_le (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_len (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_literal (value; wordsLib, wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_lo (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_log2 (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_ls (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_lsb (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_lsl (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_lsl_bv (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_lsr (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_lsr_bv (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_lt (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_max (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_min (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_mod (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_modify (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_msb (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_mul (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_nand (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_nor (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_or (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_ptree (value; patricia_castsLib)
- dest_word_ptree_type (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_word_quot (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_reduce (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_rem (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_replicate (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_reverse (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_rol (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_rol_bv (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_ror (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_ror_bv (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_rrx (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_sdiv (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- dest_word_sign_extend (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_slice (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_smax (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_smin (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_smod (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- dest_word_sub (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_T (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_to_bin_list (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_to_bin_string (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_to_dec_list (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_to_dec_string (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_to_hex_list (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_to_hex_string (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_to_oct_list (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_to_oct_string (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_type (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_xnor (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_word_xor (value; wordsSyntax)
- dest_wordempty (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_wordset_of_ptree (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- dest_write (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- dest_zero_extend (value; bitstringSyntax)
- dest_zip (value; listSyntax)
- destExcl (value; markerLib)
- destExclSF (value; markerLib)
- destFRAG (value; markerLib)
- destruct_theory_thm (value; holindexData)
- destructors_of (value; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- Df (value; hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- dfactoid (type; OmegaMLShadow, mlibOmega)
- dfind (value; aiLib)
- dfind_time (value; mlNearestNeighbor)
- dflt_pinfo (value; term_pp_utils)
- dfoldl (value; aiLib)
- dfs (value; ImplicitGraph)
- diag_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- diamond_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- dict (type; Lib, Redblackmap)
- dict_sort (value; aiLib)
- dict_topsort (value; Lib)
- didactiv (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- die (value; mlibUseful, Unittest, testutils)
- die_mode (type; testutils)
- diemode (value; testutils)
- DIFF (constructor; Portable, Lib)
- Diff (structure)
- DIFF_CONV (value; Diff)
- diff_of_coeffs (value; Term_coeffs)
- diff_rvect (value; mlMatrix)
- diff_tm (value; pred_setSyntax)
- difference (value; Intset, Redblackset)
- difference_tm (value; sptreeSyntax)
- digit (value; mlibParser)
- dim (value; testutils)
- dim_of (value; fcpSyntax, wordsSyntax)
- dim_std (value; mlTreeNeuralNetwork)
- dim_std_arity (value; mlTreeNeuralNetwork)
- dimin_nn (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- DIMINDEX (value; fcpLib)
- dimindex_tm (value; fcpSyntax, wordsSyntax)
- diminish_srw_ss (value; BasicProvers, bossLib)
- dimout_nn (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- dimword_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- Dint_tm (value; transcSyntax)
- dir (type; CooperMath)
- dir_of_pair (value; CooperMath)
- direct_context_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- DIRECT_CONTR (constructor; OmegaMLShadow, mlibOmega)
- direct_ctxt_std_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibParameters)
- directed_conseq_conv (type; ConseqConv)
- disable_abbrev_printing (value; type_grammar)
- disable_hook (value; Theory)
- disable_monad (value; monadsyntax)
- disable_monadsyntax (value; monadsyntax)
- disable_tyabbrev_printing (value; Parse)
- DISCARD_TAC (value; Tactic)
- Disch (constructor; Count)
- DISCH (value; FinalThm, Q)
- disch (value; HolKernelDoc)
- DISCH_ALL (value; Drule)
- DISCH_ASM_CONSEQ_CONV_TAC (value; ConseqConv)
- DISCH_ASM_CONV_TAC (value; ConseqConv)
- DISCH_CONJ (value; hurdUtils)
- DISCH_CONJ_CONV (value; hurdUtils)
- DISCH_CONJ_TAC (value; hurdUtils)
- DISCH_CONJUNCTS (value; hurdUtils)
- DISCH_CONJUNCTS_ALL (value; hurdUtils)
- DISCH_CONJUNCTS_FILTER (value; hurdUtils)
- DISCH_CONJUNCTS_TAC (value; hurdUtils)
- DISCH_TAC (value; Tactic)
- disch_tac (value; Tactic)
- DISCH_THEN (value; Thm_cont)
- disch_then (value; Thm_cont)
- disj (value; UnicodeChars)
- Disj1 (constructor; Count)
- DISJ1 (value; FinalThm, Q)
- DISJ1_TAC (value; Tactic)
- disj1_tac (value; Tactic)
- Disj2 (constructor; Count)
- DISJ2 (value; FinalThm, Q)
- DISJ2_TAC (value; Tactic)
- disj2_tac (value; Tactic)
- DISJ_ASSOC_NORM_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- DISJ_CASES (value; FinalThm)
- DISJ_CASES_TAC (value; Tactic, jrhTactics)
- DISJ_CASES_THEN (value; Thm_cont, jrhTactics)
- DISJ_CASES_THEN2 (value; Thm_cont)
- DISJ_CASES_THENL (value; Thm_cont)
- DISJ_CASES_UNION (value; Drule)
- DISJ_CASESL (value; Drule, Rules)
- DISJ_IMP (value; Drule)
- DISJ_INEQS_FALSE_CONV (value; Arith, Solve)
- DISJ_LINEAR_CONV (value; Norm_bool)
- DISJ_NEQ_ELIM (value; CooperThms)
- DISJ_NORM_FORM_CONV (value; Norm_bool)
- DISJ_ss (value; boolSimps, bossLib)
- DisjCases (constructor; Count)
- DISJN (constructor; CooperSyntax)
- disjoint_tm (value; pred_setSyntax)
- DISJPATH_CONV (value; Canon, refuteLib)
- disjunction (value; boolSyntax)
- DISJUNCTS_AC (value; Drule)
- Disk (constructor; Count)
- disk_thm (value; FinalThm)
- DiskThms (structure)
- DISPLAY_TO_ENUMERAL_CONV (value; enumTacs)
- DISPLAY_TO_set_CONV (value; enumTacs)
- distance (type; mlibResolution, mlibSupport)
- distinct (value; hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- distinct_of (value; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- distinct_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- distrib (value; aiLib)
- DISTRIB_CONV (value; AC, refuteLib)
- div (value; Arbnumcore, mlibArbint, Arbintcore, mlibArbnum)
- Div (exception; Portable)
- div (value; mlibOmegaint)
- div2 (value; Arbnumcore, mlibArbnum)
- div2_tm (value; numSyntax)
- div_2exp_tm (value; bitSyntax)
- DIV_CONV (value; reduceLib, Arithconv)
- div_CONV (value; binary_ieeeLib)
- div_equal (value; aiLib)
- div_tm (value; numSyntax, intSyntax, realSyntax)
- divide (value; mlibUseful)
- divides (value; mlibUseful)
- divides_tm (value; intSyntax)
- division_tm (value; transcSyntax)
- divmod (value; Arbnumcore, mlibArbint, Arbintcore, mlibArbnum)
- divmod_2exp_tm (value; bitSyntax)
- divmod_tm (value; numSyntax)
- dkeys (value; aiLib)
- dlength (value; aiLib)
- dlist (value; aiLib)
- dmap (value; aiLib)
- dmem (value; aiLib)
- dnew (value; aiLib)
- DNF_CONV (value; normalForms, Canon, refuteLib)
- DNF_CONV' (value; normalForms)
- DNF_ss (value; boolSimps, bossLib)
- do_logged_updates (value; BasicProvers)
- dom_rng (value; FinalType)
- domain_CONV (value; sptreeLib)
- domain_tm (value; sptreeSyntax)
- doms_of_tyaxiom (value; Prim_rec)
- DONT_ADD (constructor; RW)
- DOT_PATH (value; Systeml)
- double_bracel (value; UnicodeChars)
- double_bracer (value; UnicodeChars)
- double_langle (value; UnicodeChars)
- double_rangle (value; UnicodeChars)
- doubleplus (value; UnicodeChars)
- dplayer (type; mlReinforce)
- dproc_ss (value; simpLib)
- dregroup (value; aiLib)
- drem (value; aiLib)
- DRESTRICT_CONV (value; fmapalTacs)
- drestrict_tm (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- drop (value; mlibStream, Manager, proofManagerLib, seq)
- drop_all (value; proofManagerLib)
- drop_cong (value; DefnBase)
- drop_order (value; mlibClause)
- drop_sig (value; aiLib)
- drop_tm (value; listSyntax)
- dropn (value; proofManagerLib)
- Drule (structure)
- drule (value; Tactic)
- drule_all (value; Tactic)
- drule_all_then (value; Tactic)
- drule_at (value; Tactic)
- drule_at_then (value; Tactic)
- drule_then (value; Tactic)
- drule_thm (value; match_goal)
- dset (value; aiLib)
- dsimp (value; bossLib)
- dsize_tm (value; transcSyntax)
- dtanh (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- dterm (type; clauses)
- DUP (exception; AList)
- duplicate (value; aiLib)
- dxrule (value; Tactic)
- dxrule_all (value; Tactic)
- dxrule_all_then (value; Tactic)
- dxrule_at (value; Tactic)
- dxrule_at_then (value; Tactic)
- dxrule_then (value; Tactic)
- Dynarray (structure)
- DYNLIB (value; Systeml)
- e (value; proofManagerLib)
- eager (value; liteLib)
- eall (value; proofManagerLib)
- eCAML (value; EmitML)
- Effectively_propositional (constructor; mlibCanon)
- EITHER (constructor; CooperSyntax)
- el (value; Lib)
- EL_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- el_tm (value; listSyntax)
- elem (type; EmitML)
- elem (value; schneiderUtils)
- elim_common_factor (value; realSimps)
- elim_dbfetch (value; smlPrettify)
- ELIM_FST_SND_SELECT_CONV (value; patternMatchesLib)
- elim_fst_snd_select_ss (value; patternMatchesLib)
- elim_ge (value; CooperThms)
- elim_gt (value; CooperThms)
- elim_infix (value; smlPrettify)
- elim_le (value; CooperThms)
- elim_paired_divides (value; CooperMath)
- elim_par (value; smlPrettify)
- ELIM_RESQ_ss (value; res_quanLib)
- elim_sdivides (value; CooperMath)
- elim_struct (value; smlPrettify)
- elim_tcs (value; Defn)
- elim_triv_literal_CONV (value; DefnBase)
- ELIM_TUPLED_QUANT_CONV (value; pairTools)
- eliminable (value; Tactic)
- eliminate_an_existential (value; OmegaSymbolic)
- eliminate_domrng (value; transferLib)
- eliminate_negative_divides (value; OmegaMath)
- eliminate_positive_divides (value; OmegaMath)
- ELL_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- ell_tm (value; rich_listSyntax)
- elt (value; proofManagerLib)
- elts (value; TypeBase)
- eltype (value; listSyntax, pred_setSyntax)
- emacs_terminal (value; PPBackEnd)
- embed (value; UniversalType)
- embedded_ref (value; RW)
- emit_ERR (value; Feedback)
- emit_hol_script (value; Systeml)
- emit_hol_unquote_script (value; Systeml)
- emit_MESG (value; Feedback)
- emit_WARNING (value; Feedback)
- emitCAML (value; EmitML)
- emitCAMLDir (value; Globals)
- EmitML (structure)
- emitML (value; EmitML)
- emitMLDir (value; Globals)
- EmitTeX (structure)
- emitTeXDir (value; EmitTeX)
- empty (value; TypeNet, TypeBasePure, UTF8Set, TheoryGraph, constrFamiliesLib, Redblackset, mlibClause, PIntMap, mlibClauseset, Net, mlibHeap, LVTermNet, mlibLiteralnet, Intset, mlibMultiset, Intmap, mlibPatricia, Ho_Net, mlibRewrite, HOLtokens, mlibSubsume, FlagDB, mlibTermnet, FinalNet, mlibTermorder, FCNet, mlibUnits, CharSet, patriciaLib)
- empty (constructor; PEGParse)
- empty (value; seq)
- EMPTY_BAG_tm (value; bagLib, bagSyntax)
- empty_congset (value; congLib)
- empty_dep (value; Dep)
- empty_grammar (value; type_grammar)
- empty_guess_collection (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- empty_idtable (value; SharingTables)
- empty_map (value; folTools)
- empty_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- empty_raw_subst (value; matchTools)
- empty_rel_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- empty_rewrites (value; Rewrite)
- empty_rws (value; clauses)
- empty_simpfrag (value; simpfrag)
- empty_simpls (value; RW)
- empty_ss (value; simpLib)
- empty_ssfrag (value; simpLib)
- empty_stream (value; Streams)
- empty_strtable (value; SharingTables)
- empty_subst (value; hurdUtils)
- empty_tacdata (value; mlTacticData)
- empty_tag (value; Tag)
- empty_termtable (value; SharingTables)
- empty_thmdata (value; mlThmData)
- empty_tm (value; patriciaSyntax, pred_setSyntax)
- empty_tmset (value; FinalTerm)
- empty_tytable (value; SharingTables)
- empty_vars (value; hurdUtils)
- empty_varset (value; FinalTerm)
- emptyset (value; UnicodeChars)
- emptystring_tm (value; stringLib, stringSyntax)
- enable_hook (value; Theory)
- enable_monad (value; monadsyntax)
- enable_monadsyntax (value; monadsyntax)
- ENABLE_PMATCH_CASES (value; patternMatchesLib, patternMatchesSyntax)
- enc (type; GrammarDeltas, ThyDataSexp)
- enc_idtable (value; SharingTables)
- enc_mat (value; mlMatrix)
- enc_nn (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- enc_real (value; aiLib)
- enc_sdata (value; SharingTables)
- enc_strtable (value; SharingTables)
- enc_tmtable (value; SharingTables)
- enc_tytable (value; SharingTables)
- enc_vect (value; mlMatrix)
- enclose (value; Portable)
- Encode (structure)
- encode (value; UC_ASCII_Encode)
- encode_of (value; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- encode_of0 (value; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- encoder (type; HOLsexp)
- end_block (value; OldPP)
- end_foldr (value; liteLib)
- end_itlist (value; Lib)
- end_of_stream (exception; Streams)
- end_of_stream (value; Portable)
- end_real_time (value; Lib)
- end_record_thy (value; tttRecord)
- end_time (value; Lib)
- EndDb (constructor; clauses)
- EndInitialBlock (value; Parse)
- enter (value; Ho_Net, FinalNet, Net)
- enth (value; proofManagerLib)
- ENUF_CONV (value; tcTacs)
- enum_type_to_tyinfo (value; EnumType)
- ENUMERAL_TO_DISPLAY_CONV (value; enumTacs)
- ENUMERAL_TO_OWL (value; enumTacs)
- ENUMERAL_TO_set_CONV (value; enumTacs)
- enumerate (value; Lib, Portable, mlibUseful)
- enumTacs (structure)
- EnumType (structure)
- env (type; Parse_support)
- eof (value; Coding)
- Eprover (constructor; holyHammer)
- epsilon (value; aiLib)
- eq (value; Preterm)
- EQ (constructor; CooperMath)
- eq (value; mlibOmegaint)
- EQ_ABS_CONV (value; Canon, refuteLib)
- eq_axioms (value; mlibThm)
- EQ_BOOL_INTRO (value; hurdUtils)
- EQ_CONGPROC (value; Opening)
- EQ_EXISTS_INTRO (value; quantHeuristicsTools)
- EQ_EXPAND_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- EQ_FACTOR (value; mlibThm)
- EQ_FORALL_INTRO (value; quantHeuristicsTools)
- EQ_IMP_ELIM_CONV (value; Norm_bool)
- EQ_IMP_RULE (value; FinalThm)
- eq_intro (value; compute_rules)
- EQ_LENGTH_INDUCT_TAC (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- EQ_LENGTH_SNOC_INDUCT_TAC (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- EQ_LESS_CONV (value; enumTacs)
- EQ_MP (value; FinalThm)
- EQ_NEG_BOOL_CONV (value; hurdUtils)
- eq_occurs (value; mlibTerm)
- EQ_preorder (value; Travrules)
- eq_rel (value; mlibTerm)
- eq_sym_aconv (value; BoolExtractShared)
- EQ_TAC (value; Tactic)
- eq_tac (value; Tactic)
- EQ_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- EQ_tr (value; Travrules)
- eqc_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- EQDATATYPE (constructor; EmitML)
- eqf (type; Lib, Portable)
- EQF_ELIM (value; Drule)
- EQF_INTRO (value; Drule)
- EqImpRule (constructor; Count)
- EqMp (constructor; Count)
- eqns (value; mlibRewrite)
- eqns_of (value; Defn)
- EQT_ELIM (value; Drule)
- EQT_INTRO (value; Drule)
- equal (value; Portable, Lib, Redblackset, Intset, hurdUtils)
- equal (type; mlibCanon)
- equal (value; mlibMultiset, mlibUseful)
- equal_CONV (value; binary_ieeeLib)
- EQUAL_REWR (value; totoTacs)
- EQUAL_TAC (value; jrhUtils)
- Equality (constructor; mlibKernel)
- EQUALITY (value; mlibKernel)
- Equality (constructor; mlibCanon)
- equality (value; FinalTerm, boolSyntax)
- Equality' (constructor; mlibThm)
- EQUIV_EXTRACT_ss (value; boolSimps)
- equiv_refl (value; quotient)
- equiv_sym (value; quotient)
- equiv_trans (value; quotient)
- equivalence_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- erase_file (value; aiLib)
- ERR (value; hurdUtils)
- err_BUG (value; hurdUtils)
- ERR_outstream (value; Feedback)
- ERR_to_string (value; Feedback)
- errM (type; Preterm)
- error (type; Preterm)
- Error (exception; mlibUseful)
- error (type; Pretype)
- ERROR (exception; Exn)
- error (value; Exn)
- Error (constructor; errormonad)
- error (value; errormonad)
- error_record (type; Feedback)
- errormonad (structure)
- es (type; mlReinforce)
- ES (value; boolSyntax)
- escape (value; aiLib)
- eSML (value; EmitML)
- et (value; proofManagerLib)
- eta (value; UnicodeChars, proofManagerLib)
- ETA_CONV (value; Drule)
- eta_conv (value; FinalTerm)
- ETA_EXPAND_CONV (value; hurdUtils)
- ETA_ss (value; boolSimps, bossLib)
- etyvar (value; FinalType)
- EVAL (value; bossLib)
- eval (value; liteLib)
- eval_bound (value; Sup_Inf)
- EVAL_CONV (value; computeLib)
- eval_goal (value; tttSearch)
- EVAL_numRingLib (structure)
- EVAL_quote (structure)
- EVAL_ringLib (structure)
- EVAL_RULE (value; bossLib, computeLib)
- EVAL_TAC (value; bossLib, computeLib)
- EvalRef (structure)
- evaluate (value; compute_rules)
- evaluate_formula (value; mlibModel)
- evaluate_term (value; mlibModel)
- even (value; mlibUseful)
- EVEN_CONV (value; Arithconv, reduceLib)
- EVEN_ORS (value; Rules)
- even_tm (value; numSyntax)
- EVERY (value; Tactical, jrhTactics)
- EVERY_ASSUM (value; Tactical)
- EVERY_CASE_TAC (value; BasicProvers)
- every_case_tac (value; BasicProvers)
- EVERY_CONJ_CONV (value; Conv)
- EVERY_CONSEQ_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- EVERY_CONV (value; Conv)
- EVERY_DISJ_CONV (value; Conv)
- every_leaf (value; patriciaLib)
- every_leaf_tm (value; patriciaSyntax)
- every_leafw_tm (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- EVERY_LT (value; Tactical)
- EVERY_TCL (value; Thm_cont)
- every_tm (value; listSyntax)
- EVERYR (value; hurdUtils)
- everything (value; mlibParser, mlibSolver)
- exact (value; mlibParser)
- EXACT_CONV (value; hurdUtils, jrhUtils)
- EXACT_MP_TAC (value; hurdUtils)
- exact_peek (value; ConstMapML)
- examplespec (value; smlParallel)
- EXCEPTIONS (exception; Exn)
- Excl (value; markerLib, bossLib, simpLib)
- ExclSF (value; markerLib, bossLib, simpLib)
- exclude_termsimp (value; TotalDefn)
- exec (value; Systeml)
- exec_script (value; smlExecScripts)
- exec_ttteval (value; smlExecScripts)
- exec_tttrecord (value; smlExecScripts)
- exhaustive_heuristic_fun (value; PmatchHeuristics)
- EXISTENCE (value; Conv)
- existential (value; boolSyntax)
- EXISTL (value; Rules)
- EXISTS (value; Rules)
- exists (value; Lib)
- EXISTS (value; Q)
- exists (value; Portable)
- EXISTS (value; FinalThm)
- exists (value; Redblackmap)
- Exists (constructor; mlibTerm)
- exists (value; UnicodeChars)
- Exists (constructor; Count)
- exists (value; hurdUtils, mlibMultiset, mlibStream)
- exists1 (value; boolSyntax)
- EXISTS_AND_CONV (value; Conv)
- Exists_arith (structure)
- EXISTS_ARITH_CONV (value; Arith, Exists_arith)
- EXISTS_CONSEQ_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- EXISTS_DEL1_CONV (value; unwindLib)
- EXISTS_DEL_CONV (value; unwindLib)
- EXISTS_EQ (value; Drule)
- EXISTS_EQ___CONSEQ_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- EXISTS_EQN_CONV (value; unwindLib)
- EXISTS_EQUATION (value; Prim_rec)
- exists_file (value; aiLib)
- EXISTS_GREATEST_CONV (value; numLib)
- EXISTS_IMP (value; Drule)
- EXISTS_IMP_CONV (value; Conv)
- EXISTS_INTRO_IMP (value; ConseqConv)
- exists_leaf_tm (value; patriciaSyntax)
- exists_leafw_tm (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- EXISTS_LEAST_CONV (value; numLib)
- EXISTS_LEFT (value; Drule)
- EXISTS_LEFT1 (value; Drule)
- EXISTS_NOT_CONV (value; Conv)
- EXISTS_NOT_LIST_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase, quantHeuristicsTools)
- EXISTS_OR_CONV (value; Conv)
- EXISTS_SIMP_CONV (value; Conv)
- EXISTS_TAC (value; Q, Tactic)
- exists_tac (value; Tactic)
- exists_tacdata_thy (value; mlTacticData)
- exists_tm (value; listSyntax)
- exists_tyvar (value; FinalType)
- EXISTS_UNIQUE_CONV (value; Conv)
- existsi (value; Redblackmap)
- exit (value; Portable)
- exit_count0 (value; testutils)
- Exn (constructor; Exn)
- Exn (structure)
- exn_to_string (value; Feedback)
- exncheck (value; testutils)
- EXP_CONV (value; Arithconv, reduceLib)
- exp_rel (value; Subst)
- exp_tm (value; numSyntax, realSyntax, intSyntax, transcSyntax)
- expand (value; goalStack, Manager, goalTree, proofManagerLib)
- EXPAND_ALL_BUT_CONV (value; unwindLib)
- EXPAND_ALL_BUT_RIGHT_RULE (value; unwindLib)
- EXPAND_AUTO_CONV (value; unwindLib)
- EXPAND_AUTO_RIGHT_RULE (value; unwindLib)
- expand_list (value; Manager, goalStack, proofManagerLib)
- expand_listf (value; Manager, goalStack, proofManagerLib)
- expand_opt (value; goalTree)
- EXPAND_QUANT_INST_ss (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- EXPAND_QUANT_INSTANTIATE_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- EXPAND_REDUCE_CONV (value; wordsLib)
- expand_right_and_over_or (value; CooperSyntax)
- EXPAND_TAC (value; jrhUtils)
- expand_type_quants_ss (value; DatatypeSimps)
- expand_type_quants_stateful_ss (value; DatatypeSimps)
- expand_type_quants_typeinfos_ss (value; DatatypeSimps)
- expandf (value; Manager, goalStack, proofManagerLib)
- expandv (value; Manager, proofManagerLib)
- expired (value; mlibMeter)
- explode (value; Portable, UTF8)
- explode_tm (value; stringLib, stringSyntax)
- explodei (value; UTF8)
- export (value; TypeBase)
- export_alist (value; ThmSetData)
- export_calls (value; mlTacticData)
- export_cong (value; DefnBase)
- export_from_sharing_data (value; SharingTables)
- export_goal (value; aiLib)
- export_ignore (value; Tactic)
- export_list (value; ThmSetData)
- export_mono (value; IndDefLib, bossLib)
- export_param_theory (value; abstraction)
- export_rewrites (value; BasicProvers, bossLib)
- export_rule_induction (value; IndDefLib)
- export_simple_dictionary (value; ThmSetData)
- export_tacdata (value; mlTacticData)
- export_terml (value; aiLib)
- export_termsimp (value; TotalDefn)
- export_theorems_as_docfiles (value; Parse)
- export_theory (value; Theory)
- export_theory_as_docfiles (value; Hol_pp)
- export_thmdata_flag (value; tttSetup)
- export_WF_thm (value; TotalDefn)
- export_with_ancestry (value; ThmSetData)
- exportfns (type; ThmSetData)
- EXT (value; Drule)
- EXT_CONSEQ_HO_REWRITE_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- EXT_CONSEQ_HO_REWRITE_TAC (value; ConseqConv)
- EXT_CONSEQ_REWRITE_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- EXT_CONSEQ_REWRITE_TAC (value; ConseqConv)
- EXT_CONV (value; jrhUtils)
- EXT_DEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- EXT_DEPTH_NUM_CONSEQ_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- extend_compset (value; computeLib)
- EXTEND_EXTRACT_CONV (value; wordsLib)
- extend_possibly_missing_patterns (value; patternMatchesLib)
- extended_gcd (value; CooperMath)
- Extenders (constructor; computeLib)
- EXTENSIBLE_QUANT_INSTANTIATE_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- extra_of (value; TypeBasePure)
- extract_abs_frac (value; fracUtils)
- extract_applyexp (value; smlParser)
- extract_attributes (value; ThmAttribute)
- extract_atyl (value; tttToken)
- extract_data (type; SharingTables)
- extract_frac (value; fracUtils)
- extract_frac_fun (value; fracUtils)
- extract_pc (value; Lib)
- extract_proofexp (value; smlParser)
- extract_rat (value; ratUtils)
- extract_rat_equations (value; ratUtils)
- extract_rat_minv (value; ratUtils)
- extract_rat_vars (value; ratUtils)
- extract_smlexp (value; smlParser)
- extract_thm (value; goalStack)
- extract_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- extract_v2w_CONV (value; bitstringLib)
- EXTREAL_ss (value; extrealSimps)
- extrealSimps (structure)
- extspec (type; smlParallel)
- F (value; boolSyntax)
- F_and_l (value; CooperThms)
- F_and_r (value; CooperThms)
- F_or_l (value; CooperThms)
- F_or_r (value; CooperThms)
- fact_tm (value; numSyntax)
- factdb (type; Satisfy)
- factoid (type; OmegaMLShadow, mlibOmega)
- factoid_gcd (value; mlibOmega)
- FACTOR (value; mlibClause, mlibKernel)
- Factor (constructor; mlibKernel)
- factor (value; mlibClauseset)
- Factor (constructor; mlibClause)
- factor (value; mlibResolution)
- Factor' (constructor; mlibThm)
- factor_out (value; CooperMath)
- factor_out_lits (value; CooperMath)
- fail (value; Feedback, errormonad, Coding, liteLib)
- FAIL (constructor; Portable)
- fail (value; optmonad)
- FAIL (constructor; Lib)
- fail (value; seqmonad, smpp)
- FAIL_LT (value; Tactical)
- FAIL_TAC (value; Tactical)
- fail_tm (value; combinSyntax)
- FailException (constructor; testutils)
- Failure (constructor; KernelSig)
- failwith (value; Feedback, liteLib)
- fakeconst_special (value; GrammarSpecials)
- False (constructor; mlibTerm)
- FALSE_CONSEQ_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- false_factoid (value; OmegaMLShadow, mlibOmega)
- false_tm (value; CooperSyntax)
- FAPPLY_CONV (value; fmapalTacs)
- fapply_tm (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- FAST_ASM_QUANT_INSTANTIATE_TAC (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- FAST_EXPAND_QUANT_INSTANTIATE_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- FAST_MULT_CONV (value; Norm_arith)
- FAST_QUANT_INST_ss (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- FAST_QUANT_INSTANTIATE_CONSEQ_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- FAST_QUANT_INSTANTIATE_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- FAST_QUANT_INSTANTIATE_TAC (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- fast_term_eq (value; FinalTerm)
- fcard_tm (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- fcases (value; seq)
- FCNet (structure)
- fcp_cons_tm (value; fcpSyntax)
- fcp_every_tm (value; fcpSyntax)
- fcp_exists_tm (value; fcpSyntax)
- fcp_hd_tm (value; fcpSyntax)
- fcp_index_tm (value; fcpSyntax, wordsSyntax)
- fcp_map_tm (value; fcpSyntax)
- FCP_ss (value; fcpLib)
- fcp_tl_tm (value; fcpSyntax)
- fcp_tm (value; fcpSyntax)
- fcp_update_tm (value; fcpSyntax)
- fcpLib (structure)
- fcpSyntax (structure)
- fdiff_tm (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- FDOM_CONV (value; fmapalTacs)
- fdom_tm (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- fea (type; mlFeature, mlNearestNeighbor)
- fea_compare (value; mlFeature)
- fea_of_goal (value; mlFeature)
- fea_of_goal_cached (value; mlFeature)
- fea_of_term (value; mlFeature)
- fea_of_term_mod (value; mlFeature)
- Feedback (structure)
- fempty_tm (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- Feq (value; boolSyntax)
- fetch (value; TypeBase, DB, TypeBasePure, tttRecord)
- fetch_eqns (value; Defn)
- fetch_knm (value; DB)
- fetch_thm (value; hhExportLib)
- fevery_EXPAND_CONV (value; finite_mapLib)
- fevery_tm (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- ff (value; hurdUtils)
- ff2 (value; hurdUtils)
- ff3 (value; hurdUtils)
- ff4 (value; hurdUtils)
- field (type; ParseDatatype)
- field_insert_tm (value; bitstringSyntax)
- field_name (type; Datatype)
- field_names (type; Datatype)
- field_tm (value; bitstringSyntax)
- fields_of (value; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- fields_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- filter (value; Portable, Net, Redblackmap, Lib, Redblackset, FinalNet, mlibLiteralnet, mlibStream, mlibSubsume)
- filter (type; mlibClauseset)
- filter (value; mlibTermnet, seq)
- FILTER_ASM_REWRITE_RULE (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- FILTER_ASM_REWRITE_TAC (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- FILTER_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- FILTER_DISCH_ALL (value; Rules)
- FILTER_DISCH_TAC (value; Tactic)
- FILTER_DISCH_THEN (value; Tactic)
- FILTER_GEN_TAC (value; Tactic)
- FILTER_ONCE_ASM_REWRITE_RULE (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- FILTER_ONCE_ASM_REWRITE_TAC (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- filter_out (value; Portable)
- FILTER_PGEN_TAC (value; PairRules)
- FILTER_PSTRIP_TAC (value; PairRules)
- FILTER_PSTRIP_THEN (value; PairRules)
- FILTER_PURE_ASM_REWRITE_RULE (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- FILTER_PURE_ASM_REWRITE_TAC (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- FILTER_PURE_ONCE_ASM_REWRITE_RULE (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- FILTER_PURE_ONCE_ASM_REWRITE_TAC (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- filter_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- FILTER_STRIP_TAC (value; Tactic)
- FILTER_STRIP_THEN (value; Tactic)
- filter_tm (value; listSyntax)
- filteri (value; Redblackmap)
- final (value; MD5)
- final_rewrite_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- finalize_subst (value; matchTools)
- finalizer (value; Manager, goalStack)
- finally (value; Portable)
- FinalNet (structure)
- FinalTag (structure)
- FinalTerm (structure)
- FinalThm (structure)
- FinalType (structure)
- find (value; LVTermNet, PIntMap, KernelSig, Redblackmap, Intset, Redblackset, DB, TypeNet, AList, mlibPatricia, mlibSolver)
- find_all (value; DB)
- find_consts (value; DB)
- find_consts_thy (value; DB)
- find_free_terms (value; CooperSyntax)
- find_genscriptdep (value; smlExecScripts)
- find_heapname (value; smlExecScripts)
- find_in (value; DB)
- find_labelled_assumption (value; markerLib)
- find_maximal_terms (value; HolKernelDoc)
- find_my_path (value; Systeml)
- find_redex (value; hurdUtils, mlibSubst)
- find_relation (value; Travrules)
- find_script (value; tttUnfold)
- find_subterm (value; BasicProvers)
- find_summand (value; OmegaMath)
- find_term (value; HolKernelDoc)
- find_terms (value; HolKernelDoc)
- find_tm (value; patriciaSyntax, updateSyntax)
- findelim_deep_existential (value; OmegaSymbolic)
- findKey (value; Redblackmap)
- finds_tm (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- findSome (value; aiLib)
- findw_tm (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- fine_tm (value; transcSyntax)
- finished (value; mlibParser)
- FINITE (value; fcpLib)
- FINITE_CONV (value; PFset_conv, pred_setLib)
- finite_mapLib (structure)
- finite_mapSyntax (structure)
- finite_tm (value; pred_setSyntax)
- first (value; Lib, Redblackmap)
- FIRST (value; Tactical)
- first (value; ThyDataSexp, hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- FIRST_ASSUM (value; Tactical, jrhTactics)
- first_assum (value; Tactical)
- first_assum_term (value; term_tactic)
- FIRST_CONSEQ_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- FIRST_CONV (value; Conv)
- first_fv_term (value; term_tactic)
- first_goal (value; goalTree)
- first_goal_opt (value; goalTree)
- FIRST_LT (value; Tactical)
- first_match_tac (value; match_goal)
- first_n (value; aiLib)
- first_opt (value; Lib, Portable)
- FIRST_PROVE (value; Tactical)
- first_rtok (value; term_grammar)
- FIRST_TCL (value; Thm_cont)
- first_test_n (value; aiLib)
- first_tok (value; term_grammar)
- FIRST_X_ASSUM (value; Tactical, jrhTactics)
- first_x_assum (value; Tactical)
- FIRSTC (value; hurdUtils)
- firstChar (value; UTF8)
- firstf (value; hurdUtils)
- firsti (value; Redblackmap)
- FIRSTN_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- fix (type; mlibModel)
- FIX_CONV (value; bitstringLib)
- fix_merge (value; mlibModel)
- fix_mergel (value; mlibModel)
- FIX_v2w_CONV (value; bitstringLib)
- fixed_context_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- fixedwidth_of_binstring (value; bitstringSyntax)
- fixedwidth_of_bitlist (value; bitstringSyntax)
- fixedwidth_of_hexstring (value; bitstringSyntax)
- fixedwidth_of_num (value; bitstringSyntax)
- fixity (type; term_grammar, Parse)
- fixity (value; Parse)
- fixity_decode (value; GrammarDeltas)
- fixity_encode (value; GrammarDeltas)
- fixup_newvar (value; CooperSyntax)
- fixwidth_tm (value; bitstringSyntax)
- FlagDB (structure)
- flags_ty (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- FLAT_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- flat_tm (value; listSyntax)
- flatn (value; Manager, goalStack, proofManagerLib)
- flatten (value; Portable, Lib, mlibStream, seq)
- flatten_conj (value; mlibTerm)
- FLATTEN_CONJ_CONV (value; unwindLib)
- flatten_disj (value; mlibTerm)
- flip (value; Lib, Portable)
- flip_cmp (value; Lib, Portable)
- flip_forall (value; CooperSyntax)
- flip_foralls (value; CooperSyntax)
- flip_order (value; Lib, Portable)
- float_abs_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_add_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_bottom_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_compare_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_compare_ty (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- FLOAT_DATATYPE_CONV (value; binary_ieeeLib)
- float_div_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_equal_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_exponent_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_greater_equal_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_greater_than_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_is_finite_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_is_infinite_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_is_integral_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_is_nan_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_is_normal_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_is_signalling_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_is_subnormal_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_is_zero_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_less_equal_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_less_than_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_minus_infinity_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_minus_min_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_minus_zero_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_mul_add_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_mul_sub_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_mul_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_negate_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_of_triple (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_plus_infinity_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_plus_min_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_plus_zero_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_round_CONV (value; binary_ieeeLib)
- float_round_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_round_to_integral_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_round_with_flags_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_sign_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_significand_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_some_qnan_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_sqrt_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_sub_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_to_int_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_to_real_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_top_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_value_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- float_value_ty (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- floatToReal (value; native_ieeeLib)
- FLOOKUP_DEFN_CONV (value; flookupLib)
- flookup_tm (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- flookupLib (structure)
- floor (value; Arbnumcore, Arbrat)
- flrl (value; UnicodeChars)
- flrr (value; UnicodeChars)
- flush_out (value; Portable)
- flush_ppstream (value; OldPP)
- FMAP_EXPR_CONV (value; fmapalTacs)
- fmap_map2_tm (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- fmap_TO_FMAPAL_CONV (value; fmapalTacs)
- FMAP_TO_RELN (value; tcTacs)
- FMAPAL_TO_fmap_CONV (value; fmapalTacs)
- FMAPAL_TO_ORWL (value; fmapalTacs)
- fmapalTacs (structure)
- fmerge_tm (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- Fn (constructor; mlibTerm)
- fn_args (value; mlibTerm)
- fn_arity (value; mlibTerm)
- fn_function (value; mlibTerm)
- fn_name (value; mlibTerm)
- fnapp_special (value; GrammarSpecials)
- FO_METIS_PROVE (value; metisTools)
- FO_METIS_TAC (value; metisTools)
- fof_export_bushy (value; hhExportFof)
- fof_export_chainy (value; hhExportFof)
- fof_export_goal (value; hhExportFof)
- fof_export_pb (value; hhExportFof)
- fof_export_pbfile (value; hhExportFof)
- fof_write_pb (value; hhExportFof)
- FOL_CONV (value; Canon, refuteLib)
- FOL_FIND (value; folTools)
- FOL_NORM (value; folTools)
- FOL_NORM_TAC (value; folTools)
- FOL_NORM_TTAC (value; folTools)
- fol_problem (type; folTools)
- FOL_REFUTE (value; folTools)
- FOL_SOLVE (value; folTools)
- FOL_TACTIC (value; folTools)
- fol_thms_to_hol (value; folMapping)
- fold (value; TypeBasePure, TypeNet, PIntMap, hurdUtils, LVTermNet, mlibPatricia)
- fold' (value; Ho_Net)
- fold_left (value; aiLib)
- foldi_CONV (value; sptreeLib)
- foldi_tm (value; sptreeSyntax)
- foldl (value; Redblackmap, KernelSig, Redblackset, Intset, liteLib, Intmap, mlibMultiset, mlibStream, mlibSubst)
- foldl' (value; Portable, Redblackmap)
- foldl2' (value; Portable)
- FOLDL_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- foldl_map (value; Lib, Portable)
- foldl_tm (value; listSyntax)
- foldlM (value; errormonad)
- foldr (value; Redblackmap, Intset, Redblackset, Intmap, liteLib, mlibMultiset, mlibSubst)
- foldr' (value; Portable, Redblackmap)
- foldr2' (value; Portable)
- FOLDR_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- foldr_tm (value; listSyntax)
- folMapping (structure)
- folTools (structure)
- for (value; Lib, Portable)
- for_se (value; Lib, Portable)
- for_tm (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- forall (value; Lib, UnicodeChars)
- Forall (constructor; mlibTerm)
- forall (value; hurdUtils)
- forall2 (value; Lib)
- FORALL_AND_CONV (value; Conv)
- FORALL_ARITH_CONV (value; Arith, Solve)
- FORALL_CONJ_CONV (value; unwindLib)
- FORALL_CONJ_ONCE_CONV (value; unwindLib)
- FORALL_CONJ_RIGHT_RULE (value; unwindLib)
- FORALL_CONSEQ_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- FORALL_EQ (value; Drule)
- FORALL_EQ___CONSEQ_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- FORALL_IMP (value; hurdUtils)
- FORALL_IMP_CONV (value; Conv)
- FORALL_IN_CONV (value; schneiderUtils)
- FORALL_NOT_CONV (value; Conv)
- FORALL_NOT_LIST_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase, quantHeuristicsTools)
- FORALL_OR_CONV (value; Conv)
- FORALL_SIMP_CONV (value; Conv, Thm_convs)
- FORALL_UNFREE_CONV (value; schneiderUtils)
- FORALLS_CONV (value; hurdUtils)
- force (value; Susp)
- foreach_tm (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- forget_history (value; Manager, proofManagerLib)
- FORK_CONV (value; Conv)
- form (type; mlibSolver)
- format_ERR (value; Feedback)
- format_MESG (value; Feedback)
- format_name_message (value; Theory)
- format_WARNING (value; Feedback)
- formula (type; mlibModel, mlibMetis, mlibSolver, mlibMatch, mlibSubst, mlibLiteralnet, mlibSubsume, mlibKernel, mlibSupport, mlibClause, mlibTerm, mlibCanon, mlibTptp)
- Formula (constructor; mlibTerm)
- formula (type; mlibUnits)
- formula1 (type; folMapping, folTools)
- formula_compare (value; mlibTerm)
- formula_info (type; hhExportLib)
- formula_size (value; mlibTerm)
- formula_subst (value; mlibSubst)
- formula_to_string (value; mlibModel, mlibTerm)
- formula_to_string' (value; mlibTerm)
- FORWARD_TAC (value; hurdUtils)
- FOT_METIS_PROVE (value; metisTools)
- FOT_METIS_TAC (value; metisTools)
- fp16_to_fp32_tm (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- fp16_to_fp32_with_flags_tm (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- fp16_to_fp64_tm (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- fp16_to_fp64_with_flags_tm (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- fp32_to_fp16_tm (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- fp32_to_fp16_with_flags_tm (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- fp32_to_fp64_tm (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- fp32_to_fp64_with_flags_tm (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- fp64_to_fp16_tm (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- fp64_to_fp16_with_flags_tm (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- fp64_to_fp32_tm (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- fp64_to_fp32_with_flags_tm (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- fp_emb (value; mlTreeNeuralNetwork)
- fp_nn (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- Fparm (type; metisTools)
- fpdata (type; mlNeuralNetwork)
- frac (value; fracSyntax)
- frac_0_tm (value; fracSyntax)
- frac_1_tm (value; fracSyntax)
- frac_add_tm (value; fracSyntax)
- frac_ainv_tm (value; fracSyntax)
- FRAC_CALC_CONV (value; fracLib)
- FRAC_CALC_TAC (value; fracLib)
- FRAC_CALCEQ_TAC (value; fracLib)
- FRAC_CALCTERM_TAC (value; fracLib)
- frac_div_tm (value; fracSyntax)
- FRAC_DNM_CONV (value; fracLib)
- frac_dnm_tm (value; fracSyntax)
- FRAC_EQ_CONV (value; fracLib)
- FRAC_EQ_TAC (value; fracLib)
- frac_minv_tm (value; fracSyntax)
- frac_mul_tm (value; fracSyntax)
- FRAC_NMR_CONV (value; fracLib)
- frac_nmr_tm (value; fracSyntax)
- FRAC_NMRDNM_TAC (value; fracLib)
- FRAC_NOT0_CONV (value; fracLib)
- FRAC_NOT0_TAC (value; fracLib)
- FRAC_NOTEQ_CONV (value; fracLib)
- FRAC_POS_CONV (value; fracLib)
- FRAC_POS_TAC (value; fracLib)
- FRAC_SAVE_CONV (value; fracLib)
- FRAC_SAVE_TAC (value; fracLib)
- frac_sgn_tm (value; fracSyntax)
- FRAC_STRICT_CALC_TAC (value; fracLib)
- FRAC_STRICT_CALCEQ_TAC (value; fracLib)
- frac_sub_tm (value; fracSyntax)
- fracinfo (type; base_tokens)
- fracLib (structure)
- fracSyntax (structure)
- fraction (value; DecimalFractionPP)
- Fraction (constructor; term_tokens)
- fracUtils (structure)
- frag (type; OldPP, Parse, Lib, Portable, HOLPP)
- FRAG (value; markerLib)
- frag_name (value; simpLib)
- frag_rewrites (value; simpLib)
- frange_tm (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- Free (constructor; BasicProvers)
- free_in (value; FinalTerm)
- free_vars (value; FinalTerm)
- free_vars_lr (value; FinalTerm)
- free_varsl (value; FinalTerm)
- frees (value; hol88Lib)
- freesl (value; Canon_Port)
- FREEZE_THEN (value; Tactic)
- FRESH_TY_VARS_RULE (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- FRESH_VARS (value; mlibClause, mlibThm)
- FRESH_VARSL (value; mlibThm)
- fresult (value; seq)
- from_list (value; clauses, mlibStream)
- from_maplets (value; mlibSubst, mlibLiteralnet, mlibTermnet)
- from_ot (type; OpenTheoryMap)
- from_term (value; clauses)
- from_term_for (value; cv_typeLib)
- from_textfile (value; mlibStream)
- from_to_thm_for (value; cv_typeLib)
- fromAInt (value; Arbrat)
- fromAList (value; sptreeSyntax)
- fromAList_tm (value; sptreeSyntax)
- fromArbList (value; OmegaMLShadow, mlibOmega)
- fromBinString (value; Arbnumcore)
- fromBinString_tm (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- fromDecString_tm (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- fromErr (value; seqmonad)
- fromFile (value; HOLsexp)
- fromHexString (value; Arbnumcore)
- fromHexString_tm (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- fromHOLchar (value; stringLib, stringSyntax)
- fromHOLstring (value; stringLib, stringSyntax)
- fromInt (value; Arbrat, mlibArbint, Arbnumcore, mlibArbnum, Arbintcore, mlibOmegaint)
- fromLargeInt (value; Arbintcore, Arbnumcore)
- fromLex (value; HOLtokens)
- fromList (value; Redblackset, Redblackmap, mlibOmega, OmegaMLShadow, seq, Dynarray, sptreeSyntax)
- fromList_tm (value; sptreeSyntax)
- fromMLchar (value; stringLib, stringSyntax)
- fromMLstring (value; stringLib, stringSyntax)
- fromNat (value; Arbrat, Arbintcore, mlibArbint)
- fromNum_str (value; GrammarSpecials)
- fromOctString (value; Arbnumcore)
- fromOpt (value; errormonad, seqmonad)
- fromOrderedList (value; Redblackmap)
- fromSEXP (value; TypeBasePure)
- fromStream (value; HOLsexp)
- fromString (value; HOLsexp, Arbrat, mlibArbint, Arbnumcore, mlibArbnum, Arbintcore, mlibOmegaint)
- fromString_tm (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- fromType (value; Pretype)
- front_last (value; Lib, Portable)
- front_tm (value; listSyntax)
- fs (type; errormonad)
- fs (value; bossLib)
- fsrw_tac (value; bossLib)
- fst (value; Lib, Portable, hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- fst_compare (value; aiLib)
- fst_eq (value; Portable)
- FST_select_fun (value; quantHeuristicsLibAbbrev)
- fst_tm (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- fterm (type; clauses)
- ftyvar (value; FinalType)
- full_apply_const (value; hhExportLib)
- FULL_BBLAST_TAC (value; blastLib)
- FULL_BC_SIMP_TAC (value; BackchainingLib)
- FULL_CASE_TAC (value; BasicProvers)
- full_case_tac (value; BasicProvers)
- FULL_GEN_TYVARIFY (value; Drule)
- full_match_type (value; hhExportLib)
- FULL_METIS_PROVE (value; metisTools)
- FULL_METIS_TAC (value; metisTools)
- FULL_SIMP_TAC (value; bossLib, simpLib)
- full_simp_tac (value; bossLib, simpLib)
- full_skolemize (value; mlibCanon)
- FULL_STRUCT_CASES_TAC (value; Tactic)
- full_sum_size_tm (value; basicSizeSyntax)
- fullmake (value; AncestryData)
- fullresult (type; AncestryData)
- FullUnify (structure)
- Fully (constructor; RW)
- FUN_CONGRUENCE (value; mlibThm)
- FUN_EQ (value; hurdUtils)
- FUN_EQ_CONV (value; Conv, hurdUtils)
- FUN_EQ_TAC (value; hurdUtils)
- FUN_fmap_CONV (value; fmapalTacs)
- fun_fmap_tm (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- FUN_FMAPAL_CONV (value; fmapalTacs)
- fun_quotient (value; quotient)
- func_of_cond_eqn (value; wfrecUtils)
- function_names (value; mlibTerm)
- functions (value; mlibTerm)
- FunctionTimeout (exception; smlTimeout)
- FUNION_CONV (value; fmapalTacs)
- funion_tm (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- funpow (value; Lib, Portable, mlibUseful)
- funpow_tm (value; numSyntax)
- fupd_actual_ops (value; Overload)
- fupd_lambda (value; term_grammar)
- fupdate (value; smpp)
- FUPDATE_CONV (value; fmapalTacs)
- fupdate_list_tm (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- fupdate_NORMALISE_CONV (value; finite_mapLib)
- fupdate_overload_info (value; term_grammar)
- fupdate_specials (value; term_grammar)
- fupdate_tm (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- Fv (constructor; clauses)
- FV (value; mlibTerm)
- fv_term (value; term_tactic)
- FVL (value; FinalTerm, mlibTerm)
- FVLset (value; boolSyntax)
- FVs (value; boolSyntax)
- FVT (value; mlibTerm)
- FVTL (value; mlibTerm)
- fwAmpersand (value; UnicodeChars)
- g (value; proofManagerLib)
- game (type; psMCTS)
- gameio (type; mlReinforce)
- Gamma (value; UnicodeChars)
- gamma (value; FinalType, UnicodeChars)
- gamma_noise_gen (value; aiLib)
- GATHER_BOTH_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- GATHER_CONV (value; Norm_arith)
- GATHER_LEFT_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- GATHER_NEITHER_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- GATHER_RIGHT_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- gauge_tm (value; transcSyntax)
- gcd (value; Int_extra, CooperMath, mlibOmegaint, Arbnumcore, mlibUseful)
- GCD_CHECK (constructor; mlibOmega, OmegaMLShadow)
- gcd_check (value; OmegaMath)
- gcd_check_dfactoid (value; OmegaMLShadow, mlibOmega)
- gcd_eq_check (value; OmegaMath)
- gcd_le_check (value; OmegaMath)
- gcd_t (value; CooperMath)
- gcdl (value; CooperMath)
- GCI (constructor; GenPolyCanon)
- gci (type; GenPolyCanon)
- gdelta (type; GrammarDeltas)
- gdelta_decode (value; GrammarDeltas)
- gdelta_encode (value; GrammarDeltas)
- GE_CONV (value; Arithconv, reduceLib)
- Gen (constructor; Count)
- GEN (value; FinalThm, Q)
- GEN_ABS (value; FinalThm)
- GEN_ALL (value; Drule, hol88Lib)
- gen_all (value; boolSyntax, wfrecUtils)
- GEN_ALPHA_CONV (value; Drule)
- Gen_arith (structure)
- GEN_ASSUM (value; ConseqConv)
- gen_assums (value; abstraction)
- GEN_BETA_CONV (value; PairedLambda, pairLib)
- GEN_BETA_RULE (value; PairedLambda, pairLib)
- gen_beta_ss (value; pairSimps)
- GEN_BETA_TAC (value; PairedLambda, pairLib)
- GEN_COND_CASES_TAC (value; Tactic)
- gen_datatype_info (value; TypeBasePure)
- GEN_EQ (value; ConseqConv)
- GEN_EXISTS_TAC (value; bossLib)
- gen_find_term (value; HolKernelDoc)
- gen_find_terms (value; HolKernelDoc)
- GEN_FOL_CONV (value; Canon_Port)
- GEN_IMP (value; ConseqConv)
- gen_indthm (value; Prim_rec)
- GEN_LET_CONV (value; PairedLambda)
- GEN_MESON_TAC (value; mesonLib)
- GEN_METIS_SOLVE (value; metisTools)
- GEN_METIS_TAC (value; metisTools)
- gen_mk_numeral (value; Literal)
- gen_mk_travrules (value; Travrules)
- gen_new_specification (value; DefinitionDoc)
- GEN_NNF_CONV (value; normalForms)
- gen_overloaded_const (value; Parse_support)
- GEN_PAIR_TAC (value; jrhUtils)
- GEN_PALPHA_CONV (value; PairRules)
- gen_prim_specification (value; FinalThm)
- GEN_PROVE_TAC (value; BasicProvers)
- GEN_REAL_ARITH (value; RealArith, RealField)
- gen_remove_mapping (value; Overload)
- gen_remove_ovl_mapping (value; Parse)
- GEN_REWR_TAC (value; jrhUtils)
- GEN_REWRITE_CONV (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- GEN_REWRITE_RULE (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite, hol88Lib)
- GEN_REWRITE_TAC (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite, hol88Lib)
- GEN_SAT (value; minisatProve)
- gen_std_rewrs (value; TypeBasePure)
- GEN_TAC (value; Tactic)
- gen_tac (value; Tactic)
- gen_term (value; psTermGen)
- gen_tyvar (value; FinalType)
- gen_tyvar_sigma (value; boolSyntax)
- GEN_TYVARIFY (value; Drule, transferLib)
- gen_tyvarify (value; boolSyntax)
- GEN_VALIDATE (value; Tactical)
- GEN_VALIDATE_LT (value; Tactical)
- gen_variant (value; FinalTerm, Lexis)
- GenAbs (constructor; Count)
- gencanon (value; GenPolyCanon)
- general_update (value; TypeBase)
- generalize (value; mlibTerm)
- generalize_schematic_variables (value; InductiveDefinition)
- generator (type; Random)
- GENERIC_SMT_TAC (value; HolSmtLib)
- genFromString (value; Arbnumcore)
- GENL (value; FinalThm, Q)
- GENLIST_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- genlist_tm (value; listSyntax)
- GenPolyCanon (structure)
- gentactic (type; Abbrev)
- genvar (value; FinalTerm)
- GENVAR_ALPHA_CONV (value; hurdUtils)
- GENVAR_BVARS (value; hurdUtils)
- GENVAR_BVARS_CONV (value; hurdUtils)
- GENVAR_CONST_RULE (value; hurdUtils)
- GENVAR_ETA_EXPAND_CONV (value; hurdUtils)
- GENVAR_SPEC (value; hurdUtils)
- GENVAR_SPEC_ALL (value; hurdUtils)
- genvars (value; FinalTerm)
- genvarstruct (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- genwith_flag (value; Portable)
- geq (value; UnicodeChars)
- GEQ_NORM_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- geq_tm (value; numSyntax, intSyntax, realSyntax)
- get (value; TypeBasePure)
- get_assums (value; abstraction)
- GET_BAG_IN_THMS (value; bagLib, bagSimpleLib)
- get_constructorFamily_proofObligations (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- get_exn (value; Exn)
- get_first (value; Lib)
- get_flag_is_cnf (value; satConfig)
- get_flag_is_proved (value; satConfig)
- get_gspec (value; term_pp_utils)
- get_hooks (value; Theory)
- get_ignores (value; Tactic)
- get_infile (value; satConfig)
- get_lemmas (value; hhReconstruct)
- get_possibly_missing_patterns (value; patternMatchesLib)
- get_precedence (value; term_grammar)
- get_proof (value; satConfig)
- get_qp___for_types (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- get_res (value; Exn)
- get_resort_list___pred (value; bagLib, bagSimpleLib)
- get_resort_lists___pred_pair (value; bagLib, bagSimpleLib)
- get_resort_position___pred (value; bagLib, bagSimpleLib)
- get_resort_positions___pred_pair (value; bagLib, bagSimpleLib)
- get_solver (value; satConfig)
- get_stacrecord (value; tttSearch)
- get_term (value; satConfig)
- get_term_printer (value; Parse)
- get_thm_heads (value; Canon_Port)
- get_tracefn (value; Feedback)
- getArgs (value; Portable)
- getbvs (value; term_pp_utils)
- getc (value; Coding)
- getChar (value; UTF8)
- getEnv (value; Portable)
- getfvs (value; term_pp_utils)
- getItem (value; mlibPatricia)
- give_num_priority (value; Parse, term_grammar)
- GIVEN (constructor; Pmatch)
- givens (value; Pmatch)
- global_ruledb (value; transferLib)
- global_simp_tac (value; simpLib)
- Globals (structure)
- gns (value; bossLib)
- GNUMAKE (value; Systeml)
- gnvs (value; bossLib)
- goal (type; fracUtils, fracLib, hurdUtils, boolSyntax, intExtensionLib, Abbrev, ratLib)
- Goal (type; jrhTactics)
- goal (type; ratUtils)
- Goal (constructor; tttSearch)
- goal (type; schneiderUtils)
- goal_assum (value; Tactical)
- goal_compare (value; aiLib)
- goal_eq (value; boolSyntax)
- goal_line (value; Globals)
- goal_of_sml (value; smlExecute)
- goal_qtype (value; CooperSyntax)
- goal_size (value; goalStack)
- goal_term (value; term_tactic)
- goals_eq (value; boolSyntax)
- GOALSTACK (constructor; Manager)
- goalStack (structure)
- Goalstate (type; jrhTactics)
- GOALTREE (constructor; Manager)
- goalTree (structure)
- GPSPEC (value; PairRules)
- grab (value; hurdUtils)
- grammar (type; TermParse, term_grammar, PEGParse, type_grammar)
- grammar_add_pmatch (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- grammar_loose_equality (value; ParseExtras)
- grammar_name (value; term_grammar)
- grammar_rule (type; term_grammar, type_grammar)
- grammar_rule_decode (value; GrammarDeltas)
- grammar_rule_encode (value; GrammarDeltas)
- grammar_rules (value; term_grammar)
- grammar_tight_equality (value; ParseExtras)
- grammar_tokens (value; term_grammar)
- GrammarAncestry (structure)
- grammarDB (value; Parse)
- grammarDB_info (type; Parse)
- GrammarDeltas (structure)
- GrammarSpecials (structure)
- graph (type; ImplicitGraph)
- GREAT_NORM_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- greater_equal_CONV (value; binary_ieeeLib)
- GREATER_REWR (value; totoTacs)
- greater_than_CONV (value; binary_ieeeLib)
- greater_tm (value; numSyntax, intSyntax, realSyntax)
- Grobner (structure)
- group (value; AList)
- grule (type; term_grammar)
- grule_decode (value; GrammarDeltas)
- grule_encode (value; GrammarDeltas)
- grule_name (value; term_grammar)
- grule_toks (value; term_grammar)
- gs (value; bossLib)
- GSPEC (value; Drule)
- GSPEC_SIMP_CONV (value; pred_setSimps)
- GSPEC_SIMP_ss (value; pred_setSimps)
- gspec_tm (value; pred_setSyntax)
- gstk (type; goalStack)
- gstk_size (value; goalStack)
- GSUBS (value; Drule)
- GSUBST_TAC (value; Tactic)
- GSYM (value; Conv)
- gt (value; proofManagerLib)
- GT_CONV (value; Arithconv, reduceLib)
- GT_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- gtake (value; wfrecUtils)
- gtoken (type; tttSearch)
- gtree (type; goalTree)
- gty_exists (constructor; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- gty_exists_gap (constructor; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- gty_exists_point (constructor; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- gty_forall (constructor; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- gty_forall_gap (constructor; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- gty_forall_point (constructor; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guarded_strip_labels_CONV (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- guess (type; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guess2term (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guess2thm (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guess2thm_opt (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guess_collection (type; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guess_collection2list (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guess_collection___get_exists_weaken (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guess_collection___get_forall_weaken (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guess_collection_append (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guess_collection_flatten (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guess_collection_guess_type (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guess_extract (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guess_extract_thm (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guess_extract_type (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guess_general (constructor; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guess_has_no_free_vars (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guess_has_thm (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guess_has_thm_no_free_vars (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guess_lengths (value; wordsLib)
- guess_list2collection (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guess_remove_thm (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guess_term (constructor; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guess_term2type (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guess_thm (constructor; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- GUESS_THM_list2collection (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guess_thm_to_guess (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guess_to_string (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guess_type (type; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guess_type2string (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guess_type2term (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guess_weaken (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- guessing_overloads (value; Globals)
- guessing_tyvars (value; Globals)
- guessing_word_lengths (value; wordsLib)
- guessR (value; TotalDefn)
- gvs (value; bossLib)
- HABS_CONV (value; jrhUtils)
- HALF_BETA_EXPAND (value; InductiveDefinition)
- HALF_MK_ABS (value; jrhUtils)
- HALF_MK_PABS (value; PairRules)
- HardSpace (value; Parse)
- has_boolty (value; aiLib)
- has_exists (value; CooperSyntax)
- has_forall (value; CooperSyntax)
- has_quant (value; CooperSyntax)
- has_subterm (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- has_unbound_uvar (value; Pretype)
- hash (value; Lib, Portable, mlibOmegaint)
- hash_string (value; aiLib)
- hash_string_mod (value; aiLib)
- hd (value; mlibStream, seq)
- hd_opr (value; Manager)
- hd_proj (value; Manager)
- hd_string (value; aiLib)
- hd_tl (value; mlibStream, mlibUseful)
- hd_tm (value; listSyntax)
- hdtm_assum (value; Q, Tactical)
- hdtm_x_assum (value; Q, Tactical)
- head_var (value; Preterm)
- HEADGOAL (value; Tactical)
- heap (type; mlibHeap)
- heap_fix (value; mlibModel)
- heuristics_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- hex_tm (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- hexstring_of_term (value; bitstringSyntax)
- hh (value; holyHammer)
- hh_dir (value; hhExportLib)
- hh_flag (value; tttEval)
- hh_fork (value; holyHammer)
- hh_glob (value; tttEval)
- hh_lemmas (value; tacticToe)
- hh_pb (value; holyHammer)
- hh_pb_eval_thm (value; holyHammer)
- hh_pb_eval_thy (value; holyHammer)
- hh_reconstruct (value; hhReconstruct)
- hh_time (value; tacticToe)
- hh_timeout (value; tttEval)
- hh_use (value; tacticToe)
- hhExportFof (structure)
- hhExportLib (structure)
- hhExportSexpr (structure)
- hhExportTf0 (structure)
- hhExportTf1 (structure)
- hhExportTh0 (structure)
- hhExportTh1 (structure)
- hhReconstruct (structure)
- hhTptp (structure)
- hhTranslate (structure)
- hi (value; UnicodeChars)
- hidden (value; Parse)
- hide (value; Parse)
- hide_assum (value; markerLib)
- hide_flag (value; smlRedirect)
- hide_in_file (value; smlRedirect)
- HIDE_ss (value; boolSimps)
- hide_tac (value; markerLib)
- hide_tyop (value; type_grammar)
- hidef (value; smlRedirect)
- HIGHER_REWRITE_CONV (value; Ho_Rewrite)
- HINT_EXISTS_TAC (value; Tactic)
- History (structure)
- history (type; History)
- HO_BACKCHAIN_TAC (value; Tactic)
- HO_MATCH_ABBREV_TAC (value; Q, markerLib)
- HO_MATCH_ACCEPT_TAC (value; Tactic)
- HO_MATCH_MP (value; Drule)
- HO_MATCH_MP_TAC (value; Tactic)
- ho_match_mp_tac (value; Tactic)
- ho_match_term (value; HolKernelDoc)
- ho_match_term0 (value; HolKernelDoc)
- HO_METIS_PROVE (value; metisTools)
- HO_METIS_TAC (value; metisTools)
- Ho_Net (structure)
- HO_PART_MATCH (value; Drule)
- ho_raw_substitution (type; hurdUtils)
- HO_REWR_CONV (value; Conv)
- Ho_Rewrite (structure)
- ho_substitution (type; hurdUtils)
- hol88Lib (structure)
- hol88subst (type; hol88Lib)
- hol_clock (value; Globals)
- Hol_coreln (value; CoIndDefLib, bossLib)
- Hol_datatype (value; Datatype, bossLib)
- Hol_defn (value; Defn, bossLib)
- Hol_defns (value; Defn)
- HOL_ERR (exception; Feedback)
- hol_literals_to_fol (value; folMapping)
- HOL_MESG (value; Feedback)
- Hol_mono_coreln (value; CoIndDefLib)
- Hol_mono_reln (value; IndDefLib)
- Hol_multi_defns (value; Defn)
- Hol_pp (structure)
- HOL_PROGRESS_MESG (value; Feedback)
- Hol_Rdefn (value; Defn)
- Hol_reln (value; IndDefLib, bossLib)
- hol_symbols (value; Lexis)
- hol_thm_to_fol (value; folMapping)
- hol_type (type; TermParse, Theory, Rsyntax, TheoryPP, Psyntax, TypeBase, Preterm, TypeBasePure, Parse, TypeNet, PPBackEnd, binary_ieeeSyntax, Overload, boolSyntax, OpenTheoryReader, enumTacs, Hol_pp, fmapalTacs, HolKernelDoc, folMapping, FullUnify, folTools, FinalType, fracSyntax, FinalThm, hurdUtils, FinalTerm, inttoTacs, DB, matchTools, ConstMapML, Compute, ratSyntax, Abbrev, tcTacs, totoTacs)
- HOL_WARNING (value; Feedback)
- HOL_WARNINGloc (value; Feedback)
- HOLdict (structure)
- HOLDIR (value; Globals, Systeml)
- holindexData (structure)
- HolKernelDoc (structure)
- HOLPP (structure)
- HolSatLib (structure)
- HOLset (structure)
- HOLsexp (structure)
- HOLsexp_parser (structure)
- HolSmtLib (structure)
- HOLspecials (value; HOLtokens)
- HOLsym (value; HOLtokens)
- HOLtokens (structure)
- holyHammer (structure)
- holyhammer (value; holyHammer)
- hookleftarrow (value; UnicodeChars)
- hookrightarrow (value; UnicodeChars)
- Horn (constructor; mlibCanon)
- horn (type; mlibCanon)
- HOT_METIS_PROVE (value; metisTools)
- HOT_METIS_TAC (value; metisTools)
- hparse (value; ParseDatatype)
- hs (value; UnicodeChars)
- html_escape (value; PPBackEnd)
- html_terminal (value; PPBackEnd)
- html_theory (value; Hol_pp)
- hurdUtils (structure)
- hyp (value; FinalThm)
- HYP_CONV_RULE (value; Conv)
- hyp_frees (value; FinalThm)
- hyp_tyvars (value; FinalThm)
- hyps (value; hurdUtils)
- hypset (value; FinalThm)
- I (value; Portable, hurdUtils, Lib, mlibUseful)
- i2w_tm (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- I_tm (value; combinSyntax)
- id (type; SharingTables)
- id (value; Subst)
- id_compare (value; KernelSig, hhExportLib)
- ID_EX_TAC (value; Tactic)
- ID_SPEC (value; Q)
- ID_SPEC_TAC (value; Q, Tactic)
- id_tacm (value; Manager)
- id_toString (value; KernelSig)
- ida_compare (value; hhExportLib)
- idactiv (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- ideal_cofactors (value; Grobner)
- iDefine_mk_word_ptree (value; patricia_castsLib)
- idem_tm (value; boolSyntax, relationSyntax)
- Ident (constructor; term_tokens)
- identical (value; FinalTerm)
- identity_equiv (value; quotient)
- identity_quotient (value; quotient)
- idtable (type; SharingTables)
- IF_CASES_TAC (value; Tactic)
- IFC (value; Conv)
- Iff (constructor; mlibTerm)
- iff (value; UnicodeChars)
- iff_tac (value; Tactic)
- iffLR (value; Drule)
- iffRL (value; Drule)
- IfNotTop (value; Parse)
- IGNORE (constructor; Trace)
- ij_axiom (value; hhExportTf0, hhExportTh0)
- IMAGE_CONV (value; PFset_conv, pred_setLib)
- image_tm (value; pred_setSyntax)
- imp (value; Term)
- Imp (constructor; mlibTerm)
- imp (value; UnicodeChars)
- IMP_ANTISYM_RULE (value; Drule)
- IMP_CANON (value; Drule)
- IMP_CONJ (value; Drule)
- IMP_CONV (value; Boolconv, reduceLib)
- IMP_ELIM (value; Drule)
- IMP_EQ_CANON (value; Cond_rewr)
- IMP_EXISTS_INTRO (value; quantHeuristicsTools)
- IMP_EXPAND_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- IMP_F_EQ_F_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- IMP_FORALL_INTRO (value; quantHeuristicsTools)
- IMP_IMP_CONJ_IMP_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- imp_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- IMP_RES_FORALL_CONV (value; res_quanLib)
- IMP_RES_TAC (value; Tactic)
- imp_res_tac (value; Tactic)
- IMP_RES_THEN (value; Thm_cont)
- IMP_SUBST_TAC (value; jrhUtils)
- IMP_TRANS (value; Drule)
- impl_keep_tac (value; Tactic)
- impl_of (value; abstraction)
- impl_tac (value; Tactic)
- implication (value; boolSyntax)
- implication_concl_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibParameters)
- implicit_rewrites (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- implicit_simpls (value; RW)
- ImplicitGraph (structure)
- implode (value; Portable)
- implode_tm (value; stringLib, stringSyntax)
- import_calls (value; mlTacticData)
- import_goal (value; aiLib)
- import_hh (value; tacticToe, tttEval)
- import_tacdata (value; mlTacticData)
- import_terml (value; aiLib)
- IN (value; Lib)
- in_class (value; Lexis)
- IN_CONSTRAINT (value; CooperSyntax)
- IN_CONV (value; PFset_conv, enumTacs, pred_setLib)
- in_env (type; Pretype, Preterm, TermParse)
- IN_FDOM_CONV (value; fmapalTacs)
- IN_LINE_SUM_CONV (value; Norm_arith)
- in_ptree (value; patriciaLib)
- in_ptree_tm (value; patriciaSyntax)
- in_ptrees_tm (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- in_ptreew_tm (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- IN_tm (value; boolSyntax)
- in_tm (value; pred_setSyntax)
- inc (value; Portable)
- inc_count (value; Count)
- include_theorems (value; HolSmtLib)
- INCONSISTENT (constructor; HOLPP)
- incorporate_consts (value; Theory)
- incorporate_types (value; Theory)
- Incr (constructor; psMCTS)
- incr (value; aiLib)
- incr_sort_CONV (value; fmapalTacs)
- ind (value; FinalType)
- ind_of (value; Defn)
- ind_suffix (value; Defn)
- ind_types (structure)
- IndDefLib (structure)
- IndDefRules (structure)
- indent (value; aiLib)
- indent_print_term (value; cv_memLib)
- indent_print_thm (value; cv_memLib)
- index (value; Lib, Net, FinalNet, hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- INDEX_CONV (value; fcpLib)
- index_to_num (value; fcpLib)
- index_type (value; fcpLib)
- indexedLists_ss (value; indexedListsSimps, listLib)
- indexedListsSimps (structure)
- inDomain (value; Redblackmap)
- Induct (value; BasicProvers, bossLib)
- Induct_on (value; BasicProvers, bossLib)
- INDUCT_TAC (value; numLib)
- INDUCT_THEN (value; Prim_rec)
- Induct_word (value; wordsLib)
- Induction (structure)
- induction_of (value; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- induction_of0 (value; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- InductiveDefinition (structure)
- INEQS_FALSE_CONV (value; Solve)
- INF (value; Sup_Inf)
- Inf_left (constructor; smlInfix)
- Inf_right (constructor; smlInfix)
- infer_emb (value; mlTreeNeuralNetwork)
- infer_knn (value; mlNearestNeighbor)
- infer_nn (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- infer_tnn (value; mlTreeNeuralNetwork)
- infer_tnn_basic (value; mlTreeNeuralNetwork)
- inference (type; mlibKernel)
- inference (value; mlibThm)
- inference' (type; mlibThm)
- inference_collection (type; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- inference_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- inference_to_string (value; mlibThm)
- inference_to_string' (value; mlibThm)
- inferior_overload_on (value; Parse)
- infinity_intro_CONV (value; binary_ieeeLib)
- infinity_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- infix_file (value; tttSetup)
- infix_pair (value; smlInfix)
- infix_rule (type; term_grammar)
- infixes (value; mlibTerm)
- infixities (type; mlibParser, mlibTerm)
- infixity_t (type; smlInfix)
- Infixl (value; Parse)
- Infixr (value; Parse)
- info (value; mlibUnits)
- info_for_name (value; Overload)
- Infs (constructor; mlibSolver)
- init (value; MD5)
- init_casesplit_munger (value; term_pp)
- init_data (type; mlibSolver)
- initial_goal (value; goalStack, Manager, proofManagerLib)
- initial_proofs (value; Manager)
- initial_pstack (value; parse_term)
- initialise_typrinter (value; type_grammar)
- initialize (value; mlibSolver)
- initialValue (value; History)
- inj_tm (value; pred_setSyntax)
- INL (constructor; sumSyntax, mlibUseful)
- inl_tm (value; sumSyntax)
- input_line (value; Portable)
- INR (constructor; sumSyntax, mlibUseful)
- inr_tm (value; sumSyntax)
- insert (value; Net, Portable, Lib, Redblackmap, LVTermNet, TheoryGraph, KernelSig, TypeBasePure, Intmap, TypeNet, FinalNet, mlibLiteralnet, FCNet, mlibMultiset, ConstMapML, mlibTermnet, mlibUseful)
- insert' (value; Redblackmap)
- insert_attribute (value; ThmAttribute)
- insert_cons (value; ConstMapML)
- INSERT_CONV (value; PFset_conv, pred_setLib)
- insert_ptree (value; patriciaLib)
- insert_ptree_tm (value; patriciaSyntax)
- insert_ptrees_tm (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- insert_ptreew_tm (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- insert_tm (value; pred_setSyntax, sptreeSyntax)
- insertList (value; Redblackmap)
- insertWith (value; Redblackmap)
- insertWithi (value; Redblackmap)
- INST (value; Q, FinalThm, hol88Lib)
- Inst (constructor; mlibKernel)
- INST (value; mlibClause)
- Inst (constructor; Count)
- INST (value; mlibKernel)
- inst (value; FinalTerm, hol88Lib)
- Inst' (constructor; mlibThm)
- inst_defn (value; Defn)
- inst_fcp_lengths (value; fcpLib)
- inst_filter_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- inst_infos (type; abstraction)
- INST_QUANT_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- inst_term (value; tttToken)
- inst_thm_fun (value; abstraction)
- inst_thml (value; tttToken)
- INST_TT_HYPS (value; Drule)
- INST_TY (value; matchTools, hurdUtils)
- inst_ty (value; hurdUtils)
- INST_TY_TERM (value; Drule, hol88Lib)
- INST_TYPE (value; FinalThm, Q, hol88Lib)
- inst_type_dterm (value; clauses)
- inst_word_lengths (value; wordsLib)
- install_hidepp (value; markerLib)
- Instance (structure)
- INSTANCE_T_CONV (value; Arith, Instance)
- instantiation_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- instream (type; Portable)
- InstType (constructor; Count)
- int (type; Sol_ranges, Rationals, Solve_ineqs, Norm_ineqs, Sup_Inf, Norm_arith, Term_coeffs, Int_extra, mlibArbint, Arith_cons, mlibOmegaint, Arbintcore)
- Int (constructor; ThyDataSexp)
- int (value; FlagDB)
- INT_AC_ss (value; intSimps)
- int_add (value; patriciaLib)
- INT_ADD_AC_ss (value; intSimps)
- int_add_list (value; patriciaLib)
- INT_ARITH_ss (value; intLib, intSimps)
- INT_CALCEQ_TAC (value; intExtensionLib)
- INT_CEILING_tm (value; intrealSyntax)
- int_compset (value; intReduce, intSimps)
- int_decode (value; HOLsexp, ThyDataSexp)
- int_div (value; aiLib)
- int_eq_tm (value; intSyntax)
- Int_extra (structure)
- INT_FLOOR_tm (value; intrealSyntax)
- int_in_ptree (value; patriciaLib)
- int_injection (value; intSyntax)
- int_insert_ptree (value; patriciaLib)
- int_max_tm (value; integer_wordSyntax, wordsSyntax)
- int_min_tm (value; integer_wordSyntax, wordsSyntax)
- INT_MUL_AC_ss (value; intSimps)
- INT_NORM_CONV (value; integerRingLib)
- INT_NORM_RULE (value; integerRingLib)
- INT_NORM_TAC (value; integerRingLib)
- int_of_term (value; numSyntax, intSyntax, ratSyntax, Arith_cons, realSyntax)
- int_of_term_hook (value; EmitML)
- int_peek (value; patriciaLib)
- int_pow (value; aiLib)
- int_product (value; aiLib)
- int_ptree_of_list (value; patriciaLib)
- INT_REDUCE_ss (value; intReduce, intSimps)
- int_remove (value; patriciaLib)
- int_rewrites (value; ratLib)
- INT_RING_CONV (value; integerRingLib)
- INT_RING_RULE (value; integerRingLib)
- INT_RING_TAC (value; integerRingLib)
- INT_RWTS_ss (value; intSimps)
- INT_SGN_CASES_TAC (value; intExtensionLib)
- INT_SIZES_CONV (value; integer_wordLib)
- int_sort (value; Lib, Portable)
- int_ss (value; intLib, intSimps)
- int_to_base64 (value; mlibUseful)
- int_to_bits (value; mlibUseful)
- int_to_string (value; Portable, Lib, hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- int_ty (value; intSyntax)
- INT_WORD_GROUND_CONV (value; integer_wordLib)
- intactdep_of_thm (value; mlThmData)
- IntDP_Munge (structure)
- integer_wordLib (structure)
- integer_wordSyntax (structure)
- integerRingLib (structure)
- integral_round_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- inter (value; UnicodeChars)
- INTER_CONV (value; enumTacs)
- inter_eq_tm (value; sptreeSyntax)
- inter_increasing (value; aiLib)
- inter_time (value; mlNearestNeighbor)
- inter_tm (value; pred_setSyntax, sptreeSyntax)
- interactive (value; Globals)
- interactive_ppbackend (value; Parse)
- interleave (value; aiLib)
- internal_bound (type; Sup_Inf)
- internal_consupd (value; combinpp)
- internal_idupd (value; combinpp)
- Interrupt (exception; Portable, Exn)
- interrupt (value; Exn)
- interrupt_exn (value; Exn)
- interruptible_capture (value; Exn)
- interruptkill (value; smlTimeout)
- intersect (value; Lib, CharSet, Portable, mlibUseful)
- intersection (value; Intset, Redblackset)
- intersectWith (value; Redblackmap)
- intersectWithi (value; Redblackmap)
- interval (value; aiLib, mlibUseful)
- intExtensionLib (structure)
- intLib (structure)
- Intmap (structure)
- intmap (type; Intmap)
- intrealSyntax (structure)
- intReduce (structure)
- INTRO_TUPLED_QUANT_CONV (value; pairTools)
- ints (value; UnicodeChars)
- Intset (structure)
- intset (type; Intset)
- intSimps (structure)
- intSyntax (structure)
- intto_CONV (value; inttoTacs)
- inttoTacs (structure)
- inv (value; Arbrat)
- inv_dict (value; aiLib)
- inv_image_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- inv_img_cmp (value; Lib, Portable)
- inv_img_eq (value; Portable)
- inv_tm (value; realSyntax, relationSyntax)
- invert_renaming_subst (value; hurdUtils)
- invert_subst (value; hurdUtils)
- invol_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- Io (exception; Portable)
- iparser (type; mlibParser)
- iprinter (type; mlibParser)
- IPSPEC (value; PairRules)
- IPSPECL (value; PairRules)
- irreflexive_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- irule (value; Tactic)
- irule_at (value; Tactic)
- IRULE_CANON (value; Drule)
- IRULE_TAC (value; Tactic)
- is_abbr (value; markerSyntax)
- is_abbrev (value; markerSyntax)
- is_abs (value; FinalTerm)
- is_absval (value; intSyntax, realSyntax)
- is_accurate (value; mlTreeNeuralNetwork)
- is_acs (value; transcSyntax)
- is_add (value; bitstringSyntax, patriciaSyntax)
- is_add_list (value; patriciaSyntax)
- is_add_lists (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_add_listw (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_add_with_carry (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_adds (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_addw (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_align (value; alignmentSyntax)
- is_aligned (value; alignmentSyntax)
- is_all_distinct (value; bagSyntax, bagLib, listSyntax)
- is_and_el (value; rich_listSyntax)
- is_antisymmetric (value; relationSyntax)
- is_app (value; Absyn, hhTranslate)
- is_append (value; listSyntax)
- is_aq (value; term_tokens)
- is_AQ (value; Absyn)
- is_aq (value; type_tokens)
- is_arb (value; boolSyntax)
- is_arith (value; numSimps)
- is_arith_asm (value; numSimps)
- is_asm_marker (value; ConseqConv)
- is_asn (value; transcSyntax)
- is_atn (value; transcSyntax)
- is_atom (value; mlibTerm)
- is_attribute (value; ThmAttribute)
- is_axiom (value; mlibThm)
- is_bag_ty (value; bagLib, bagSyntax)
- is_band (value; bitstringSyntax)
- is_biginter (value; pred_setSyntax)
- is_bigunion (value; pred_setSyntax)
- is_bij (value; pred_setSyntax)
- is_bind (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- is_binder (value; term_grammar)
- is_binop (value; liteLib, hurdUtils, mlibTerm)
- is_bit (value; bitSyntax)
- is_bit1 (value; numSyntax)
- is_bit2 (value; numSyntax)
- is_bit_count (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_bit_count_upto (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_bit_field_insert (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_bit_modify (value; bitSyntax)
- is_bit_reverse (value; bitSyntax)
- is_bit_set (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_bitify (value; bitstringSyntax)
- is_bits (value; bitSyntax)
- is_bitv (value; bitSyntax)
- is_bitwise (value; bitSyntax, bitstringSyntax)
- is_bn (value; sptreeSyntax)
- is_bnot (value; bitstringSyntax)
- is_bool_atom (value; boolSyntax)
- is_bool_case (value; boolSyntax)
- is_bool_size (value; basicSizeSyntax)
- is_boolify (value; bitstringSyntax, numposrepSyntax)
- is_bor (value; bitstringSyntax)
- is_branch (value; patriciaSyntax)
- is_branching_bit (value; patriciaSyntax)
- is_bs (value; sptreeSyntax)
- is_butlastn (value; rich_listSyntax)
- is_bv (value; hurdUtils)
- is_bvar (value; Term)
- is_bxor (value; bitstringSyntax)
- is_byte_align (value; alignmentSyntax)
- is_byte_aligned (value; alignmentSyntax)
- is_C (value; combinSyntax)
- is_c2b (value; cvSyntax)
- is_card (value; bagSyntax, bagLib, pred_setSyntax)
- is_cart_type (value; fcpSyntax)
- is_case (value; TypeBase, Pmatch, TypeBasePure)
- is_case_special (value; GrammarSpecials)
- is_char_ge (value; stringSyntax)
- is_char_gt (value; stringSyntax)
- is_char_le (value; stringSyntax)
- is_char_lit (value; Literal)
- is_char_literal (value; Lexis, stringSyntax)
- is_char_lt (value; stringSyntax)
- is_chardef (value; smlLexer)
- is_choice (value; pred_setSyntax)
- is_chr (value; stringLib, stringSyntax)
- is_classic (value; PmatchHeuristics)
- is_clause (value; mlibCanon)
- is_clean_varname (value; Lexis)
- is_cnf (value; mlibCanon)
- is_comb (value; FinalTerm)
- is_compl (value; pred_setSyntax)
- is_concat_word_list (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_cond (value; boolSyntax)
- is_conj (value; Absyn, boolSyntax)
- is_cons (value; listSyntax)
- is_const (value; FinalTerm, mlibTerm)
- is_constname (value; Parse)
- is_constraint (value; CooperSyntax)
- is_constructor (value; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- is_contradiction (value; mlibThm)
- is_cos (value; transcSyntax)
- is_count (value; pred_setSyntax)
- is_count_list (value; rich_listSyntax)
- is_cr (value; relationSyntax)
- is_cross (value; pred_setSyntax)
- is_curry (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- is_cv_add (value; cvSyntax)
- is_cv_div (value; cvSyntax)
- is_cv_eq (value; cvSyntax)
- is_cv_fst (value; cvSyntax)
- is_cv_if (value; cvSyntax)
- is_cv_ispair (value; cvSyntax)
- is_cv_lt (value; cvSyntax)
- is_cv_mod (value; cvSyntax)
- is_cv_mul (value; cvSyntax)
- is_cv_num (value; cvSyntax)
- is_cv_pair (value; cvSyntax)
- is_cv_proj (value; cv_miscLib)
- is_cv_rep (value; cv_miscLib)
- is_cv_snd (value; cvSyntax)
- is_cv_sub (value; cvSyntax)
- is_delete (value; pred_setSyntax, sptreeSyntax)
- is_depth (value; patriciaSyntax)
- is_depthw (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_dest_string (value; stringSyntax)
- is_diag (value; relationSyntax)
- is_diamond (value; relationSyntax)
- is_diff (value; bagSyntax, bagLib, pred_setSyntax)
- is_difference (value; sptreeSyntax)
- is_dimindex (value; fcpSyntax, wordsSyntax)
- is_dimword (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_Dint (value; transcSyntax)
- is_disj (value; Absyn, boolSyntax)
- is_disjoint (value; pred_setSyntax)
- is_div (value; numSyntax, intSyntax, realSyntax)
- is_div2 (value; numSyntax)
- is_div_2exp (value; bitSyntax)
- is_divides (value; intSyntax)
- is_division (value; transcSyntax)
- is_divmod (value; numSyntax)
- is_divmod_2exp (value; bitSyntax)
- is_domain (value; sptreeSyntax)
- is_drestrict (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- is_drop (value; listSyntax)
- is_dsize (value; transcSyntax)
- is_el (value; listSyntax)
- IS_EL_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- is_ell (value; rich_listSyntax)
- is_empty (value; mlibClause, mlibHeap, bagSyntax, patriciaSyntax, bagLib, pred_setSyntax)
- is_empty_guess_collection (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- is_empty_rel (value; relationSyntax)
- is_emptystring (value; stringLib, Literal, stringSyntax)
- is_eq (value; Absyn, boolSyntax, mlibTerm)
- is_eqc (value; Canon_Port, relationSyntax)
- is_equivalence (value; relationSyntax)
- is_even (value; numSyntax)
- is_every (value; bagSyntax, bagLib, listSyntax)
- is_every_leaf (value; patriciaSyntax)
- is_every_leafw (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_exists (value; Absyn, boolSyntax, listSyntax)
- is_exists1 (value; Absyn, boolSyntax)
- is_exists_leaf (value; patriciaSyntax)
- is_exists_leafw (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_exp (value; numSyntax, intSyntax, transcSyntax)
- is_explode (value; stringLib, stringSyntax)
- is_extract (value; stringSyntax)
- is_F (value; Solve)
- is_fact (value; numSyntax)
- is_fail (value; combinSyntax)
- is_fapply (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- is_fcard (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- is_fcp (value; fcpSyntax)
- is_fcp_cons (value; fcpSyntax)
- is_fcp_every (value; fcpSyntax)
- is_fcp_exists (value; fcpSyntax)
- is_fcp_hd (value; fcpSyntax)
- is_fcp_index (value; fcpSyntax)
- is_fcp_map (value; fcpSyntax)
- is_fcp_tl (value; fcpSyntax)
- is_fcp_update (value; fcpSyntax)
- is_fdiff (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- is_fdom (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- is_fempty (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- is_fevery (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- is_field (value; bitstringSyntax)
- is_field_insert (value; bitstringSyntax)
- is_fields (value; stringSyntax)
- is_filter (value; listSyntax)
- is_final_pstack (value; parse_term)
- is_find (value; patriciaSyntax, updateSyntax)
- is_finds (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_findw (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_fine (value; transcSyntax)
- is_finite (value; pred_setSyntax)
- is_fixwidth (value; bitstringSyntax)
- is_flat (value; listSyntax)
- is_float (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_abs (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_add (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_bottom (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_compare (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_div (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_equal (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_exponent (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_greater_equal (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_greater_than (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_is_finite (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_is_infinite (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_is_integral (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_is_nan (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_is_normal (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_is_signalling (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_is_subnormal (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_is_zero (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_less_equal (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_less_than (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_minus_infinity (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_minus_min (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_minus_zero (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_mul (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_mul_add (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_mul_sub (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_negate (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_plus_infinity (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_plus_min (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_plus_zero (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_round (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_round_to_integral (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_round_with_flags (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_sign (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_significand (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_some_qnan (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_sqrt (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_sub (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_to_int (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_to_real (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_top (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_float_value (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_flookup (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- is_fmap_map2 (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- is_fmap_ty (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- is_fmerge (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- is_fn (value; mlibTerm)
- is_foldi (value; sptreeSyntax)
- is_foldl (value; listSyntax)
- is_foldr (value; listSyntax)
- is_for (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- is_forall (value; Absyn, boolSyntax)
- is_foreach (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- is_fp16_to_fp32 (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- is_fp16_to_fp32_with_flags (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- is_fp16_to_fp64 (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- is_fp16_to_fp64_with_flags (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- is_fp32_to_fp16 (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- is_fp32_to_fp16_with_flags (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- is_fp32_to_fp64 (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- is_fp32_to_fp64_with_flags (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- is_fp64_to_fp16 (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- is_fp64_to_fp16_with_flags (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- is_fp64_to_fp32 (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- is_fp64_to_fp32_with_flags (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- is_frac_add (value; fracSyntax)
- is_frac_ainv (value; fracSyntax)
- is_frac_div (value; fracSyntax)
- is_frac_dnm (value; fracSyntax)
- is_frac_minv (value; fracSyntax)
- is_frac_mul (value; fracSyntax)
- is_frac_nmr (value; fracSyntax)
- is_frac_sgn (value; fracSyntax)
- is_frac_sub (value; fracSyntax)
- is_frange (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- is_fromAList (value; sptreeSyntax)
- is_fromBinString (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- is_fromDecString (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- is_fromHexString (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- is_fromList (value; sptreeSyntax)
- is_fromString (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- is_front (value; listSyntax)
- is_fst (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- is_fun_fmap (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- is_funion (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- is_funpow (value; numSyntax)
- is_fupdate (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- is_fupdate_list (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- is_gauge (value; transcSyntax)
- is_gen_tyvar (value; FinalType)
- is_genlist (value; listSyntax)
- is_genvar (value; FinalTerm)
- is_geq (value; intSyntax, numSyntax, Arith_cons, realSyntax)
- is_greater (value; intSyntax, numSyntax, Arith_cons, realSyntax)
- is_ground_real (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_guess (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- is_guess_general (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- is_guess_term (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- is_guess_thm (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- is_guess_tm (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- is_hd (value; listSyntax)
- is_hex (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- is_hide (value; markerLib)
- is_I (value; combinSyntax)
- is_i2w (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- is_id (value; Subst)
- is_idem (value; relationSyntax)
- is_ident (value; term_tokens, Absyn, type_tokens)
- is_iff (value; boolSyntax)
- is_image (value; bagSyntax, bagLib, pred_setSyntax)
- is_imp (value; boolSyntax, Absyn, hurdUtils, liteLib)
- is_imp_only (value; boolSyntax)
- is_implode (value; stringLib, stringSyntax)
- is_IN (value; boolSyntax)
- is_in (value; pred_setSyntax)
- is_in_ptree (value; patriciaSyntax)
- is_in_ptrees (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_in_ptreew (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_index (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_infinite (value; pred_setSyntax)
- is_initial (value; goalStack)
- is_inj (value; pred_setSyntax)
- is_injected (value; intSyntax, realSyntax)
- is_inl (value; mlibUseful, sumSyntax)
- is_inr (value; mlibUseful, sumSyntax)
- is_insert (value; bagSyntax, pred_setSyntax, bagLib, sptreeSyntax)
- is_insert_ptree (value; patriciaSyntax)
- is_insert_ptrees (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_insert_ptreew (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_INT_CEILING (value; intrealSyntax)
- is_int_float_bottom (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_int_float_minus_infinity (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_int_float_minus_min (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_int_float_minus_zero (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_int_float_plus_infinity (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_int_float_plus_min (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_int_float_plus_zero (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_int_float_some_qnan (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_int_float_top (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_INT_FLOOR (value; intrealSyntax)
- is_int_largest (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_int_literal (value; intSyntax)
- is_int_literal_hook (value; EmitML)
- is_int_max (value; integer_wordSyntax, wordsSyntax)
- is_int_min (value; integer_wordSyntax, wordsSyntax)
- is_int_threshold (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_int_tm (value; intrealSyntax)
- is_int_ULP (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_int_ulp (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_integral_round (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_inter (value; pred_setSyntax, sptreeSyntax)
- is_inter_eq (value; sptreeSyntax)
- is_interrupt (value; Exn)
- is_interrupt_exn (value; Exn)
- is_inv (value; realSyntax, relationSyntax)
- is_inv_image (value; relationSyntax)
- is_invol (value; relationSyntax)
- is_irreflexive (value; relationSyntax)
- is_is_int (value; intrealSyntax)
- is_is_none (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- is_is_ptree (value; patriciaSyntax)
- is_is_some (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- is_is_sublist (value; rich_listSyntax)
- is_is_suffix (value; rich_listSyntax)
- is_isalpha (value; stringSyntax)
- is_isalphanum (value; stringSyntax)
- is_isascii (value; stringSyntax)
- is_iscntrl (value; stringSyntax)
- is_isdigit (value; stringSyntax)
- is_isgraph (value; stringSyntax)
- is_ishexdigit (value; stringSyntax)
- is_isl (value; sumSyntax)
- is_islower (value; stringSyntax)
- is_isprefix (value; listSyntax, stringSyntax)
- is_isprint (value; stringSyntax)
- is_ispunct (value; stringSyntax)
- is_isr (value; sumSyntax)
- is_isspace (value; stringSyntax)
- is_isupper (value; stringSyntax)
- is_itself_size (value; basicSizeSyntax)
- is_join (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- is_K (value; combinSyntax)
- is_K_1 (value; combinSyntax)
- is_keys (value; patriciaSyntax)
- is_keyss (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_keysw (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_l2n (value; numposrepSyntax)
- is_l2v (value; fcpSyntax)
- is_l2w (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_label (value; markerSyntax)
- is_label_ref (value; markerSyntax)
- is_lam (value; Absyn)
- is_largest (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_last (value; listSyntax)
- is_lastn (value; rich_listSyntax)
- is_leaf (value; patriciaSyntax, psMCTS)
- is_least (value; numSyntax)
- is_LEAST_INT (value; intSyntax)
- is_length (value; listSyntax)
- is_leq (value; intSyntax, numSyntax, Arith_cons, realSyntax)
- is_less (value; intSyntax, numSyntax, Arith_cons, realSyntax)
- is_let (value; boolSyntax)
- is_lex (value; pairSyntax)
- is_linearorder (value; relationSyntax)
- is_linv (value; pred_setSyntax)
- is_list (value; listSyntax)
- is_list_case (value; listSyntax)
- is_list_elem_count (value; rich_listSyntax)
- is_list_to_set (value; listSyntax)
- is_list_type (value; listSyntax)
- is_list_update (value; updateSyntax)
- is_literal (value; mlibTerm, Literal, ratSyntax)
- is_literal_case (value; boolSyntax)
- is_ln (value; sptreeSyntax, transcSyntax)
- is_local_value (value; smlExecute)
- is_log2 (value; bitSyntax)
- is_lookup (value; sptreeSyntax)
- is_lose (value; psMCTS)
- is_ls (value; sptreeSyntax)
- is_malformed_abbrev (value; markerSyntax)
- is_map (value; listSyntax)
- is_map2 (value; listSyntax)
- is_max (value; numSyntax, intSyntax, realSyntax)
- is_max_set (value; pred_setSyntax)
- is_measure (value; numSyntax)
- is_mem (value; listSyntax)
- is_min (value; numSyntax, intSyntax, realSyntax)
- is_min_set (value; pred_setSyntax)
- is_minus (value; intSyntax, numSyntax, Arith_cons, realSyntax)
- is_mk_bn (value; sptreeSyntax)
- is_mk_bs (value; sptreeSyntax)
- is_mk_wf (value; sptreeSyntax)
- is_mmap (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- is_mod (value; intSyntax, numSyntax)
- is_mod_2exp (value; bitSyntax)
- is_mod_2exp_eq (value; bitSyntax)
- is_mod_2exp_max (value; bitSyntax)
- is_modify (value; bitstringSyntax)
- is_mult (value; intSyntax, numSyntax, Arith_cons, realSyntax)
- is_n2l (value; numposrepSyntax)
- is_n2s (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- is_n2v (value; bitstringSyntax)
- is_n2w (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_narrow (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- is_neg (value; boolSyntax, mlibTerm)
- is_neg_asm_marker (value; ConseqConv)
- is_neg_eq (value; BoolExtractShared)
- is_negated (value; intSyntax, realSyntax)
- is_nil (value; listSyntax)
- is_node (value; psMCTS)
- is_none (value; optionLib, liteLib, optionSyntax)
- is_none_tm (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- is_nub (value; listSyntax)
- is_null (value; listSyntax)
- is_Num (value; intSyntax)
- is_num_case (value; numSyntax)
- is_num_const (value; Arith_cons)
- is_num_from_bin_list (value; numposrepSyntax)
- is_num_from_bin_string (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- is_num_from_dec_list (value; numposrepSyntax)
- is_num_from_dec_string (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- is_num_from_hex_list (value; numposrepSyntax)
- is_num_from_hex_string (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- is_num_from_oct_list (value; numposrepSyntax)
- is_num_from_oct_string (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- is_num_literal (value; Lexis)
- is_num_reln (value; Arith_cons)
- is_num_to_bin_list (value; numposrepSyntax)
- is_num_to_bin_string (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- is_num_to_dec_list (value; numposrepSyntax)
- is_num_to_dec_string (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- is_num_to_hex_list (value; numposrepSyntax)
- is_num_to_hex_string (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- is_num_to_oct_list (value; numposrepSyntax)
- is_num_to_oct_string (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- is_number (value; smlLexer)
- is_numeral (value; Literal, numSyntax)
- is_numeric_type (value; fcpSyntax)
- is_numset_of_ptree (value; patriciaSyntax)
- is_nzcv (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_o (value; combinSyntax, relationSyntax)
- is_ocaml_pmatch (value; patternMatchesLib)
- is_odd (value; numSyntax)
- is_oldeval (value; tttEval)
- is_one (value; oneSyntax)
- is_one_size (value; basicSizeSyntax)
- is_option (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- is_option_case (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- is_option_join (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- is_option_map (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- is_option_size (value; basicSizeSyntax)
- is_or_el (value; rich_listSyntax)
- is_ord (value; stringLib, stringSyntax)
- is_order (value; relationSyntax)
- is_outl (value; sumSyntax)
- is_outr (value; sumSyntax)
- is_overloaded (value; Overload)
- is_override (value; updateSyntax)
- is_pabs (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- is_pad_left (value; listSyntax)
- is_pad_right (value; listSyntax)
- is_pair (value; Absyn, pairLib, pairSyntax)
- is_pair_case (value; pairSyntax)
- is_pair_map (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- is_pair_size (value; basicSizeSyntax)
- is_part (value; sortingSyntax)
- is_part3 (value; sortingSyntax)
- is_partition (value; sortingSyntax)
- is_peek (value; patriciaSyntax)
- is_peeks (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_peekw (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_PERM (value; permLib)
- is_perm (value; sortingSyntax)
- is_pexists (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- is_pexists1 (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- is_pforall (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- is_plet (value; pairSyntax)
- is_plus (value; intSyntax, numSyntax, Arith_cons, realSyntax)
- is_PMATCH (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- is_PMATCH_IS_EXHAUSTIVE (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- is_PMATCH_ROW (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- is_PMATCH_ROW_COND (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- is_PMATCH_ROW_COND_EX (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- is_pointer_eq (value; smlExecute)
- is_pow (value; pred_setSyntax, realSyntax)
- is_pre (value; Arith_cons, numSyntax)
- is_prefix (value; mlibUseful, rich_listSyntax)
- is_prenex (value; Arith, Prenex)
- is_preorder (value; relationSyntax)
- is_presburger (value; Cooper, Arith, Gen_arith, IntDP_Munge)
- is_proven_exhaustive_pmatch (value; patternMatchesLib)
- is_pselect (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- is_psubset (value; pred_setSyntax)
- is_ptree (value; patriciaLib)
- is_ptree_of_numset (value; patriciaSyntax)
- is_ptree_of_stringset (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_ptree_of_wordset (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_ptree_tm (value; patriciaSyntax)
- is_ptree_type (value; patriciaSyntax)
- is_pure_literal (value; Literal)
- is_qsort (value; sortingSyntax)
- is_qsort3 (value; sortingSyntax)
- is_quot (value; intSyntax)
- is_quoted (value; smlLexer)
- is_rat_add (value; ratSyntax)
- is_rat_ainv (value; ratSyntax)
- is_rat_div (value; ratSyntax)
- is_rat_dnm (value; ratSyntax)
- is_rat_geq (value; ratSyntax)
- is_rat_gre (value; ratSyntax)
- is_rat_leq (value; ratSyntax)
- is_rat_les (value; ratSyntax)
- is_rat_minv (value; ratSyntax)
- is_rat_mul (value; ratSyntax)
- is_rat_nmr (value; ratSyntax)
- is_rat_of_num (value; ratSyntax)
- is_rat_sgn (value; ratSyntax)
- is_rat_sub (value; ratSyntax)
- is_ratconst (value; RealArith)
- is_rc (value; relationSyntax)
- is_rcdiamond (value; relationSyntax)
- is_rcompl (value; relationSyntax)
- is_rdom (value; relationSyntax)
- is_read (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- is_real_literal (value; realSyntax)
- is_real_of_int (value; intrealSyntax)
- is_real_to_float (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_real_to_float_with_flags (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_realintconst (value; RealArith)
- is_record (value; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- is_record_type (value; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- is_reduce_and (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_reduce_nand (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_reduce_nor (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_reduce_or (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_reduce_xnor (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_reduce_xor (value; wordsSyntax)
- IS_REDUNDANT_ROWS_INFO_SHOW_ROW_IS_REDUNDANT_set_goal (value; patternMatchesLib)
- IS_REDUNDANT_ROWS_INFO_TO_PMATCH_EQ_THM (value; patternMatchesLib)
- is_reflexive (value; relationSyntax)
- is_rem (value; intSyntax)
- is_remove (value; patriciaSyntax)
- is_removes (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_removew (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_renaming (value; mlibSubst)
- is_renaming_subst (value; hurdUtils)
- is_replicate (value; bitstringSyntax, rich_listSyntax)
- is_res_abstract (value; boolSyntax, res_quanLib)
- is_res_exists (value; boolSyntax, res_quanLib)
- is_res_exists_unique (value; boolSyntax, res_quanLib)
- is_res_forall (value; boolSyntax, res_quanLib)
- is_res_select (value; boolSyntax, res_quanLib)
- is_reserved (value; smlLexer)
- is_rest (value; pred_setSyntax)
- is_restrict (value; relationSyntax)
- is_result (value; testutils)
- is_reverse (value; listSyntax)
- is_rewr (value; mlibClause)
- is_rinter (value; relationSyntax)
- is_rinv (value; pred_setSyntax)
- is_root (value; transcSyntax)
- is_rotate (value; bitstringSyntax)
- is_round (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_rpow (value; transcSyntax)
- is_rrange (value; relationSyntax)
- is_rrestrict (value; finite_mapSyntax, relationSyntax)
- is_rsubset (value; relationSyntax)
- is_rsum (value; transcSyntax)
- is_rtc (value; relationSyntax)
- is_runion (value; relationSyntax)
- is_runiv (value; relationSyntax)
- is_S (value; combinSyntax)
- is_s2n (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- is_s2v (value; bitstringSyntax)
- is_s2w (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_saturate_add (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_saturate_i2sw (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- is_saturate_i2w (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- is_saturate_mul (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_saturate_n2w (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_saturate_sub (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_saturate_sw2sw (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- is_saturate_sw2w (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- is_saturate_w2sw (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- is_saturate_w2w (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_sbit (value; bitSyntax)
- is_sc (value; relationSyntax)
- is_scanl (value; rich_listSyntax)
- is_scanr (value; rich_listSyntax)
- is_seg (value; rich_listSyntax)
- is_select (value; Absyn, boolSyntax)
- is_set_spec (value; pred_setSyntax)
- is_set_type (value; pred_setSyntax)
- is_shiftl (value; bitstringSyntax)
- is_shiftr (value; bitstringSyntax)
- is_sign_extend (value; bitSyntax, bitstringSyntax)
- is_signed_saturate_add (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- is_signed_saturate_sub (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- is_simpset (value; smlExecute)
- is_sin (value; transcSyntax)
- is_sing (value; pred_setSyntax)
- is_singleton (value; aiLib)
- is_size (value; patriciaSyntax, sptreeSyntax)
- is_sizew (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_skip (value; clauses)
- is_slice (value; bitSyntax)
- is_sml_pmatch (value; patternMatchesLib)
- is_sn (value; relationSyntax)
- is_snd (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- is_snoc (value; listSyntax)
- is_some (value; liteLib, optionLib, hurdUtils, optionSyntax)
- is_some_ptree (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- IS_SOME_select_fun (value; quantHeuristicsLibAbbrev)
- is_some_tm (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- is_sorted (value; sortingSyntax)
- is_splitl (value; rich_listSyntax)
- is_splitp (value; rich_listSyntax)
- is_splitr (value; rich_listSyntax)
- is_sqrt (value; isqrtLib, transcSyntax)
- is_str (value; stringSyntax)
- is_strcat (value; stringSyntax)
- is_string (value; stringLib, smlExecute, stringSyntax)
- is_string_case (value; stringSyntax)
- is_string_fn (value; hurdUtils)
- is_string_ge (value; stringSyntax)
- is_string_gt (value; stringSyntax)
- is_string_le (value; stringSyntax)
- is_string_lit (value; Literal)
- is_string_literal (value; Lexis, stringSyntax)
- is_string_lt (value; stringSyntax)
- is_stringset_of_ptree (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_strlen (value; stringSyntax)
- is_stronglinearorder (value; relationSyntax)
- is_strongorder (value; relationSyntax)
- is_strord (value; relationSyntax)
- is_struct_HOL_ERR (value; testutils)
- is_stype (value; smlExecute)
- is_sub (value; stringSyntax)
- is_sub_bag (value; bagLib, bagSyntax)
- is_sublist_tm (value; rich_listSyntax)
- is_subset (value; pred_setSyntax)
- is_substring (value; Portable, Lib, stringSyntax)
- is_suc (value; Arith_cons, numSyntax)
- is_suffix (value; rich_listSyntax)
- is_suffix_tm (value; rich_listSyntax)
- is_sum (value; listSyntax)
- is_sum_image (value; pred_setSyntax)
- is_sum_set (value; pred_setSyntax)
- is_sum_size (value; basicSizeSyntax)
- is_surj (value; pred_setSyntax)
- is_sw2sw (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_swap (value; pairSyntax)
- is_symmetric (value; relationSyntax)
- is_T (value; Solve)
- is_tactic (value; smlExecute)
- is_take (value; listSyntax)
- is_tan (value; transcSyntax)
- is_tc (value; relationSyntax)
- is_tdiv (value; transcSyntax)
- is_temp_binding (value; Theory, TheoryPP)
- is_termstac (value; tttToken)
- is_testbit (value; bitstringSyntax)
- is_the (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- is_the_ptree (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_the_value (value; boolSyntax)
- is_thm (value; smlExecute)
- is_thm_value (value; smlExecute)
- is_thml (value; smlExecute)
- is_thmlstac (value; tttToken)
- is_threshold (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_times_2exp (value; bitSyntax)
- is_tl (value; listSyntax)
- is_tmvar (value; hurdUtils)
- is_toAList (value; sptreeSyntax)
- is_tochar (value; stringSyntax)
- is_tokens (value; stringSyntax)
- is_toList (value; sptreeSyntax)
- is_tolower (value; stringSyntax)
- is_toString (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- is_total (value; relationSyntax)
- is_toupper (value; stringSyntax)
- is_tptp_bv (value; hhTranslate)
- is_tptp_fv (value; hhTranslate)
- is_transform (value; patriciaSyntax)
- is_transformw (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_transitive (value; relationSyntax)
- is_translate (value; stringSyntax)
- is_traverse (value; patriciaSyntax)
- is_traverses (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_traversew (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_tvar (value; type_tokens)
- is_ty_antiq (value; parse_type)
- is_type (value; FinalType)
- is_typed (value; Absyn)
- is_typesymbol (value; type_tokens)
- is_tyvar (value; hurdUtils)
- is_uint_max (value; integer_wordSyntax, wordsSyntax)
- is_ULP (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_ulp (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- is_unaryop (value; hurdUtils)
- is_uncurry (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- is_undecided (value; psMCTS)
- is_unhex (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- is_union (value; bagSyntax, pred_setSyntax, bagLib, sptreeSyntax)
- is_unit (value; mlibThm, state_transformerSyntax)
- is_unit_eq (value; mlibThm)
- is_univ (value; pred_setSyntax)
- is_unzip (value; listSyntax)
- is_unzip_fst (value; rich_listSyntax)
- is_unzip_snd (value; rich_listSyntax)
- is_update (value; combinSyntax)
- is_update_comb (value; combinSyntax)
- is_using (value; markerSyntax)
- is_v2l (value; fcpSyntax)
- is_v2n (value; bitstringSyntax)
- is_v2s (value; bitstringSyntax)
- is_v2w (value; bitstringSyntax)
- is_var (value; FinalTerm, mlibTerm)
- is_vartype (value; FinalType)
- is_vconstraint (value; CooperSyntax)
- is_vstruct (value; pairSyntax, pairLib)
- is_W (value; combinSyntax)
- is_w2i (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- is_w2l (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_w2n (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_w2s (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_w2v (value; bitstringSyntax)
- is_w2w (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_wcr (value; relationSyntax)
- is_weaklinearorder (value; relationSyntax)
- is_weakorder (value; relationSyntax)
- is_well_formed_pmatch (value; patternMatchesLib)
- is_wf (value; relationSyntax, sptreeSyntax)
- is_wfp (value; relationSyntax)
- is_WFR (value; wfrecUtils)
- is_while (value; numSyntax)
- is_widen (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- is_win (value; psMCTS)
- is_word_1comp (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_2comp (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_abs (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_add (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_and (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_asr (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_asr_bv (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_bit (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_bits (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_compare (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_concat (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_div (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_extract (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_from_bin_list (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_from_bin_string (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_from_dec_list (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_from_dec_string (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_from_hex_list (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_from_hex_string (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_from_oct_list (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_from_oct_string (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_ge (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_gt (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_H (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_hi (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_hs (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_join (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_L (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_L2 (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_le (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_len (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_literal (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_lo (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_log2 (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_ls (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_lsb (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_lsl (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_lsl_bv (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_lsr (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_lsr_bv (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_lt (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_max (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_min (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_mod (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_modify (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_msb (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_mul (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_nand (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_nor (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_or (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_ptree_type (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_word_quot (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_reduce (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_rem (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_replicate (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_reverse (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_rol (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_rol_bv (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_ror (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_ror_bv (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_rrx (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_sdiv (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- is_word_sign_extend (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_slice (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_smax (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_smin (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_smod (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- is_word_sub (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_T (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_to_bin_list (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_to_bin_string (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_to_dec_list (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_to_dec_string (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_to_hex_list (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_to_hex_string (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_to_oct_list (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_to_oct_string (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_type (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_xnor (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_word_xor (value; wordsSyntax)
- is_wordempty (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_wordset_of_ptree (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- is_write (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- is_zero (value; Literal, Arith_cons)
- is_zero_extend (value; bitstringSyntax)
- is_zip (value; listSyntax)
- isAlpha (value; UnicodeChars)
- isAlpha_i (value; UnicodeChars)
- isalpha_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- isAlphaNum (value; UnicodeChars)
- isAlphaNum_i (value; UnicodeChars)
- isalphanum_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- isascii_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- iscntrl_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- Isct (value; Lib)
- isDigit (value; UnicodeChars)
- isDigit_i (value; UnicodeChars)
- isdigit_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- isDisk (value; FinalTag, Tag)
- isEmpty (value; Intset, Redblackmap, FinalTag, Redblackset, CharSet, Tag, UTF8Set)
- isgraph_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- ishexdigit_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- isl_tm (value; sumSyntax)
- islower_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- isMLIdent (value; UnicodeChars)
- isMLIdent_i (value; UnicodeChars)
- isolate_to_front (value; IndDefLib)
- ISPEC (value; Drule, Q)
- ISPEC_THEN (value; Q)
- ISPECL (value; Drule, Q)
- ISPECL_THEN (value; Q)
- isprefix_tm (value; listSyntax, stringSyntax)
- isprint_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- ispunct_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- isqrt (value; Arbnumcore)
- iSQRT_COMPUTE_CONV (value; isqrtLib)
- isqrtLib (structure)
- isr_tm (value; sumSyntax)
- isSpace (value; UnicodeChars)
- isSpace_i (value; UnicodeChars)
- isspace_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- isSubset (value; Intset, Redblackset)
- isSuccess (value; KernelSig)
- isSupDigit (value; UnicodeChars)
- isSupDigit_i (value; UnicodeChars)
- isSymbolic (value; UnicodeChars)
- isSymbolic_i (value; UnicodeChars)
- istream (type; Lib, Portable)
- isUnix (value; Systeml)
- isupper_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- IT_EXISTS (value; Rules)
- ITEM (value; HOLtokens)
- ITEMS (value; HOLtokens)
- itlist (value; Lib, Portable)
- itlist2 (value; Lib)
- itnet (value; FinalNet, FCNet, Net)
- its (value; aiLib)
- itself_size_tm (value; basicSizeSyntax)
- L (value; markerLib)
- L (constructor; GenPolyCanon)
- L (value; markerSyntax)
- l2n_tm (value; numposrepSyntax)
- l2v_tm (value; fcpSyntax)
- l2w_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- L_Cflipped (constructor; GenPolyCanon)
- LABEL_ASSUM (value; markerLib)
- LABEL_CONG_ss (value; boolSimps)
- label_tm (value; markerSyntax)
- label_ty (value; markerSyntax)
- LABEL_X_ASSUM (value; markerLib)
- LAMB (constructor; FinalTerm, Rsyntax)
- lambda (type; Rsyntax, Psyntax)
- Lambda (value; UnicodeChars)
- lambda (type; FinalTerm)
- lambda (value; UnicodeChars)
- lambdify (value; bossLib)
- LAND_CONV (value; Conv, liteLib)
- langle (value; UnicodeChars)
- largest_CONV (value; binary_ieeeLib)
- largest_eqs (value; mlibClause)
- largest_lits (value; mlibClause)
- largest_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- largest_tms (value; mlibClause)
- last (value; Lib)
- LAST_ASSUM (value; Tactical)
- last_assum (value; Tactical)
- last_assum_term (value; term_tactic)
- LAST_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- LAST_EXISTS_CONV (value; Conv)
- LAST_FORALL_CONV (value; Conv)
- last_tcerror (value; Preterm)
- last_tm (value; listSyntax)
- LAST_X_ASSUM (value; Tactical)
- last_x_assum (value; Tactical)
- lastChar (value; UTF8)
- LASTGOAL (value; Tactical)
- LASTN_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- lastn_tm (value; rich_listSyntax)
- latest (value; Canon, refuteLib)
- layer (type; mlNeuralNetwork)
- lazy (type; liteLib)
- lazy (value; liteLib)
- lazy_beta_conv (value; Term)
- lazyfy_thm (value; computeLib, compute_rules)
- lcm (value; CooperMath, Int_extra)
- lcml (value; CooperMath)
- ldistrib_tm (value; boolSyntax)
- ldquo (value; UnicodeChars)
- LE_CONV (value; Arithconv, reduceLib)
- LEAF (constructor; mlibUseful, hurdUtils)
- Leaf (constructor; psMCTS)
- leaf_normalise (value; OmegaMath)
- leaf_tm (value; patriciaSyntax)
- learn_abstract_term (value; tttSetup)
- learn_tactic_time (value; tttSetup)
- learn_tfidf (value; mlFeature)
- learn_tfidf_symfreq (value; mlFeature)
- learn_tfidf_symfreq_nofilter (value; mlFeature)
- LEAST_ELIM_TAC (value; numLib)
- LEAST_INT_tm (value; intSyntax)
- least_tm (value; numSyntax)
- LEAVE_LETS (value; BasicProvers)
- LEFT (constructor; hurdUtils)
- Left (constructor; CooperMath)
- LEFT (constructor; EmitML)
- LEFT (value; Parse)
- LEFT_ABS_VSTRUCT (value; Rules)
- LEFT_ADD_DISTRIB_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- LEFT_AND_EXISTS_CONV (value; Conv)
- LEFT_AND_FORALL_CONV (value; Conv)
- LEFT_AND_PEXISTS_CONV (value; PairRules)
- LEFT_AND_PFORALL_CONV (value; PairRules)
- LEFT_CONJ_TAC (value; schneiderUtils)
- LEFT_DISJ_TAC (value; schneiderUtils)
- LEFT_DIST_NORM_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- LEFT_EXISTS (value; Rules)
- LEFT_EXISTS_TAC (value; schneiderUtils)
- LEFT_FORALL_TAC (value; schneiderUtils)
- LEFT_IMP_AND_INTRO_RULE (value; quantHeuristicsTools)
- LEFT_IMP_EXISTS_CONV (value; Conv)
- LEFT_IMP_FORALL_CONV (value; Conv)
- LEFT_IMP_OR_INTRO_RULE (value; quantHeuristicsTools)
- LEFT_IMP_PEXISTS_CONV (value; PairRules)
- LEFT_IMP_PFORALL_CONV (value; PairRules)
- LEFT_LEMMA_DISJ_CASES_TAC (value; schneiderUtils)
- LEFT_LIST_PBETA (value; PairRules)
- LEFT_NO_EXISTS_TAC (value; schneiderUtils)
- LEFT_NO_FORALL_TAC (value; schneiderUtils)
- LEFT_OR_EXISTS_CONV (value; Conv)
- LEFT_OR_FORALL_CONV (value; Conv)
- LEFT_OR_PEXISTS_CONV (value; PairRules)
- LEFT_OR_PFORALL_CONV (value; PairRules)
- LEFT_PBETA (value; PairRules)
- Leftarrow (value; UnicodeChars)
- leftarrow (value; UnicodeChars)
- lemmas_glob (value; holyHammer)
- length (value; mlibStream, seq)
- LENGTH_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- length_encoded (value; Coding)
- length_tm (value; listSyntax)
- length_vistree (value; tttSearch)
- lensel (value; UnicodeChars)
- lenser (value; UnicodeChars)
- leq (value; UnicodeChars)
- LEQ_CONV (value; Solve_ineqs)
- LEQ_PLUS_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- leq_tm (value; numSyntax, intSyntax, realSyntax)
- less1 (value; Arbnumcore, mlibArbnum)
- less2 (value; Arbnumcore, mlibArbnum)
- LESS_CONV (value; wordsLib)
- LESS_EQ_PLUS (value; Theorems)
- LESS_EQ_TRANSIT (value; Theorems)
- less_equal_CONV (value; binary_ieeeLib)
- LESS_NORM_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- LESS_OR_EQ_GATHER_CONV (value; Norm_ineqs)
- LESS_REWR (value; totoTacs)
- less_than_CONV (value; binary_ieeeLib)
- less_tm (value; numSyntax, intSyntax, realSyntax)
- let_CONV (value; PairedLambda, pairLib)
- LET_ELIM_TAC (value; BasicProvers)
- LET_EQ_TAC (value; pairLib, pairTools)
- LET_INTRO (value; pairLib, pairTools)
- LET_INTRO_TAC (value; pairLib, pairTools)
- let_processor (value; boolpp)
- LET_SIMP_CONV (value; PairedLambda, pairLib)
- let_special (value; GrammarSpecials)
- LET_ss (value; boolSimps)
- let_tm (value; boolSyntax)
- letcons_special (value; GrammarSpecials)
- letnil_special (value; GrammarSpecials)
- letprinter (value; boolpp)
- lex (value; term_tokens)
- lex_cmp (value; Lib, Portable)
- LEX_ERR (exception; base_tokens)
- lex_list_order (value; mlibUseful)
- lex_order (value; mlibUseful)
- lex_order2 (value; mlibUseful)
- lex_order3 (value; mlibUseful)
- lex_seq_order (value; mlibUseful)
- lex_tm (value; pairSyntax)
- lex_to_toklist (value; qbuf)
- Lexis (structure)
- lextest (value; term_tokens, type_tokens)
- lextoto_CONV (value; totoTacs)
- lfs (value; bossLib)
- lhand (value; boolSyntax, liteLib)
- lhs (value; Preterm)
- LHS (value; hurdUtils)
- lhs (value; boolSyntax, mlibTerm)
- lhs_coeffs (value; Term_coeffs)
- LHS_CONV (value; Conv)
- Lib (structure)
- lift (value; errormonad, optmonad, Subst, seqmonad, Coding, smpp)
- Lift (structure)
- lift (value; stmonad)
- lift2 (value; optmonad, seqmonad, errormonad, stmonad)
- lift_bool (value; boolSyntax)
- lift_cases_ss (value; DatatypeSimps)
- lift_cases_stateful_ss (value; DatatypeSimps)
- lift_cases_typeinfos_ss (value; DatatypeSimps)
- lift_char (value; stringSyntax)
- LIFT_COND_ss (value; boolSimps)
- LIFT_CONV (value; hhTranslate)
- lift_def_syntax (value; Lift)
- lift_list (value; listSyntax)
- lift_num (value; numSyntax)
- lift_of (value; TypeBasePure)
- lift_one (value; oneSyntax)
- lift_option (value; optionSyntax)
- lift_prod (value; pairSyntax)
- lift_string (value; stringSyntax)
- lift_sum (value; sumSyntax)
- lift_theorem_by_quotients (value; quotient)
- limbfs (value; ImplicitGraph)
- limdfs (value; ImplicitGraph)
- limit (type; mlibSolver, mlibMetis)
- limit (value; bossLib)
- limit (type; mlibMeter)
- limit (value; metisTools)
- limit (type; metisTools)
- limit (value; mlibMetis)
- limit (type; folTools)
- limit (value; simpLib)
- limit_to_string (value; mlibMeter)
- LINE_LENGTH (value; mlibUseful)
- line_name (value; unwindLib)
- line_var (value; unwindLib)
- LINEAR_MULT (value; CooperMath)
- LINEAR_SUM_CONV (value; Norm_arith)
- linearorder_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- linewidth (value; Globals)
- lineWidth (value; OldPP)
- linewidth (value; testutils)
- link_parents (value; Theory)
- link_sigobj (value; aiLib)
- linv_tm (value; pred_setSyntax)
- lisp (type; aiLib)
- lisp_lexer (value; aiLib)
- lisp_parser (value; aiLib)
- List (constructor; ThyDataSexp)
- List (value; HOLsexp)
- LIST_AND_IMP_ELIM_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsTools)
- LIST_BETA_CONV (value; Drule)
- list_cache (value; quotient)
- list_case_tm (value; listSyntax)
- list_combine (value; aiLib)
- list_compare (value; Lib, Portable)
- list_compset (value; listLib, listSimps)
- LIST_CONJ (value; Drule)
- list_CONV (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- list_decode (value; HOLsexp, ThyDataSexp)
- list_dest_comb (value; hurdUtils)
- list_diff (value; aiLib)
- list_elem_count_tm (value; rich_listSyntax)
- list_encode (value; HOLsexp)
- list_eq (value; Lib, Portable)
- list_EQ_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- LIST_EQ_SIMP_CONV (value; listLib, listSimps)
- LIST_EQ_ss (value; listLib, listSimps)
- LIST_EXISTS_AND_CONV (value; Conv)
- LIST_EXISTS_IMP_CONV (value; Conv)
- LIST_EXISTS_INTRO_IMP (value; ConseqConv)
- LIST_EXISTS_NOT_CONV (value; Conv)
- LIST_EXISTS_OR_CONV (value; Conv)
- LIST_EXISTS_TAC (value; Q)
- list_FOLD_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- LIST_FORALL_AND_CONV (value; Conv)
- LIST_FORALL_IMP_CONV (value; Conv)
- LIST_FORALL_NOT_CONV (value; Conv)
- LIST_FORALL_OR_CONV (value; Conv)
- LIST_GEN_EQ (value; ConseqConv)
- LIST_GEN_IMP (value; ConseqConv)
- LIST_HALF_MK_ABS (value; DefnBase)
- list_imax (value; aiLib)
- list_imin (value; aiLib)
- LIST_INDUCT (value; listLib, ListConv1)
- LIST_INDUCT_TAC (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- list_len_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibParameters)
- list_make_comb (value; Parse_support)
- list_mk_abs (value; FinalTerm, boolSyntax)
- list_mk_anylet (value; pairSyntax)
- list_mk_app (value; Absyn)
- list_mk_append (value; listSyntax)
- list_mk_biginter (value; pred_setSyntax)
- list_mk_bigunion (value; pred_setSyntax)
- list_mk_binder (value; FinalTerm)
- list_mk_binop (value; aiLib)
- list_mk_comb (value; FinalTerm)
- list_mk_conj (value; Absyn, boolSyntax, mlibTerm)
- list_mk_disj (value; Absyn, boolSyntax, mlibTerm)
- LIST_MK_EXISTS (value; Drule)
- list_mk_exists (value; Absyn, boolSyntax, mlibTerm)
- list_mk_exists1 (value; Absyn)
- list_mk_forall (value; Absyn, boolSyntax, mlibTerm)
- list_mk_fun (value; HolKernelDoc, boolSyntax)
- list_mk_fun_type (value; wfrecUtils)
- list_mk_fupdate (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- list_mk_icomb (value; HolKernelDoc, boolSyntax, liteLib)
- list_mk_imp (value; Absyn, boolSyntax)
- list_mk_insert (value; bagLib, bagSyntax)
- list_mk_lam (value; Absyn)
- list_mk_lbinop (value; HolKernelDoc)
- list_mk_mult (value; numSyntax, intSyntax, realSyntax)
- list_mk_pabs (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- list_mk_pair (value; Absyn, pairLib, pairSyntax)
- LIST_MK_PEXISTS (value; PairRules)
- list_mk_pexists (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- LIST_MK_PFORALL (value; PairRules)
- list_mk_pforall (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- list_mk_plus (value; numSyntax, intSyntax, realSyntax)
- list_mk_prod (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- list_mk_prod_type (value; wfrecUtils)
- list_mk_rbinop (value; HolKernelDoc)
- list_mk_res_exists (value; boolSyntax, res_quanLib)
- list_mk_res_forall (value; boolSyntax, res_quanLib)
- list_mk_select (value; Absyn)
- list_mk_sum (value; sumSyntax)
- list_mk_ucomb (value; boolSyntax)
- list_mk_union (value; bagLib, bagSyntax)
- LIST_MP (value; Drule)
- list_no_len_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibParameters)
- list_nth_CONV (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- list_of_pair (value; Lib, Portable)
- list_of_ptree (value; patriciaLib)
- list_of_quadruple (value; Lib, Portable)
- list_of_seq (value; Sequence)
- list_of_singleton (value; Lib, Portable)
- list_of_triple (value; Lib, Portable)
- list_ops (value; ThmSetData)
- list_ord (value; liteLib)
- LIST_PBETA_CONV (value; PairRules)
- list_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibParameters)
- list_rat_add (value; ratSyntax)
- list_rat_mul (value; ratSyntax)
- list_rmax (value; aiLib)
- list_rws (value; listLib, listSimps)
- LIST_ss (value; listLib, listSimps)
- list_ss (value; bossLib)
- list_tactic (type; Abbrev)
- list_to_bl_CONV (value; enumTacs)
- list_to_bt_CONV (value; enumTacs)
- list_to_set_tm (value; listSyntax)
- list_to_string (value; hurdUtils, wfrecUtils)
- list_ty_filter (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibParameters)
- LIST_UPDATE_ELIM_CONV (value; updateLib)
- LIST_UPDATE_INTRO_CONV (value; updateLib)
- list_update_tm (value; updateSyntax)
- list_validation (type; Abbrev)
- list_variant (value; quantHeuristicsTools)
- ListConv1 (structure)
- listDB (value; DB)
- listDir (value; Portable, aiLib)
- listDir_all (value; aiLib)
- ListForm (value; Parse)
- listform_to_rule (value; term_grammar)
- listItems (value; LVTermNet, Net, KernelSig, Redblackmap, Intset, Redblackset, Intmap, TypeBasePure, FinalNet, TypeNet, CharSet, UTF8Set, computeLib)
- listItems' (value; Redblackmap)
- listKeys (value; Redblackmap)
- listLib (structure)
- listName (value; KernelSig)
- listoto_CONV (value; totoTacs)
- listset (value; boolSyntax)
- listSimps (structure)
- listspec (type; term_grammar)
- listsym (constructor; PEGParse)
- listSyntax (structure)
- listThy (value; KernelSig)
- lit_type (type; PPBackEnd)
- liteLib (structure)
- Literal (structure)
- literal (value; Coding)
- literal_atom (value; mlibTerm)
- literal_case (value; boolSyntax)
- literal_case_ss (value; boolSimps)
- literal_rewrite (value; mlibTerm)
- literal_subterm (value; mlibTerm)
- literal_subterms (value; mlibTerm)
- literalnet (type; mlibLiteralnet)
- literals (value; mlibClause)
- literals_compile_fun (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- LLABEL_RES_THEN (value; markerLib)
- LLABEL_RESOLVE (value; markerLib)
- ln_tm (value; sptreeSyntax, transcSyntax)
- lo (value; UnicodeChars)
- load_complete (value; Theory)
- load_sigobj (value; aiLib, tttUnfold)
- load_thydata (value; TheoryReader)
- loc (type; mlNearestNeighbor, mlTacticData)
- Loc (constructor; locn)
- loc (type; tttLearn)
- loc_compare (value; mlTacticData)
- Loc_Near (constructor; locn)
- Loc_None (constructor; locn)
- Loc_Unknown (constructor; locn)
- LocA (constructor; locn)
- local_attribute (value; ThmAttribute)
- local_tag (value; tttRecord)
- local_thm (value; DB)
- located (type; locn)
- location (type; DB)
- locfrag (value; locn)
- locn (type; locn)
- locn (structure)
- locn (value; Preterm)
- locn_of_absyn (value; Absyn)
- locn_of_vstruct (value; Absyn)
- locn_point (type; locn)
- locn_point_toString (value; locn)
- LocP (constructor; locn)
- locp (value; locn)
- LocPBeg (constructor; locn)
- LocPEnd (constructor; locn)
- log (value; mlReinforce)
- log2 (value; Arbnumcore, mlibUseful)
- log2_tm (value; bitSyntax)
- logged_addfrags (value; BasicProvers)
- logged_update (value; BasicProvers)
- logic_l1 (value; hhExportLib)
- logic_map (type; folTools)
- longdoubleleftarrow (value; UnicodeChars)
- longdoublerightarrow (value; UnicodeChars)
- longest_pfx_member (value; UTF8Set)
- longleftarrow (value; UnicodeChars)
- longmapsfrom (value; UnicodeChars)
- longmapsto (value; UnicodeChars)
- longrightarrow (value; UnicodeChars)
- lookup (value; FinalNet, Ho_Net, AList, Net)
- lookup_indn (value; DefnBaseCore)
- lookup_named_frag (value; simpLib)
- lookup_simpfrag_conv (value; simpfrag)
- lookup_tm (value; sptreeSyntax)
- lookup_userdef (value; DefnBaseCore)
- lookup_UserStyle (value; PPBackEnd)
- looplimit (value; tttSearch)
- loose_equality (value; ParseExtras)
- Lose (constructor; psMCTS)
- lower (value; mlibParser, smpp)
- lower_int_of_rat (value; Rationals)
- lrfs (value; bossLib)
- lrw (value; bossLib)
- ls (value; UnicodeChars)
- ls_tm (value; sptreeSyntax)
- lsl (value; UnicodeChars)
- lspine_binop (value; HolKernelDoc)
- lsquo (value; UnicodeChars)
- lsr (value; UnicodeChars)
- Lstring (constructor; aiLib)
- LT (constructor; CooperMath)
- LT_CONV (value; Arithconv, reduceLib)
- lt_of_ord (value; liteLib)
- LT_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- Lterm (constructor; aiLib)
- LTL2OMEGA_CONV (value; temporalLib)
- LTL_CONV (value; temporalLib)
- LtoR (constructor; mlibRewrite)
- LVTermNet (structure)
- lvtermnet (type; LVTermNet)
- LZ_TEXT (constructor; Trace)
- machine_ieeeLib (structure)
- machine_ieeeSyntax (structure)
- main_hh (value; holyHammer)
- main_hh_lemmas (value; holyHammer)
- main_tactictoe (value; tacticToe)
- make (value; AList, AncestryData)
- make_aq (value; Parse_support)
- make_aq_binding_occ (value; Parse_support)
- make_atom (value; Parse_support)
- make_binding_occ (value; Parse_support)
- make_case_arrow (value; Parse_support)
- make_constrained (value; Parse_support)
- make_constructorList (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- make_counter (value; Portable)
- make_definitions (value; InductiveDefinition)
- make_equiv (value; quotient)
- make_guess___assume (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- make_guess___dummy (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- make_guess___simple (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- make_guess_thm_term (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- make_let (value; Parse_support)
- make_log_file (value; Systeml)
- make_preterm (value; Parse_support)
- make_qconst (value; Parse_support)
- make_quotient (value; quotient)
- make_set_abs (value; Parse_support)
- make_set_guess_thm (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- make_set_guess_thm___assume (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- make_set_guess_thm___dummy (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- make_set_guess_thm___simple (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- make_shared_term (value; SharingTables)
- make_shared_type (value; SharingTables)
- make_simpset_derived_value (value; BasicProvers)
- make_vstruct (value; Parse_support)
- Manager (structure)
- many (value; mlibParser, Coding, optmonad)
- many1 (value; optmonad)
- map (value; PIntMap, Net, Redblackmap, LVTermNet, TypeNet, Intmap, hurdUtils, FinalNet, mlibMultiset, Coding, mlibPatricia, mlibStream, seq)
- map2 (value; Lib)
- MAP2_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- map2_tm (value; listSyntax)
- map_assoc (value; aiLib)
- MAP_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- map_default (value; AList)
- MAP_ELEM_CONV (value; fmapalTacs)
- map_entry (value; AList)
- map_entry_yield (value; AList)
- MAP_EVERY (value; Tactical, jrhTactics)
- map_every (value; Tactical)
- map_exn (value; Exn)
- MAP_FIRST (value; Tactical)
- map_fix (value; mlibModel)
- map_fst (value; aiLib)
- map_order (value; mlibUseful)
- map_res (value; Exn)
- map_snd (value; aiLib)
- MAP_THM (value; Conv)
- map_tm (value; listSyntax)
- mapfilter (value; Lib, Portable)
- mapi (value; PIntMap, Portable, Lib, mlibPatricia)
- maplet (type; mlibSubst, mlibLiteralnet, mlibSubsume, mlibClause, mlibTerm, hurdUtils, mlibTermnet, mlibUseful)
- maplet_map (value; hurdUtils)
- mapp (value; smpp)
- mapPartial (value; Redblackmap, seq)
- mapPartiali (value; Redblackmap)
- mappr_list (value; smpp)
- maps (value; mlibStream, mlibUseful)
- maps_res (value; Exn)
- mapsfrom (value; UnicodeChars)
- mapshape (value; Lib)
- mapsto (value; UnicodeChars)
- mapsto_special (value; combinpp)
- markerLib (structure)
- markerSyntax (structure)
- mask_unknown_arg (value; tttTrain)
- mask_unknown_pol (value; tttTrain)
- mask_unknown_val (value; tttTrain)
- mat (type; mlMatrix, mlNeuralNetwork)
- mat_add (value; mlMatrix)
- mat_add_mem (value; mlMatrix)
- mat_dim (value; mlMatrix)
- mat_map (value; mlMatrix)
- mat_mult (value; mlMatrix)
- mat_random (value; mlMatrix)
- mat_smult (value; mlMatrix)
- mat_sub (value; mlMatrix)
- mat_tabulate (value; mlMatrix)
- mat_transpose (value; mlMatrix)
- mat_update (value; mlMatrix)
- match (value; LVTermNet, Net, FinalNet, TypeNet, FCNet, hol88Lib, DB, mlibLiteralnet, mlibMatch, mlibTermnet)
- match1_tac (value; match_goal)
- MATCH_ABBREV_TAC (value; Q, markerLib)
- MATCH_ACCEPT_TAC (value; Tactic)
- MATCH_ASSUM_ABBREV_TAC (value; Q, markerLib)
- match_constructor (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- match_goal (structure)
- match_literals (value; mlibMatch)
- MATCH_MP (value; Drule)
- MATCH_MP_DEPTH (value; hurdUtils)
- MATCH_MP_TAC (value; Tactic)
- match_mp_tac (value; Tactic)
- match_position (type; mp_then, Tactic, resolve_then)
- match_tac (value; match_goal)
- match_term (value; FinalTerm, hol88Lib, wfrecUtils)
- match_term_var (value; quantHeuristicsTools)
- match_terml (value; FinalTerm)
- match_type (value; FinalType, hol88Lib, wfrecUtils)
- match_type_in_context (value; FinalType)
- match_type_restr (value; FinalType)
- matched (value; mlibLiteralnet, mlibTermnet)
- matcher (type; match_goal)
- matcher (value; DB)
- matches (value; DB)
- matchl (value; mlibMatch)
- matchl_literals (value; mlibMatch)
- matchp (value; DB)
- matchTools (structure)
- matl_add (value; mlMatrix)
- matl_add_mem (value; mlMatrix)
- matv_add (value; mlMatrix)
- max (value; mlibArbint, Arbrat, mlibOmegaint, Arbintcore, mlibUseful)
- Max_bound (constructor; Sup_Inf)
- max_depth (value; mesonLib)
- max_print_depth (value; Globals)
- MAX_SET_CONV (value; PFset_conv)
- MAX_SET_elim_tac (value; pred_setLib)
- max_set_tm (value; pred_setSyntax)
- max_tm (value; numSyntax, intSyntax, realSyntax)
- maybe (value; mlibParser)
- maybe_using (value; markerLib)
- mcts (value; psMCTS)
- mctsobj (type; psMCTS)
- mctsparam (type; psMCTS)
- MD5 (structure)
- md5 (value; mlibPortable)
- md5state (type; MD5)
- md5sum (value; Portable)
- mean_square_error (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- measure_cmp (value; Lib, Portable)
- measure_tm (value; numSyntax)
- measureInduct_on (value; bossLib, numLib)
- mem (value; PIntMap, Lib, Portable, mlibPatricia, mlibUseful)
- member (value; Redblackset, Intset, TheoryGraph, CharSet, UTF8Set)
- memoize (value; mlibStream, Conv, mlibUseful)
- memt (value; boolSyntax)
- merge (value; Tag, FinalTag, hurdUtils, AList, mlibTermorder, mlibUseful)
- merge_coeffs (value; Term_coeffs)
- merge_CONV (value; fmapalTacs)
- merge_cs (value; congLib)
- merge_dep (value; Dep)
- merge_grammars (value; term_grammar, Parse, type_grammar)
- merge_nets (value; Ho_Net)
- merge_oinfos (value; Overload)
- merge_simpsets (value; BasicProvers)
- merge_ss (value; simpLib)
- merge_travrules (value; Travrules)
- merge_typebases (value; TypeBase)
- mergeWith (value; Redblackmap)
- mergeWithi (value; Redblackmap)
- MESG_outstream (value; Feedback)
- MESG_to_string (value; Feedback)
- meson (value; mlibMeson)
- meson' (value; mlibMeson)
- MESON_TAC (value; mesonLib)
- mesonLib (structure)
- meta_expr (value; EVAL_quote)
- meter (type; mlibMeter, Count, mlibSolver)
- meter_reading (type; mlibMeter, mlibSolver)
- meter_reading_to_string (value; mlibMeter)
- metis (value; mlibMetis)
- metis' (value; mlibMetis)
- METIS_PROVE (value; metisLib, bossLib, metisTools)
- METIS_TAC (value; metisLib, bossLib, metisTools)
- metis_tac (value; bossLib)
- metisLib (structure)
- metisTools (structure)
- mfupdate_overload_info (value; term_grammar)
- mg_tactic (type; match_goal)
- mgc_of (value; hhExportLib)
- min (value; hurdUtils, mlibArbint, Arbrat, mlibOmegaint, Arbintcore, mlibUseful)
- Min_bound (constructor; Sup_Inf)
- MIN_CNF (value; normalForms)
- min_grammar (value; term_grammar, type_grammar)
- min_grammars (value; Parse)
- min_pair_size_tm (value; basicSizeSyntax)
- min_set_tm (value; pred_setSyntax)
- min_tm (value; numSyntax, intSyntax, realSyntax)
- min_var_occur_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsTools)
- mini_proof_time (value; psMinimize)
- mini_tactic_time (value; psMinimize)
- minimise_divides (value; CooperMath)
- minimization_timeout (value; hhReconstruct)
- minimize_proof (value; psMinimize)
- minimize_proof_alt (value; psMinimize)
- minimize_stac (value; psMinimize)
- minisatProve (structure)
- minus (value; UnicodeChars)
- minus_tm (value; numSyntax, intSyntax, realSyntax)
- Missing_from_to (exception; cv_typeLib)
- mjoin (value; mlibUseful)
- mk (value; Nonce)
- mk_abbrev (value; markerSyntax)
- MK_ABBREVS_OLDSTYLE (value; markerLib)
- Mk_abs (value; FinalThm)
- MK_ABS (value; Drule)
- mk_abs (value; FinalTerm, Psyntax, Rsyntax)
- MK_ABS_CONV (value; liteLib)
- MK_ABSL_CONV (value; liteLib)
- mk_absval (value; intSyntax, realSyntax)
- MK_AC_LCOMM (value; Drule)
- mk_acs (value; transcSyntax)
- mk_add (value; bitstringSyntax, ThmSetData, patriciaSyntax)
- mk_add_list (value; patriciaSyntax)
- mk_add_lists (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_add_listw (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_add_with_carry (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_adds (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_addw (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_align (value; alignmentSyntax)
- mk_aligned (value; alignmentSyntax)
- mk_alist_reprs (value; alist_treeLib)
- mk_all_distinct (value; bagSyntax, bagLib, listSyntax)
- mk_and_el (value; rich_listSyntax)
- mk_antisymmetric (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_anylet (value; pairSyntax)
- mk_app (value; Absyn)
- mk_append (value; listSyntax)
- mk_AQ (value; Absyn)
- mk_arb (value; boolSyntax)
- mk_arity_eq (value; hhTranslate)
- mk_asm_marker (value; ConseqConv)
- mk_asm_marker_random (value; ConseqConv)
- mk_asn (value; transcSyntax)
- mk_atn (value; transcSyntax)
- mk_axiom_thm (value; FinalThm)
- mk_b (value; bitstringSyntax)
- mk_bag (value; bagLib, bagSyntax)
- mk_band (value; bitstringSyntax)
- mk_batch (value; aiLib)
- mk_batch_full (value; aiLib)
- mk_biginter (value; pred_setSyntax)
- mk_bigunion (value; pred_setSyntax)
- mk_bij (value; pred_setSyntax)
- mk_bind (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- mk_binder (value; Absyn, HolKernelDoc)
- mk_binop (value; HolKernelDoc, liteLib)
- MK_BINOP (value; liteLib)
- mk_binop (value; mlibTerm)
- mk_bit (value; bitSyntax, bitstringSyntax)
- mk_bit1 (value; numSyntax)
- mk_bit2 (value; numSyntax)
- mk_bit_count (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_bit_count_upto (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_bit_field_insert (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_bit_modify (value; bitSyntax)
- mk_bit_reverse (value; bitSyntax)
- mk_bit_set (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_bitify (value; bitstringSyntax)
- mk_bits (value; bitSyntax)
- mk_bitv (value; bitSyntax)
- mk_bitwise (value; bitSyntax, bitstringSyntax)
- mk_bn (value; sptreeSyntax)
- mk_bn_tm (value; sptreeSyntax)
- mk_bnot (value; bitstringSyntax)
- mk_bool_case (value; boolSyntax)
- mk_bool_size (value; basicSizeSyntax)
- mk_boolify (value; bitstringSyntax, numposrepSyntax)
- mk_bor (value; bitstringSyntax)
- MK_BOUNDED (value; BoundedRewrites)
- mk_branch (value; patriciaSyntax)
- mk_branching_bit (value; patriciaSyntax)
- mk_bs (value; sptreeSyntax)
- mk_bs_tm (value; sptreeSyntax)
- mk_bstring (value; bitstringSyntax)
- mk_butlastn (value; rich_listSyntax)
- mk_bv (value; hurdUtils)
- mk_bxor (value; bitstringSyntax)
- mk_byte_align (value; alignmentSyntax)
- mk_byte_aligned (value; alignmentSyntax)
- mk_C (value; combinSyntax)
- mk_c2b (value; cvSyntax)
- mk_card (value; bagSyntax, bagLib, pred_setSyntax)
- mk_cart_type (value; fcpSyntax)
- mk_case (value; TypeBase, Pmatch, TypeBasePure)
- mk_case_abs_thm_tyinfo (value; DatatypeSimps)
- mk_case_cong_thm_tyinfo (value; DatatypeSimps)
- mk_case_elim_thm_tyinfo (value; DatatypeSimps)
- mk_case_rand_thm_tyinfo (value; DatatypeSimps)
- mk_case_rator_thm_tyinfo (value; DatatypeSimps)
- mk_case_special (value; GrammarSpecials)
- mk_char_ge (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_char_gt (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_char_le (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_char_lt (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_charlit_term (value; Literal)
- mk_choice (value; pred_setSyntax)
- mk_chr (value; stringLib, stringSyntax)
- mk_clause (value; mlibClause)
- mk_cmeasure (value; numSyntax)
- Mk_comb (value; FinalThm)
- MK_COMB (value; FinalThm)
- mk_comb (value; FinalTerm, Psyntax, Rsyntax)
- MK_COMB_TAC (value; Tactic, jrhUtils)
- mk_compl (value; pred_setSyntax)
- mk_concat_word_list (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_cond (value; Psyntax, Rsyntax, boolSyntax)
- mk_cond_rewrs (value; Cond_rewr)
- mk_congset (value; congLib)
- mk_conj (value; Absyn, Psyntax)
- MK_CONJ (value; liteLib)
- mk_conj (value; Rsyntax, boolSyntax)
- mk_cons (value; listSyntax)
- mk_const (value; Psyntax, FinalTerm, Rsyntax, mlibTerm)
- MK_CONSTRAINT (value; CooperSyntax)
- mk_constraint (value; CooperSyntax)
- mk_constructor (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- mk_constructor_term (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- mk_constructorFamily (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- mk_constructorList (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- mk_cos (value; transcSyntax)
- mk_count (value; pred_setSyntax)
- mk_count_list (value; rich_listSyntax)
- mk_countable (value; countable_typesLib)
- mk_cr (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_cross (value; pred_setSyntax)
- mk_cumul (value; aiLib)
- mk_curry (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- mk_cv_add (value; cvSyntax)
- mk_cv_div (value; cvSyntax)
- mk_cv_eq (value; cvSyntax)
- mk_cv_fst (value; cvSyntax)
- mk_cv_if (value; cvSyntax)
- mk_cv_ispair (value; cvSyntax)
- mk_cv_lt (value; cvSyntax)
- mk_cv_mod (value; cvSyntax)
- mk_cv_mul (value; cvSyntax)
- mk_cv_num (value; cvSyntax)
- mk_cv_pair (value; cvSyntax)
- mk_cv_rep (value; cv_miscLib)
- mk_cv_size (value; cv_miscLib)
- mk_cv_snd (value; cvSyntax)
- mk_cv_sub (value; cvSyntax)
- mk_datatype_info (value; TypeBasePure)
- mk_datatype_info_no_simpls (value; TypeBasePure)
- mk_datatype_record (type; TypeBasePure)
- mk_defn (value; Defn)
- mk_defns (value; Defn)
- mk_delete (value; pred_setSyntax, sptreeSyntax)
- mk_depth (value; patriciaSyntax)
- mk_DEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV_CACHE (value; ConseqConv)
- mk_DEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV_CACHE_OPT (value; ConseqConv)
- mk_depthw (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_dest_string (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_diag (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_diamond (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_diff (value; bagSyntax, bagLib, pred_setSyntax)
- mk_difference (value; sptreeSyntax)
- mk_dimindex (value; fcpSyntax, wordsSyntax)
- mk_dimword (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_Dint (value; transcSyntax)
- mk_disj (value; Absyn, Psyntax)
- MK_DISJ (value; liteLib)
- mk_disj (value; Rsyntax, boolSyntax)
- mk_disjoint (value; pred_setSyntax)
- mk_div (value; numSyntax, intSyntax, realSyntax)
- mk_div2 (value; numSyntax)
- mk_div_2exp (value; bitSyntax)
- mk_divides (value; intSyntax)
- mk_division (value; transcSyntax)
- mk_divmod (value; numSyntax)
- mk_divmod_2exp (value; bitSyntax)
- mk_domain (value; sptreeSyntax)
- mk_drestrict (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- mk_drop (value; listSyntax)
- mk_dsize (value; transcSyntax)
- mk_el (value; listSyntax)
- mk_ell (value; rich_listSyntax)
- mk_empty (value; patriciaSyntax, pred_setSyntax)
- mk_empty_rel (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_eq (value; Psyntax, Rsyntax, Absyn, boolSyntax, mlibTerm)
- mk_eqc (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_equivalence (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_even (value; numSyntax)
- mk_every (value; bagSyntax, bagLib, listSyntax)
- mk_every_leaf (value; patriciaSyntax)
- mk_every_leafw (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_exists (value; Absyn)
- MK_EXISTS (value; liteLib)
- mk_exists (value; Psyntax)
- MK_EXISTS (value; Drule)
- mk_exists (value; Rsyntax, boolSyntax, listSyntax)
- mk_exists1 (value; Psyntax, Absyn, Rsyntax, boolSyntax)
- mk_exists_leaf (value; patriciaSyntax)
- mk_exists_leafw (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_exp (value; numSyntax, intSyntax, transcSyntax)
- mk_explode (value; stringLib, stringSyntax)
- mk_extract (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_extsearch (value; mlReinforce)
- mk_fact (value; numSyntax)
- mk_fail (value; combinSyntax)
- mk_fakeconst_name (value; GrammarSpecials)
- mk_fapply (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- mk_fast_set (value; aiLib)
- mk_fcard (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- mk_fcp (value; fcpSyntax)
- mk_fcp_cons (value; fcpSyntax)
- mk_fcp_every (value; fcpSyntax)
- mk_fcp_exists (value; fcpSyntax)
- mk_fcp_hd (value; fcpSyntax)
- mk_fcp_index (value; fcpSyntax)
- mk_fcp_map (value; fcpSyntax)
- mk_fcp_tl (value; fcpSyntax)
- mk_fcp_update (value; fcpSyntax)
- mk_fdiff (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- mk_fdom (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- mk_fempty (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- mk_fevery (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- mk_field (value; bitstringSyntax)
- mk_field_insert (value; bitstringSyntax)
- mk_fields (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_filter (value; listSyntax)
- mk_find (value; patriciaSyntax, updateSyntax)
- mk_finds (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_findw (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_fine (value; transcSyntax)
- mk_finite (value; pred_setSyntax)
- mk_fixedwidth (value; bitstringSyntax)
- mk_fixwidth (value; bitstringSyntax)
- mk_flat (value; listSyntax)
- mk_float (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_abs (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_add (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_bottom (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_compare (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_div (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_equal (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_exponent (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_greater_equal (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_greater_than (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_is_finite (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_is_infinite (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_is_integral (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_is_nan (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_is_normal (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_is_signalling (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_is_subnormal (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_is_zero (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_less_equal (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_less_than (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_minus_infinity (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_minus_min (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_minus_zero (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_mul (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_mul_add (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_mul_sub (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_negate (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_plus_infinity (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_plus_min (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_plus_zero (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_round (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_round_to_integral (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_round_with_flags (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_sign (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_significand (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_some_qnan (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_sqrt (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_sub (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_to_int (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_to_real (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_top (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_ty (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_value (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_float_var (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_floating_point (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_flookup (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- mk_fmap_map2 (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- mk_fmap_ty (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- mk_fmerge (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- mk_foldi (value; sptreeSyntax)
- mk_foldl (value; listSyntax)
- mk_foldr (value; listSyntax)
- mk_for (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- mk_forall (value; Absyn, Psyntax)
- MK_FORALL (value; liteLib)
- mk_forall (value; Rsyntax, boolSyntax)
- mk_foralls (value; hurdUtils)
- mk_foreach (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- mk_fp16_to_fp32 (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_fp16_to_fp32_with_flags (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_fp16_to_fp64 (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_fp16_to_fp64_with_flags (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_fp32_to_fp16 (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_fp32_to_fp16_with_flags (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_fp32_to_fp64 (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_fp32_to_fp64_with_flags (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_fp64_to_fp16 (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_fp64_to_fp16_with_flags (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_fp64_to_fp32 (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_fp64_to_fp32_with_flags (value; machine_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_fp_encoding (value; machine_ieeeLib)
- mk_fp_op_ty (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_frac_add (value; fracSyntax)
- mk_frac_ainv (value; fracSyntax)
- mk_frac_div (value; fracSyntax)
- mk_frac_dnm (value; fracSyntax)
- mk_frac_minv (value; fracSyntax)
- mk_frac_mul (value; fracSyntax)
- mk_frac_nmr (value; fracSyntax)
- mk_frac_sgn (value; fracSyntax)
- mk_frac_sub (value; fracSyntax)
- mk_frange (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- mk_fromAList (value; sptreeSyntax)
- mk_fromBinString (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- mk_fromDecString (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- mk_fromHexString (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- mk_fromList (value; sptreeSyntax)
- mk_fromString (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- mk_front (value; listSyntax)
- mk_fst (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- mk_fun_fmap (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- mk_fun_ty (value; Pretype, liteLib)
- mk_functional (value; Pmatch)
- mk_funion (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- mk_funpow (value; numSyntax)
- mk_fupdate (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- mk_fupdate_list (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- mk_gauge (value; transcSyntax)
- mk_genlist (value; listSyntax)
- mk_geq (value; intSyntax, numSyntax, Arith_cons, realSyntax)
- mk_Goalstate (value; jrhTactics)
- mk_greater (value; intSyntax, numSyntax, Arith_cons, realSyntax)
- mk_guess (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- mk_guess_opt (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- mk_hd (value; listSyntax)
- mk_hex (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- MK_HIDE (value; markerLib)
- mk_hide (value; markerLib)
- mk_HOL_ERR (value; Feedback)
- mk_HOL_ERRloc (value; Feedback)
- mk_I (value; combinSyntax)
- mk_i2w (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- mk_icomb (value; boolSyntax, liteLib)
- mk_idem (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_ident (value; Absyn)
- mk_ifloat_ty (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_ifloat_var (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_image (value; bagSyntax, bagLib, pred_setSyntax)
- mk_imp (value; Psyntax, Absyn, Rsyntax, boolSyntax)
- mk_implode (value; stringLib, stringSyntax)
- mk_IN (value; boolSyntax)
- mk_in (value; pred_setSyntax)
- mk_in_ptree (value; patriciaSyntax)
- mk_in_ptrees (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_in_ptreew (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_index (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_induction (value; Induction)
- mk_infinite (value; pred_setSyntax)
- mk_inj (value; pred_setSyntax)
- mk_injected (value; intSyntax, realSyntax)
- mk_inl (value; sumSyntax)
- mk_inr (value; sumSyntax)
- mk_insert (value; bagSyntax, pred_setSyntax, bagLib, sptreeSyntax)
- mk_insert_ptree (value; patriciaSyntax)
- mk_insert_ptrees (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_insert_ptreew (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_INT_CEILING (value; intrealSyntax)
- mk_int_float_bottom (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_int_float_minus_infinity (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_int_float_minus_min (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_int_float_minus_zero (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_int_float_plus_infinity (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_int_float_plus_min (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_int_float_plus_zero (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_int_float_some_qnan (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_int_float_top (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_INT_FLOOR (value; intrealSyntax)
- mk_int_largest (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_int_max (value; integer_wordSyntax, wordsSyntax)
- mk_int_min (value; integer_wordSyntax, wordsSyntax)
- mk_int_numeric_type (value; fcpSyntax)
- mk_int_threshold (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_int_ULP (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_int_ulp (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_int_word_type (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_integral_round (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_inter (value; pred_setSyntax, sptreeSyntax)
- mk_inter_eq (value; sptreeSyntax)
- mk_inv (value; realSyntax, relationSyntax)
- mk_inv_image (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_invol (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_irreflexive (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_is_int (value; intrealSyntax)
- mk_is_none (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- mk_is_ptree (value; patriciaSyntax)
- mk_is_some (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- mk_is_sublist (value; rich_listSyntax)
- mk_is_suffix (value; rich_listSyntax)
- mk_isalpha (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_isalphanum (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_isascii (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_iscntrl (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_isdigit (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_isgraph (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_ishexdigit (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_isl (value; sumSyntax)
- mk_islower (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_isprefix (value; listSyntax, stringSyntax)
- mk_isprint (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_ispunct (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_isr (value; sumSyntax)
- mk_isspace (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_istream (value; Lib, Portable)
- mk_isupper (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_itself (value; boolSyntax)
- mk_itself_size (value; basicSizeSyntax)
- mk_join (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- mk_K (value; combinSyntax)
- mk_K_1 (value; combinSyntax)
- mk_keys (value; patriciaSyntax)
- mk_keyss (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_keysw (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_l2n (value; numposrepSyntax)
- mk_l2v (value; fcpSyntax)
- mk_l2w (value; wordsSyntax)
- MK_LABEL (value; markerLib)
- mk_label (value; markerSyntax)
- mk_label_var (value; markerSyntax)
- mk_lam (value; Absyn)
- mk_largest (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_last (value; listSyntax)
- mk_lastn (value; rich_listSyntax)
- mk_leaf (value; patriciaSyntax)
- mk_least (value; numSyntax)
- mk_LEAST_INT (value; intSyntax)
- mk_length (value; listSyntax)
- mk_leq (value; intSyntax, numSyntax, Arith_cons, realSyntax)
- mk_less (value; intSyntax, numSyntax, Arith_cons, realSyntax)
- mk_let (value; Psyntax, Rsyntax, boolSyntax)
- mk_lex (value; pairSyntax)
- mk_lform_name (value; GrammarSpecials)
- mk_linearorder (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_linv (value; pred_setSyntax)
- mk_list (value; ThyDataSexp, listSyntax)
- mk_list_case (value; listSyntax)
- mk_list_elem_count (value; rich_listSyntax)
- mk_list_to_set (value; listSyntax)
- mk_list_type (value; listSyntax)
- mk_list_update (value; updateSyntax)
- mk_literal (value; mlibTerm)
- mk_literal_case (value; boolSyntax)
- mk_ln (value; sptreeSyntax, transcSyntax)
- mk_log2 (value; bitSyntax)
- mk_lookup (value; sptreeSyntax)
- mk_ls (value; sptreeSyntax)
- mk_map (value; listSyntax)
- mk_map2 (value; listSyntax)
- mk_max (value; numSyntax, intSyntax, realSyntax)
- mk_max_set (value; pred_setSyntax)
- mk_mctsobj (value; mlReinforce)
- mk_measure (value; numSyntax)
- mk_mem (value; listSyntax)
- mk_meter (value; Count)
- mk_metis_call (value; mlThmData)
- mk_min (value; numSyntax, intSyntax, realSyntax)
- mk_min_set (value; pred_setSyntax)
- mk_minus (value; intSyntax, numSyntax, Arith_cons, realSyntax)
- mk_mk_bn (value; sptreeSyntax)
- mk_mk_bs (value; sptreeSyntax)
- mk_mk_wf (value; sptreeSyntax)
- mk_mmap (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- mk_mod (value; intSyntax, numSyntax)
- mk_mod_2exp (value; bitSyntax)
- mk_mod_2exp_eq (value; bitSyntax)
- mk_mod_2exp_max (value; bitSyntax)
- mk_modify (value; bitstringSyntax)
- mk_monad_type (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- mk_monop (value; HolKernelDoc)
- mk_mult (value; intSyntax, numSyntax, Arith_cons, realSyntax)
- mk_n2l (value; numposrepSyntax)
- mk_n2s (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- mk_n2v (value; bitstringSyntax)
- mk_n2w (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_narrow (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- mk_neg (value; boolSyntax)
- mk_neg___idempot (value; BoolExtractShared)
- mk_negated (value; intSyntax, realSyntax)
- mk_new_label_gen (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- mk_nil (value; listSyntax)
- mk_nondatatype_info (value; TypeBasePure)
- mk_none (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- mk_nub (value; listSyntax)
- mk_null (value; listSyntax)
- mk_Num (value; intSyntax)
- mk_num_case (value; numSyntax)
- mk_num_from_bin_list (value; numposrepSyntax)
- mk_num_from_bin_string (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- mk_num_from_dec_list (value; numposrepSyntax)
- mk_num_from_dec_string (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- mk_num_from_hex_list (value; numposrepSyntax)
- mk_num_from_hex_string (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- mk_num_from_oct_list (value; numposrepSyntax)
- mk_num_from_oct_string (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- mk_num_to_bin_list (value; numposrepSyntax)
- mk_num_to_bin_string (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- mk_num_to_dec_list (value; numposrepSyntax)
- mk_num_to_dec_string (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- mk_num_to_hex_list (value; numposrepSyntax)
- mk_num_to_hex_string (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- mk_num_to_oct_list (value; numposrepSyntax)
- mk_num_to_oct_string (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- mk_num_var (value; Arith_cons)
- mk_numeral (value; numSyntax)
- mk_numerallit_term (value; Literal)
- mk_numeric_type (value; fcpSyntax)
- mk_numset_of_ptree (value; patriciaSyntax)
- mk_nvec (value; bitstringSyntax)
- mk_nzcv (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_o (value; combinSyntax, relationSyntax)
- mk_odd (value; numSyntax)
- mk_one_case (value; oneSyntax)
- mk_one_size (value; basicSizeSyntax)
- mk_option (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- mk_option_case (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- mk_option_join (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- mk_option_map (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- mk_option_size (value; basicSizeSyntax)
- mk_or_el (value; rich_listSyntax)
- mk_oracle_thm (value; FinalThm)
- mk_ord (value; stringLib, stringSyntax)
- mk_order (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_outl (value; sumSyntax)
- mk_outr (value; sumSyntax)
- mk_override (value; updateSyntax)
- MK_PABS (value; PairRules)
- mk_pabs (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- mk_pad_left (value; listSyntax)
- mk_pad_right (value; listSyntax)
- MK_PAIR (value; PairRules)
- mk_pair (value; Absyn, pairLib, pairSyntax)
- mk_pair_case (value; pairSyntax)
- mk_pair_map (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- mk_pair_size (value; basicSizeSyntax)
- mk_parse_entry (value; holindexData)
- mk_part (value; sortingSyntax)
- mk_part3 (value; sortingSyntax)
- mk_partition (value; sortingSyntax)
- mk_pattern_fn (value; Pmatch, TypeBase)
- mk_peek (value; patriciaSyntax)
- mk_peeks (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_peekw (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_perm (value; sortingSyntax)
- MK_PEXISTS (value; PairRules)
- mk_pexists (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- mk_pexists1 (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- MK_PFORALL (value; PairRules)
- mk_pforall (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- mk_plet (value; pairSyntax)
- mk_plus (value; intSyntax, numSyntax, Arith_cons, realSyntax)
- mk_PMATCH (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- mk_PMATCH_IS_EXHAUSTIVE (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- mk_PMATCH_ROW (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- mk_PMATCH_ROW_COND (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- mk_PMATCH_ROW_COND_EX (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- mk_PMATCH_ROW_COND_EX_PABS (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- mk_PMATCH_ROW_COND_EX_PABS_MOVE_TO_GUARDS (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- mk_PMATCH_ROW_COND_EX_pat (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- mk_PMATCH_ROW_COND_EX_ROW (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- mk_PMATCH_ROW_COND_PABS (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- mk_PMATCH_ROW_PABS (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- mk_PMATCH_ROW_PABS_WILDCARDS (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- mk_pow (value; pred_setSyntax, realSyntax)
- mk_ppstream (value; OldPP)
- mk_pre (value; Arith_cons, numSyntax)
- mk_prec_matrix (value; parse_term)
- mk_prefix (value; mlibUseful, rich_listSyntax)
- mk_preorder (value; Travrules, relationSyntax)
- mk_primed_var (value; FinalTerm, Psyntax, Rsyntax)
- mk_prod (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- mk_prod_type (value; wfrecUtils)
- MK_PSELECT (value; PairRules)
- mk_pselect (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- mk_psubset (value; pred_setSyntax)
- mk_ptree (value; patriciaLib)
- mk_ptree_of_numset (value; patriciaSyntax)
- mk_ptree_of_stringset (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_ptree_of_wordset (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_ptree_type (value; patriciaSyntax)
- mk_qsort (value; sortingSyntax)
- mk_qsort3 (value; sortingSyntax)
- mk_quadop (value; HolKernelDoc)
- mk_quant_heuristic_cache (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- mk_quot (value; intSyntax)
- mk_rat_add (value; ratSyntax)
- mk_rat_ainv (value; ratSyntax)
- mk_rat_div (value; ratSyntax)
- mk_rat_dnm (value; ratSyntax)
- mk_rat_geq (value; ratSyntax)
- mk_rat_gre (value; ratSyntax)
- mk_rat_leq (value; ratSyntax)
- mk_rat_les (value; ratSyntax)
- mk_rat_minv (value; ratSyntax)
- mk_rat_mul (value; ratSyntax)
- mk_rat_nmr (value; ratSyntax)
- mk_rat_of_num (value; ratSyntax)
- mk_rat_sgn (value; ratSyntax)
- mk_rat_sub (value; ratSyntax)
- mk_rc (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_rcdiamond (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_rcompl (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_Rdefn (value; Defn)
- mk_rdom (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_read (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- mk_real_arith_tac (value; RealArith)
- mk_real_of_int (value; intrealSyntax)
- mk_real_to_float (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_real_to_float_with_flags (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_realintconst (value; RealArith)
- mk_record (value; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- mk_recordtype_constructor (value; TypeBasePure)
- mk_recordtype_fieldfupd (value; TypeBasePure)
- mk_recordtype_fieldsel (value; TypeBasePure)
- mk_reduce_and (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_reduce_nand (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_reduce_nor (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_reduce_or (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_reduce_xnor (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_reduce_xor (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_reflexive (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_rem (value; intSyntax)
- mk_remove (value; patriciaSyntax)
- mk_removes (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_removew (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_replicate (value; bitstringSyntax, rich_listSyntax)
- mk_Req0 (value; markerLib)
- mk_ReqD (value; markerLib)
- mk_require_tac (value; markerLib)
- mk_res_abstract (value; boolSyntax, res_quanLib)
- mk_res_exists (value; boolSyntax, res_quanLib)
- mk_res_exists_unique (value; boolSyntax, res_quanLib)
- mk_res_forall (value; boolSyntax, res_quanLib)
- mk_res_select (value; boolSyntax, res_quanLib)
- mk_rest (value; pred_setSyntax)
- mk_restrict (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_reverse (value; listSyntax)
- mk_rewrites (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- mk_ring_thm (value; EVAL_ringLib)
- mk_rinter (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_rinv (value; pred_setSyntax)
- mk_root (value; transcSyntax)
- mk_rotate (value; bitstringSyntax)
- mk_round (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_rpow (value; transcSyntax)
- mk_rrange (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_rrestrict (value; finite_mapSyntax, relationSyntax)
- mk_rsubset (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_rsum (value; transcSyntax)
- mk_rtc (value; relationSyntax)
- MK_RULES (value; RW)
- mk_runion (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_runiv (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_S (value; combinSyntax)
- mk_s2n (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- mk_s2v (value; bitstringSyntax)
- mk_s2w (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_sameorder_set (value; aiLib)
- mk_saturate_add (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_saturate_i2sw (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- mk_saturate_i2w (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- mk_saturate_mul (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_saturate_n2w (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_saturate_sub (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_saturate_sw2sw (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- mk_saturate_sw2w (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- mk_saturate_w2sw (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- mk_saturate_w2w (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_sbit (value; bitSyntax)
- mk_sc (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_scanl (value; rich_listSyntax)
- mk_scanr (value; rich_listSyntax)
- mk_seg (value; rich_listSyntax)
- mk_select (value; Psyntax, Absyn, Rsyntax, boolSyntax)
- mk_seq (value; Sequence)
- mk_set (value; Lib, Portable, pred_setSyntax)
- mk_set_spec (value; pred_setSyntax)
- mk_set_type (value; pred_setSyntax)
- mk_shiftl (value; bitstringSyntax)
- mk_shiftr (value; bitstringSyntax)
- mk_sign_extend (value; bitSyntax, bitstringSyntax)
- mk_signed_saturate_add (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- mk_signed_saturate_sub (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- mk_simpls (value; RW)
- mk_simpset (value; simpLib)
- mk_sin (value; transcSyntax)
- mk_sing (value; pred_setSyntax)
- mk_size (value; patriciaSyntax, sptreeSyntax)
- mk_sizew (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_slice (value; bitSyntax)
- mk_sn (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_snd (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- mk_snoc (value; listSyntax)
- mk_solver_node (value; mlibSolver)
- mk_some (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- mk_some_ptree (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_sorted (value; sortingSyntax)
- mk_splitl (value; rich_listSyntax)
- mk_splitp (value; rich_listSyntax)
- mk_splitr (value; rich_listSyntax)
- mk_sptree_ty (value; sptreeSyntax)
- mk_sqrt (value; isqrtLib, transcSyntax)
- mk_str (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_strcat (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_string (value; stringLib, stringSyntax)
- mk_string_case (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_string_fn (value; hurdUtils)
- mk_string_ge (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_string_gt (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_string_le (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_string_lit (value; Literal)
- mk_string_lt (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_string_set (value; aiLib)
- mk_stringinjn_name (value; GrammarSpecials)
- mk_stringlit_term (value; Literal)
- mk_stringset_of_ptree (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_strlen (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_stronglinearorder (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_strongorder (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_strord (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_sub (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_sub_bag (value; bagLib, bagSyntax)
- mk_subset (value; pred_setSyntax)
- mk_substring (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_suc (value; Arith_cons, numSyntax)
- mk_suffix (value; rich_listSyntax)
- mk_sum (value; listSyntax, sumSyntax)
- mk_sum_case (value; sumSyntax)
- mk_sum_image (value; pred_setSyntax)
- mk_sum_set (value; pred_setSyntax)
- mk_sum_size (value; basicSizeSyntax)
- mk_sum_term (value; tailrecLib)
- mk_sum_type (value; wfrecUtils)
- mk_surj (value; pred_setSyntax)
- mk_sw2sw (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_swap (value; pairSyntax)
- mk_symmetric (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_tacmod (value; BasicProvers)
- mk_take (value; listSyntax)
- mk_tan (value; transcSyntax)
- mk_tc (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_tdiv (value; transcSyntax)
- mk_term_set (value; aiLib)
- mk_testbit (value; bitstringSyntax)
- mk_the (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- mk_the_ptree (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_theorem_parse_entries (value; holindexData)
- mk_thm (value; FinalThm)
- mk_threshold (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_thy_const (value; FinalTerm)
- mk_thy_type (value; FinalType)
- mk_time (value; Portable)
- mk_times_2exp (value; bitSyntax)
- mk_tl (value; listSyntax)
- mk_toAList (value; sptreeSyntax)
- mk_tochar (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_tokens (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_toList (value; sptreeSyntax)
- mk_tolower (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_toString (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- mk_total (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_toupper (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_transform (value; patriciaSyntax)
- mk_transformw (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_transitive (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_translate (value; stringSyntax)
- mk_traverse (value; patriciaSyntax)
- mk_traverses (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_traversew (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_travrules (value; Travrules)
- mk_triop (value; HolKernelDoc)
- mk_type (value; FinalType, Psyntax, Rsyntax)
- mk_type_exists_thm_tyinfo (value; DatatypeSimps)
- mk_type_forall_thm_tyinfo (value; DatatypeSimps)
- mk_type_quant_thms_tyinfo (value; DatatypeSimps)
- mk_type_rewrites_tyinfo (value; DatatypeSimps)
- mk_type_set (value; aiLib)
- mk_typed (value; Absyn)
- mk_ucomb (value; boolSyntax)
- mk_uint_max (value; integer_wordSyntax, wordsSyntax)
- mk_ULP (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_ulp (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- mk_uncurry (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- mk_unhex (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- mk_unicode_version (value; ProvideUnicode)
- mk_union (value; bagSyntax, pred_setSyntax, bagLib, sptreeSyntax)
- mk_unit (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- mk_univ (value; pred_setSyntax)
- mk_unzip (value; listSyntax)
- mk_unzip_fst (value; rich_listSyntax)
- mk_unzip_snd (value; rich_listSyntax)
- mk_update (value; combinSyntax)
- mk_update_parse_entry (value; holindexData)
- MK_USING (value; markerSyntax)
- mk_using (value; markerSyntax)
- mk_v2l (value; fcpSyntax)
- mk_v2n (value; bitstringSyntax)
- mk_v2s (value; bitstringSyntax)
- mk_v2w (value; bitstringSyntax)
- mk_var (value; FinalTerm, Psyntax, Rsyntax)
- mk_var_gen (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- mk_vartype (value; FinalType)
- mk_vec (value; bitstringSyntax)
- mk_vstruct (value; wfrecUtils)
- mk_W (value; combinSyntax)
- mk_w2i (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- mk_w2l (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_w2n (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_w2s (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_w2v (value; bitstringSyntax)
- mk_w2w (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_wcr (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_weaklinearorder (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_weakorder (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_wf (value; relationSyntax, sptreeSyntax)
- mk_wf_tm (value; sptreeSyntax)
- mk_wfp (value; relationSyntax)
- mk_while (value; numSyntax)
- mk_widen (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- mk_word (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_1comp (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_2comp (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_abs (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_add (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_and (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_asr (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_asr_bv (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_bit (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_bits (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_compare (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_concat (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_div (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_extract (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_from_bin_list (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_from_bin_string (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_from_dec_list (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_from_dec_string (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_from_hex_list (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_from_hex_string (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_from_oct_list (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_from_oct_string (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_ge (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_gt (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_H (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_hi (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_hs (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_join (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_L (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_L2 (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_le (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_len (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_lo (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_log2 (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_ls (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_lsb (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_lsl (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_lsl_bv (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_lsr (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_lsr_bv (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_lt (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_max (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_min (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_mod (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_modify (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_msb (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_mul (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_nand (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_nor (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_or (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_ptree (value; patricia_castsLib)
- mk_word_ptree_type (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_word_quot (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_reduce (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_rem (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_replicate (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_replicate_ty (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_reverse (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_rol (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_rol_bv (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_ror (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_ror_bv (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_rrx (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_sdiv (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- mk_word_sign_extend (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_size (value; wordsLib)
- mk_word_slice (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_smax (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_smin (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_smod (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- mk_word_sub (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_T (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_to_bin_list (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_to_bin_string (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_to_dec_list (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_to_dec_string (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_to_hex_list (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_to_hex_string (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_to_oct_list (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_to_oct_string (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_type (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_xnor (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_word_xor (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_wordempty (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_wordi (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_wordii (value; wordsSyntax)
- mk_wordset_of_ptree (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- mk_write (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- mk_xable (value; Systeml)
- mk_zero_extend (value; bitstringSyntax)
- mk_zip (value; listSyntax)
- MkComb (constructor; Count)
- mkDict (value; Redblackmap)
- mkDir_err (value; aiLib)
- mkExn (value; Preterm)
- mkrels_closefix (value; PrecAnalysis)
- mkrels_infix (value; PrecAnalysis)
- mkrels_prefix (value; PrecAnalysis)
- mkrels_suffix (value; PrecAnalysis)
- mkrelsyms_eq (value; transferLib)
- mkTag (value; FlagDB)
- ml (value; mlibPortable)
- ML_SYSNAME (value; Systeml)
- mlFeature (structure)
- mlibArbint (structure)
- mlibArbnum (structure)
- mlibCanon (structure)
- mlibClause (structure)
- mlibClauseset (structure)
- mlibHeap (structure)
- mlibKernel (structure)
- mlibLiteralnet (structure)
- mlibMatch (structure)
- mlibMeson (constructor; mlibMetis)
- mlibMeson (structure)
- mlibMeter (structure)
- mlibMetis (structure)
- mlibModel (structure)
- mlibMultiset (structure)
- mlibOmega (structure)
- mlibOmegaint (structure)
- mlibParser (structure)
- mlibPatricia (structure)
- mlibPortable (structure)
- mlibResolution (constructor; mlibMetis, mlibClause)
- mlibResolution (structure)
- mlibRewrite (structure)
- mlibSolver (structure)
- mlibStream (structure)
- mlibSubst (structure)
- mlibSubsume (structure)
- mlibSupport (structure)
- mlibTerm (constructor; mlibTerm)
- mlibTerm (structure)
- mlibTermnet (structure)
- mlibTermorder (structure)
- mlibThm (structure)
- mlibTptp (structure)
- mlibUnits (structure)
- mlibUseful (structure)
- mlMatrix (structure)
- mlNearestNeighbor (structure)
- mlNeuralNetwork (structure)
- mlower (value; Parse)
- mlquote (value; Lib, Portable)
- mlReinforce (structure)
- MLSIG (constructor; EmitML)
- MLSIGSTRUCT (value; EmitML)
- mlsp (type; PrecAnalysis)
- MLstring (structure)
- MLSTRUCT (constructor; EmitML)
- mlTacticData (structure)
- mlThmData (structure)
- mlTreeNeuralNetwork (structure)
- mmap (value; optmonad, seqmonad, mlibUseful, smpp, errormonad, stmonad)
- mmap_tm (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- mod (value; Arbnumcore, mlibArbint, Arbintcore, mlibArbnum)
- Mod (exception; Portable)
- mod (value; mlibOmegaint)
- mod2 (value; Arbnumcore, mlibArbnum)
- mod_2exp_eq_tm (value; bitSyntax)
- mod_2exp_max_tm (value; bitSyntax)
- mod_2exp_tm (value; bitSyntax)
- MOD_CONV (value; Arithconv, reduceLib)
- MOD_ss (value; numSimps)
- mod_tm (value; intSyntax, numSyntax)
- model (type; mlibModel)
- modify_tm (value; bitstringSyntax)
- modulo_fix (value; mlibModel)
- monad_bind (value; parmonadsyntax)
- monad_par (value; parmonadsyntax)
- monadinfo (type; monadsyntax)
- monadsyntax (structure)
- monitoring (value; Defn, Rewrite, computeLib)
- MONO_TAC (value; InductiveDefinition)
- monoset (type; IndDefLib, CoIndDefLib, InductiveDefinition)
- MORE_CONTEXT (constructor; Trace)
- MOSMLDIR (value; Systeml)
- most_visited_path (value; psMCTS)
- move_add (value; CooperThms)
- move_conj_left (value; CooperSyntax, markerLib)
- move_conj_right (value; markerLib)
- move_disj_left (value; markerLib)
- move_disj_right (value; markerLib)
- MOVE_NOT_DOWN_CONV (value; Norm_bool)
- move_quants_up (value; CooperSyntax)
- move_start (value; locn)
- move_stmarked_conj_left (value; markerLib)
- move_stmarked_conj_right (value; markerLib)
- move_stmarked_disj_left (value; markerLib)
- move_stmarked_disj_right (value; markerLib)
- move_terms_from (value; CooperMath)
- MOVE_VCOEFF_TO_FRONT (value; OmegaMath)
- Mp (constructor; Count)
- MP (value; FinalThm)
- MP_BLASTABLE_TAC (value; blastLib)
- MP_CANON (value; Drule)
- MP_CONV (value; Conv)
- MP_GENEQ_CANON (value; Drule)
- MP_LEQ_CANON (value; Drule)
- MP_REQ_CANON (value; Drule)
- MP_TAC (value; Tactic)
- mp_tac (value; Tactic)
- mp_then (structure)
- mp_then (value; Tactic, mp_then)
- Mparm (type; metisTools)
- mset (type; mlibMultiset)
- mu (value; UnicodeChars)
- mul_add_CONV (value; binary_ieeeLib)
- MUL_CANON_CONV (value; NumRelNorms, numSimps)
- MUL_CONV (value; reduceLib, Arithconv)
- mul_CONV (value; binary_ieeeLib)
- mulrelnorm (value; realSimps)
- MULT_ASSOC_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- MULT_COMM (value; Theorems)
- MULT_COMM_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- MULT_LEQ_BY_CONST_CONV (value; Solve_ineqs)
- MULT_LEQ_SUC (value; Theorems)
- MULT_ONE (value; Theorems)
- mult_rvect (value; mlMatrix)
- MULT_SUC (value; Theorems)
- mult_tm (value; numSyntax, intSyntax, realSyntax)
- MULT_ZERO (value; Theorems)
- multiDefine (value; TotalDefn)
- multiplication_theorems (value; Norm_arith)
- multiply (value; hurdUtils)
- mungeTools (structure)
- must_pred (value; hhTranslate)
- MUTREC (constructor; DefnBase)
- Mutual (structure)
- MUTUAL_INDUCT_TAC (value; Mutual)
- MUTUAL_INDUCT_THEN (value; Mutual)
- MV (value; Systeml)
- mwhile (value; mlibUseful)
- mx_order (type; parse_term)
- MY_MP_TAC (value; schneiderUtils)
- N (value; hurdUtils)
- n2l_tm (value; numposrepSyntax)
- n2s_tm (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- n2v_tm (value; bitstringSyntax)
- n2w_INTRO_TAC (value; wordsLib)
- n2w_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- n2w_v2w_CONV (value; bitstringLib)
- N_BETA_CONV (value; hurdUtils)
- name (type; match_goal)
- name_arityeq (value; hhExportLib)
- name_c (value; hhExportLib)
- name_cid (value; hhExportLib)
- name_compare (value; KernelSig)
- name_cv (value; hhExportLib)
- name_def (value; hhExportLib)
- name_flag (value; hhExportFof)
- name_from_def (value; IndDefLib)
- name_ind_cases (value; bossLib)
- name_of (value; Defn, KernelSig)
- name_of_const (value; liteLib)
- name_of_id (value; KernelSig)
- name_ss (value; simpLib)
- name_thm (value; hhExportLib)
- name_toMLString (value; KernelSig)
- name_toString (value; KernelSig)
- name_tyop (value; hhExportLib)
- name_tyu_mono (value; hhExportLib)
- name_v (value; hhExportLib)
- name_vartype (value; hhExportLib)
- namea_c (value; hhExportLib)
- namea_cid (value; hhExportLib)
- namea_cv (value; hhExportLib)
- namea_obj_mono (value; hhExportLib)
- namea_obj_poly (value; hhExportLib)
- namea_v (value; hhExportLib)
- named (type; DB)
- named_merge_ss (value; simpLib)
- named_rewrites (value; simpLib)
- named_rewrites_with_names (value; simpLib)
- namedCases (value; BasicProvers, bossLib)
- namedCases_on (value; BasicProvers, bossLib)
- namespace_tag (value; mlThmData)
- nameStrm (value; Lexis)
- nan_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- narrow_tm (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- nat_elim_term (value; GrammarSpecials)
- native_ieeeLib (structure)
- nats (value; UnicodeChars)
- NBOOL_COND_RAND_CONV (value; IntDP_Munge)
- nchars (value; mlibUseful)
- nchotomy2PMATCH_ROW_COND_EX_CONV (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- nchotomy2PMATCH_ROW_COND_EX_CONV_GEN (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- nchotomy_of (value; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- nchotomy_of_pats (value; patternMatchesLib)
- nchotomy_of_pats_GEN (value; patternMatchesLib)
- nconds_of_congrule (value; Opening)
- ndefs (value; defCNF)
- near (value; locn)
- NeedArg (constructor; clauses)
- NeedsTranslation (exception; cv_repLib)
- neg (value; UnicodeChars)
- NEG_DISCH (value; Drule)
- neg_filter (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- Neg_inf (constructor; Sup_Inf)
- NEG_NEG_ELIM_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase, quantHeuristicsTools)
- NEG_NEG_INTRO_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase, quantHeuristicsTools)
- NEG_SUM_CONV (value; OmegaMath)
- negate (value; Arbrat, mlibArbint, Arbintcore, mlibTerm)
- negate_coeffs (value; Term_coeffs)
- NEGATE_CONV (value; Arith, Solve)
- negate_tm (value; intSyntax, realSyntax)
- negation (value; boolSyntax)
- negative (value; mlibTerm)
- Negative_horn (constructor; mlibCanon)
- NEGN (constructor; CooperSyntax)
- NEGNEG_CONV (value; hurdUtils)
- NEITHER (constructor; CooperSyntax)
- neq (value; UnicodeChars)
- NEQ_CONV (value; Arithconv, reduceLib)
- NEQ_VARS (value; mlibClause)
- NESTREC (constructor; DefnBase)
- net (type; Ho_Net, FinalNet, Net)
- Net (structure)
- net_of (value; Rewrite)
- NEUTR (constructor; clauses)
- new (value; Uref, mlibModel, ThyDataSexp, mlibResolution, Sref, mlibSupport)
- new_abbreviation (value; type_grammar)
- new_absyn_postprocessor (value; term_grammar)
- new_axiom (value; Theory)
- new_binary_tyop (value; type_grammar)
- new_binder (value; Psyntax, Rsyntax, boolSyntax)
- new_binder_definition (value; boolSyntax)
- new_buffer (value; qbuf)
- new_coinductive_definition (value; CoIndDefLib)
- new_compset (value; computeLib)
- NEW_CONST_RULE (value; hurdUtils)
- new_constant (value; Rsyntax, Psyntax, Theory, boolSyntax)
- new_data_store (value; holindexData)
- new_data_substore (value; holindexData)
- new_datatype (value; Datatype)
- new_definition (value; DefinitionDoc, Q, boolSyntax)
- new_definition_hook (value; DefinitionDoc)
- new_exporter (value; ThmSetData)
- new_goal (value; goalStack)
- new_goalstack (value; Manager, proofManagerLib)
- new_goaltree (value; Manager, proofManagerLib)
- new_gtree (value; goalTree)
- new_history (value; History)
- new_id (value; KernelSig)
- new_inductive_definition (value; InductiveDefinition)
- new_infix (value; Psyntax, Rsyntax, boolSyntax)
- new_infix_type (value; boolSyntax)
- new_infixl_definition (value; Q, boolSyntax)
- new_infixr_definition (value; Q, boolSyntax)
- new_int (value; hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- new_ints (value; mlibUseful)
- new_let_thms (value; BasicProvers)
- new_list_rec_definition (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- new_map (value; folTools)
- new_meter (value; mlibMeter)
- new_preterm_processor (value; term_grammar)
- new_pseudo_constr (value; EmitML)
- new_qtyop (value; type_grammar)
- new_recursive_definition (value; Prim_rec)
- NEW_SKOLEM_CONST (value; normalForms)
- NEW_SKOLEM_CONST_RULE (value; normalForms)
- new_specification (value; Rsyntax, boolSyntax, DefinitionDoc, bossLib, pairLib)
- new_table (value; KernelSig)
- new_theory (value; Theory)
- new_thm_with_attributes (value; boolSyntax)
- new_type (value; Rsyntax, Psyntax, Theory, boolSyntax)
- new_type_definition (value; DefinitionDoc, boolSyntax)
- new_units (value; mlibClauseset, mlibResolution)
- new_uvar (value; Pretype)
- new_var (value; mlibTerm)
- new_vars (value; hurdUtils, mlibTerm)
- newgen (value; Random)
- newgenseed (value; Random)
- newtypeTools (structure)
- next (value; Lib, Portable)
- NIL (constructor; mlibStream)
- Nil (value; HOLsexp)
- nil_tm (value; listSyntax)
- NL (value; HOLPP)
- nn (type; mlNeuralNetwork)
- nnf (value; mlibCanon)
- NNF_CONV (value; normalForms, Canon, refuteLib)
- NNF_CONV' (value; normalForms)
- NNF_SKOLEM_CONV (value; Canon, refuteLib)
- NNFC_CONV (value; Canon_Port, normalForms)
- NNFD_CONV (value; normalForms)
- nnfiles (type; tttEval)
- nntm_of_statearg (value; tttTrain)
- nntm_of_statepol (value; tttTrain)
- nntm_of_stateval (value; tttTrain)
- NO_CONCL (constructor; OmegaMLShadow, mlibOmega)
- NO_CONV (value; Conv)
- no_ctxt_std_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibParameters)
- no_gcd (exception; mlibOmega)
- NO_LT (value; Tactical)
- NO_PROOFS (exception; Manager)
- NO_STRIP_FULL_SIMP_TAC (value; bossLib, simpLib)
- NO_STRIP_REV_FULL_SIMP_TAC (value; bossLib, simpLib)
- NO_TAC (value; Tactical)
- NO_THEN (value; Thm_cont)
- no_transform (value; clauses)
- NoargTac (constructor; tttToken)
- nocut_flag (value; tttSearch)
- Node (constructor; psMCTS)
- node (type; psMCTS)
- node_data (type; mlibSolver)
- nof (value; hurdUtils)
- non (value; mlibUseful)
- Non_equality (constructor; mlibCanon)
- Non_horn (constructor; mlibCanon)
- non_presburger_subterms (value; Cooper, Arith, Gen_arith, IntDP_Munge)
- Non_propositional (constructor; mlibCanon)
- non_type_definitions (value; EmitTeX)
- non_type_theorems (value; EmitTeX)
- NONASSOC (value; Parse)
- Nonce (structure)
- none_tm (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- NONREC (constructor; DefnBase)
- nonstdform (exception; DefnBaseCore)
- nonzero (value; mlibMultiset)
- Noparse (exception; mlibParser)
- NoPhrasing (value; Parse)
- NORE_EXPAND_QUANT_INSTANTIATE_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- NORE_QUANT_INSTANTIATE_CONSEQ_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- NORE_QUANT_INSTANTIATE_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- norm (value; mlibSubst)
- Norm_arith (structure)
- Norm_bool (structure)
- NORM_CONS_APPEND_CONV (value; listLib, listSimps)
- Norm_ineqs (structure)
- norm_quote (value; Portable)
- norm_subst (value; FinalTerm)
- NORM_TAC (value; BasicProvers)
- NORM_ZERO_AND_ONE_CONV (value; Norm_arith)
- normalForms (structure)
- normalise (value; OmegaShell)
- NORMALISE_ASM_PERM_TAC (value; permLib)
- NORMALISE_MULT (value; OmegaMath)
- normalize_distrib (value; aiLib)
- normalize_proba (value; aiLib)
- Normalizer (structure)
- NORMEQ_ss (value; boolSimps)
- NoSuchThy (exception; KernelSig)
- Not (constructor; mlibTerm)
- not (constructor; PEGParse)
- NOT_AND (value; CooperThms)
- NOT_AND_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase, quantHeuristicsTools)
- NOT_AND_IMP (value; CooperThms)
- NOT_CONJ_NORM_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- NOT_CONV (value; Boolconv, reduceLib)
- NOT_DISJ_NORM_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- not_elementof (value; UnicodeChars)
- NOT_ELIM (value; FinalThm)
- NOT_EQ_SYM (value; Drule)
- NOT_EXISTS_CONV (value; Conv)
- NOT_EXISTS_LIST_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase, quantHeuristicsTools)
- NOT_F_T (value; Theorems)
- NOT_FORALL_CONV (value; Conv)
- NOT_FORALL_LIST_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase, quantHeuristicsTools)
- NOT_GEQ_NORM_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- NOT_GREAT_NORM_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- not_iff (value; UnicodeChars)
- NOT_INTRO (value; FinalThm)
- NOT_LEQ_NORM_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- NOT_LESS_NORM_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- NOT_NOT_INTRO_CONV (value; Solve)
- NOT_NOT_NORM_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- NOT_NOT_P (value; CooperThms)
- NOT_NUM_EQ_NORM_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- NOT_OR (value; CooperThms)
- NOT_OR_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase, quantHeuristicsTools)
- NOT_PEXISTS_CONV (value; PairRules)
- NOT_PFORALL_CONV (value; PairRules)
- NOT_ss (value; boolSimps)
- NOT_T_F (value; Theorems)
- not_tm (value; CooperSyntax)
- NotElim (constructor; Count)
- NotEvenIfRand (value; Parse)
- NotFound (exception; Redblackmap, PIntMap, Redblackset, Intset, TheoryGraph, Intmap, mlibPatricia)
- nothing (value; mlibParser, smpp)
- notify_on_tyvar_guess (value; Globals)
- notify_on_word_length_guess (value; wordsLib)
- NotIntro (constructor; Count)
- NotPresent (exception; KernelSig)
- nt (constructor; PEGParse)
- NTAC (value; Tactic)
- ntac (value; Tactic)
- nterm (value; psTermGen)
- nth (value; hurdUtils)
- NTH_GOAL (value; Tactical)
- nthy_rec (type; Overload)
- Ntimes (value; BoundedRewrites)
- nu (value; UnicodeChars)
- nub_tm (value; listSyntax)
- null (value; mlibStream, mlibSubst, mlibTermorder, seq)
- null_intersection (value; Lib, Portable)
- null_oinfo (value; Overload)
- NULL_OK_LT (value; Tactical)
- null_tm (value; listSyntax)
- num (type; bitArithLib, mlibArbint, Theory, mlibArbnum, Literal, patriciaLib, CooperMath, patricia_castsLib, Arbrat, wordsSyntax, Arbnumcore, Arbintcore)
- num (value; numSyntax)
- num_case_tm (value; numSyntax)
- num_compset (value; reduceLib)
- NUM_COND_RAND_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- NUM_COND_RATOR_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- Num_conv (structure)
- num_CONV (value; Num_conv, numLib)
- NUM_DEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- NUM_EQ_NORM_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- num_from_bin_list_tm (value; numposrepSyntax)
- num_from_bin_string_tm (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- num_from_dec_list_tm (value; numposrepSyntax)
- num_from_dec_string_tm (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- num_from_hex_list_tm (value; numposrepSyntax)
- num_from_hex_string_tm (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- num_from_oct_list_tm (value; numposrepSyntax)
- num_from_oct_string_tm (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- num_injection (value; GrammarSpecials)
- NUM_NORM_CONV (value; EVAL_numRingLib)
- NUM_NORM_RULE (value; EVAL_numRingLib)
- NUM_NORM_TAC (value; EVAL_numRingLib)
- NUM_NORMALIZE_CONV (value; Normalizer)
- num_of_term (value; bitstringSyntax)
- num_params (value; type_grammar)
- num_pre_CONV (value; totoTacs)
- num_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibParameters)
- NUM_REDEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- NUM_RELN_NORM_CONV (value; Norm_arith)
- NUM_RING (value; Grobner)
- NUM_RING_CONV (value; EVAL_numRingLib)
- NUM_RING_RULE (value; EVAL_numRingLib)
- NUM_RING_TAC (value; EVAL_numRingLib)
- NUM_SIMPLIFY_CONV (value; Grobner)
- Num_tm (value; intSyntax)
- num_to_bin_list_tm (value; numposrepSyntax)
- num_to_bin_string_tm (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- num_to_bitlist (value; bitstringSyntax)
- num_to_dec_list_tm (value; numposrepSyntax)
- num_to_dec_string_tm (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- num_to_hex_list_tm (value; numposrepSyntax)
- num_to_hex_string_tm (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- num_to_oct_list_tm (value; numposrepSyntax)
- num_to_oct_string_tm (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- num_ty (value; Arith_cons, CooperSyntax)
- num_ty_filter (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibParameters)
- number_fst (value; aiLib)
- number_list (value; aiLib)
- number_partition (value; aiLib)
- number_snd (value; aiLib)
- numbers (value; Lexis)
- Numeral (constructor; term_tokens)
- NUMERAL_conv (value; OpenTheoryReader)
- numeral_info (value; term_grammar)
- numeral_tm (value; numSyntax)
- Numerator (value; Rationals)
- numerator (value; Arbrat)
- numErrors (value; mungeTools)
- numItems (value; LVTermNet, KernelSig, Redblackmap, Intset, Redblackset, Intmap, TypeNet)
- numLib (structure)
- numOrd_CONV (value; totoTacs)
- numposrepLib (structure)
- numposrepSyntax (structure)
- NumRelNorms (structure)
- numset_of_ptree_tm (value; patriciaSyntax)
- numSimps (structure)
- numSyntax (structure)
- numto_CONV (value; totoTacs)
- numvariant (value; FinalTerm)
- nzcv_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- o_app (value; hurdUtils)
- o_app_o (value; hurdUtils)
- o_f_CONV (value; fmapalTacs)
- o_pair (value; hurdUtils)
- o_pair_o (value; hurdUtils)
- o_tm (value; combinSyntax, relationSyntax)
- object (type; OpenTheoryCommon)
- object_compare (value; OpenTheoryCommon)
- OConst (constructor; OpenTheoryCommon)
- odd (value; mlibUseful)
- ODD_CONV (value; Arithconv, reduceLib)
- odd_tm (value; numSyntax)
- oi_strip_comb (value; Overload)
- oi_strip_combP (value; Overload)
- oinfo_ops (value; Overload)
- oiter (value; hhExportLib)
- ok (value; optmonad, errormonad, seqmonad)
- OK (value; testutils)
- ok (value; stmonad)
- ok_identifier (value; Lexis)
- ok_sml_identifier (value; Lexis)
- ok_symbolic (value; Lexis)
- old (value; Globals)
- old_ARITH_ss (value; numSimps, bossLib)
- old_arith_ss (value; bossLib)
- OLD_REAL_ARITH (value; RealArith)
- OLD_REAL_ARITH_TAC (value; RealArith)
- OLD_REAL_ASM_ARITH_TAC (value; RealArith)
- OldAbbrevTactics (structure)
- older_than (value; hhExportLib)
- oldeval_flag (value; tttEval)
- OldPP (structure)
- OList (constructor; OpenTheoryCommon)
- Omega (value; UnicodeChars)
- Omega (structure)
- omega (value; UnicodeChars)
- omega_cache (value; intSimps)
- OMEGA_CONV (value; Omega)
- OMEGA_PROVE (value; Omega)
- OMEGA_ss (value; intSimps)
- OMEGA_TAC (value; Omega)
- OmegaEq (value; OmegaMath)
- OmegaMath (structure)
- OmegaMLShadow (structure)
- OmegaShell (structure)
- OmegaSimple (structure)
- OmegaSymbolic (structure)
- OMITTED (constructor; Pmatch)
- on (value; BasicProvers)
- OName (constructor; OpenTheoryCommon)
- Once (constructor; RW)
- Once (value; BoundedRewrites)
- ONCE_ASM_REWRITE_RULE (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- ONCE_ASM_REWRITE_TAC (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- once_asm_rewrite_tac (value; Rewrite)
- ONCE_ASM_RW_RULE (value; RW)
- ONCE_ASM_RW_TAC (value; RW)
- ONCE_CONSEQ_HO_REWRITE_TAC (value; ConseqConv)
- ONCE_CONSEQ_REWRITE_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- ONCE_CONSEQ_REWRITE_TAC (value; ConseqConv)
- ONCE_DEPTH (value; RW)
- ONCE_DEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- ONCE_DEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV_TAC (value; ConseqConv)
- ONCE_DEPTH_CONV (value; Conv, liteLib)
- ONCE_DEPTH_QCONV (value; liteLib)
- ONCE_REWRITE_CONV (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- ONCE_REWRITE_RULE (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- ONCE_REWRITE_TAC (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- once_rewrite_tac (value; Rewrite)
- ONCE_RW_CONV (value; RW)
- ONCE_RW_RULE (value; RW)
- ONCE_RW_TAC (value; RW)
- one (value; Arbrat, mlibArbint, Arbnumcore, mlibArbnum, Arbintcore, mlibOmegaint)
- one_case_tm (value; oneSyntax)
- one_in_n (value; aiLib)
- one_line_ify (value; DefnBase)
- ONE_MULT (value; Theorems)
- one_negative (value; mlibSolver)
- one_one_of (value; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- ONE_PASS_SORT_CONV (value; Norm_arith)
- ONE_PLUS (value; Theorems)
- one_positive (value; mlibSolver)
- one_size_tm (value; basicSizeSyntax)
- one_tm (value; oneSyntax, intSyntax, realSyntax)
- one_ty (value; oneSyntax)
- oneline (value; bossLib)
- oneSyntax (structure)
- ONEWAY_SKOLEM_CONV (value; Canon, refuteLib)
- only_concl (value; aiLib)
- only_if_everything (value; mlibSolver)
- OnlyIfNecessary (value; Parse)
- ONum (constructor; OpenTheoryCommon)
- oo (value; hurdUtils)
- op_allpairs (value; Lib)
- op_arity (value; FinalType)
- op_assoc (value; Lib)
- op_assoc1 (value; Lib, Portable)
- op_insert (value; Lib, Portable)
- op_intersect (value; Lib, Portable)
- op_mem (value; Lib, Portable)
- op_mk_set (value; Lib, Portable)
- op_remove (value; Portable)
- op_rev_assoc (value; Lib)
- op_set_diff (value; Lib, Portable)
- op_U (value; Lib, Portable)
- op_union (value; Lib, Portable)
- op_update (value; Portable)
- OPEN (constructor; EmitML)
- open_in (value; Portable)
- open_out (value; Portable)
- OPENING (constructor; Trace)
- Opening (structure)
- OpenTheory_const_name (value; OpenTheoryMap)
- OpenTheory_tyop_name (value; OpenTheoryMap)
- OpenTheoryCommon (structure)
- OpenTheoryMap (structure)
- OpenTheoryReader (structure)
- oper_compare (value; mlTreeNeuralNetwork)
- operl_of_term (value; mlTreeNeuralNetwork)
- ops (type; ThmSetData)
- Option (constructor; ThyDataSexp)
- option_app (value; liteLib)
- option_case_tm (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- option_cases (value; liteLib)
- option_choice_tm (value; alist_treeLib)
- option_compare (value; Lib, Portable)
- option_decode (value; ThyDataSexp)
- option_encode (value; ThyDataSexp)
- option_eq (value; Lib, Portable)
- option_join_tm (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- option_map_tm (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- option_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibParameters)
- OPTION_rws (value; optionLib)
- option_rws (value; optionLib)
- option_size_tm (value; basicSizeSyntax)
- OPTION_ss (value; optionSimps)
- option_to_list (value; hurdUtils)
- option_ty_filter (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibParameters)
- optional (value; optmonad, mlibParser, seqmonad)
- optionLib (structure)
- optionset (type; mungeTools)
- optionSimps (structure)
- optionSyntax (structure)
- optmonad (structure)
- optmonad (type; optmonad)
- optoks (value; mlibParser)
- optset_mathmode (value; mungeTools)
- optset_nomath (value; mungeTools)
- optset_unoverloads (value; mungeTools)
- optset_width (value; mungeTools)
- OR (value; HOLtokens)
- Or (constructor; mlibTerm)
- or (value; UnicodeChars)
- OR_CONV (value; Boolconv, reduceLib)
- OR_EL_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- or_el_tm (value; rich_listSyntax)
- OR_EXISTS_CONV (value; Conv)
- OR_F_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- OR_FORALL_CONV (value; Conv)
- OR_NOT_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase, quantHeuristicsTools)
- OR_PEXISTS_CONV (value; PairRules)
- OR_PFORALL_CONV (value; PairRules)
- Oracle (constructor; Count)
- ORACLE_DEF_CNF_CONV (value; normalForms)
- ORACLE_PURE_DEF_CNF_CONV (value; normalForms)
- oracle_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- ORD_CHR_CONV (value; stringLib)
- ord_of_lt (value; liteLib)
- ORD_REWRITE (value; mlibRewrite)
- ord_tm (value; stringLib, stringSyntax)
- order_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- order_to_string (value; mlibUseful)
- ordered_resolution (value; mlibMetis)
- ordering (type; mlibUseful)
- ordof (value; Portable)
- ORELSE (value; Tactical, jrhTactics)
- ORELSE_CONSEQ_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- ORELSE_LT (value; Tactical)
- ORELSE_TCL (value; Thm_cont, jrhTactics)
- ORELSEC (value; Conv, RJBConv)
- orelsef (value; hurdUtils, liteLib)
- ORELSER (value; hurdUtils)
- orient (type; mlibRewrite)
- ORIG (constructor; TypeBasePure)
- ortho_predstac_time (value; tttLearn)
- ortho_predthm_time (value; tttLearn)
- ortho_teststac_time (value; tttLearn)
- orthogonalize (value; tttLearn)
- ORWL_DRESTRICT (value; fmapalTacs)
- ORWL_DRESTRICT_COMPL (value; fmapalTacs)
- ORWL_FUNION (value; fmapalTacs)
- ORWL_TO_FMAPAL (value; fmapalTacs)
- OS (value; Systeml)
- os (value; hhExportLib)
- osn (value; hhExportLib)
- OTerm (constructor; OpenTheoryCommon)
- OTHER (constructor; DefnBaseCore)
- OThm (constructor; OpenTheoryCommon)
- otname (type; OpenTheoryMap, OpenTheoryReader)
- otname_cmp (value; OpenTheoryMap)
- otname_to_string (value; OpenTheoryMap)
- OType (constructor; OpenTheoryCommon)
- otype (value; hhExportLib)
- OTypeOp (constructor; OpenTheoryCommon)
- outl_tm (value; sumSyntax)
- output (value; Portable)
- output_colors (type; PPBackEnd)
- output_ERR (value; Feedback)
- output_profile_result (value; Profile)
- output_profile_results (value; Profile)
- output_words_as_bin (value; wordsLib)
- output_words_as_dec (value; wordsLib)
- output_words_as_hex (value; wordsLib)
- output_words_as_oct (value; wordsLib)
- output_words_as_padded_bin (value; wordsLib)
- output_words_as_padded_hex (value; wordsLib)
- outputc (value; Portable)
- outr_tm (value; sumSyntax)
- outstream (type; Portable)
- OVar (constructor; OpenTheoryCommon)
- overlay_infixity (value; smlInfix)
- Overload (structure)
- OVERLOAD_ERR (exception; Overload)
- overload_info (type; Parse_support, term_grammar, Overload)
- overload_info (value; term_grammar)
- overload_info_for (value; Parse)
- overload_on (value; Parse)
- overload_on_by_nametype (value; Parse)
- overloaded_op_info (type; Overload)
- overloading_of_nametype (value; Overload)
- overloading_of_term (value; Overload)
- overloading_of_termP (value; Overload)
- overloading_resolution (value; Preterm)
- overloading_resolutionS (value; Preterm)
- override_map (type; EmitTeX, mungeTools)
- override_tm (value; updateSyntax)
- OVERRIDE_UPDATES_CONV (value; updateLib)
- OWL_DIFF (value; enumTacs)
- OWL_INTER (value; enumTacs)
- OWL_TO_ENUMERAL (value; enumTacs)
- OWL_UNION (value; enumTacs)
- p (value; proofManagerLib)
- p_axioml (value; hhExportLib)
- p_flag (value; hhExportFof)
- P_FUN_EQ_CONV (value; PairRules)
- P_PCHOOSE_TAC (value; PairRules)
- P_PCHOOSE_THEN (value; PairRules)
- P_PGEN_TAC (value; PairRules)
- P_PSKOLEM_CONV (value; PairRules)
- PABS (value; PairRules)
- PABS_CONV (value; PairRules)
- PABS_ELIM_CONV (value; pairTools)
- PABS_INTRO_CONV (value; pairTools)
- paconv (value; PairRules)
- pad (value; aiLib)
- pad_left_tm (value; listSyntax)
- pad_right_tm (value; listSyntax)
- padded_fixedwidth_of_num (value; bitstringSyntax)
- padRight (value; UTF8)
- pair (value; Lib, Portable, mlibUseful)
- pair3_decode (value; HOLsexp, ThyDataSexp)
- pair3_encode (value; HOLsexp, ThyDataSexp)
- pair4_decode (value; HOLsexp, ThyDataSexp)
- pair4_encode (value; HOLsexp, ThyDataSexp)
- pair_case_tm (value; pairSyntax)
- pair_compare (value; Lib, Portable)
- PAIR_CONV (value; PairRules)
- pair_decode (value; HOLsexp, ThyDataSexp)
- pair_default_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibParameters)
- pair_encode (value; HOLsexp, ThyDataSexp)
- pair_eq (value; Lib, Portable)
- PAIR_EX (value; pairTools)
- pair_map (value; Lib, Portable)
- pair_map_tm (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- pair_o (value; hurdUtils)
- pair_of_list (value; Lib)
- pair_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibParameters)
- PAIR_select_fun (value; quantHeuristicsLibAbbrev)
- pair_size_tm (value; basicSizeSyntax)
- PAIR_ss (value; pairSimps)
- pair_susp (value; hurdUtils)
- pair_to_string (value; hurdUtils)
- pair_ty_filter (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibParameters)
- pairarg_tac (value; bossLib, pairLib)
- PairCases (value; pairLib, bossLib, pairTools)
- PairCases_on (value; bossLib, pairLib, pairTools)
- PAIRED_BETA_CONV (value; PairedLambda, pairLib)
- PAIRED_ETA_CONV (value; PairedLambda, pairLib)
- paired_exists_ss (value; pairSimps)
- paired_forall_ss (value; pairSimps)
- PairedLambda (structure)
- pairLib (structure)
- PairRules (structure)
- pairSimps (structure)
- pairSyntax (structure)
- pairTools (structure)
- PALPHA (value; PairRules)
- PALPHA_CONV (value; PairRules)
- Papp (constructor; clauses)
- par_prec (value; parmonadsyntax)
- param_eq (value; abstraction)
- parameters (type; mlibMeson, mlibLiteralnet, mlibMetis, mlibClauseset, mlibModel, mlibClause, mlibResolution, metisTools, mlibSupport, folTools, mlibTermnet, folMapping, mlibTermorder)
- parameters_to_string (value; mlibMetis)
- PARAMODULATE (value; mlibClause)
- Paramodulation (constructor; mlibClause)
- params_of (value; Defn)
- parapp_queue (value; smlParallel)
- parens (value; Lexis)
- ParenStyle (type; Parse, term_grammar)
- parents (value; Theory, TheoryGraph)
- parm (value; mlibClauseset)
- Parmap (structure)
- parmap (value; Parmap)
- parmap_batch (value; smlParallel)
- parmap_exact (value; smlParallel)
- parmap_gen (value; smlParallel)
- parmap_queue (value; smlParallel)
- parmap_queue_extern (value; smlParallel)
- parmonadsyntax (structure)
- parmupdate (type; mlibClause, folTools, mlibResolution)
- Parmupdate (type; mlibMeson)
- parmupdate (type; mlibSupport)
- ParoundName (value; Parse)
- ParoundPrec (value; Parse)
- Parse (structure)
- parse (value; ParseDatatype)
- PARSE (constructor; TotalDefn)
- parse (value; smlParser)
- parse_absyn (value; Defn)
- parse_atom (value; parse_type)
- parse_entry (type; holindexData)
- parse_entry___add_to_data_store (value; holindexData)
- parse_entry___force_index (value; holindexData)
- parse_entry___full_index (value; holindexData)
- parse_entry___set_comment (value; holindexData)
- parse_entry___set_content (value; holindexData)
- parse_entry___set_label (value; holindexData)
- parse_entry___set_latex (value; holindexData)
- parse_entry___set_options (value; holindexData)
- parse_formula (value; mlibTerm)
- parse_formula' (value; mlibTerm)
- parse_fraction (value; base_tokens)
- parse_from_grammars (value; Parse)
- parse_hdf_file (value; AssembleHolindexParser)
- parse_in_context (value; Parse)
- parse_infixes (value; mlibParser)
- parse_left_infix (value; mlibParser)
- parse_map (value; type_grammar)
- parse_numeric_literal (value; base_tokens)
- parse_quote (value; Defn)
- parse_right_infix (value; mlibParser)
- Parse_support (structure)
- PARSE_TAC (value; hurdUtils)
- parse_term (value; mlibTerm)
- parse_term (structure)
- parse_term (value; parse_term)
- parse_term' (value; mlibTerm)
- parse_type (structure)
- parse_type (value; parse_type)
- parse_with_goal (value; hurdUtils)
- ParseDatatype (structure)
- ParseExtras (structure)
- parseOpts (value; mungeTools)
- parsePMATCH (structure)
- parser (type; mlibParser)
- ParseTermError (exception; parse_term)
- parsetoken (type; tttToken)
- part3_tm (value; sortingSyntax)
- part_group (value; aiLib)
- PART_MATCH (value; Drule)
- PART_MATCH' (value; Drule)
- PART_MATCH_A (value; Drule)
- part_match_exists_tac (value; Tactic)
- part_n (value; aiLib)
- part_pct (value; aiLib)
- PART_PMATCH (value; PairRules)
- part_tm (value; sortingSyntax)
- partial (value; Portable, Lib, hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- partial_app_o (value; hurdUtils)
- partial_cartwith (value; hurdUtils)
- partial_first (value; hurdUtils)
- partial_map (value; hurdUtils, mlibStream)
- partial_maps (value; mlibStream, mlibUseful)
- partial_o_app (value; hurdUtils)
- partial_o_app_o (value; hurdUtils)
- partial_sml_lexer (value; smlLexer)
- partial_trans (value; hurdUtils)
- partial_zipwith (value; hurdUtils)
- partition (value; Lib, Portable)
- partition_skip (value; clauses)
- partition_ssfrags (value; simpLib)
- partition_tm (value; sortingSyntax)
- PASS (constructor; Lib, Portable)
- PAT_ABBREV_TAC (value; OldAbbrevTactics, Q, markerLib)
- PAT_ASSUM (value; Q, Tactical)
- PAT_CONV (value; Conv)
- pat_of (value; Pmatch)
- PAT_UNDISCH_TAC (value; Q)
- PAT_X_ASSUM (value; Q, Tactical)
- PATH_CONV (value; Conv)
- patricia_castsLib (structure)
- patricia_castsSyntax (structure)
- patriciaLib (structure)
- patriciaSyntax (structure)
- pattern (type; Pmatch, Defn, clauses)
- Pattern (type; folMapping)
- pattern (type; match_goal)
- patternMatchesLib (structure)
- patternMatchesSyntax (structure)
- PBETA_CONV (value; PairRules)
- PBETA_RULE (value; PairRules)
- PBETA_TAC (value; PairRules)
- pbody (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- pbvar (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- PCHOOSE (value; PairRules)
- PCHOOSE_TAC (value; PairRules)
- PCHOOSE_THEN (value; PairRules)
- pdest_eq (value; Preterm)
- peek (value; Redblackmap, Redblackset, LVTermNet, TypeNet, KernelSig, mlibClause, Intmap, mlibRewrite, FlagDB, patriciaLib)
- peek_functions_in_rs (value; alist_treeLib)
- peek_tm (value; patriciaSyntax)
- peeks_tm (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- peekw_tm (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- PEG (constructor; PEGParse)
- pegexec (value; PEGParse)
- PEGParse (structure)
- pegsym (type; PEGParse)
- percent (value; aiLib)
- percent_to_string (value; mlibUseful)
- PERM_NORMALISE_CONV (value; permLib)
- PERM_REWR_CONV (value; permLib)
- PERM_SIMPLE_ss (value; permLib)
- PERM_SPLIT (value; permLib)
- PERM_ss (value; permLib)
- PERM_TAKE_DROP_CONV (value; permLib)
- PERM_tm (value; permLib)
- perm_tm (value; sortingSyntax)
- PERM_TURN_CONV (value; permLib)
- permahide (value; Parse)
- permLib (structure)
- permutations (value; Streams, hurdUtils)
- permute (value; hurdUtils)
- permute_random (value; hurdUtils)
- perturb (value; mlibModel)
- PETA_CONV (value; PairRules)
- PEXISTENCE (value; PairRules)
- PEXISTS (value; PairRules)
- PEXISTS_AND_CONV (value; PairRules)
- PEXISTS_CONV (value; PairRules)
- PEXISTS_EQ (value; PairRules)
- PEXISTS_IMP (value; PairRules)
- PEXISTS_IMP_CONV (value; PairRules)
- PEXISTS_NOT_CONV (value; PairRules)
- PEXISTS_OR_CONV (value; PairRules)
- PEXISTS_RULE (value; PairRules)
- PEXISTS_TAC (value; PairRules)
- PEXISTS_UNIQUE_CONV (value; PairRules)
- PEXT (value; PairRules)
- PF (constructor; Manager)
- PFORALL_AND_CONV (value; PairRules)
- PFORALL_EQ (value; PairRules)
- PFORALL_IMP_CONV (value; PairRules)
- PFORALL_NOT_CONV (value; PairRules)
- PFORALL_OR_CONV (value; PairRules)
- PFset_conv (structure)
- PFUN_EQ_RULE (value; pairLib, pairTools)
- PGEN (value; PairRules, pairLib, pairTools)
- PGEN_TAC (value; PairRules, pairLib, pairTools)
- PGENL (value; PairRules)
- PGspec (structure)
- phase (type; TotalDefn)
- phase1_CONV (value; CooperMath)
- phase2_CONV (value; CooperMath)
- phase3_CONV (value; CooperMath)
- phase4_CONV (value; CooperCore, jrhCore)
- phase5_CONV (value; CooperCore, jrhCore)
- phase6_CONV (value; CooperShell)
- pheu_classic (value; PmatchHeuristics)
- pheu_constr_prefix (value; PmatchHeuristics)
- pheu_cqba (value; PmatchHeuristics)
- pheu_first_col (value; PmatchHeuristics)
- pheu_first_row (value; PmatchHeuristics)
- pheu_last_col (value; PmatchHeuristics)
- pheu_manual (value; PmatchHeuristics)
- pheu_qba (value; PmatchHeuristics)
- pheu_rank (value; PmatchHeuristics)
- Phi (value; UnicodeChars)
- phi (value; UnicodeChars)
- PhraseBlockStyle (type; Parse, term_grammar)
- pi (value; UnicodeChars)
- Pi (value; UnicodeChars)
- pi_tm (value; transcSyntax)
- pick_element (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- PINST (value; matchTools, liteLib)
- pinst (value; hurdUtils)
- PINST (value; hurdUtils)
- pinst (value; matchTools)
- PIntMap (structure)
- player (type; psMCTS)
- plist_mk_rbinop (value; Preterm)
- pluck (value; Lib)
- plucki (value; Portable)
- plus (value; hurdUtils)
- plus1 (value; Arbnumcore, mlibArbnum)
- plus2 (value; Arbnumcore, mlibArbnum)
- plus_tm (value; numSyntax, intSyntax, realSyntax)
- PLUS_ZERO (value; Theorems)
- PLUS_ZERO_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- Pmatch (structure)
- pmatch2case (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_CASE_SPLIT_CONV (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_CASE_SPLIT_CONV_GEN (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_CASE_SPLIT_CONV_HEU (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_CASE_SPLIT_GEN_ss (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_CASE_SPLIT_HEU_ss (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_CASE_SPLIT_ss (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_CLEANUP_CONV (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_CLEANUP_CONV_GEN (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_CLEANUP_GEN_ss (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_CLEANUP_PVARS_CONV (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_CLEANUP_ss (value; patternMatchesLib)
- pmatch_compile_db (type; constrFamiliesLib)
- pmatch_compile_db_add_compile_fun (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- pmatch_compile_db_add_congs (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- pmatch_compile_db_add_constrFam (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- pmatch_compile_db_add_nchotomy_fun (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- pmatch_compile_db_add_ssfrag (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- pmatch_compile_db_clear_type (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- pmatch_compile_db_compile (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- pmatch_compile_db_compile_cf (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- pmatch_compile_db_compile_nchotomy (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- pmatch_compile_db_dest_constr_term (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- pmatch_compile_db_register_compile_fun (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- pmatch_compile_db_register_congs (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- pmatch_compile_db_register_constrFam (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- pmatch_compile_db_register_nchotomy_fun (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- pmatch_compile_db_register_ssfrag (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- pmatch_compile_db_remove_type (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- pmatch_compile_fun (type; constrFamiliesLib)
- PMATCH_COMPLETE_CONV (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_COMPLETE_CONV_GEN (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_COMPLETE_CONV_WITH_EXH_PROOF (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_COMPLETE_GEN_ss (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_COMPLETE_ss (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_ELIM_CONV (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_EXPAND_COLS_CONV (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_EXTEND_INPUT_CONV (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_EXTEND_INPUT_CONV_GEN (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_FAST_SIMP_CONV (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_FAST_SIMP_CONV_GEN (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_FAST_SIMP_GEN_ss (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_FAST_SIMP_ss (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_FLATTEN_CONV (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_FLATTEN_CONV_GEN (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_FLATTEN_GEN_ss (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_FLATTEN_ss (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_FORCE_SAME_VARS_CONV (value; patternMatchesLib, patternMatchesSyntax)
- pmatch_heuristic (type; PmatchHeuristics)
- pmatch_heuristic (value; PmatchHeuristics)
- pmatch_heuristic_cases_cmp (value; PmatchHeuristics)
- pmatch_heuristic_fun (type; PmatchHeuristics)
- pmatch_heuristic_list (value; PmatchHeuristics)
- pmatch_heuristic_res_compare (type; PmatchHeuristics)
- pmatch_heuristic_size_cmp (value; PmatchHeuristics)
- pmatch_info (type; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_INTRO_CONV (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_INTRO_CONV_NO_OPTIMISE (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_INTRO_GENVARS (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- PMATCH_INTRO_WILDCARDS_CONV (value; patternMatchesLib, patternMatchesSyntax)
- PMATCH_IS_EXHAUSTIVE_CHECK (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_IS_EXHAUSTIVE_CHECK_GEN (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_IS_EXHAUSTIVE_CONSEQ_CHECK (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_IS_EXHAUSTIVE_FAST_CHECK (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_IS_EXHAUSTIVE_FAST_CHECK_GEN (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_IS_EXHAUSTIVE_tm (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- PMATCH_LIFT_BOOL_CONV (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_LIFT_BOOL_CONV_GEN (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_LIFT_BOOL_GEN_ss (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_LIFT_BOOL_ss (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_LIFT_CONV (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_LIFT_CONV_GEN (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_LIFT_CONV_GEN_WITH_EXH_PROOF (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_LIFT_CONV_WITH_EXH_PROOF (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_MP (value; PairRules)
- PMATCH_MP_TAC (value; PairRules)
- pmatch_nchotomy_fun (type; constrFamiliesLib)
- PMATCH_NORMALISE_CONV (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_NORMALISE_ss (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_REMOVE_DOUBLE_BIND_CONV (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_REMOVE_DOUBLE_BIND_CONV_GEN (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_REMOVE_DOUBLE_BIND_GEN_ss (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_REMOVE_DOUBLE_BIND_ss (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_REMOVE_FAST_REDUNDANT_CONV (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_REMOVE_FAST_SUBSUMED_CONV (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_REMOVE_GUARDS_CONV (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_REMOVE_GUARDS_CONV_GEN (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_REMOVE_GUARDS_GEN_ss (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_REMOVE_GUARDS_ss (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_REMOVE_REDUNDANT_CONV (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_REMOVE_REDUNDANT_CONV_GEN (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_REMOVE_REDUNDANT_GEN_ss (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_REMOVE_REDUNDANT_ss (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_ROW_COND_EX_ELIM_CONV (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- PMATCH_ROW_COND_EX_INTRO_CONV (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- PMATCH_ROW_COND_EX_INTRO_CONV_GEN (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- PMATCH_ROW_COND_EX_tm (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- PMATCH_ROW_COND_tm (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- PMATCH_ROW_FORCE_SAME_VARS_CONV (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- PMATCH_ROW_INTRO_WILDCARDS_CONV (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- PMATCH_ROW_PABS_ELIM_CONV (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- PMATCH_ROW_PABS_INTRO_CONV (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- PMATCH_ROW_tm (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- PMATCH_ROWS_CONV (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- PMATCH_SIMP_COLS_CONV (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_SIMP_COLS_CONV_GEN (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_SIMP_CONV (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_SIMP_CONV_GEN (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_SIMP_GEN_ss (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_SIMP_ss (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_tm (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- PMATCH_TO_TOP_RULE (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PMATCH_TO_TOP_RULE_GEN (value; patternMatchesLib)
- PmatchHeuristics (structure)
- pnf (value; mlibCanon)
- pointer_eq (value; Systeml, Portable, mlibPortable)
- polarity_search (value; DB)
- POLY (value; Systeml)
- POLY_LDFLAGS (value; Systeml)
- POLY_LDFLAGS_STATIC (value; Systeml)
- POLY_VERSION (value; Systeml)
- POLYC (value; Systeml)
- polyml_location (value; Exn)
- POLYMLLIBDIR (value; Systeml)
- polymorphic (value; FinalType)
- POP_ASSUM (value; Tactical, jrhTactics)
- pop_assum (value; Tactical)
- POP_ASSUM_LIST (value; Tactical, jrhTactics)
- POP_ASSUM_TAC (value; hurdUtils)
- POP_LAST_ASSUM (value; Tactical)
- pop_last_assum (value; Tactical)
- POP_NO_ASSUM (value; schneiderUtils)
- POP_NO_TAC (value; schneiderUtils)
- POP_ORW (value; hurdUtils)
- pop_output_file (value; smlRedirect)
- poplist (constructor; PEGParse)
- Portable (structure)
- pos (value; mlibUseful)
- Pos_inf (constructor; Sup_Inf)
- positive (value; mlibTerm)
- positivstellensatz (type; RealArith, RealField)
- posn (type; mungeTools)
- post_process_term (value; Parse, Preterm)
- pow (value; aiLib, Arbnumcore)
- pow_tm (value; pred_setSyntax)
- powers (value; mlibStream)
- pp (type; mlibSolver, mlibRewrite, mlibSubst, mlibResolution, mlibSubsume, mlibParser, mlibSupport, mlibModel, mlibTerm, mlibMeter, mlibTermnet, mlibLiteralnet, mlibTermorder, mlibClauseset, mlibThm, mlibClause, mlibUnits, folTools, mlibUseful, folMapping)
- pp (value; Drule, mlibHeap)
- pp_array_types (value; type_pp)
- pp_binop (value; mlibUseful)
- pp_bool (value; mlibUseful)
- pp_bracket (value; mlibUseful)
- pp_char (value; mlibUseful)
- pp_clause (value; mlibClause)
- pp_clauseset (value; mlibClauseset)
- pp_color (type; PPBackEnd)
- pp_compset (value; computeLib)
- pp_cost_fn (value; mlibSolver)
- pp_datatype_as_ML (value; EmitML)
- pp_defn (value; DefnBase)
- pp_defn_as_ML (value; EmitML)
- pp_dep (value; Dep)
- pp_dest_abs (value; term_pp_utils)
- pp_element (type; Parse, term_grammar)
- pp_elements_ok (value; term_grammar)
- pp_flags (value; Globals)
- pp_formula (value; mlibTerm)
- pp_formula' (value; mlibTerm)
- pp_goal (value; goalStack)
- pp_gstk (value; goalStack)
- pp_gtree (value; goalTree)
- pp_holset (value; HOLset)
- pp_inference (value; mlibThm)
- pp_inference' (value; mlibThm)
- pp_infixes (value; mlibParser)
- pp_int (value; hurdUtils, Arbint, mlibUseful)
- pp_is_abs (value; term_pp_utils)
- pp_left_infix (value; mlibParser)
- pp_lifter_def (value; Lift)
- pp_limit (value; mlibMeter)
- pp_list (value; hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- pp_literalnet (value; mlibLiteralnet)
- pp_logic_map (value; folTools)
- pp_map (value; hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- pp_maplet (value; mlibUseful)
- pp_meter (value; mlibMeter)
- pp_meter_reading (value; mlibMeter)
- pp_model (value; mlibModel)
- pp_mset (value; mlibMultiset)
- pp_num (value; Arbnum)
- pp_num_types (value; type_pp)
- pp_order (value; mlibUseful)
- pp_pair (value; hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- pp_porder (value; mlibUseful)
- pp_pretty (value; HOLPP)
- pp_pretype (value; Pretype)
- pp_proof (value; mlibThm, Manager, proofManagerLib)
- pp_proofs (value; Manager, proofManagerLib)
- pp_rat (value; Arbrat)
- pp_real (value; mlibUseful)
- pp_resolution (value; mlibResolution)
- pp_rewrites (value; Rewrite)
- pp_rewrs (value; mlibClause, mlibRewrite)
- pp_right_infix (value; mlibParser)
- pp_sequence (value; mlibUseful)
- pp_sexp (value; ThyDataSexp)
- pp_sig (value; TheoryPP)
- pp_sig_hook (value; TheoryPP)
- pp_simpls (value; RW)
- pp_simpset (value; simpLib)
- pp_solver_node (value; mlibSolver)
- pp_sos (value; mlibSupport)
- pp_ssfrag (value; simpLib)
- pp_string (value; hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- pp_struct (value; TheoryPP)
- pp_style (type; PPBackEnd)
- pp_subst (value; mlibSubst)
- pp_subsume (value; mlibSubsume)
- pp_sum (value; mlibUseful)
- pp_tag (value; FinalTag, Tag)
- pp_term (value; Parse, mlibTerm, Hol_pp, term_pp)
- pp_term' (value; mlibTerm)
- pp_term_as_ML (value; EmitML)
- pp_term_as_tex (value; EmitTeX)
- pp_term_ptree (value; patriciaLib)
- pp_term_without_overloads (value; Parse)
- pp_term_without_overloads_on (value; Parse)
- pp_termnet (value; mlibTermnet)
- pp_termorder (value; mlibTermorder)
- pp_theorem_as_tex (value; EmitTeX)
- pp_theory (value; Hol_pp)
- pp_theory_as_html (value; Hol_pp)
- pp_thm (value; Parse, Theory, Hol_pp, mlibThm)
- pp_thydata (value; TheoryPP)
- pp_to_disk (value; FinalTag, Tag)
- pp_to_string (value; HOLPP, OldPP)
- pp_triple (value; mlibUseful)
- pp_tyinfo (value; TypeBasePure)
- pp_type (value; Parse, TheoryPP, Hol_pp, type_pp)
- pp_type_as_ML (value; EmitML)
- pp_type_as_tex (value; EmitTeX)
- pp_type_with_depth (value; type_pp)
- pp_type_without_abbrevs (value; Parse)
- pp_unit (value; mlibUseful)
- pp_units (value; mlibUnits)
- pp_unknown (value; hurdUtils)
- PPBackEnd (structure)
- PPBlock (value; Parse)
- ppconsumer (type; OldPP)
- pprint (value; Portable)
- pprinter (type; Hol_pp, HOLPP, Parse)
- pprinters (type; TermParse)
- pps_from_iface (value; OldPP)
- ppstream (type; OldPP)
- ppstream_interface (type; OldPP)
- ppstring (value; Lib)
- pr_list (value; OldPP, HOLPP, smpp)
- PRE_CONV (value; Arithconv, reduceLib)
- pre_tm (value; numSyntax)
- PrecAnalysis (structure)
- PrecConflict (exception; parse_term)
- precheck (value; mesonLib)
- pred (type; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- PRED_ASSUM (value; Tactical)
- PRED_SET_AC_ss (value; pred_setSimps)
- PRED_SET_ss (value; pred_setLib, pred_setSimps)
- pred_setLib (structure)
- pred_setpp (structure)
- pred_setSimps (structure)
- pred_setSyntax (structure)
- pred_svar (value; tttLearn)
- prefer_form_with_tok (value; Parse, term_grammar)
- prefer_form_with_toklist (value; term_grammar)
- prefer_int (value; intLib)
- prefer_num (value; numLib)
- prefer_rat (value; ratLib)
- prefer_real (value; realLib)
- prefer_word (value; wordsLib)
- preferred_output_base (value; base_tokens)
- prefine (value; mesonLib)
- prefix_rule (type; term_grammar)
- prefix_tm (value; rich_listSyntax)
- PreListEncode (structure)
- premise_selection_flag (value; holyHammer)
- Prenex (structure)
- prenex (value; mlibCanon)
- PRENEX_CONV (value; Canon_Port, OmegaMath, Canon, Prenex, Arith, normalForms, refuteLib)
- preorder (type; Travrules)
- PREORDER (constructor; Travrules)
- preorder_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- prepare_global_data (value; tttEval)
- PRESIMP_CONV (value; Canon_Port)
- presimp_conv (value; def_cnf)
- pretac (type; tttToken)
- pretacl_of_sml (value; tttToken)
- preterm (type; Preterm, TermParse, Parse_support)
- Preterm (value; Parse)
- Preterm (structure)
- preterm (value; TermParse)
- preterm_in_env (type; Parse_support)
- preterm_processor (type; term_grammar)
- preterm_processor (value; term_grammar)
- preterm_to_term (value; TermParse)
- prettify (value; mlibTptp)
- prettify_fol (value; folMapping)
- prettify_formula (value; folMapping)
- prettify_vars (value; normalForms)
- PRETTIFY_VARS_CONV (value; normalForms)
- pretty (type; HOLPP)
- pretty_real (value; aiLib)
- prettyPrint (value; HOLPP)
- prettyprint_grammar (value; term_grammar, type_grammar)
- prettyprint_grammar_rules (value; term_grammar)
- pretype (type; ParseDatatype, Parse_support, Absyn, Preterm)
- Pretype (structure)
- pretype (type; Pretype)
- pretypeToType (value; ParseDatatype)
- PRFS (constructor; Manager)
- prheu_arity (value; PmatchHeuristics)
- prheu_constr_prefix (value; PmatchHeuristics)
- prheu_first_row (value; PmatchHeuristics)
- prheu_small_branching_factor (value; PmatchHeuristics)
- prim_ctxt_termS (value; TermParse)
- prim_delete_const (value; FinalTerm)
- prim_delete_type (value; FinalType)
- prim_find_subterm (value; BasicProvers)
- prim_get (value; TypeBasePure)
- prim_insert (value; ConstMapML)
- prim_irule (value; Tactic)
- prim_mk_const (value; FinalTerm)
- prim_mk_eq (value; Term)
- prim_mk_imp (value; Term)
- prim_mk_set (value; pred_setSyntax)
- prim_mk_set_spec (value; pred_setSyntax)
- prim_new_const (value; FinalTerm)
- prim_new_type (value; FinalType)
- Prim_rec (structure)
- prim_specification (value; FinalThm)
- PRIM_SRW_TAC (value; BasicProvers)
- PRIM_STP_TAC (value; BasicProvers)
- PRIM_TC_SIMP_CONV (value; TotalDefn)
- PRIM_TC_SIMP_TAC (value; TotalDefn)
- prim_type_definition (value; FinalThm)
- prim_variant (value; FinalTerm)
- PRIM_WF_REL_TAC (value; TotalDefn)
- PRIM_WF_TAC (value; TotalDefn)
- primDefine (value; TotalDefn)
- prime (value; Lib, Portable)
- primes (value; mlibUseful)
- primHol_datatype (value; Datatype)
- primInduct (value; BasicProvers)
- primitive_inference (value; mlibThm)
- PRIMREC (constructor; DefnBase)
- print_apropos (value; Hol_pp)
- PRINT_CONV (value; Conv)
- print_datatypes (value; EmitTeX)
- print_endline (value; aiLib)
- print_explicit_monadic_lets (value; monadsyntax)
- print_find (value; Hol_pp)
- print_from_grammars (value; Parse)
- print_map (value; Overload, type_grammar)
- print_match (value; Hol_pp)
- print_monads (value; monadsyntax, parmonadsyntax)
- print_polarity_match (value; Hol_pp)
- print_profile_result (value; Profile)
- print_profile_results (value; Profile)
- print_rat (value; Rationals)
- print_tac (value; goalStack)
- print_term (value; Hol_pp, Parse)
- print_term_as_tex (value; EmitTeX)
- print_term_by_grammar (value; Parse)
- print_term_grammar (value; Parse)
- print_theorem_as_tex (value; EmitTeX)
- print_theories_as_tex_doc (value; EmitTeX)
- print_theory (value; Hol_pp)
- print_theory_as_html (value; Hol_pp)
- print_theory_as_tex (value; EmitTeX)
- print_theory_to_file (value; Hol_pp)
- print_theory_to_outstream (value; Hol_pp)
- print_thm (value; Hol_pp, Parse)
- print_thy_loads (value; Globals)
- print_time (value; aiLib)
- print_type (value; Hol_pp, Parse)
- print_type_as_tex (value; EmitTeX)
- print_vistree (value; tttSearch)
- print_with_style (value; Parse)
- print_without_macros (value; Parse)
- printer (value; HOLsexp)
- printmap_data (type; Overload)
- prioritize_stacl (value; tacticToe)
- privileged_abbrevs (value; type_grammar)
- ProcessExit (constructor; testutils)
- PRODUCE (constructor; Trace)
- profile (value; Profile)
- Profile (structure)
- profile (value; hurdUtils)
- profile_no_exn (value; Profile)
- profile_with_exn (value; Profile)
- profile_with_exn_name (value; Profile)
- project (value; History)
- prolog (value; mlibMeson)
- prolog' (value; mlibMeson)
- PROLOG_SOLVE (value; metisTools)
- proof (type; proofManagerLib, Manager, psMinimize)
- Proof (constructor; tttSearch)
- proof (value; mlibThm)
- proof0 (type; Manager)
- proof_to_string (value; mlibThm)
- proof_to_string' (value; mlibThm)
- proofexp (type; smlParser)
- ProofInfix (constructor; smlParser)
- proofl_exp (value; tttEval)
- proofManagerLib (structure)
- ProofOther (constructor; smlParser)
- proofs (type; Manager, Defn, proofManagerLib)
- ProofSaturated (constructor; tttSearch)
- proofstatus (type; tttSearch)
- ProofTactic (constructor; smlParser)
- ProofTactical (constructor; smlParser)
- ProofTimeout (constructor; tttSearch)
- prop (type; mlibCanon)
- PROP_CNF_CONV (value; Canon_Port, Canon, refuteLib)
- PROP_DNF_CONV (value; Canon, refuteLib)
- Propositional (constructor; mlibCanon)
- protect (value; Systeml)
- PROVE (value; bossLib, BasicProvers)
- prove (value; Q, Tactical, mlibMetis, mlibUnits)
- prove_abs_fn_one_one (value; Drule)
- prove_abs_fn_onto (value; Drule)
- prove_attempt (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- prove_case_elim_thm (value; Prim_rec)
- prove_case_eq_thm (value; Prim_rec)
- prove_case_ho_elim_thm (value; Prim_rec)
- prove_case_ho_imp_thm (value; Prim_rec)
- prove_case_rand_thm (value; Prim_rec)
- prove_cases_thm (value; Prim_rec)
- prove_constructors_distinct (value; Prim_rec)
- prove_constructors_one_one (value; Prim_rec)
- PROVE_HYP (value; Drule)
- prove_induction_thm (value; Prim_rec)
- prove_inductive_relations_exist (value; InductiveDefinition)
- prove_monotonicity_hyps (value; InductiveDefinition)
- prove_nonschematic_inductive_relations_exist (value; InductiveDefinition)
- prove_rec_fn_exists (value; Prim_rec)
- prove_recordtype_thms (value; RecordType)
- prove_relation_thm (value; transferLib)
- prove_rep_fn_one_one (value; Drule)
- prove_rep_fn_onto (value; Drule)
- prove_size_eqs (value; DataSize)
- PROVE_TAC (value; BasicProvers, bossLib)
- prove_tac (value; BasicProvers, bossLib)
- prove_tailrec_exists (value; tailrecLib)
- prove_tcs (value; Defn)
- Proved (constructor; tttSearch)
- provehyp (value; Tactic)
- PROVEHYP_THEN (value; Thm_cont)
- provehyp_then (value; Thm_cont)
- prover (type; holyHammer, mlibMetis)
- prover_parameters (type; mlibMetis)
- proveTotal (value; TotalDefn)
- ProvideUnicode (structure)
- PRUNE_CONV (value; unwindLib)
- PRUNE_ONCE_CONV (value; unwindLib)
- PRUNE_ONE_CONV (value; unwindLib)
- PRUNE_RIGHT_RULE (value; unwindLib)
- PRUNE_SOME_CONV (value; unwindLib)
- PRUNE_SOME_RIGHT_RULE (value; unwindLib)
- psBigSteps (structure)
- PSELECT_CONV (value; PairRules)
- PSELECT_ELIM (value; PairRules)
- PSELECT_EQ (value; PairRules)
- PSELECT_INTRO (value; PairRules)
- PSELECT_RULE (value; PairRules)
- PSet_ind (structure)
- pseudo_constr_rws (value; EmitML)
- Psi (value; UnicodeChars)
- psi (value; UnicodeChars)
- PSKOLEM_CONV (value; PairRules)
- psMCTS (structure)
- psMinimize (structure)
- PSPEC (value; PairRules)
- PSPEC_ALL (value; PairRules)
- PSPEC_PAIR (value; PairRules)
- PSPEC_TAC (value; PairRules)
- PSPECL (value; PairRules)
- psr (value; simpLib)
- PStack (type; parse_term)
- psTermGen (structure)
- PSTRIP_ASSUME_TAC (value; PairRules)
- PSTRIP_GOAL_THEN (value; PairRules)
- PSTRIP_TAC (value; PairRules)
- PSTRIP_THM_THEN (value; PairRules)
- PSTRUCT_CASES_TAC (value; PairRules)
- PSUB_CONV (value; PairRules)
- psubset_tm (value; pred_setSyntax)
- Psyntax (structure)
- PTAUT_CONV (value; tautLib)
- PTAUT_PROVE (value; tautLib)
- PTAUT_TAC (value; tautLib)
- ptfvs (value; Preterm)
- PTREE_ADD_CONV (value; patriciaLib)
- ptree_compset (value; patriciaLib)
- PTREE_CONV (value; patriciaLib)
- PTREE_DEFN_CONV (value; patriciaLib)
- PTREE_DEPTH_CONV (value; patriciaLib)
- PTREE_EVERY_LEAF_CONV (value; patriciaLib)
- PTREE_EXISTS_LEAF_CONV (value; patriciaLib)
- PTREE_IN_PTREE_CONV (value; patriciaLib)
- PTREE_INSERT_PTREE_CONV (value; patriciaLib)
- PTREE_IS_PTREE_CONV (value; patriciaLib)
- ptree_new_defn_depth (value; patriciaLib)
- ptree_of_ints (value; patriciaLib)
- ptree_of_list (value; patriciaLib)
- ptree_of_nums (value; patriciaLib)
- PTREE_OF_NUMSET_CONV (value; patriciaLib)
- ptree_of_numset_tm (value; patriciaSyntax)
- ptree_of_strings (value; patriciaLib)
- ptree_of_stringset_tm (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- ptree_of_wordset_tm (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- PTREE_PEEK_CONV (value; patriciaLib)
- PTREE_REMOVE_CONV (value; patriciaLib)
- PTREE_SIZE_CONV (value; patriciaLib)
- PTREE_TRANSFORM_CONV (value; patriciaLib)
- ptype_of (value; Preterm)
- public_data (type; DB)
- pull_prefix (value; Portable)
- punct (value; mlibParser)
- Pure (constructor; RW)
- PURE_ASM_REWRITE_RULE (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- PURE_ASM_REWRITE_TAC (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- PURE_ASM_RW_RULE (value; RW)
- PURE_ASM_RW_TAC (value; RW)
- PURE_CASE_SIMP_CONV (value; BasicProvers)
- PURE_CASE_TAC (value; BasicProvers)
- PURE_CNF_CONV (value; normalForms)
- PURE_CONV_TAC (value; hurdUtils)
- PURE_DEF_CNF_CONV (value; defCNF, normalForms)
- Pure_equality (constructor; mlibCanon)
- pure_fix (value; mlibModel)
- PURE_FULL_CASE_TAC (value; BasicProvers)
- pure_goal (value; Cooper, CooperShell)
- PURE_MATCH_MP (value; totoTacs)
- PURE_NNF_CONV (value; normalForms)
- PURE_NNF_CONV' (value; normalForms)
- PURE_ONCE_ASM_REWRITE_RULE (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- PURE_ONCE_ASM_REWRITE_TAC (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_CONV (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_RULE (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_TAC (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- PURE_ONCE_RW_TAC (value; RW)
- PURE_REAL_ARITH_TAC (value; RealArith, realLib)
- PURE_REWRITE_CONV (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- PURE_REWRITE_RULE (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- PURE_REWRITE_TAC (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- PURE_RW_CONV (value; RW)
- PURE_RW_RULE (value; RW)
- PURE_RW_TAC (value; RW)
- PURE_ss (value; pureSimps)
- pure_ss (value; bossLib, pureSimps)
- pure_stateful_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase, quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibParameters)
- PURE_TOP_CASE_TAC (value; BasicProvers)
- purecnf (value; mlibCanon)
- pureSimps (structure)
- push (value; qbuf)
- push_in_exists (value; CooperSyntax)
- push_in_exists_and_follow (value; CooperSyntax)
- push_one_exists_over_many_disjs (value; CooperSyntax)
- push_output_file (value; smlRedirect)
- put_accessors (value; TypeBasePure)
- put_axiom (value; TypeBasePure)
- put_destructors (value; TypeBasePure)
- put_encode (value; TypeBasePure)
- put_extra (value; TypeBasePure)
- put_fields (value; TypeBasePure)
- put_induction (value; TypeBasePure)
- put_lift (value; TypeBasePure)
- put_nchotomy (value; TypeBasePure)
- put_recognizers (value; TypeBasePure)
- put_simpls (value; TypeBasePure)
- put_size (value; TypeBasePure)
- put_updates (value; TypeBasePure)
- Pvar (constructor; clauses)
- pvariant (value; PairRules)
- pwd (value; Portable)
- Q (structure)
- Q_RESQ_EXISTS_TAC (value; res_quanLib)
- Q_RESQ_HALF_ISPEC (value; res_quanLib)
- Q_RESQ_HALF_ISPECL (value; res_quanLib)
- Q_RESQ_HALF_SPEC (value; res_quanLib)
- Q_RESQ_HALF_SPECL (value; res_quanLib)
- Q_RESQ_ISPEC (value; res_quanLib)
- Q_RESQ_ISPECL (value; res_quanLib)
- Q_RESQ_SPEC (value; res_quanLib)
- Q_RESQ_SPECL (value; res_quanLib)
- Q_TAC (value; Tactical)
- Q_TAC0 (value; Tactical)
- qabbrev_tac (value; bossLib)
- qbuf (type; parse_term)
- qbuf (structure)
- qbuf (type; qbuf)
- QCHANGED_CONSEQ_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- QCHANGED_CONV (value; Conv)
- QCONV (value; Conv)
- qDefine (value; TotalDefn)
- qexists (value; bossLib)
- qexists_tac (value; bossLib)
- qexistsl (value; bossLib)
- qexistsl_tac (value; bossLib)
- qhdtm_assum (value; bossLib)
- qhdtm_x_assum (value; bossLib)
- qho_match_abbrev_tac (value; bossLib)
- QI_ss (value; bossLib)
- QI_TAC (value; bossLib)
- qid_spec_tac (value; bossLib)
- QIdent (constructor; term_tokens)
- qk_numto_CONV (value; totoTacs)
- qmatch_abbrev_tac (value; bossLib)
- qmatch_asmsub_abbrev_tac (value; bossLib)
- qmatch_asmsub_rename_tac (value; bossLib)
- qmatch_assum_abbrev_tac (value; bossLib)
- qmatch_assum_rename_tac (value; bossLib)
- qmatch_goalsub_abbrev_tac (value; bossLib)
- qmatch_goalsub_rename_tac (value; bossLib)
- qmatch_rename_tac (value; bossLib)
- qp_to_heuristic (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- qpat_abbrev_tac (value; bossLib)
- qpat_assum (value; bossLib)
- qpat_x_assum (value; bossLib)
- qrefine (value; bossLib)
- qrefinel (value; bossLib)
- QREWRITE (value; mlibClause)
- qsEXISTS (constructor; CooperSyntax)
- qsort3_tm (value; sortingSyntax)
- qsort_tm (value; sortingSyntax)
- qspec_tac (value; bossLib)
- qspec_then (value; bossLib)
- qspecl_then (value; bossLib)
- qstatus (type; CooperSyntax)
- qsuff_tac (value; bossLib)
- qsUNIV (constructor; CooperSyntax)
- QTY_TAC (value; Tactical)
- quadruple (value; Lib, Portable)
- quadruple_of_list (value; Lib)
- QUANT_ABBREV_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLibAbbrev)
- QUANT_ABBREV_TAC (value; quantHeuristicsLibAbbrev)
- QUANT_CONSEQ_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- QUANT_CONV (value; Conv)
- quant_fun_remove_arg (type; quantHeuristicsLibFunRemove)
- QUANT_FUN_REMOVE_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibFunRemove)
- QUANT_FUN_REMOVE_ss (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibFunRemove)
- quant_heuristic (type; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- quant_heuristic_base (type; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- quant_heuristic_cache (type; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- QUANT_INST_ss (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- QUANT_INSTANTIATE_CONSEQ_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- QUANT_INSTANTIATE_CONSEQ_TAC (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- QUANT_INSTANTIATE_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- QUANT_INSTANTIATE_HEURISTIC___cases (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- QUANT_INSTANTIATE_HEURISTIC___CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- QUANT_INSTANTIATE_HEURISTIC___EQUATION_distinct (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- QUANT_INSTANTIATE_HEURISTIC___EQUATION_two_cases (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- QUANT_INSTANTIATE_HEURISTIC___max_rec_depth (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- QUANT_INSTANTIATE_HEURISTIC___no_guess_exp (exception; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- QUANT_INSTANTIATE_HEURISTIC___one_case (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- QUANT_INSTANTIATE_HEURISTIC___QUANT (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- QUANT_INSTANTIATE_TAC (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- quant_l2 (value; hhExportLib)
- quant_param (type; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- QUANT_SIMP_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase, quantHeuristicsTools)
- QUANT_TAC (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- quantHeuristicsLib (structure)
- quantHeuristicsLibAbbrev (structure)
- quantHeuristicsLibBase (structure)
- quantHeuristicsLibFunRemove (structure)
- quantHeuristicsLibParameters (structure)
- quantHeuristicsLibSimple (structure)
- quantHeuristicsTools (structure)
- QUANTIFY_CONDITIONS (value; Cond_rewr)
- Query (type; metisTools, folTools)
- query (value; mlibMetis)
- quick_cst_elim (value; CooperSyntax)
- Quiet (constructor; cv_memLib)
- quiet_messages (value; Feedback)
- quiet_warnings (value; Feedback)
- quietly (value; testutils)
- quintuple_of_list (value; aiLib)
- qunabbrev_tac (value; bossLib)
- qunabbrevl_tac (value; bossLib)
- quot (value; mlibArbint, Arbintcore, mlibOmegaint)
- quot_tm (value; intSyntax)
- quotation (type; OldPP, Portable, HOLPP, TermParse, Absyn, mlibParser, Abbrev, mlibTerm)
- quotation_parser (value; mlibParser)
- Quote (value; HOLsexp)
- QUOTE (constructor; HOLPP)
- quote (value; Lib, Portable)
- quote_adjoin_to_theory (value; Theory)
- quote_to_string (value; Portable)
- quote_to_string_list (value; Portable)
- quotient (structure)
- quotrem (value; Arbintcore, mlibArbint)
- quse_string (value; smlExecute)
- qx_choose_then (value; bossLib)
- qx_choosel_then (value; bossLib)
- qx_gen_tac (value; bossLib)
- qx_genl_tac (value; bossLib)
- R (value; proofManagerLib)
- R (constructor; GenPolyCanon)
- r (value; EvalRef, proofManagerLib)
- RADDCANON_ss (value; realSimps)
- Raise (value; Feedback)
- RAND (value; RW)
- rand (value; FinalTerm, boolSyntax)
- RAND_CONV (value; Conv, RJBConv)
- Random (structure)
- random (value; Random)
- random_elem (value; aiLib)
- random_generator (value; hurdUtils)
- random_int (value; aiLib)
- random_integer (value; hurdUtils)
- random_nn (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- random_player (value; psMCTS)
- random_real (value; aiLib, hurdUtils)
- random_subset (value; aiLib)
- random_term (value; psTermGen)
- random_terml (value; psTermGen)
- random_tnn (value; mlTreeNeuralNetwork)
- random_tnn_std (value; mlTreeNeuralNetwork)
- randomlist (value; Random)
- range (value; Random, aiLib)
- rangelist (value; Random)
- rangle (value; UnicodeChars)
- rat (type; Rationals, RealArith, Grobner, Arbrat)
- Rat (value; Rationals)
- rat_0_tm (value; ratSyntax)
- rat_1_tm (value; ratSyntax)
- RAT_ADD_CONV (value; ratReduce)
- rat_add_tm (value; ratSyntax)
- RAT_ADDAC_CONV (value; ratLib)
- RAT_ADDAC_TAC (value; ratLib)
- RAT_ADDSUB_TAC (value; ratLib)
- rat_ainv_tm (value; ratSyntax)
- RAT_BASIC_ARITH_CONV (value; ratLib)
- RAT_BASIC_ARITH_TAC (value; ratLib)
- rat_basic_rewrites (value; ratLib)
- RAT_CALC_CONV (value; ratLib)
- RAT_CALC_TAC (value; ratLib)
- RAT_CALCEQ_TAC (value; ratLib)
- RAT_CALCTERM_TAC (value; ratLib)
- Rat_div (exception; Rationals)
- rat_div (value; Rationals)
- rat_div_tm (value; ratSyntax)
- rat_dnm_tm (value; ratSyntax)
- RAT_ELIMINATE_MINV_TAC (value; ratLib)
- RAT_EQ_CONV (value; ratLib)
- RAT_EQ_LMUL_TAC (value; ratLib)
- RAT_EQ_RMUL_TAC (value; ratLib)
- RAT_EQ_TAC (value; ratLib)
- Rat_form (exception; Rationals)
- rat_geq_tm (value; ratSyntax)
- rat_gre_tm (value; ratSyntax)
- Rat_inv (exception; Rationals)
- rat_inv (value; Rationals)
- rat_leq_tm (value; ratSyntax)
- rat_les_tm (value; ratSyntax)
- rat_less (value; Rationals)
- rat_minus (value; Rationals)
- rat_minv_tm (value; ratSyntax)
- RAT_MUL_CONV (value; ratReduce)
- rat_mul_tm (value; ratSyntax)
- RAT_MULAC_CONV (value; ratLib)
- RAT_MULAC_TAC (value; ratLib)
- rat_mult (value; Rationals)
- rat_nmr_tm (value; ratSyntax)
- rat_num_rewrites (value; ratLib)
- rat_of_int (value; Rationals)
- rat_of_num_tm (value; ratSyntax)
- rat_of_term (value; RealArith)
- rat_one (value; Rationals)
- rat_plus (value; Rationals)
- RAT_POSTCALC_CONV (value; ratLib)
- RAT_PRECALC_CONV (value; ratLib)
- rat_rewrites (value; ratLib)
- RAT_RING_CONV (value; ratRingLib)
- RAT_RING_NORM_CONV (value; ratRingLib)
- RAT_RING_NORM_RULE (value; ratRingLib)
- RAT_RING_NORM_TAC (value; ratRingLib)
- RAT_RING_RULE (value; ratRingLib)
- RAT_RING_TAC (value; ratRingLib)
- RAT_SAVE_ALLVARS_TAC (value; ratLib)
- RAT_SAVE_TAC (value; ratLib)
- rat_sgn_tm (value; ratSyntax)
- RAT_STRICT_CALC_TAC (value; ratLib)
- rat_sub_tm (value; ratSyntax)
- rat_ty (value; ratSyntax)
- rat_zero (value; Rationals)
- Rationals (structure)
- ratLib (structure)
- RATOR (value; RW)
- rator (value; FinalTerm, boolSyntax)
- RATOR_CONV (value; Conv, RJBConv)
- ratReduce (structure)
- ratRingLib (structure)
- rats (value; UnicodeChars)
- RATSKOL (value; Canon, refuteLib)
- ratSyntax (structure)
- ratUtils (structure)
- raw_backend (value; testutils)
- raw_map_insert (value; Overload)
- raw_match (value; FinalTerm)
- raw_match_term (value; matchTools)
- raw_match_ty (value; matchTools)
- raw_match_type (value; FinalType)
- raw_pp_term_as_tex (value; EmitTeX)
- raw_pp_theorem_as_tex (value; EmitTeX)
- raw_pp_type_as_tex (value; EmitTeX)
- raw_print_map (value; Overload)
- raw_read_article (value; OpenTheoryReader)
- raw_read_file (value; HOLsexp_parser)
- raw_read_stream (value; HOLsexp_parser)
- raw_subst (type; matchTools)
- raw_substitution (type; hurdUtils)
- raw_terminal (value; PPBackEnd)
- rawterm_pp (value; Parse)
- RB (constructor; UTF8)
- rc_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- RCACHE (value; Cache)
- rcd_fieldinfo (type; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- rcdiamond_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- rcompl_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- rdistrib_tm (value; boolSyntax)
- rDIV (constructor; CooperSyntax)
- rdom_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- rdquo (value; UnicodeChars)
- RE_compare (value; term_grammar)
- REABBREV_TAC (value; bossLib, markerLib)
- read (value; FinalTag, Tag, Count, TypeBase, mlibTptp)
- read_article (value; OpenTheoryReader)
- read_congs (value; DefnBase)
- read_data (value; aiLib)
- read_dep (value; Dep)
- read_disk_tag (value; Tag)
- read_exl (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- read_file (value; DiskThms)
- read_infs (value; mlibMeter)
- read_meter (value; mlibMeter)
- read_nn (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- read_overrides (value; mungeTools)
- read_raw (value; FinalTerm)
- read_rlex (value; mlReinforce)
- read_schedule (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- read_stream (value; DiskThms)
- read_string (value; SharingTables)
- read_term (value; SharingTables)
- read_thmdata (value; tttRecord)
- read_tm (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- read_tmdata (value; aiLib)
- read_tnn (value; mlTreeNeuralNetwork)
- read_tnndim (value; mlTreeNeuralNetwork)
- read_tnnex (value; mlTreeNeuralNetwork)
- reader (type; Coding, OpenTheoryReader)
- readermonad (structure)
- readl (value; aiLib)
- readl_empty (value; aiLib)
- readl_rm (value; aiLib)
- real_ac_SS (value; realSimps)
- real_ac_ss (value; realSimps)
- REAL_ARITH (value; RealField, RealArith, realLib)
- REAL_ARITH_ss (value; realSimps)
- REAL_ARITH_TAC (value; RealField, RealArith, realLib)
- REAL_ASM_ARITH_TAC (value; RealField, RealArith, realLib)
- REAL_ASM_FIELD_TAC (value; RealField)
- REAL_COMBIN (constructor; OmegaMLShadow, mlibOmega)
- real_compset (value; realSimps)
- real_eq_tm (value; realSyntax)
- REAL_FIELD (value; RealField)
- REAL_FIELD_TAC (value; RealField)
- real_ideal_cofactors (value; RealField)
- REAL_IDEAL_CONV (value; RealField)
- real_injection (value; realSyntax)
- REAL_INT_ABS_CONV (value; RealArith)
- REAL_INT_ADD_CONV (value; RealArith)
- real_int_compset (value; RealArith)
- REAL_INT_EQ_CONV (value; RealArith)
- REAL_INT_GE_CONV (value; RealArith)
- REAL_INT_GT_CONV (value; RealArith)
- REAL_INT_LE_CONV (value; RealArith)
- REAL_INT_LT_CONV (value; RealArith)
- REAL_INT_MUL_CONV (value; RealArith)
- REAL_INT_NEG_CONV (value; RealArith)
- REAL_INT_POW_CONV (value; RealArith)
- REAL_INT_REDUCE_CONV (value; RealArith)
- REAL_INT_SUB_CONV (value; RealArith)
- REAL_LINEAR_PROVER (value; RealArith)
- REAL_LITCANON (value; realSimps)
- real_mul_conv (value; bitArithLib)
- real_of_int_tm (value; intrealSyntax)
- REAL_POLY_ADD_CONV (value; RealField)
- REAL_POLY_CONV (value; RealField)
- REAL_POLY_MUL_CONV (value; RealField)
- REAL_POLY_NEG_CONV (value; RealField)
- REAL_POLY_POW_CONV (value; RealField)
- REAL_POLY_SUB_CONV (value; RealField)
- REAL_RAT_ABS_CONV (value; RealField)
- REAL_RAT_ADD_CONV (value; RealField)
- REAL_RAT_DIV_CONV (value; RealField)
- REAL_RAT_EQ_CONV (value; RealField)
- REAL_RAT_GE_CONV (value; RealField)
- REAL_RAT_GT_CONV (value; RealField)
- REAL_RAT_INV_CONV (value; RealField)
- REAL_RAT_LE_CONV (value; RealField)
- REAL_RAT_LT_CONV (value; RealField)
- REAL_RAT_MAX_CONV (value; RealField)
- REAL_RAT_MIN_CONV (value; RealField)
- REAL_RAT_MUL_CONV (value; RealField)
- REAL_RAT_NEG_CONV (value; RealField)
- REAL_RAT_POW_CONV (value; RealField)
- REAL_RAT_REDUCE_CONV (value; RealField)
- REAL_RAT_SGN_CONV (value; RealField)
- REAL_RAT_SUB_CONV (value; RealField)
- REAL_REDUCE_CONV (value; binary_ieeeLib)
- REAL_REDUCE_ss (value; realSimps)
- REAL_RING (value; RealField)
- real_ss (value; realLib)
- real_SS (value; realSimps)
- real_ss (value; realSimps)
- real_time (value; Lib)
- real_to_float_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- real_to_float_with_flags_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- real_to_string (value; mlibUseful)
- real_ty (value; realSyntax)
- REALADDCANON (value; realSimps)
- RealArith (structure)
- RealField (structure)
- reall_to_string (value; aiLib, mlNeuralNetwork)
- realLib (structure)
- realll_to_string (value; aiLib)
- REALMULCANON (value; realSimps)
- reals (value; UnicodeChars)
- realSimps (structure)
- realSyntax (structure)
- realtime (value; Portable)
- realToFloat (value; native_ieeeLib)
- realToWord (value; native_ieeeLib)
- rebrand (value; mlibClause)
- rec_define_from_to (value; cv_typeLib)
- reccons_special (value; GrammarSpecials)
- recd_lform_name (value; GrammarSpecials)
- recent_fol_problems (value; folTools)
- recfupd_special (value; GrammarSpecials)
- recInduct (value; Induction, bossLib)
- recnil_special (value; GrammarSpecials)
- recognizers_of (value; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- reconstruct (value; psMinimize)
- reconstruct_flag (value; hhReconstruct)
- reconstruction_timeout (value; hhReconstruct)
- record_bvars (value; term_pp_utils)
- record_default_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibParameters)
- record_flag (value; tttSetup)
- record_infs (value; mlibMeter)
- record_let_flag (value; tttSetup)
- record_ortho_flag (value; tttSetup)
- record_proof (value; tttRecord)
- record_proof_time (value; tttSetup)
- record_prove_flag (value; tttSetup)
- record_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibParameters)
- record_savestate_flag (value; tttSetup)
- record_tactic (value; tttRecord)
- record_tactic_time (value; tttSetup)
- record_tmdelta (value; GrammarDeltas)
- record_tydelta (value; GrammarDeltas)
- RecordType (structure)
- recreate_sset_at_parentage (value; BasicProvers)
- recsel_special (value; GrammarSpecials)
- recupd_special (value; GrammarSpecials)
- recwith_special (value; GrammarSpecials)
- red (value; testutils)
- RED_CONV (value; intReduce, intSimps, reduceLib)
- Redblackmap (structure)
- Redblackset (structure)
- REDEPTH (value; RW)
- REDEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- REDEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV_TAC (value; ConseqConv)
- REDEPTH_CONV (value; Conv, liteLib)
- REDEPTH_QCONV (value; liteLib)
- redex (value; hurdUtils)
- redex_map (value; hurdUtils)
- redres_eq (value; Lib, Portable)
- REDUCE (value; IndDefRules)
- reduce (value; mlibClause)
- REDUCE (constructor; Trace)
- reduce (value; mlibRewrite)
- reduce' (value; mlibRewrite)
- reduce_and_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- REDUCE_CONV (value; intReduce, intLib, intSimps, CooperMath, numLib, reduceLib)
- reduce_if_ground (value; CooperSyntax)
- reduce_nand_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- reduce_nor_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- reduce_or_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- REDUCE_RULE (value; numLib, reduceLib)
- REDUCE_ss (value; numSimps)
- REDUCE_TAC (value; numLib, reduceLib)
- reduce_xnor_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- reduce_xor_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- reduced (value; mlibClause, mlibRewrite)
- reduceLib (structure)
- REDUCER (constructor; Traverse)
- reducer (type; Traverse)
- ref_equiv (value; Pretype)
- ref_occurs_in (value; Pretype)
- ref_to_int (value; Portable)
- refine (value; mlibSubst)
- refine_subst (value; hurdUtils, matchTools)
- refinement (type; jrhTactics)
- REFL (value; FinalThm)
- Refl (constructor; mlibKernel)
- REFL (value; Q)
- Refl (constructor; Count)
- REFL (value; mlibKernel)
- refl (value; mlibTerm)
- Refl' (constructor; mlibThm)
- REFL_CONSEQ_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- refl_sym_trans_equiv (value; quotient)
- REFL_TAC (value; Tactic)
- refl_thm (value; compute_rules)
- reflexive_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- REFLEXIVITY (value; mlibThm)
- REFUTE (value; refuteLib, Canon)
- refute (value; mlibSolver)
- REFUTE_THEN (value; Canon_Port)
- refuteLib (structure)
- register_alias_trace (value; Feedback)
- register_attribute (value; ThmAttribute)
- register_btrace (value; Feedback)
- register_defn (value; DefnBaseCore)
- register_frag (value; simpLib)
- register_ftrace (value; Feedback)
- register_hook (value; Theory)
- register_indn (value; DefnBaseCore)
- register_simpfrag_conv (value; simpfrag)
- register_trace (value; Feedback)
- register_update_fn (value; TypeBase)
- register_UserStyle (value; PPBackEnd)
- reify (value; EVAL_ringLib)
- rel (type; PrecAnalysis)
- REL_CONGRUENCE (value; mlibThm)
- rel_of_congrule (value; Opening)
- rel_to_abs (value; locn)
- relation_names (value; mlibTerm)
- relations (value; mlibTerm)
- relationSyntax (structure)
- relaxed_dest_numeral (value; Literal)
- relaxed_dest_string_lit (value; Literal)
- release (value; Exn, Globals, Systeml)
- rell_transform (type; PrecAnalysis)
- reln_of (value; Defn)
- relsimp_ss (value; simpLib)
- relsimpdata (type; simpLib)
- reltoString (value; term_grammar)
- reltype (type; CooperSyntax)
- rem (value; mlibArbint, Arbintcore, mlibOmegaint)
- rem_tm (value; intSyntax)
- Remember (constructor; testutils)
- remove (value; Redblackmap, mlibHeap, PIntMap, mlibPatricia, Intmap, mlibSupport)
- REMOVE (constructor; ThmSetData)
- remove (value; patriciaLib)
- REMOVE_ABBR_TAC (value; normalForms)
- remove_abbreviation (value; type_grammar)
- remove_absyn_postprocessor (value; term_grammar)
- remove_assoc (value; liteLib)
- remove_binary_tyop (value; type_grammar)
- remove_case_magic (value; Preterm)
- remove_file (value; aiLib)
- remove_form_with_tok (value; term_grammar)
- remove_form_with_toklist (value; term_grammar)
- remove_fupd_conv (value; cv_miscLib)
- remove_hidepp (value; markerLib)
- remove_listrels (value; PrecAnalysis)
- remove_made_links (value; Pretype)
- remove_mapping (value; Overload)
- remove_numeral_form (value; Parse, term_grammar)
- remove_overloaded_form (value; Overload)
- remove_ovl_mapping (value; Parse)
- remove_past (value; History)
- remove_preterm_processor (value; term_grammar)
- REMOVE_REBIND_CONV (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- remove_rules_for_term (value; Parse)
- remove_rules_with_tok (value; term_grammar)
- REMOVE_RWT (constructor; BasicProvers)
- remove_simps (value; simpLib)
- remove_sptree_printer (value; sptreeSyntax)
- remove_ssfrags (value; simpLib)
- remove_standard_form (value; term_grammar)
- remove_strlit_injector (value; term_grammar)
- remove_strliteral_form (value; Parse)
- remove_termtok (value; Parse)
- remove_thm_arg (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibFunRemove)
- remove_tm (value; patriciaSyntax)
- REMOVE_TRUE_TAC (value; ConseqConv)
- remove_type_abbrev (value; Parse)
- remove_user_printer (value; Parse, term_grammar)
- remove_vacuous_existential (value; CooperSyntax)
- remove_word_cast_printer (value; wordsLib)
- remove_word_printer (value; wordsLib)
- removes_tm (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- removew_tm (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- rename (value; bossLib)
- rename1 (value; bossLib)
- RENAME1_TAC (value; Q)
- rename_allvar (value; aiLib)
- rename_bvar (value; FinalTerm)
- rename_bvarl (value; aiLib)
- RENAME_TAC (value; Q)
- rename_tv (value; Pretype)
- rename_typevars (value; Pretype)
- RENAME_VARS_CONV (value; Conv)
- renaming (value; mlibTptp)
- REORDER_ANTS (value; Drule)
- REORDER_ANTS_MOD (value; Drule)
- REORDER_ASMS (value; hurdUtils)
- repeat (value; Portable, Lib, errormonad)
- REPEAT (value; jrhTactics)
- repeat (value; liteLib)
- REPEAT (value; Tactical)
- repeat (value; mlibStream, optmonad, seqmonad)
- REPEAT_GTCL (value; Thm_cont)
- REPEAT_LT (value; Tactical)
- REPEAT_TCL (value; Thm_cont)
- REPEATC (value; Conv, RJBConv)
- REPEATC_CUTOFF (value; hurdUtils)
- repeatf (value; hurdUtils)
- repeatn (value; optmonad, errormonad, seqmonad)
- REPEATPLUSC (value; hurdUtils)
- repeatplusf (value; hurdUtils)
- REPEATQC (value; liteLib)
- REPEATR (value; hurdUtils)
- repetitions (type; RW)
- replace_current (value; qbuf)
- replace_null_links (value; Pretype)
- replace_string (value; Portable)
- replacement (value; mungeTools)
- replicate (value; liteLib)
- REPLICATE_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- replicate_tm (value; bitstringSyntax, rich_listSyntax)
- report (value; Count, mlibUseful)
- report_ovl_ambiguity (value; Preterm)
- repr_tm (value; alist_treeLib)
- reprs_conv (value; alist_treeLib)
- rEQ (constructor; CooperSyntax)
- Req0 (value; bossLib, simpLib)
- ReqD (value; bossLib, simpLib)
- require (value; testutils)
- REQUIRE0_TAC (value; Ho_Rewrite)
- REQUIRE_DECREASE_TAC (value; Ho_Rewrite)
- require_msg (value; testutils)
- require_msgk (value; testutils)
- require_pretty_msg (value; testutils)
- require_tag (value; ThyDataSexp)
- requote (value; smlPrettify)
- requote_sproof (value; psMinimize)
- reraise (value; Exn, Portable)
- Res (constructor; Exn)
- res_abstract_tm (value; boolSyntax)
- RES_CANON (value; Drule)
- res_exists1_tm (value; boolSyntax)
- RES_EXISTS_CONV (value; res_quanLib)
- res_exists_tm (value; boolSyntax)
- RES_EXISTS_UNIQUE_CONV (value; res_quanLib)
- RES_FORALL_AND_CONV (value; res_quanLib)
- RES_FORALL_CONV (value; res_quanLib)
- RES_FORALL_SWAP_CONV (value; res_quanLib)
- res_forall_tm (value; boolSyntax)
- res_quanLib (structure)
- res_quanTools (structure)
- RES_SELECT_CONV (value; res_quanLib)
- res_select_tm (value; boolSyntax)
- RES_TAC (value; Tactic)
- res_tac (value; Tactic)
- RES_THEN (value; Thm_cont)
- reset (value; Lib, Portable, mlibRewrite)
- reset1 (value; Profile)
- reset_all (value; Profile)
- reset_cache (value; quotient)
- reset_multiplication_theorems (value; Norm_arith)
- reset_thm_count (value; Count)
- reset_trace (value; Feedback)
- reset_traces (value; Feedback)
- reshape_thm_hook (value; EmitML)
- residue (value; hurdUtils)
- residue_map (value; hurdUtils)
- resolution (type; mlibResolution)
- resolution (value; mlibResolution)
- resolution' (value; mlibResolution)
- RESOLVE (value; mlibClause)
- Resolve (constructor; mlibKernel)
- RESOLVE (value; mlibKernel)
- Resolve' (constructor; mlibThm)
- resolve_relhyps (value; transferLib)
- resolve_then (value; Tactic)
- resolve_then (structure)
- resolve_then (value; resolve_then)
- resolveN (value; transferLib)
- RESORT_EXISTS_CONV (value; Conv)
- RESORT_FORALL_CONV (value; Conv)
- RESQ_CHOOSE_THEN (value; res_quanLib)
- RESQ_EXISTS_TAC (value; res_quanLib)
- RESQ_GEN_TAC (value; res_quanLib)
- RESQ_GEN_THEN (value; res_quanLib)
- RESQ_HALF_EXISTS_THEN (value; res_quanLib)
- RESQ_HALF_SPEC (value; res_quanLib)
- RESQ_HALF_SPECL (value; res_quanLib)
- RESQ_IMP_RES_TAC (value; res_quanLib)
- RESQ_IMP_RES_THEN (value; res_quanLib)
- RESQ_MATCH_MP (value; res_quanLib)
- RESQ_PRED_SET_ss (value; res_quanLib)
- RESQ_RES_TAC (value; res_quanLib)
- RESQ_RES_THEN (value; res_quanLib)
- RESQ_REWR_CANON (value; res_quanLib)
- RESQ_REWRITE1_CONV (value; res_quanLib)
- RESQ_REWRITE1_TAC (value; res_quanLib)
- RESQ_SPEC (value; res_quanLib)
- RESQ_SPECL (value; res_quanLib)
- resq_SS (value; res_quanLib)
- resq_ss (value; res_quanLib)
- RESQ_STRIP_ASSUME_TAC (value; res_quanLib)
- RESQ_STRIP_GOAL_THEN (value; res_quanLib)
- RESQ_STRIP_TAC (value; res_quanLib)
- RESQ_STRIP_THM_THEN (value; res_quanLib)
- RESQ_TAC (value; res_quanLib)
- resquan_onestep (value; CooperSyntax)
- resquan_op (value; term_grammar)
- resquan_remove (value; CooperSyntax)
- resquan_special (value; GrammarSpecials)
- rest_tm (value; pred_setSyntax)
- restart (value; Manager, proofManagerLib)
- restore (value; History, Manager, proofManagerLib)
- restore_bvars (value; term_pp_utils)
- restore_prover (value; Tactical)
- RESTR_EVAL_CONV (value; computeLib)
- RESTR_EVAL_RULE (value; computeLib)
- RESTR_EVAL_TAC (value; computeLib)
- restrict (value; mlibSubst)
- restrict_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- restrict_tmenv (value; Unify)
- result (type; Exn)
- Result (type; metisTools)
- result (type; OmegaMLShadow)
- Result (type; folTools)
- result (type; mlibOmega)
- Result (type; folMapping)
- result (value; seq)
- results (value; Profile)
- retire_id (value; KernelSig)
- retire_name (value; KernelSig)
- retrieve (value; Intmap, Redblackset)
- retrieve_rlex (value; mlReinforce)
- retrieve_targetd (value; mlReinforce)
- retrieve_tnn (value; mlReinforce)
- return (value; readermonad, optmonad, seqmonad, errormonad, smpp, Coding, stmonad)
- returnTo (constructor; PEGParse)
- rev_assoc (value; Lib, hol88Lib, hurdUtils, liteLib)
- REV_CONJUNCTS (value; hurdUtils)
- rev_drule (value; Tactic)
- rev_drule_all (value; Tactic)
- rev_drule_all_then (value; Tactic)
- rev_drule_at (value; Tactic)
- rev_drule_at_then (value; Tactic)
- rev_drule_then (value; Tactic)
- rev_dxrule (value; Tactic)
- rev_dxrule_all (value; Tactic)
- rev_dxrule_all_then (value; Tactic)
- rev_dxrule_at (value; Tactic)
- rev_dxrule_at_then (value; Tactic)
- rev_dxrule_then (value; Tactic)
- REV_FULL_SIMP_TAC (value; simpLib, bossLib)
- rev_full_simp_tac (value; bossLib, simpLib)
- rev_itlist (value; Lib, Portable)
- rev_itlist2 (value; Lib)
- rev_order (value; mlibUseful)
- rev_splitlist (value; liteLib)
- revapp (value; Intset, Redblackmap, Intmap, Redblackset)
- reveal (value; Parse)
- reveal_cv_names (value; cv_computeLib)
- REVERSE (value; Tactical)
- reverse (value; Tactical)
- REVERSE_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- REVERSE_LT (value; Tactical)
- reverse_tm (value; listSyntax)
- revlookup (value; DB)
- REWR (value; mlibThm)
- Rewr (value; hurdUtils)
- Rewr' (value; hurdUtils)
- REWR_CONV (value; Conv)
- REWR_CONV_A (value; Conv)
- REWRITE (value; mlibClause, mlibRewrite)
- rewrite (type; clauses)
- Rewrite (value; RW)
- Rewrite (structure)
- rewrite (value; mlibRewrite)
- Rewrite (constructor; clauses)
- rewrite (value; mlibTerm)
- REWRITE1_TAC (value; schneiderUtils)
- REWRITE_CONV (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- rewrite_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- REWRITE_RULE (value; Ho_Rewrite, RW, Rewrite)
- REWRITE_TAC (value; RW, Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- rewrite_tac (value; Rewrite)
- rewrites (type; Rewrite)
- rewrites (value; bossLib, mlibClauseset, simpLib)
- REWRITES_CONV (value; Rewrite)
- rewrites_with_names (value; simpLib)
- REWRITING (constructor; Trace)
- rewrs (type; mlibClause, mlibRewrite)
- rewrs_to_string (value; mlibRewrite)
- rfs (value; bossLib)
- rgs (value; bossLib)
- rho (value; UnicodeChars)
- RHS (value; hurdUtils)
- rhs (value; boolSyntax, mlibTerm)
- rhs_coeffs (value; Term_coeffs)
- rhs_concl (value; compute_rules)
- RHS_CONV (value; Conv)
- RICH_LIST_ss (value; listLib, rich_listSimps)
- rich_listSimps (structure)
- rich_listSyntax (structure)
- rich_new_type (value; newtypeTools)
- RICH_RESQ_ss (value; res_quanLib)
- RIGHT (constructor; hurdUtils)
- Right (constructor; CooperMath)
- RIGHT (constructor; EmitML)
- RIGHT (value; Parse)
- RIGHT_AND_PEXISTS_CONV (value; PairRules)
- RIGHT_AND_PFORALL_CONV (value; PairRules)
- RIGHT_ASSOC (value; Rules)
- RIGHT_BETA (value; Drule)
- RIGHT_BETAS (value; liteLib)
- RIGHT_CONJ_TAC (value; schneiderUtils)
- RIGHT_CONV_RULE (value; Conv)
- RIGHT_DISJ_TAC (value; schneiderUtils)
- RIGHT_DIST_NORM_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- RIGHT_ETA (value; Drule)
- RIGHT_IMP_AND_INTRO_RULE (value; quantHeuristicsTools)
- RIGHT_IMP_OR_INTRO_RULE (value; quantHeuristicsTools)
- RIGHT_IMP_PEXISTS_CONV (value; PairRules)
- RIGHT_IMP_PFORALL_CONV (value; PairRules)
- RIGHT_LEMMA_DISJ_CASES_TAC (value; schneiderUtils)
- RIGHT_LIST_BETA (value; Drule)
- RIGHT_LIST_PBETA (value; PairRules)
- RIGHT_OR_EXISTS_CONV (value; Conv)
- RIGHT_OR_FORALL_CONV (value; Conv)
- RIGHT_OR_PEXISTS_CONV (value; PairRules)
- RIGHT_OR_PFORALL_CONV (value; PairRules)
- RIGHT_PBETA (value; PairRules)
- Rightarrow (value; UnicodeChars)
- rightarrow (value; UnicodeChars)
- RING (value; Grobner)
- RING_AND_IDEAL_CONV (value; Grobner)
- RING_CONV (value; EVAL_ringLib)
- RING_NORM_CONV (value; EVAL_ringLib)
- rinter_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- rinv_tm (value; pred_setSyntax)
- RJBConv (structure)
- rl_restart (value; mlReinforce)
- rl_start (value; mlReinforce)
- rlex (type; mlReinforce, psBigSteps)
- rlobj (type; mlReinforce)
- rlparam (type; mlReinforce)
- rLT (constructor; CooperSyntax)
- rlval (value; tttEval)
- rlval_loop (value; tttEval)
- RM_ABBREV_TAC (value; Q, markerLib)
- RM_ALL_ABBREVS_TAC (value; markerLib)
- rm_comment (value; smlLexer)
- rm_prefix (value; aiLib)
- rm_space (value; aiLib)
- rm_squote (value; aiLib)
- RMULCANON_ss (value; realSimps)
- RMULRELNORM_ss (value; realSimps)
- rol (value; UnicodeChars)
- root_tm (value; transcSyntax)
- ror (value; UnicodeChars)
- rot (value; mlibUseful)
- rotate (value; hurdUtils, goalStack, jrhTactics, Manager, proofManagerLib)
- ROTATE_LT (value; Tactical)
- rotate_proofs (value; Manager, proofManagerLib)
- rotate_random (value; hurdUtils)
- rotate_tm (value; bitstringSyntax)
- rotations (value; hurdUtils)
- rotl (value; liteLib)
- rotr (value; liteLib)
- round_CONV (value; binary_ieeeLib)
- round_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- rounding_ty (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- roundTiesToEven_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- roundTowardNegative_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- roundTowardPositive_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- roundTowardZero_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- rpair (value; Lib, Portable)
- rpow_tm (value; transcSyntax)
- rpt (constructor; PEGParse)
- rpt (value; Tactical)
- rpt_fun_type (value; aiLib)
- RPT_LIFT_CONV (value; hhTranslate)
- rpt_split_level (value; aiLib)
- rpt_split_sl (value; aiLib)
- rrange_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- rrestrict_tm (value; finite_mapSyntax, relationSyntax)
- RRules (constructor; clauses)
- rsquo (value; UnicodeChars)
- rsubset_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- rsum_tm (value; transcSyntax)
- Rsyntax (structure)
- rtc_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- RtoL (constructor; mlibRewrite)
- rts (value; aiLib)
- rts_round (value; aiLib)
- rule (type; Count, folTools, Abbrev, hurdUtils)
- RULE_ASSUM_TAC (value; Tactic, jrhTactics)
- rule_assum_tac (value; Tactic)
- rule_element (type; term_grammar)
- rule_elements (value; term_grammar)
- rule_equalities (value; PrecAnalysis)
- RULE_INDUCT_THEN (value; IndDefRules)
- rule_induction_map (type; IndDefLib)
- rule_induction_map (value; IndDefLib)
- rule_induction_map_by_theory (value; IndDefLib)
- RULE_L_ASSUM_TAC (value; Tactic)
- RULE_OF_CONV (value; RJBConv)
- rule_record (type; term_grammar)
- RULE_TAC (value; IndDefRules)
- rule_tokens (value; term_grammar)
- rules (type; RW)
- rules (value; term_grammar)
- Rules (structure)
- rules (value; type_grammar)
- rules_for (value; term_grammar)
- ruleset (type; term_grammar)
- ruleset (value; term_grammar)
- run_bigsteps (value; psBigSteps)
- run_cmd (value; aiLib)
- run_evalscript (value; tttEval)
- run_evalscript_filel (value; tttEval)
- run_evalscript_thyl (value; tttEval)
- run_unittests (value; Unittest)
- runion_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- runiv_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- RW (structure)
- RW (constructor; clauses)
- rw (value; bossLib)
- RW_CONV (value; RW)
- RW_RULE (value; RW)
- rw_solver (value; RW)
- RW_STEP (value; RW)
- RW_TAC (value; RW, BasicProvers, bossLib)
- rw_tac (value; BasicProvers, bossLib)
- S (value; Portable, Lib, hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- s2n_tm (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- s2v_tm (value; bitstringSyntax)
- s2w_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- S_AND_G_MULT (value; OmegaMath)
- S_TAC (value; hurdUtils)
- S_tm (value; combinSyntax)
- safe_explode (value; UTF8)
- safe_inst_cmp (value; markerLib)
- safe_inst_sort (value; markerLib)
- safe_namespace_thms (value; mlThmData)
- safe_prettify_proof (value; psMinimize)
- safecp (type; UTF8)
- safecp_to_char (value; UTF8)
- SAME (constructor; Lib, Portable)
- same_const (value; FinalTerm)
- samerel (value; Opening, Travrules)
- Sanity (structure)
- sanity_check (value; Sanity)
- sanity_check_all (value; Sanity)
- sanity_check_named_thm (value; Sanity)
- sanity_check_theory (value; Sanity)
- sanity_check_thm (value; Sanity)
- sanity_prove (value; Sanity)
- SAT_cex (exception; minisatProve)
- sat_config (type; satConfig)
- SAT_ORACLE (value; minisatProve)
- SAT_PROVE (value; minisatProve)
- satConfig (structure)
- SATISFIABLE (constructor; OmegaMLShadow, mlibOmega)
- SATISFY (value; Satisfy)
- Satisfy (structure)
- satisfy (value; Satisfy)
- SATISFY_CONV (value; Satisfy)
- SATISFY_REDUCER (value; SatisfySimps)
- SATISFY_ss (value; SatisfySimps)
- SATISFY_TAC (value; Satisfy)
- SatisfySimps (structure)
- saturate_add_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- saturate_i2sw_tm (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- saturate_i2w_tm (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- saturate_mul_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- saturate_n2w_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- saturate_sub_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- saturate_sw2sw_tm (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- saturate_sw2w_tm (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- saturate_w2sw_tm (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- saturate_w2w_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- Saturated (constructor; psMCTS, tttSearch)
- save (value; History, Manager, proofManagerLib)
- save_defn (value; Defn)
- save_dep (value; FinalThm)
- save_private_thm (value; Theory)
- save_thm (value; Sanity, Theory)
- savestate_level (value; tttRecord)
- say (value; Lib)
- saying (value; Lib)
- sbag_cache (value; bagLib, bagSimps)
- SBAG_SOLVE (value; bagLib, bagSimps)
- SBAG_SOLVE_ss (value; bagLib, bagSimps)
- SBC_CONV (value; Arithconv, reduceLib)
- sbit_tm (value; bitSyntax)
- sc_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- scalar_mult (value; mlMatrix)
- scalar_product (value; mlMatrix)
- scale_ex (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- scale_out (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- scale_real (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- scan (value; HOLsexp, HOLsexp_parser)
- SCANL_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- scanl_tm (value; rich_listSyntax)
- scanMLstring (value; MLstring)
- SCANR_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- scanr_tm (value; rich_listSyntax)
- schedule (type; mlReinforce, mlNeuralNetwork, mlTreeNeuralNetwork)
- schneiderUtils (structure)
- SCONV (value; bossLib)
- scrub (value; Theory)
- scrub_const (value; clauses, computeLib)
- scrub_thms (value; clauses, computeLib)
- sdest_binder (value; HolKernelDoc)
- sdest_binop (value; HolKernelDoc)
- sdest_monop (value; HolKernelDoc)
- sdict_withflag_thms (value; ThmSetData)
- search (value; tttSearch)
- search_status (type; psMCTS)
- search_top_down (value; Cond_rewrite)
- SearchNode (constructor; tttSearch)
- searchobj (type; tttSearch)
- SearchProved (constructor; tttSearch)
- searchrecord (type; tttSearch)
- SearchSaturated (constructor; tttSearch)
- searchstatus (type; tttSearch)
- SearchTimeout (constructor; tttSearch)
- searchtree (type; tttSearch)
- searchtree_glob (value; tacticToe)
- SEG_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- seg_of (value; KernelSig)
- seg_tm (value; rich_listSyntax)
- select (value; boolSyntax, mlibResolution)
- SELECT_CONV (value; Conv)
- SELECT_ELIM (value; Drule)
- SELECT_ELIM_TAC (value; Tactic)
- SELECT_EQ (value; Drule)
- select_fun_constant (value; quantHeuristicsLibAbbrev)
- select_fun_match (value; quantHeuristicsLibAbbrev)
- select_fun_match_occ (value; quantHeuristicsLibAbbrev)
- select_fun_pabs (value; quantHeuristicsLibAbbrev)
- select_fun_pattern (value; quantHeuristicsLibAbbrev)
- select_fun_pattern_occ (value; quantHeuristicsLibAbbrev)
- select_funs_combine (value; quantHeuristicsLibAbbrev)
- SELECT_GOAL_LT (value; Q)
- SELECT_GOALS_LT (value; Q)
- select_in_cumul (value; aiLib)
- select_in_distrib (value; aiLib)
- select_in_distrib_seeded (value; aiLib)
- SELECT_INTRO (value; Drule)
- SELECT_LT (value; Tactical)
- SELECT_LT_THEN (value; Tactical)
- SELECT_RULE (value; Drule)
- SELECT_TAC (value; normalForms)
- selectDB (value; DB)
- selection_fun (type; quantHeuristicsLibAbbrev)
- selector (type; DB)
- send_to_back_overload (value; Parse)
- send_to_back_overloading (value; Overload)
- sep_type_unify (value; boolSyntax)
- separate (value; Lib, Portable)
- seq (type; Sequence)
- seq (structure)
- seq (type; seq)
- seq (constructor; PEGParse)
- seq_append (value; Sequence)
- seq_chop (value; Sequence)
- seq_cons (value; Sequence)
- seq_diagonalize (value; Sequence)
- seq_filter (value; Sequence)
- seq_flat (value; Sequence)
- seq_hd (value; Sequence)
- seq_interleave (value; Sequence)
- seq_iterate (value; Sequence)
- seq_map (value; Sequence)
- seq_mapfilter (value; Sequence)
- seq_mapp (value; Sequence)
- seq_nil (value; Sequence)
- seq_of_list (value; Sequence)
- seq_permutations (value; Sequence)
- seq_print (value; Sequence)
- seq_pull (value; Sequence)
- seq_single (value; Sequence)
- seq_tl (value; Sequence)
- seqM (type; Preterm)
- seqmonad (structure)
- seqmonad (type; seqmonad)
- Sequence (structure)
- set (type; Lib, HolKernelDoc, Redblackset, FinalThm, hurdUtils, FinalTerm, markerLib)
- set_ancestry (value; GrammarAncestry)
- set_associativity_at_level (value; term_grammar)
- set_assums (value; abstraction)
- set_backup (value; Manager, proofManagerLib)
- set_case_specials (value; GrammarSpecials)
- set_classic_heuristic (value; Pmatch, PmatchHeuristics)
- set_constructorFamily (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- set_default_heuristic (value; Pmatch, PmatchHeuristics)
- set_dep (value; FinalTag, Tag)
- set_diff (value; Lib, Portable)
- SET_DIFF_CONV (value; enumTacs)
- SET_EQ (value; hurdUtils)
- set_eq (value; Lib, Portable)
- SET_EQ_CONV (value; hurdUtils)
- SET_EQ_TAC (value; hurdUtils)
- SET_EXPR_CONV (value; enumTacs)
- SET_EXPR_TO_OWL (value; enumTacs)
- set_fix (value; mlibModel)
- set_fixity (value; Parse)
- set_flag_is_cnf (value; satConfig)
- set_flag_is_proved (value; satConfig)
- set_goal (value; Manager, proofManagerLib)
- set_goal_pp (value; goalStack, Manager, proofManagerLib)
- set_goaltree (value; proofManagerLib)
- set_grammar_ancestry (value; Parse)
- set_gspec (value; term_pp_utils)
- set_heuristic (value; PmatchHeuristics)
- set_heuristic_fun (value; PmatchHeuristics)
- set_heuristic_list_cases (value; PmatchHeuristics)
- set_heuristic_list_size (value; PmatchHeuristics)
- set_implicit_rewrites (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- set_implicit_simpls (value; RW)
- SET_INDUCT_TAC (value; PSet_ind, pred_setLib)
- set_infile (value; satConfig)
- set_known_constants (value; Parse)
- set_limit (value; History)
- set_mapped_fixity (value; Parse)
- set_MLname (value; Theory)
- set_proof (value; satConfig)
- set_prover (value; Tactical)
- set_reln (value; Defn)
- SET_RULE (value; bossLib)
- set_simpset_ancestry (value; BasicProvers)
- set_skip (value; clauses, computeLib)
- set_solver (value; satConfig)
- SET_SPEC_CONV (value; PGspec, pred_setLib)
- SET_SPEC_ss (value; pred_setSimps)
- SET_TAC (value; bossLib)
- set_term (value; satConfig)
- set_term_printer (value; Parse)
- set_timeout (value; holyHammer, tacticToe)
- set_TO_DISPLAY_CONV (value; enumTacs)
- set_TO_ENUMERAL_CONV (value; enumTacs)
- set_TO_OWL (value; enumTacs)
- set_trace (value; Feedback)
- set_traces (value; mlibUseful)
- setbvs (value; term_pp_utils)
- setcomprehension_printer (value; pred_setpp)
- setdelta (type; ThmSetData)
- setelementof (value; UnicodeChars)
- setify (value; Lib, mlibUseful)
- setify_term (value; liteLib)
- settings (value; mlibMetis)
- sexpr_export (value; hhExportSexpr)
- SF (value; bossLib, simpLib)
- sfea_of_goal (value; mlFeature)
- sfea_of_term (value; mlFeature)
- SFY_ss (value; bossLib)
- sg (value; BasicProvers, bossLib)
- sgsfwc_and (value; quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- sgsfwc_eq (value; quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- sgsfwc_eq_fun (value; quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- sgsfwc_eq_var (value; quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- sgsfwc_exists (value; quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- sgsfwc_forall (value; quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- sgsfwc_imp (value; quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- sgsfwc_neg (value; quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- sgsfwc_or (value; quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- sgty_exists (constructor; quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- sgty_forall (constructor; quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- SHA1 (structure)
- sha1 (value; SHA1_ML)
- sha1_file (value; SHA1_ML)
- SHA1_ML (structure)
- sha1String (value; SHA1_ML)
- shared_map (value; mlibUseful)
- shared_readmaps (type; TheoryPP)
- shared_term (type; SharingTables)
- shared_term_decode (value; SharingTables)
- shared_term_encode (value; SharingTables)
- shared_thm (type; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- shared_type (type; SharingTables)
- shared_type_decode (value; SharingTables)
- shared_type_encode (value; SharingTables)
- shared_writemaps (type; TheoryPP)
- SharedString (constructor; ThyDataSexp)
- sharing_data_in (type; SharingTables)
- sharing_data_out (type; SharingTables)
- SharingTables (exception; SharingTables)
- SharingTables (structure)
- shift (value; Subst)
- shiftl_tm (value; bitstringSyntax)
- shiftr_tm (value; bitstringSyntax)
- Shostak (value; Sol_ranges)
- shouldfail (value; testutils)
- show_assums (value; Globals)
- show_axioms (value; Globals)
- show_constraint (value; mlibClause)
- show_id (value; mlibClause)
- SHOW_NCHOTOMY_CONSEQ_CONV (value; patternMatchesLib)
- SHOW_NCHOTOMY_CONSEQ_CONV_GEN (value; patternMatchesLib)
- show_numeral_types (value; Globals)
- show_rewrites (value; dep_rewrite)
- show_scrub (value; Globals)
- show_tags (value; Globals)
- show_types (value; Globals)
- show_types_verbosely (value; Globals)
- shuffle (value; aiLib)
- side (type; EmitML)
- SIDECOND_ATTEMPT (constructor; Trace)
- SIDECOND_NOT_SOLVED (constructor; Trace)
- SIDECOND_SOLVED (constructor; Trace)
- sigCamlSuffix (value; EmitML)
- Sigma (value; UnicodeChars)
- sigma (value; UnicodeChars)
- sign (value; mlibMultiset)
- sign_extend_tm (value; bitSyntax, bitstringSyntax)
- signed_saturate_add_tm (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- signed_saturate_sub_tm (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- sigobj_theories (value; aiLib)
- sigSuffix (value; EmitML)
- Silent (constructor; cv_memLib)
- SIMP (value; Sup_Inf)
- simp (value; bossLib)
- SIMP_CONV (value; bossLib, simpLib)
- SIMP_PROVE (value; simpLib)
- SIMP_RULE (value; bossLib, simpLib)
- SIMP_TAC (value; bossLib, simpLib)
- simp_tac (value; bossLib, simpLib)
- simp_tcs (value; Defn)
- simp_unify_terms (value; Unify)
- simp_unify_terms_in_env (value; Unify)
- simpfrag (type; TypeBasePure)
- simpfrag (structure)
- simpfrag (type; simpfrag)
- simpfrag_conv_tag (value; simpfrag)
- SimpL (value; bossLib, boolSimps)
- Simpl (value; RW)
- simpl_conv (value; Rules)
- SIMPLE_BAG_NORMALISE_CONV (value; bagLib, bagSimpleLib)
- SIMPLE_CHOOSE (value; Drule, liteLib)
- simple_conj_congruence (value; CooperThms)
- simple_CONV (value; OmegaSimple)
- simple_dictionary (type; ThmSetData)
- simple_dictionary_ops (value; ThmSetData)
- SIMPLE_DISJ_CASES (value; liteLib)
- simple_disj_congruence (value; CooperThms)
- simple_divides (value; CooperSyntax)
- SIMPLE_EXISTS (value; Drule)
- SIMPLE_EXISTS_INSTANTIATE_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- SIMPLE_EXISTS_INSTANTIATE_CONV_GEN (value; quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- SIMPLE_FORALL_INSTANTIATE_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- SIMPLE_FORALL_INSTANTIATE_CONV_GEN (value; quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- simple_guess_search_fun (type; quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- simple_guess_search_fun_with_callback (type; quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- simple_guess_type (type; quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- SIMPLE_QUANT_ABBREV_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLibAbbrev)
- SIMPLE_QUANT_ABBREV_TAC (value; quantHeuristicsLibAbbrev)
- SIMPLE_QUANT_INST_GEN_ss (value; quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- SIMPLE_QUANT_INST_ss (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- SIMPLE_QUANT_INSTANTIATE_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- SIMPLE_QUANT_INSTANTIATE_CONV_GEN (value; quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- SIMPLE_QUANT_INSTANTIATE_TAC (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- SIMPLE_SELECT_INSTANTIATE_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- SIMPLE_SELECT_INSTANTIATE_CONV_GEN (value; quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- SIMPLE_SOME_INSTANTIATE_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- SIMPLE_SOME_INSTANTIATE_CONV_GEN (value; quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- SIMPLE_UEXISTS_INSTANTIATE_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- SIMPLE_UEXISTS_INSTANTIATE_CONV_GEN (value; quantHeuristicsLibSimple)
- SimpLHS (value; boolSimps, bossLib)
- simpLib (structure)
- simplify (value; Rules, mlibCanon, mlibClauseset)
- simplify_constrained_disjunct (value; CooperMath)
- simplify_constraints (value; CooperMath)
- SIMPLIFY_CONV (value; normalForms)
- simplify_ss (value; normalForms)
- Simpls (constructor; RW)
- simpls (type; RW)
- simpls_of (value; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- SimpR (value; boolSimps, bossLib)
- SimpRHS (value; boolSimps, bossLib)
- simpset (type; intExtensionLib, fracLib, normalForms, bossLib, ratLib, BasicProvers, simpLib)
- simpset_state (value; BasicProvers)
- simptac_config (type; simpLib)
- sin_tm (value; transcSyntax)
- sing (value; mlibStream, mlibUseful)
- sing_tm (value; pred_setSyntax)
- single (value; Lib, Portable)
- SINGLE_DEPTH_CONV (value; liteLib)
- singleton (value; Portable, Intset, Redblackmap, CharSet, Redblackset)
- singleton_of_list (value; Lib)
- singt (value; boolSyntax)
- size (value; mlibHeap, mlibClauseset, mlibLiteralnet, mlibClause, mlibModel, UTF8, mlibPatricia, PIntMap, mlibResolution, Net, mlibRewrite, FinalNet, mlibSubsume, FCNet, mlibSupport, mlibTermnet)
- SIZE (value; fcpLib)
- size (value; patriciaLib)
- size_comb_tac (value; bossLib)
- size_eq_conv (value; TotalDefn)
- size_of (value; TypeBasePure, TypeBase, wordsSyntax)
- size_of0 (value; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- size_of_proofexp (value; smlParser)
- size_profile (value; mlibLiteralnet)
- size_tm (value; patriciaSyntax, sptreeSyntax)
- SIZES_CONV (value; wordsLib)
- SIZES_ss (value; wordsLib)
- sizew_tm (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- SKELIM (value; Canon, refuteLib)
- skew (value; mesonLib)
- SKI_CONV (value; normalForms)
- SKICo_CONV (value; normalForms)
- SKOLEM_CONST_RULE (value; normalForms)
- SKOLEM_CONV (value; Canon_Port, Conv)
- skolemize (value; mlibCanon)
- SKOLEMIZE_CONV (value; normalForms)
- SLICE (value; mlibSolver)
- slice_tm (value; bitSyntax)
- smany (value; mlibParser)
- smart_space (value; smlPrettify)
- smash (value; Preterm)
- sml_bool_glob (value; smlExecute)
- sml_cleanstruct (value; smlOpen)
- sml_cleanval (value; smlOpen)
- sml_exportstruct (value; smlOpen)
- sml_goal_glob (value; smlExecute)
- sml_infixl0_close (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixl0_open (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixl1_close (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixl1_open (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixl2_close (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixl2_open (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixl3_close (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixl3_open (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixl4_close (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixl4_open (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixl5_close (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixl5_open (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixl6_close (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixl6_open (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixl7_close (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixl7_open (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixl8_close (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixl8_open (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixl9_close (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixl9_open (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixr0_close (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixr0_open (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixr1_close (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixr1_open (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixr2_close (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixr2_open (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixr3_close (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixr3_open (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixr4_close (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixr4_open (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixr5_close (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixr5_open (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixr6_close (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixr6_open (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixr7_close (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixr7_open (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixr8_close (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixr8_open (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixr9_close (value; smlInfix)
- sml_infixr9_open (value; smlInfix)
- sml_pretacl_glob (value; tttToken)
- sml_string_glob (value; smlExecute)
- sml_symbols (value; Lexis)
- sml_tactic_glob (value; smlExecute)
- sml_thm_glob (value; smlExecute)
- sml_thml_glob (value; smlExecute)
- smlExecScripts (structure)
- smlExecute (structure)
- SmlExp (constructor; smlParser)
- smlexp (type; smlParser)
- smlInfix (structure)
- smlLexer (structure)
- smlOpen (structure)
- smlParallel (structure)
- smlParser (structure)
- smlPrettify (structure)
- smlRedirect (structure)
- smlTimeout (structure)
- SmlUnit (constructor; smlParser)
- smpp (structure)
- smult_dwl (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- SMV_AUTOMATON_CONV (value; temporalLib)
- SMV_RUN (value; temporalLib)
- SMV_RUN_FILE (value; temporalLib)
- smv_tmp_dir (value; temporalLib)
- sn_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- snd (value; Lib, Portable, hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- snd_compare (value; aiLib)
- SND_select_fun (value; quantHeuristicsLibAbbrev)
- snd_tm (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- SNOC_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- SNOC_INDUCT_TAC (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- snoc_tm (value; listSyntax)
- Sol_ranges (structure)
- Solve (structure)
- solve (value; mlibSolver)
- Solve_ineqs (structure)
- solved_filter (value; mlibSolver)
- solver (type; RW, mlibMetis)
- Solver (constructor; RW)
- solver (type; mlibSolver)
- solver_err (value; RW)
- solver_node (type; mlibMeson, mlibMetis, folTools, mlibSolver)
- Some (constructor; errormonad)
- some (value; mlibParser)
- SOME_EL_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- some_ptree_tm (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- some_tm (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- sort (value; Lib, Portable, AC_Sort, hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- SORT_AND_GATHER1_CONV (value; OmegaMath)
- SORT_AND_GATHER_CONV (value; Norm_arith, OmegaMath)
- SORT_ENUM_UPDATES_CONV (value; updateLib)
- sort_map (value; mlibUseful)
- SORT_NUM_UPDATES_CONV (value; updateLib)
- sort_thyl (value; aiLib)
- SORT_UPDATES_CONV (value; updateLib)
- SORT_UPDATES_MAPTO_CONV (value; updateLib)
- sort_vars (value; HolKernelDoc)
- SORT_WORD_UPDATES_CONV (value; updateLib)
- sorted_ancestry (value; hhExportLib)
- sorted_tm (value; sortingSyntax)
- sortingLib (structure)
- sortingSyntax (structure)
- sos (type; mlibSupport)
- sos_filter (type; mlibSolver)
- sp_vecl (value; mlMatrix)
- space (value; mlibParser)
- SPEC (value; FinalThm)
- Spec (constructor; Count)
- SPEC (value; Q)
- spec (value; hurdUtils)
- SPEC_ALL (value; Drule)
- SPEC_ALL_TAC (value; ConseqConv)
- SPEC_TAC (value; Q, Tactic)
- SPEC_THEN (value; Q)
- SPEC_UNDISCH_EXL (value; Drule)
- SPEC_VAR (value; Drule)
- Special (constructor; RW)
- special_info (type; term_grammar)
- Specialize (value; FinalThm)
- specialize (value; mlibTerm)
- specials (value; term_grammar)
- SPECL (value; Drule, Q)
- specl (value; hurdUtils)
- SPECL_THEN (value; Q)
- spine_binop (value; HolKernelDoc)
- spine_pair (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- spine_prod (value; pairSyntax)
- splayer (type; mlReinforce)
- SPLICE_CONJ_CONV (value; Conv)
- split (value; Lib, Portable, mlibUseful)
- split_after (value; Lib, hurdUtils)
- split_at (value; locn)
- split_level (value; aiLib)
- SPLIT_LT (value; Tactical)
- split_pair___ALL___pred (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibParameters)
- split_pair___FST_SND___pred (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibParameters)
- split_pair___PABS___pred (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibParameters)
- split_pair_case0_tac (value; pairLib)
- split_pair_case_tac (value; bossLib, pairLib)
- SPLIT_QUANT_CONV (value; pairTools)
- split_sl (value; aiLib)
- split_string (value; aiLib)
- split_triple (value; aiLib)
- split_uncurry_arg_tac (value; pairLib)
- splitl_tm (value; rich_listSyntax)
- splitlist (value; liteLib)
- splitp_tm (value; rich_listSyntax)
- splitr_tm (value; rich_listSyntax)
- SPOSE_NOT_THEN (value; bossLib, BasicProvers)
- spose_not_then (value; BasicProvers, bossLib)
- spotfv (value; term_pp_utils)
- SPTREE_CONV (value; sptreeLib)
- sptree_printer (value; sptreepp)
- sptree_ty_of (value; sptreeSyntax)
- sptreeLib (structure)
- sptreepp (structure)
- sptreeSyntax (structure)
- SQI_ss (value; bossLib)
- sqrt_CONV (value; binary_ieeeLib)
- sqrt_tm (value; isqrtLib, transcSyntax)
- Sref (structure)
- SRULE (value; bossLib)
- srw_ss (value; BasicProvers, bossLib)
- SRW_TAC (value; BasicProvers, bossLib)
- srw_tac (value; BasicProvers, bossLib)
- srw_update (type; BasicProvers)
- ssf_upd_rewrs (value; simpLib)
- ssfrag (type; bossLib, normalForms, bagSimps, patternMatchesLib, bagLib, ratLib, DatatypeSimps, simpLib)
- SSFRAG (value; simpLib)
- ssfrag_names_of (value; simpLib)
- ssfrags_of (value; simpLib)
- stac (type; mlNearestNeighbor)
- Stac (constructor; tttToken)
- stac (type; mlTacticData)
- stack (type; compute_rules)
- stack_limit (value; Cond_rewr)
- stack_terminal (type; parse_term)
- StacLeaf (constructor; tttSearch)
- StacNode (constructor; tttSearch)
- stacrecord (type; tttSearch)
- stactree (type; tttSearch)
- stamp (value; Theory)
- standard_deviation (value; aiLib)
- standard_mapped_spacing (value; term_grammar)
- standard_spacing (value; term_grammar)
- standard_tpp_message (value; testutils)
- stardiaeresis (value; UnicodeChars)
- start_real_time (value; Lib)
- start_record_thy (value; tttRecord)
- start_time (value; Lib)
- starting_tree (value; psMCTS)
- state (value; Lib, Portable)
- state_monadLib (structure)
- state_transformerSyntax (structure)
- stateful_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase, quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibParameters)
- stateful_qp___add_combine_arguments (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase, quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibParameters)
- stats_tnnex (value; mlTreeNeuralNetwork)
- status (type; tttSearch, psMCTS)
- status (value; proofManagerLib)
- std_apiDefine (value; TotalDefn)
- std_apiDefineq (value; TotalDefn)
- std_binder_precedence (value; GrammarSpecials, Parse)
- std_conv_ss (value; simpLib)
- std_goal_pp (value; Manager, proofManagerLib)
- std_out (value; Portable)
- std_pp_goal (value; goalStack)
- std_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibParameters)
- std_simpls (value; RW)
- std_solver (value; RW)
- std_ss (value; bossLib, numLib)
- std_stringinjn_name (value; GrammarSpecials)
- STD_TERM_TAC (value; TotalDefn)
- stdconvdata (type; simpLib)
- STDEQNS (constructor; DefnBaseCore)
- stdhol (value; term_grammar)
- stdin (value; Portable)
- stdprinters (value; Parse)
- STDREC (constructor; DefnBase)
- step_opt_allows_steps (value; ConseqConv)
- step_opt_sub (value; ConseqConv)
- Sterm (constructor; tttToken)
- Sthml (constructor; tttToken)
- sthml_of_thmidl (value; tttToken)
- stmark_conjunct (value; markerLib)
- stmark_disjunct (value; markerLib)
- stmark_term (value; markerLib)
- stmarker_tm (value; markerSyntax)
- stmonad (structure)
- stmonad (type; stmonad)
- stoppers (value; computeLib)
- store (value; Defn)
- store_at_attribute (value; ThmAttribute)
- store_definition (value; Theory)
- store_local (value; DB)
- store_ring (value; EVAL_ringLib)
- store_rlex (value; mlReinforce)
- store_targetd (value; mlReinforce)
- store_thm (value; Q, Sanity, Tactical)
- store_tnn (value; mlReinforce)
- STP_TAC (value; BasicProvers)
- str_all (value; Lib, Portable)
- str_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- strategy (type; RW)
- strcat (value; Lib, Portable)
- strcat_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- stream (type; metisTools, hurdUtils, mlibParser, folTools, mlibSolver, Streams, mlibStream)
- Stream (constructor; Streams)
- stream (type; mlibSubsume)
- stream_append (value; Streams, hurdUtils)
- stream_append_list (value; Streams)
- stream_concat (value; hurdUtils)
- STREAM_CONS (constructor; hurdUtils)
- stream_flat (value; Streams)
- stream_hd (value; hurdUtils)
- stream_map (value; Streams)
- STREAM_NIL (constructor; hurdUtils)
- stream_null (value; hurdUtils)
- stream_tl (value; hurdUtils)
- stream_to_list (value; hurdUtils)
- stream_to_string (value; aiLib)
- Streams (structure)
- strengthen (value; mlibClauseset)
- STRENGTHEN_CONSEQ_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- stri (value; stringSyntax)
- strictify_thm (value; computeLib, compute_rules)
- String (constructor; ThyDataSexp)
- string (value; FlagDB)
- string_add (value; patriciaLib)
- string_add_list (value; patriciaLib)
- string_case_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- string_decode (value; HOLsexp, ThyDataSexp)
- string_elim_term (value; GrammarSpecials)
- string_EQ_CONV (value; stringLib)
- string_ge_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- string_gt_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- string_in_ptree (value; patriciaLib)
- string_insert_ptree (value; patriciaLib)
- string_le_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- string_literalpp (value; Literal)
- string_lt_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- string_of_goal (value; aiLib)
- string_of_goal_noquote (value; aiLib)
- string_of_mat (value; mlMatrix)
- string_of_proofexp (value; smlParser)
- string_of_propl (value; smlParser)
- string_of_sml (value; smlExecute)
- string_of_status (value; psMCTS)
- string_of_token (value; tttToken)
- string_of_trainparam (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- string_of_vect (value; mlMatrix)
- string_peek (value; patriciaLib)
- string_ptree_of_list (value; patriciaLib)
- string_remove (value; patriciaLib)
- string_rewrites (value; stringSimps)
- STRING_ss (value; stringSimps)
- string_tm (value; stringLib, stringSyntax)
- string_to_bool (value; aiLib)
- string_to_formula (value; mlibTerm)
- string_to_formula' (value; mlibTerm)
- string_to_int (value; Lib, hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- string_to_otname (value; OpenTheoryMap)
- string_to_reall (value; aiLib, mlNeuralNetwork)
- string_to_realll (value; aiLib)
- string_to_term (value; mlibTerm)
- string_to_term' (value; mlibTerm)
- string_ty (value; stringLib, stringSyntax)
- stringerror (exception; MLstring)
- stringfindreplace (structure)
- stringLib (structure)
- stringopt (value; FlagDB)
- stringset_of_ptree_tm (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- stringSimps (structure)
- stringSyntax (structure)
- stringtable (type; SharingTables)
- stringto_CONV (value; totoTacs)
- Strip (value; hurdUtils)
- strip_abs (value; FinalTerm, boolSyntax)
- STRIP_ABS_CONV (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- strip_anylet (value; pairSyntax)
- strip_app (value; Absyn)
- strip_append (value; listSyntax)
- STRIP_ASSUME_TAC (value; Tactic)
- strip_assume_tac (value; Tactic)
- strip_biginter (value; pred_setSyntax)
- strip_bigunion (value; pred_setSyntax)
- strip_binder (value; FinalTerm)
- STRIP_BINDER_CONV (value; Conv)
- strip_binop (value; aiLib, HolKernelDoc, liteLib)
- strip_binop_opt (value; HolKernelDoc)
- strip_case (value; TypeBase, Pmatch, TypeBasePure)
- strip_comb (value; HolKernelDoc, boolSyntax)
- strip_comb_bounded (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- strip_conj (value; Absyn, boolSyntax, mlibTerm)
- strip_cons (value; listSyntax)
- strip_disj (value; Absyn, boolSyntax, mlibTerm)
- strip_exists (value; CooperSyntax, Absyn, boolSyntax, mlibTerm)
- strip_exists1 (value; Absyn)
- strip_forall (value; Absyn, boolSyntax, mlibTerm)
- strip_fun (value; HolKernelDoc, boolSyntax)
- strip_fun_type (value; wfrecUtils)
- strip_funty (value; hhExportLib)
- strip_funty_n (value; hhExportLib)
- strip_fupdate (value; finite_mapSyntax)
- strip_gen_left (value; HolKernelDoc)
- strip_gen_left_opt (value; HolKernelDoc)
- strip_gen_right (value; HolKernelDoc)
- strip_gen_right_opt (value; HolKernelDoc)
- STRIP_GOAL_THEN (value; Tactic)
- strip_imp (value; boolSyntax, Absyn, liteLib, wfrecUtils)
- strip_imp_only (value; boolSyntax)
- strip_insert (value; bagLib, bagSyntax)
- strip_labels (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- strip_labels_CONV (value; patternMatchesSyntax)
- strip_lam (value; Absyn)
- strip_list (value; HOLsexp)
- strip_list_update (value; updateLib, updateSyntax)
- strip_mult (value; numSyntax, intSyntax, realSyntax)
- strip_neg (value; boolSyntax)
- STRIP_NUM_QUANT_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase, quantHeuristicsTools)
- strip_pabs (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- strip_pair (value; pairLib, Absyn, pairSyntax)
- strip_pcomb (value; Preterm)
- strip_pexists (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- strip_pforall (value; Preterm, pairLib, pairSyntax)
- strip_plus (value; numSyntax, intSyntax, realSyntax)
- strip_prod (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- strip_prod_type (value; wfrecUtils)
- STRIP_QUANT_CONV (value; Conv)
- strip_rat_add (value; ratSyntax)
- strip_rat_mul (value; ratSyntax)
- strip_res_exists (value; boolSyntax, res_quanLib)
- strip_res_forall (value; boolSyntax, res_quanLib)
- strip_select (value; Absyn)
- strip_set (value; pred_setSyntax)
- strip_sum (value; sumSyntax)
- STRIP_TAC (value; Tactic)
- strip_tac (value; Tactic)
- STRIP_THM_THEN (value; Thm_cont)
- strip_type (value; aiLib, hhTranslate)
- strip_type_n (value; aiLib)
- strip_union (value; bagLib, bagSyntax)
- strip_update (value; combinSyntax)
- strip_vstructs (value; term_pp_utils)
- striplist (value; liteLib)
- strlen_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- StrLit (constructor; term_tokens)
- strlit_map (value; term_grammar)
- STRONG_CNF_CONV (value; normalForms)
- STRONG_CONJ_TAC (value; hurdUtils)
- STRONG_DISJ_TAC (value; hurdUtils)
- STRONG_DNF_CONV (value; normalForms)
- stronglinearorder_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- strongorder_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- strord_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- STRUCT_CASES_TAC (value; Tactic)
- STRUCT_ERR (value; liteLib)
- struct_info_record (type; TheoryPP)
- STRUCT_WRAP (value; liteLib)
- structCamlSuffix (value; EmitML)
- structSuffix (value; EmitML)
- structure_to_type (value; type_grammar)
- STtoString (value; parse_term)
- sub (value; Dynarray)
- Sub_and_cond (structure)
- SUB_AND_COND_ELIM_CONV (value; Arith, Sub_and_cond)
- SUB_BAG_INSERT_CANCEL_CONV (value; bagLib, bagSimpleLib)
- SUB_BAG_INSERT_SOLVE (value; bagLib, bagSimpleLib)
- SUB_BAG_tm (value; bagLib, bagSyntax)
- SUB_CONV (value; liteLib, Conv)
- sub_CONV (value; binary_ieeeLib)
- sub_meter (value; mlibMeter)
- SUB_NORM_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- sub_plus (value; UnicodeChars)
- SUB_QCONV (value; liteLib)
- sub_r (value; UnicodeChars)
- sub_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- subArray (value; Dynarray)
- subgoal (value; BasicProvers, bossLib)
- SUBGOAL_THEN (value; Q, Tactical)
- subs (type; Subst)
- SUBS (value; Drule, Rules)
- SUBS_OCCS (value; Drule)
- subset (value; hurdUtils, aiLib, mlibMultiset, UnicodeChars, mlibUseful)
- subset_tm (value; pred_setSyntax)
- subst (type; hurdUtils, Rules, matchTools, Portable, mlibClause, Lib, mlibKernel, HolKernelDoc, mlibMatch, FullUnify, mlibSubst, FinalTerm, mlibSubsume, Abbrev, mlibTermorder)
- Subst (type; matchTools)
- SUBST (value; FinalThm)
- Subst (structure)
- SUBST (value; hol88Lib)
- Subst (constructor; Count)
- subst (value; FinalTerm, hol88Lib, mlibTermorder, stringfindreplace)
- SUBST1_TAC (value; Tactic)
- SUBST_ALL_TAC (value; Tactic)
- subst_assoc (value; Lib, Portable)
- SUBST_CONV (value; Drule)
- subst_eq (value; Lib)
- subst_map (value; hurdUtils)
- SUBST_MATCH (value; Ho_Rewrite, Rewrite)
- subst_occs (value; HolKernelDoc)
- SUBST_OCCS_TAC (value; Tactic)
- subst_sl (value; aiLib)
- SUBST_TAC (value; Tactic)
- subst_vars (value; hurdUtils)
- subst_vars_in_set (value; hurdUtils)
- substitution (type; hurdUtils)
- substring (value; UTF8)
- substring_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- subsume (type; mlibSubsume)
- subsumed (value; mlibClauseset)
- subsumed_filter (value; mlibSolver)
- subsumes (value; mlibSubsume, mlibTermorder, mlibClause, mlibUnits)
- subsumes' (value; mlibSubsume)
- subsumes1 (value; mlibSubsume)
- subsumes1' (value; mlibSubsume)
- subterm (value; mlibTerm)
- subterm_filter (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- subterm_match_filter (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- subterms (value; mlibTerm)
- subtm_assum_term (value; term_tactic)
- subtract (value; Portable, Lib, mlibMultiset, mlibUseful)
- SUC_ADD1 (value; Theorems)
- SUC_ADD2 (value; Theorems)
- SUC_ADD_LESS_EQ_F (value; Theorems)
- SUC_CONV (value; Arithconv, reduceLib)
- SUC_ELIM_CONV (value; numLib)
- SUC_FILTER_ss (value; numSimps)
- SUC_LESS_EQ_ZERO_F (value; Theorems)
- SUC_RULE (value; numLib)
- suc_tm (value; numSyntax)
- SUC_TO_NUMERAL_DEFN_CONV (value; numLib)
- SUC_TO_NUMERAL_DEFN_CONV_hook (value; Defn)
- succ (value; hurdUtils)
- Success (constructor; KernelSig, psMCTS)
- Suff (value; hurdUtils)
- SUFF_TAC (value; Tactic)
- suff_tac (value; Tactic)
- suffices_by (value; BasicProvers, bossLib)
- suffix_rule (type; term_grammar)
- suffix_tm (value; rich_listSyntax)
- suggest (value; tacticToe)
- suggest_depth (value; tacticToe, tttSearch)
- suggest_proof (value; tttSearch)
- sum (type; sumSyntax, mlibUseful, hurdUtils)
- sum_case_tm (value; sumSyntax)
- SUM_CONV (value; ListConv1, listLib)
- sum_dwll (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- sum_eq_norm (value; NumRelNorms)
- SUM_IMAGE_CONV (value; PFset_conv)
- sum_image_tm (value; pred_setSyntax)
- sum_int (value; aiLib)
- sum_leq_norm (value; NumRelNorms)
- sum_lt_norm (value; NumRelNorms)
- sum_normalise (value; OmegaMath)
- SUM_OF_PRODUCTS_CONV (value; Norm_arith)
- SUM_OF_PRODUCTS_MULT_CONV (value; Norm_arith)
- SUM_OF_PRODUCTS_SUC_CONV (value; Norm_arith)
- sum_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibParameters)
- sum_real (value; aiLib)
- sum_rvect (value; mlMatrix)
- SUM_rws (value; sumSimps)
- sum_set_tm (value; pred_setSyntax)
- sum_size_tm (value; basicSizeSyntax)
- SUM_ss (value; sumSimps)
- sum_time (value; mlNearestNeighbor)
- sum_tm (value; listSyntax)
- sum_ty_filter (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibParameters)
- sum_var_coeffs (value; CooperMath)
- sumSimps (structure)
- sumSyntax (structure)
- SUP (value; Sup_Inf)
- sup_0 (value; UnicodeChars)
- sup_1 (value; UnicodeChars)
- sup_2 (value; UnicodeChars)
- sup_3 (value; UnicodeChars)
- sup_4 (value; UnicodeChars)
- sup_5 (value; UnicodeChars)
- sup_6 (value; UnicodeChars)
- sup_7 (value; UnicodeChars)
- sup_8 (value; UnicodeChars)
- sup_9 (value; UnicodeChars)
- sup_eq (value; UnicodeChars)
- sup_gamma (value; UnicodeChars)
- sup_h (value; UnicodeChars)
- sup_i (value; UnicodeChars)
- Sup_Inf (structure)
- SUP_INF (value; Sup_Inf)
- sup_j (value; UnicodeChars)
- sup_l (value; UnicodeChars)
- sup_lparen (value; UnicodeChars)
- sup_minus (value; UnicodeChars)
- sup_n (value; UnicodeChars)
- sup_plus (value; UnicodeChars)
- sup_r (value; UnicodeChars)
- sup_rparen (value; UnicodeChars)
- sup_s (value; UnicodeChars)
- sup_w (value; UnicodeChars)
- sup_x (value; UnicodeChars)
- sup_y (value; UnicodeChars)
- supDigitVal (value; UnicodeChars)
- supDigitVal_i (value; UnicodeChars)
- surj_tm (value; pred_setSyntax)
- susp (type; Susp)
- Susp (structure)
- susp (type; hurdUtils)
- susp_map (value; hurdUtils)
- sw2sw_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- swap (value; Lib, Portable, mlibUseful)
- SWAP_EXISTS_CONV (value; Conv)
- SWAP_FORALL_CONV (value; Conv)
- SWAP_PEXISTS_CONV (value; PairRules)
- SWAP_PFORALL_CONV (value; PairRules)
- swap_tm (value; pairSyntax)
- SWAP_VARS_CONV (value; Conv)
- Sym (constructor; ThyDataSexp)
- SYM (value; FinalThm)
- Sym (constructor; Count)
- SYM (value; mlibThm)
- sym (value; mlibTerm)
- SYM_ADD_ASSOC_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- SYM_CANON_CONV (value; jrhUtils)
- SYM_CONV (value; Conv)
- sym_normalise (value; OmegaSymbolic)
- SYM_ONE_MULT_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- SYM_ONE_MULT_VAR_CONV (value; Norm_arith)
- symbol (value; mlibParser)
- symbol_decode (value; HOLsexp)
- symboltable (type; KernelSig)
- symfreq (type; mlFeature)
- symmetric_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- SYMMETRY (value; mlibThm)
- symtab_error (type; KernelSig)
- symweight (type; mlNearestNeighbor, tttLearn, mlFeature, tttToken)
- syncref (value; Portable)
- syntax_fns (value; HolKernelDoc)
- syntax_fns1 (value; HolKernelDoc)
- syntax_fns2 (value; HolKernelDoc)
- syntax_fns3 (value; HolKernelDoc)
- syntax_fns4 (value; HolKernelDoc)
- system (value; Portable)
- system_ps (value; Systeml)
- Systeml (structure)
- systeml (value; Systeml)
- systeml_out (value; Systeml)
- t (type; TheoryGraph, Sref, ThyDataSexp, PPBackEnd, UTF8Set, PIntMap, UniversalType, Nonce, Uref, HOLsexp_parser, errormonad, HOLsexp, mlibPatricia, FlagDB, readermonad, FCNet, smpp)
- T (value; boolSyntax)
- T_and_l (value; CooperThms)
- T_and_r (value; CooperThms)
- T_or_l (value; CooperThms)
- T_or_r (value; CooperThms)
- table (type; mlibOmega)
- tabulate (value; Dynarray, patriciaLib)
- tabulateWith (value; HOLPP)
- TAC_PROOF (value; Tactical)
- tacdata (type; tttLearn, mlTacticData, tttToken)
- tacdata_glob (value; tttRecord)
- tacknn (value; mlNearestNeighbor)
- tacmodifier (type; Manager, proofManagerLib)
- TACS_TO_LT (value; Tactical)
- tactic (type; hurdUtils, intExtensionLib, fracUtils, inttoTacs, fracLib, jrhUtils, folTools, listLib, Satisfy, mesonLib, Sanity, metisTools, PSet_ind, ratLib, ListConv1, ratUtils, Abbrev, realLib)
- Tactic (type; jrhTactics)
- tactic (type; schneiderUtils)
- Tactic (structure)
- tactic (type; term_tactic)
- Tactic (constructor; psMinimize)
- tactic (type; totoTacs)
- tactic_of (value; goalTree)
- tactic_of_sml (value; smlExecute)
- Tactical (structure)
- tacticToe (structure)
- tactictoe (value; tacticToe)
- tactictoe_dir (value; tttSetup)
- tactictoe_termarg (value; tttToken)
- tactictoe_thmlarg (value; tttToken)
- tactictoe_tnn (value; tacticToe)
- tadd (value; testutils)
- tag (type; FinalTag, FinalThm)
- Tag (structure)
- tag (type; FlagDB, Tag)
- tag (value; FinalThm)
- tag_decode (value; ThyDataSexp)
- tag_encode (value; ThyDataSexp)
- tagged_decode (value; HOLsexp)
- tagged_encode (value; HOLsexp)
- TAILREC (constructor; DefnBase)
- tailrec_define (value; tailrecLib)
- tailrecDefine (value; TotalDefn)
- tailrecLib (structure)
- take (value; mlibStream, seq)
- take_tm (value; listSyntax)
- takeP (value; Coding)
- tan_tm (value; transcSyntax)
- tanh (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- targetd (type; mlReinforce)
- tassoc (value; boolSyntax)
- tau (value; UnicodeChars)
- TAUT (value; tautLib)
- TAUT_CONV (value; jrhUtils, tautLib)
- TAUT_PROVE (value; tautLib)
- TAUT_TAC (value; tautLib)
- tautLib (structure)
- tautologous (value; mlibCanon)
- tautology_checking (value; normalForms)
- TAUTOLOGY_CONV (value; normalForms)
- TC_CONV (value; tcTacs)
- TC_SIMP_CONV (value; TotalDefn)
- TC_SIMP_TAC (value; TotalDefn)
- tc_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- tcheck_error (type; Preterm)
- tcs_of (value; Defn)
- tcTacs (structure)
- tDefine (value; TotalDefn, bossLib)
- tdiv_tm (value; transcSyntax)
- temp_add_absyn_postprocessor (value; Parse)
- temp_add_bare_numeral_form (value; Parse)
- temp_add_diffs (value; Diff)
- temp_add_infix (value; Parse)
- temp_add_infix_type (value; Parse)
- temp_add_listform (value; Parse)
- temp_add_monadsyntax (value; monadsyntax)
- temp_add_numeral_form (value; Parse)
- temp_add_preterm_processor (value; Parse)
- temp_add_qtype (value; Parse)
- temp_add_record_field (value; Parse)
- temp_add_record_fupdate (value; Parse)
- temp_add_rule (value; Parse, transferLib)
- temp_add_safe (value; transferLib)
- temp_add_simp (value; transferLib)
- temp_add_sptree_printer (value; sptreeSyntax)
- temp_add_strliteral_form (value; Parse)
- temp_add_type (value; Parse)
- temp_add_user_printer (value; Parse)
- temp_associate_restriction (value; Parse)
- temp_binding (value; Theory, TheoryPP)
- temp_bring_to_front_overload (value; Parse)
- temp_clear_overloads_on (value; Parse)
- TEMP_DEFS_CONV (value; temporalLib)
- temp_delsimps (value; BasicProvers, bossLib)
- temp_disable_monad (value; monadsyntax)
- temp_disable_monadsyntax (value; monadsyntax)
- temp_disable_tyabbrev_printing (value; Parse)
- temp_enable_monad (value; monadsyntax)
- temp_enable_monadsyntax (value; monadsyntax)
- temp_exclude_termsimp (value; TotalDefn)
- temp_export_termsimp (value; TotalDefn)
- temp_flag (value; psBigSteps)
- temp_gen_remove_ovl_mapping (value; Parse)
- temp_give_num_priority (value; Parse)
- temp_inferior_overload_on (value; Parse)
- temp_loose_equality (value; ParseExtras)
- TEMP_NORMALIZE_CONV (value; temporalLib)
- temp_OpenTheory_const_name (value; OpenTheoryMap)
- temp_OpenTheory_tyop_name (value; OpenTheoryMap)
- temp_overload_on (value; Parse)
- temp_overload_on_by_nametype (value; Parse)
- temp_prefer_form_with_tok (value; Parse)
- temp_remove_absyn_postprocessor (value; Parse)
- temp_remove_numeral_form (value; Parse)
- temp_remove_ovl_mapping (value; Parse)
- temp_remove_preterm_processor (value; Parse)
- temp_remove_rules_for_term (value; Parse)
- temp_remove_strliteral_form (value; Parse)
- temp_remove_termtok (value; Parse)
- temp_remove_type_abbrev (value; Parse)
- temp_remove_user_printer (value; Parse)
- temp_send_to_back_overload (value; Parse)
- temp_set_associativity (value; Parse)
- temp_set_fixity (value; Parse)
- temp_set_grammars (value; Parse)
- temp_set_mapped_fixity (value; Parse)
- temp_set_simpset_ancestry (value; BasicProvers)
- temp_setsimpset (value; BasicProvers)
- temp_TeX_notation (value; TexTokenMap)
- temp_thytype_abbrev (value; Parse)
- temp_tight_equality (value; ParseExtras)
- temp_type_abbrev (value; Parse)
- temp_type_abbrev_pp (value; Parse)
- temp_weak_enable_monad (value; monadsyntax)
- temporalLib (structure)
- Teq (value; boolSyntax)
- term (type; binary_ieeeSyntax, boolSyntax, TypeBasePure, enumTacs, TypeBase, fmapalTacs, Theory, folMapping, TermParse, folTools, Solve_ineqs, fracLib, Solve, fracSyntax, Satisfy, fracUtils, Sanity, hurdUtils, Rules, intExtensionLib, Rsyntax, inttoTacs, Psyntax, jrhUtils, Preterm, listLib, PmatchHeuristics, matchTools, Pmatch, metisTools, Parse_support, mlibCanon, Parse, mlibClause, Overload, mlibKernel, OpenTheoryReader, mlibMatch, Norm_ineqs, mlibModel, Norm_bool, mlibRewrite, Net, mlibSubst, Literal, mlibTerm, ListConv1, mlibTermnet, LVTermNet, mlibTermorder, Hol_pp, mlibTptp, HolKernelDoc, Ho_Net, parse_term, FullUnify, parse_type, FinalThm, ratLib, FinalTerm, ratSyntax, FinalNet, ratUtils, FCNet, realLib, DefnBaseCore, rich_listSyntax, DefinitionDoc, schneiderUtils, DB, tcTacs, ConstMapML, temporalLib, Compute, term_grammar, Canon, term_pp, Absyn, term_pp_utils, Abbrev, term_tactic)
- Term (structure)
- term (type; totoTacs)
- Term (constructor; mungeTools)
- term (type; transcSyntax)
- Term (constructor; ThyDataSexp)
- term (type; unwindLib)
- Term (value; Parse)
- term (value; TermParse)
- term1 (type; folMapping)
- term_at (value; CooperMath)
- Term_coeffs (structure)
- term_compare (value; mlibTerm)
- term_compute (value; Compute)
- term_decode (value; ThyDataSexp)
- term_eq (value; FinalTerm)
- term_grammar (structure)
- term_grammar (value; Parse)
- term_name_is_lform (value; GrammarSpecials)
- term_new_vars (value; hurdUtils)
- term_of (value; IndDefLib)
- term_of_absyn (value; IndDefLib)
- term_of_bool (value; bitstringSyntax)
- term_of_int (value; numSyntax, intSyntax, ratSyntax, Arith_cons, realSyntax)
- term_of_lisp (value; aiLib)
- term_of_rat (value; RealArith)
- term_op (type; CooperSyntax)
- term_pp (structure)
- term_pp_prefix (value; Globals)
- term_pp_suffix (value; Globals)
- term_pp_utils (structure)
- term_pp_with_delimiters (value; Parse)
- term_ptree (type; patriciaLib, patricia_castsLib)
- term_size (value; HolKernelDoc, FinalTerm, mlibTerm)
- term_subst (type; hurdUtils)
- term_subst (value; mlibSubst)
- term_tactic (structure)
- term_tactic (type; term_tactic)
- term_to_dfactoid (value; OmegaMLShadow)
- term_to_preterm (value; Preterm)
- term_to_string (value; Parse, Hol_pp, mlibModel, mlibTerm)
- term_to_string' (value; mlibTerm)
- term_token (type; term_tokens)
- term_tokens (structure)
- termantiq_constructors (value; Pretype)
- termarg_placeholder (value; tttToken)
- TERMINATION (constructor; TotalDefn)
- termination_simpdb (value; TotalDefn)
- termination_simps (value; TotalDefn)
- termination_solve_simps (value; TotalDefn)
- termknn (value; mlNearestNeighbor)
- termnet (type; mlibTermnet)
- termorder (type; mlibClause, mlibTermorder)
- TermParse (structure)
- termS (value; TermParse)
- termsig (value; Term)
- termtable (type; SharingTables)
- TermTac (constructor; tttToken)
- termtype (type; CooperMath)
- testbit_tm (value; bitstringSyntax)
- testresult (type; testutils)
- testutils (structure)
- TeX_notation (value; TexTokenMap)
- tex_theory (value; EmitTeX)
- texLinewidth (value; EmitTeX)
- texPrefix (value; EmitTeX)
- TEXT (constructor; Trace)
- TexTokenMap (structure)
- tf0_export_bushy (value; hhExportTf0)
- tf0_export_chainy (value; hhExportTf0)
- tf0_formula (value; hhExportTf0)
- tf0_monoeq (value; hhExportTf0)
- tf0_term_mono (value; hhExportTf0)
- tf0_term_poly (value; hhExportTf0)
- tf0_write_pb (value; hhExportTf0)
- tf1_export_bushy (value; hhExportTf1)
- tf1_export_chainy (value; hhExportTf1)
- tf1_write_pb (value; hhExportTf1)
- tfind_redex (value; hurdUtils)
- tgoal (value; Defn)
- tgoal_no_defn (value; Defn)
- th0_export_bushy (value; hhExportTh0)
- th0_export_chainy (value; hhExportTh0)
- th0_formula (value; hhExportTh0)
- th0_monoeq (value; hhExportTh0)
- th0_term_mono (value; hhExportTh0)
- th0_term_poly (value; hhExportTh0)
- th0_write_pb (value; hhExportTh0)
- th1_export_bushy (value; hhExportTh1)
- th1_export_chainy (value; hhExportTh1)
- th1_write_pb (value; hhExportTh1)
- the (value; liteLib)
- the_compset (value; computeLib)
- the_default (value; Portable)
- the_list (value; Portable)
- the_map (value; TexTokenMap)
- the_monoset (value; IndDefLib)
- the_ptree_tm (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- THE_select_fun (value; quantHeuristicsLibAbbrev)
- the_single (value; Portable)
- the_tm (value; optionLib, optionSyntax)
- the_value (value; boolSyntax)
- theConstMap (value; ConstMapML)
- Then (constructor; psMinimize)
- THEN (value; Tactical, jrhTactics)
- THEN1 (value; Tactical)
- THEN_CONSEQ_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- THEN_CONSEQ_CONV___combine (value; ConseqConv)
- THEN_LT (value; Tactical)
- THEN_TCL (value; Thm_cont)
- THENC (value; Conv, RJBConv)
- THENCQC (value; liteLib)
- thenf (value; hurdUtils, liteLib)
- Thenl (constructor; psMinimize)
- THENL (value; Tactical, jrhTactics)
- THENQC (value; liteLib)
- THENR (value; hurdUtils)
- Theorem (constructor; mungeTools)
- theorem (value; DB)
- Theorems (structure)
- theorems (value; DB)
- theory (type; DB, Hol_pp)
- Theory (structure)
- theory (type; Sanity)
- theory_data (value; ThmSetData)
- TheoryGraph (structure)
- TheoryPP (structure)
- TheoryReader (exception; TheoryReader)
- TheoryReader (structure)
- thePmatchCompileDB (value; constrFamiliesLib)
- these (value; Portable)
- Theta (value; UnicodeChars)
- theta (value; UnicodeChars)
- theTypeBase (value; TypeBase)
- thing (type; mlibTerm)
- thm (type; intExtensionLib, inttoTacs, hurdUtils, jrhUtils, fracUtils, fracLib, folTools, folMapping, listLib, fmapalTacs, matchTools, mesonLib, enumTacs, metisTools, mlibClause, mlibKernel, mlibMetis, mlibResolution, mlibRewrite, mlibSolver, mlibUnits, boolSyntax, TypeBasePure, ratLib, TypeBase, ThmSetData, TheoryPP, ratUtils, Theory, realLib, Solve_ineqs, Satisfy, Sanity, Rules, Rsyntax, PmatchHeuristics, Pmatch, Parse, OpenTheoryReader, schneiderUtils, Norm_arith, ListConv1, Hol_pp, FinalThm, tcTacs, DefnBaseCore, temporalLib, DefinitionDoc, totoTacs, DB, Canon, unwindLib, BoundedRewrites, Abbrev)
- Thm (structure)
- Thm (constructor; ThyDataSexp)
- thm1 (type; folMapping, folTools)
- thm_compare (value; mlibThm)
- Thm_cont (structure)
- Thm_convs (structure)
- thm_count (value; Count)
- thm_foldr (value; mlibThm)
- thm_frees (value; FinalThm)
- thm_map (value; mlibThm)
- thm_of_name (value; mlThmData)
- thm_of_sml (value; smlExecute)
- thm_pp_prefix (value; Globals)
- thm_pp_suffix (value; Globals)
- thm_tactic (type; Abbrev)
- Thm_Tactic (type; jrhTactics)
- thm_tactic (type; hurdUtils)
- thm_tactical (type; Abbrev)
- Thm_Tactical (type; jrhTactics)
- thm_tactical (type; hurdUtils)
- thm_to_string (value; Parse, Hol_pp, mlibThm)
- thm_to_string' (value; mlibThm)
- thm_to_vthm (value; hurdUtils)
- ThmAttribute (structure)
- thmdata (type; tttLearn, mlThmData, tttToken)
- thmdata_glob (value; tttRecord)
- thmdata_tfidf_time (value; mlThmData)
- thmid (type; hhExportTf1, hhExportTh0, hhExportTf0, hhExportTh1, hhExportLib, mlNearestNeighbor, hhExportFof, mlThmData)
- thmidl_in_thy (value; hhExportLib)
- thmknn (value; mlNearestNeighbor)
- thmknn_wdep (value; mlNearestNeighbor)
- thml_of_namel (value; mlThmData)
- thml_of_sml (value; smlExecute)
- thmlarg_placeholder (value; tttToken)
- ThmlTac (constructor; tttToken)
- thms (value; DB)
- ThmSetData (structure)
- thname (type; ThmSetData, simpLib)
- threshold_CONV (value; binary_ieeeLib)
- threshold_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- thry (type; Induction, Pmatch, Defn, PmatchHeuristics)
- thunk (type; hurdUtils)
- thy (type; TheoryGraph)
- thy (value; DB)
- thy_addon (type; Theory)
- thy_compare (value; TheoryGraph)
- thy_const (type; OpenTheoryMap, OpenTheoryReader)
- thy_const_cmp (value; OpenTheoryMap)
- thy_const_to_string (value; OpenTheoryCommon)
- thy_consts (value; FinalTerm)
- thy_deltas (value; GrammarDeltas)
- thy_monos (value; IndDefLib)
- thy_rule_inductions (value; IndDefLib)
- thy_simpset (value; BasicProvers)
- thy_ssfrag (value; BasicProvers)
- thy_tyop (type; OpenTheoryMap, OpenTheoryReader)
- thy_tyop_cmp (value; OpenTheoryMap)
- thy_tyop_to_string (value; OpenTheoryCommon)
- thy_typebase (value; TypeBase)
- thy_types (value; FinalType)
- thy_updates (value; TypeBase)
- thy_userdefs (value; DefnBaseCore)
- ThyDataSexp (structure)
- thydepl_of (value; Dep)
- thytype_abbrev (value; Parse)
- TIDY_ABBREV_CONV (value; markerLib)
- TIDY_ABBREV_RULE (value; markerLib)
- TIDY_ABBREVS (value; BasicProvers, markerLib)
- tight_equality (value; ParseExtras)
- time (type; Portable)
- time (value; Lib)
- Time (constructor; mlibSolver)
- time (value; Portable, mlibPortable)
- time_eq (value; Portable)
- time_lt (value; Portable)
- time_max (value; Portable)
- time_maxl (value; Portable)
- time_n (value; hurdUtils)
- time_to_string (value; Lib, Portable)
- timed (value; mlibUseful, testutils)
- timed_many (value; mlibUseful)
- timed_tprint (value; testutils)
- Timeout (constructor; psMCTS)
- timeout (value; smlTimeout)
- times2 (value; Arbnumcore, mlibArbnum)
- times_2exp_tm (value; bitSyntax)
- timestamp (value; Portable)
- tl (value; mlibStream, seq)
- tl_string (value; aiLib)
- tl_tm (value; listSyntax)
- TM (value; Parse)
- tma_compare (value; hhExportLib)
- TMAbs (constructor; SharingTables)
- TMAp (constructor; SharingTables)
- TMC (constructor; SharingTables)
- tmCases_on (value; BasicProvers, bossLib)
- TMD (constructor; GrammarDeltas)
- tmem (value; boolSyntax)
- tmg_delta (type; GrammarDeltas)
- tmkind (type; BasicProvers)
- tml_eq (value; boolSyntax)
- tmp_eq (value; boolSyntax)
- tmquote (type; Q)
- tmsize_compare (value; aiLib)
- TMV (constructor; SharingTables)
- tmvar_vary (value; Lexis)
- tmVars (type; matchTools)
- tmx_eq (value; boolSyntax)
- tnn (type; tacticToe, tttEval, mlTreeNeuralNetwork, tttSearch, mlReinforce, tttTrain)
- tnn_accuracy (value; mlTreeNeuralNetwork)
- tnnbatch (type; mlTreeNeuralNetwork)
- tnndim (type; mlReinforce, mlTreeNeuralNetwork)
- tnnex (type; mlReinforce, mlTreeNeuralNetwork)
- tnnex_to_basicex (value; tttEval)
- to_cnf (value; def_cnf)
- to_list (value; mlibStream, mlibMultiset, mlibSupport)
- to_maplets (value; mlibSubst, mlibLiteralnet, mlibTermnet)
- to_ot (type; OpenTheoryMap)
- TO_set_CONV (value; enumTacs)
- to_stream (value; mlibHeap)
- to_string (value; mlibUseful)
- to_term (value; Preterm)
- to_term_for (value; cv_typeLib)
- to_textfile (value; mlibStream)
- to_tyspecs (value; Datatype)
- to_vstruct (value; Absyn)
- toAInt (value; Arbrat)
- toAList_CONV (value; sptreeLib)
- toAList_tm (value; sptreeSyntax)
- toArbVector (value; OmegaMLShadow)
- toBase64String (value; MD5)
- toBinString (value; Arbnumcore)
- tochar_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- toError (value; seqmonad)
- toHexString (value; Arbnumcore, MD5)
- toInt (value; Arbrat, mlibArbint, Arbnumcore, mlibArbnum, Arbintcore, mlibOmegaint)
- tok (constructor; PEGParse)
- TOK (value; Parse)
- token (type; tttSearch, tttToken)
- Token (constructor; tttSearch)
- token (type; tttTrain)
- token_string (value; term_tokens, type_tokens)
- tokens_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- toKName (value; ThmSetData)
- toLargeInt (value; Arbintcore, Arbnumcore)
- toList (value; mlibOmega)
- toList_tm (value; sptreeSyntax)
- tolower_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- toNat (value; Arbrat, Arbintcore, mlibArbint)
- toOctString (value; Arbnumcore)
- toOpt (value; errormonad)
- top (value; mlibHeap)
- TOP_CASE_TAC (value; BasicProvers)
- TOP_DEPTH (value; RW)
- TOP_DEPTH_CONV (value; Conv, liteLib)
- TOP_DEPTH_QCONV (value; liteLib)
- top_goal (value; Manager, goalStack, proofManagerLib)
- top_goals (value; goalStack, Manager, proofManagerLib)
- top_heuristics_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- top_min (value; hurdUtils)
- top_nonterminal (value; parse_term)
- TOP_ONCE_REWRITE_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase, quantHeuristicsTools)
- top_sort (value; hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- TOP_SWEEP_CONV (value; Conv, liteLib)
- TOP_SWEEP_QCONV (value; liteLib)
- top_thm (value; Manager, proofManagerLib)
- toplevel_updname (value; combinpp)
- toPmatchThry (value; TypeBasePure)
- topo_sort (value; aiLib)
- topsort (value; Lib)
- toReal (value; Arbnumcore)
- toSEXP (value; TypeBasePure)
- toShortString (value; locn)
- toString (value; locn, base_tokens, mlibArbint, ThmAttribute, mlibArbnum, Arbrat, mlibOmegaint, Arbnumcore, qbuf, Arbintcore, term_tokens)
- toString_tm (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- total (value; Portable, Lib, hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- total_time (value; aiLib)
- total_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- TotalDefn (structure)
- toThy (value; TheoryGraph)
- toto_CONV (value; totoTacs)
- totoTacs (structure)
- toType (value; Pretype)
- toTypeM (value; Pretype)
- toupper_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- toy_board (type; psMCTS)
- toy_game (value; psMCTS)
- toy_move (type; psMCTS)
- tpp (value; testutils)
- tpp_expected (value; testutils)
- tprint (value; testutils)
- tprove (value; Defn)
- tprove0 (value; Defn)
- tprove_no_defn (value; Defn)
- tptp_read (value; folTools)
- trace (value; Exn, Feedback)
- Trace (structure)
- trace (value; Trace, mlibUseful)
- trace_hook (value; Trace)
- trace_level (value; Trace, mlibUseful)
- trace_tacl (value; aiLib)
- traces (value; Feedback)
- tracing (value; mlibUseful)
- track (value; simpLib)
- track_rewrites (value; Cond_rewr, simpLib)
- train_fixed (value; tttTrain)
- train_knn (value; mlNearestNeighbor)
- train_nn (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- train_tnn (value; mlTreeNeuralNetwork)
- trainparam (type; mlNeuralNetwork)
- trainparam_of_string (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- traintnn_extspec (value; mlTreeNeuralNetwork)
- Trans (constructor; Count)
- TRANS (value; FinalThm)
- trans (value; hurdUtils)
- trans_thm (value; compute_rules)
- transcSyntax (structure)
- transfer_phase1 (value; transferLib)
- transfer_skeleton (value; transferLib)
- transfer_thm (value; transferLib)
- transfer_thydepl (value; Dep)
- transfer_tm (value; transferLib)
- transferLib (structure)
- transform (value; Intmap, LVTermNet)
- transform (type; computeLib)
- transform (value; Redblackmap)
- transform (type; clauses)
- transform (value; TypeNet, patriciaLib)
- transform_absyn (value; monadsyntax, parmonadsyntax)
- transform_tm (value; patriciaSyntax)
- transformw_tm (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- transitive_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- TRANSITIVITY (value; mlibThm)
- translate (value; UTF8, hhTranslate)
- translate_nocache (value; hhTranslate)
- translate_thm (value; hhTranslate)
- translate_tm (value; stringSyntax)
- trav (value; Term)
- TRAVERSE (value; Traverse)
- traverse (value; Absyn)
- Traverse (structure)
- traverse (value; patriciaLib)
- traverse_data (type; Traverse)
- traverse_tm (value; patriciaSyntax)
- traversedata_for_ss (value; simpLib)
- traverses_tm (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- traversew_tm (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- Travrules (structure)
- TRAVRULES (constructor; Travrules)
- travrules (type; Travrules)
- tree (type; mlibUseful, hurdUtils, psMCTS)
- tree_fold (value; hurdUtils)
- tree_foldl (value; mlibUseful)
- tree_foldr (value; mlibUseful)
- tree_partial_foldl (value; mlibUseful)
- tree_partial_trans (value; hurdUtils)
- tree_size (value; hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- tree_trans (value; hurdUtils)
- triple (value; Lib, Portable)
- triple_compare (value; aiLib)
- triple_of_float (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- triple_of_list (value; Lib)
- triv_defn (value; Defn)
- Trivial (constructor; mlibCanon)
- True (constructor; mlibTerm)
- TRUE_CONSEQ_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- true_factoid (value; OmegaMLShadow, mlibOmega)
- true_tm (value; CooperSyntax)
- TRUTH_TAC (value; hurdUtils)
- TRY (value; Tactical)
- Try (constructor; clauses)
- try (value; Lib, hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- TRY_CONV (value; Conv, RJBConv)
- try_eta (value; compute_rules)
- try_grammar_extension (value; Parse)
- TRY_LT (value; Tactical)
- try_theory_extension (value; Theory)
- TRYALL (value; Tactical)
- tryall (value; optmonad, seqmonad)
- TRYC (value; hurdUtils)
- trye (value; Lib)
- tryf (value; hurdUtils)
- tryfind (value; Lib)
- trypluck (value; Lib)
- trypluck' (value; Lib, Portable)
- TRYR (value; hurdUtils)
- tstore_defn (value; Defn)
- tt (value; hurdUtils)
- tt2 (value; hurdUtils)
- tt3 (value; hurdUtils)
- tt4 (value; hurdUtils)
- tts (value; aiLib)
- ttt (value; tacticToe)
- ttt_after_save_state (value; tttRecord)
- ttt_before_save_state (value; tttRecord)
- ttt_clean_record (value; tttUnfold)
- ttt_clean_savestate (value; tttUnfold)
- ttt_eval (value; tttEval)
- ttt_eval_dir (value; tttSetup)
- ttt_ex_flag (value; tttSetup)
- ttt_explo_coeff (value; tttSetup)
- ttt_export_tacdata (value; mlTacticData)
- ttt_fof_extra (value; hhExportFof)
- ttt_fof_goal (value; hhExportFof)
- ttt_metis_flag (value; tttSetup)
- ttt_metis_radius (value; tttSetup)
- ttt_metis_time (value; tttSetup)
- ttt_ortho_radius (value; tttSetup)
- ttt_policy_coeff (value; tttSetup)
- ttt_presel_radius (value; tttSetup)
- ttt_record (value; tttUnfold)
- ttt_record_savestate (value; tttUnfold)
- ttt_record_thy (value; tttUnfold)
- ttt_rewrite_thy (value; tttUnfold)
- ttt_save_state (value; tttRecord)
- ttt_save_state_time (value; tttRecord)
- ttt_search_time (value; tttSetup)
- ttt_tacdata_dir (value; mlTacticData)
- ttt_tactic_time (value; tttSetup)
- ttt_thmlarg_radius (value; tttSetup)
- ttt_tnn (value; tacticToe)
- ttt_update_tacdata (value; mlTacticData)
- tttEval (structure)
- tttLearn (structure)
- tttRecord (structure)
- tttSearch (structure)
- tttSetup (structure)
- tttToken (structure)
- tttTrain (structure)
- tttUnfold (structure)
- tty_trace (value; Trace)
- ttype (value; hhExportLib)
- tunion (value; boolSyntax)
- TUPLE (value; pairLib, pairTools)
- TUPLE_TAC (value; pairLib, pairTools)
- turnstile (value; UnicodeChars)
- two (value; Arbnumcore, Arbrat, Arbintcore, mlibArbint, mlibArbnum)
- ty_antiq (value; Parse, parse_type)
- ty_name_of (value; TypeBasePure)
- ty_of (value; TypeBasePure)
- ty_sub (value; FinalType)
- tyconstructors (type; parse_type)
- TYD (constructor; GrammarDeltas)
- tydelta_decode (value; GrammarDeltas)
- tydelta_encode (value; GrammarDeltas)
- tyg_delta (type; GrammarDeltas)
- tygrammar (type; TermParse)
- tyi_to_ssdata (value; simpLib)
- tyinfo (type; EnumType, DatatypeSimps, TypeBase, Datatype, TypeBasePure)
- TYOP (constructor; SharingTables)
- tyop_from_ot_map (value; OpenTheoryMap)
- tyop_name_in_map (value; OpenTheoryReader)
- tyop_to_ot_map (value; OpenTheoryMap)
- tyopset_of_tyl (value; hhExportLib)
- typantiq_constructors (value; Pretype)
- Type (constructor; mungeTools)
- Type (structure)
- Type (constructor; ThyDataSexp)
- Type (value; Parse)
- type_abbrev (value; Parse)
- type_abbrev_pp (value; Parse)
- type_constructors (value; GrammarSpecials, Prim_rec)
- type_constructors_with_args (value; Prim_rec)
- type_decode (value; ThyDataSexp)
- type_encode (value; TypeBasePure)
- type_filter (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- type_flag (value; hhExportFof)
- type_grammar (structure)
- type_grammar (value; Parse)
- type_inst (value; hurdUtils)
- type_invert_subst (value; hurdUtils)
- type_lift (value; TypeBasePure)
- type_match_filter (value; quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibBase)
- type_new_vars (value; hurdUtils)
- type_of (value; FinalTerm)
- type_pp (structure)
- type_pp_prefix (value; Globals)
- type_pp_suffix (value; Globals)
- type_pp_with_delimiters (value; Parse)
- type_refine_subst (value; hurdUtils, matchTools)
- type_rewrites_ss (value; DatatypeSimps)
- type_rewrites_stateful_ss (value; DatatypeSimps)
- type_rewrites_typeinfos_ss (value; DatatypeSimps)
- type_rws (value; bossLib)
- type_set (value; hhExportLib)
- type_size (value; FinalType, TypeBasePure)
- type_size_pre (value; TypeBasePure)
- type_ssfrag (value; simpLib)
- type_structure (type; type_grammar)
- type_subst (type; hurdUtils)
- type_subst (value; FinalType)
- type_subst_vars_in_set (value; hurdUtils)
- type_to_string (value; Hol_pp, Parse)
- type_token (type; type_tokens)
- type_tokens (structure)
- type_unify (value; boolSyntax)
- type_var_in (value; FinalType)
- type_vars (value; FinalType)
- type_vars_after_subst (value; hurdUtils)
- type_vars_in_term (value; FinalTerm, hhExportLib)
- type_vars_in_terms (value; hurdUtils)
- type_varsl (value; FinalType)
- typearg_of_c (value; hhExportLib)
- typearg_of_cvapp (value; hhExportLib)
- typeBase (type; Datatype)
- TypeBase (structure)
- typeBase (type; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- TypeBase_qp (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase, quantHeuristicsLib, quantHeuristicsLibParameters)
- TypeBasePure (structure)
- typecheck (value; Preterm)
- typecheck_phase1 (value; Preterm)
- typecheckS (value; Preterm)
- typed_parse_in_context (value; Parse)
- typed_preterm (value; TermParse)
- typedTerm (value; Parse)
- TypeNet (structure)
- typenet (type; TypeNet)
- types (value; Theory)
- typetable (type; SharingTables)
- typetok_of (value; type_tokens)
- typeValue (value; TypeBasePure)
- tyquote (type; Q)
- Tys (constructor; computeLib)
- tyspec (type; Datatype, ind_types)
- tyspecs_of (value; Datatype)
- tySubst (type; matchTools)
- TYV (constructor; SharingTables)
- tyValue (value; TypeBasePure)
- tyvar_from_ot (value; OpenTheoryCommon)
- tyvar_ids (value; Lexis)
- tyvar_to_ot (value; OpenTheoryCommon)
- tyvar_vary (value; Lexis)
- tyVars (type; matchTools)
- tyvars (value; Pretype)
- U (value; Lib, Portable)
- UC_ASCII_Encode (structure)
- UINT_MAX_CONV (value; wordsLib)
- uint_max_tm (value; integer_wordSyntax, wordsSyntax)
- uint_of_word (value; wordsSyntax)
- ULP_CONV (value; binary_ieeeLib)
- ULP_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- ulp_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- Un (value; Lib)
- UN_tm (value; binary_ieeeSyntax)
- UNABBREV_ALL_TAC (value; markerLib, bossLib)
- unabbrev_all_tac (value; bossLib)
- UNABBREV_TAC (value; OldAbbrevTactics, Q, markerLib)
- unAC (value; markerLib)
- UNBETA_CONV (value; Conv)
- UNBOUNDED (constructor; BoundedRewrites)
- UNCHANGED (exception; Conv)
- UNCHANGED_CONV (value; Conv)
- unCong (value; markerLib)
- UNCONSTRAIN (value; CooperSyntax)
- uncurry (value; Lib, Portable, hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- UNCURRY_CONV (value; PairRules)
- UNCURRY_EXISTS_CONV (value; PairRules)
- UNCURRY_FORALL_CONV (value; PairRules)
- uncurry_tm (value; pairSyntax, pairLib)
- Undecided (constructor; psMCTS, tttSearch)
- underAIs (value; Drule)
- UNDISCH (value; Drule)
- UNDISCH_ALL (value; Drule)
- UNDISCH_ALL_TAC (value; schneiderUtils)
- UNDISCH_CONJ (value; hurdUtils)
- UNDISCH_CONJ_CONV (value; hurdUtils)
- UNDISCH_CONJ_TAC (value; hurdUtils)
- UNDISCH_CONJUNCTS (value; hurdUtils)
- UNDISCH_CONJUNCTS_TAC (value; hurdUtils)
- UNDISCH_HD_TAC (value; schneiderUtils)
- UNDISCH_NO_TAC (value; schneiderUtils)
- UNDISCH_SPLIT (value; Drule)
- UNDISCH_TAC (value; Q, Tactic)
- UNDISCH_THEN (value; Q, Thm_cont)
- UNDISCH_TM (value; Drule)
- undo (value; History)
- unescape (value; aiLib)
- uneta_type_bijection (value; OpenTheoryReader)
- UNFOLD_CONV (value; unwindLib)
- UNFOLD_RIGHT_RULE (value; unwindLib)
- unhex_tm (value; ASCIInumbersSyntax)
- UNHIDE (value; markerLib)
- unhide_assum (value; markerLib)
- unhide_tac (value; markerLib)
- unhide_x_assum (value; markerLib)
- unicode_off (value; testutils)
- UnicodeChars (structure)
- uniform (value; mlibUseful)
- uniform_distrib (value; aiLib)
- uniform_player (value; psMCTS)
- uniform_proba (value; aiLib)
- unify (value; Pretype, mlibLiteralnet, FullUnify, mlibMatch)
- Unify (structure)
- unify (value; mlibTermnet)
- unify_and_apply (value; mlibMatch)
- unify_literals (value; mlibMatch)
- unify_types (value; FullUnify)
- unifyl (value; mlibMatch)
- unifyl_literals (value; mlibMatch)
- unignoring (value; Tactic)
- unignoring_hide (value; markerLib)
- unignoringc (value; Tactic)
- union (value; Net, Lib, Portable, Intset, Redblackset, FinalNet, UnicodeChars, CharSet, mlibMultiset, mlibUseful)
- union2 (value; hurdUtils)
- UNION_CONV (value; PFset_conv, enumTacs, pred_setLib)
- union_defn (value; Defn)
- union_dict (value; aiLib)
- union_tm (value; pred_setSyntax, sptreeSyntax)
- unionWith (value; Redblackmap)
- unionWithi (value; Redblackmap)
- uniq (value; Lib)
- uniq_cvdef_arity (value; hhExportLib)
- uniq_cvdef_mgc (value; hhExportLib)
- uniq_ex (value; tttEval)
- Unit (constructor; mlibCanon)
- unit (value; mlibUseful)
- UNIT_SQUASH (value; mlibThm)
- unit_tm (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- units (type; mlibUnits, mlibSolver)
- units (value; mlibClauseset)
- units (type; mlibResolution)
- units (value; mlibResolution)
- Unittest (structure)
- univ_printer (value; pred_setpp)
- univ_tm (value; pred_setSyntax)
- universal (value; boolSyntax)
- universal_set (value; UnicodeChars)
- UniversalType (structure)
- UNLAMB_CONV (value; Canon, refuteLib)
- unlift_cases_ss (value; DatatypeSimps)
- unlift_cases_stateful_ss (value; DatatypeSimps)
- unlift_cases_typeinfos_ss (value; DatatypeSimps)
- unlimit (value; simpLib)
- unlimited (value; mlibMeter)
- unmapped (value; computeLib)
- unpad (value; mlibUseful)
- UNPBETA_CONV (value; PairRules)
- unprefix (value; Lib)
- unprime (value; Lib)
- unquote_string (value; aiLib)
- UNSAFE_LTL2OMEGA_CONV (value; temporalLib)
- UNSAFE_LTL_CONV (value; temporalLib)
- unsafe_namespace_thms (value; mlThmData)
- unsafe_prettify_proof (value; psMinimize)
- unsafe_sproof (value; psMinimize)
- UNSAFE_TEMP_DEFS_CONV (value; temporalLib)
- unschematize_clauses (value; InductiveDefinition)
- unstrip_pair (value; pairLib, pairSyntax)
- Unwind (structure)
- UNWIND_ALL_BUT_CONV (value; unwindLib)
- UNWIND_ALL_BUT_RIGHT_RULE (value; unwindLib)
- UNWIND_AUTO_CONV (value; unwindLib)
- UNWIND_AUTO_RIGHT_RULE (value; unwindLib)
- UNWIND_CONV (value; unwindLib)
- UNWIND_EXISTS_CONV (value; Unwind)
- UNWIND_EXISTS_RULE (value; Unwind)
- UNWIND_EXISTS_TAC (value; Unwind)
- UNWIND_FORALL_CONV (value; Unwind)
- UNWIND_FORALL_RULE (value; Unwind)
- UNWIND_FORALL_TAC (value; Unwind)
- UNWIND_ONCE_CONV (value; unwindLib)
- UNWIND_ss (value; boolSimps)
- unwindLib (structure)
- unwrap (value; hurdUtils)
- unzip (value; Lib, Portable, mlibUseful)
- unzip3 (value; wfrecUtils)
- unzip_fst_tm (value; rich_listSyntax)
- unzip_snd_tm (value; rich_listSyntax)
- unzip_tm (value; listSyntax)
- upd_printer (value; combinpp)
- upd_processor (value; combinpp)
- update (value; FlagDB, MD5, Dynarray, Redblackmap, AList, Sref)
- update_ancestor_cutting (value; mlibMeson)
- update_ancestor_pruning (value; mlibMeson)
- UPDATE_APPLY_CONV (value; updateLib)
- update_axiom (value; TypeBase)
- update_boolean (value; folTools)
- update_cache_cutting (value; mlibMeson)
- update_clause_parm (value; mlibResolution)
- update_combinator (value; folTools)
- update_constname (value; combinpp)
- update_data_store (value; holindexData)
- update_divide_conquer (value; mlibMeson)
- update_equality (value; folTools)
- update_fix (value; mlibModel)
- update_higher_order (value; folMapping)
- update_induction (value; TypeBase, BasicProvers, bossLib)
- update_interface (value; metisTools)
- update_limit (value; metisTools)
- update_literal_order (value; mlibClause)
- update_literal_power (value; mlibSupport)
- update_mapping_parm (value; folTools)
- update_mode (value; GenPolyCanon)
- update_model_checks (value; mlibSupport)
- update_model_parms (value; mlibSupport)
- update_model_perts (value; mlibSupport)
- update_model_power (value; mlibSupport)
- update_new (value; FlagDB)
- update_nn (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- update_nth (value; mlibUseful)
- update_order_stickiness (value; mlibClause)
- update_overload_maps (value; Parse)
- update_postfactoring (value; mlibClauseset)
- update_precision (value; mlibTermorder)
- update_prefactoring (value; mlibClauseset)
- update_set_parm (value; mlibResolution)
- update_simplification (value; mlibClauseset)
- update_size (value; mlibModel)
- update_size_power (value; mlibSupport)
- update_solver (value; metisTools)
- update_sort_literals (value; mlibMeson)
- update_sort_rules (value; mlibMeson)
- update_sos_parm (value; mlibResolution)
- update_splitting (value; mlibClauseset)
- update_state_simplify (value; mlibMeson)
- update_subsumption (value; mlibClauseset)
- update_term_order (value; mlibClause)
- update_termorder_parm (value; mlibClause)
- update_tm (value; combinSyntax)
- update_tyinfo (value; RecordType)
- update_unit_lemmaizing (value; mlibMeson)
- update_with_types (value; folMapping)
- updateLib (structure)
- updates_of (value; TypeBase, TypeBasePure)
- updateSyntax (structure)
- upper (value; mlibParser)
- upper_int_of_rat (value; Rationals)
- upto (value; Lib, Portable, liteLib)
- uptodate (value; ThyDataSexp)
- uptodate_id (value; KernelSig)
- uptodate_kname (value; FinalType)
- uptodate_name (value; KernelSig)
- uptodate_term (value; FinalTerm, Theory)
- uptodate_thm (value; Theory)
- uptodate_type (value; FinalType, Theory)
- Uref (structure)
- usage (value; mungeTools)
- use_hidden_assum (value; markerLib)
- use_long_names (value; cv_memLib)
- USE_SG_THEN (value; Tactical)
- use_state0 (value; smlExecScripts)
- use_thread_flag (value; smlParallel)
- used_rewrites (value; Cond_rewr, simpLib)
- user_delta (type; term_grammar)
- user_delta_decode (value; GrammarDeltas)
- user_delta_encode (value; GrammarDeltas)
- user_overrides (value; mungeTools)
- user_printers (value; term_grammar)
- user_split_ident (value; term_tokens)
- userprinter (type; term_grammar)
- using (value; bossLib, markerLib)
- using_t (value; markerSyntax)
- usingA (value; bossLib, markerLib)
- usingThm_t (value; markerSyntax)
- UTF8 (structure)
- UTF8Set (structure)
- v2l_tm (value; fcpSyntax)
- v2n_CONV (value; bitstringLib)
- v2n_tm (value; bitstringSyntax)
- v2s_tm (value; bitstringSyntax)
- v2w_eq_CONV (value; bitstringLib)
- v2w_n2w_CONV (value; bitstringLib)
- v2w_n2w_ss (value; bitstringLib)
- v2w_tm (value; bitstringSyntax)
- VALID (value; Tactical)
- VALID_LT (value; Tactical)
- VALIDATE (value; Tactical)
- VALIDATE_LT (value; Tactical)
- validation (type; Abbrev, hurdUtils)
- validdep_of_thmid (value; mlThmData)
- value (value; Sref)
- Vampire (constructor; holyHammer)
- VAR (constructor; Rsyntax, FinalTerm)
- Var (constructor; mlibTerm)
- var_compare (value; FinalTerm)
- var_CONJUNCTS (value; hurdUtils)
- VAR_ELIM (value; Solve_ineqs)
- VAR_EQ_TAC (value; BasicProvers)
- var_eq_tac (value; BasicProvers)
- var_GENVAR_SPEC (value; hurdUtils)
- var_match (value; hurdUtils)
- var_MATCH_MP (value; hurdUtils)
- var_occurs (value; FinalTerm)
- var_of_prod (value; Term_coeffs)
- var_string (value; mlibTerm)
- var_to_elim (value; Solve_ineqs)
- variant (value; FinalTerm, hol88Lib, mlibUseful)
- VARIANT_CONV (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase, quantHeuristicsTools)
- variant_num (value; mlibUseful)
- VARIANT_TAC (value; quantHeuristicsLibBase, quantHeuristicsTools)
- variants (value; InductiveDefinition)
- vars (type; folTools, folMapping, hurdUtils)
- Vars (type; matchTools)
- vars (value; mlibTermorder)
- vars_after_subst (value; hurdUtils)
- vars_eq (value; hurdUtils)
- vars_of_coeffs (value; Term_coeffs)
- vars_union (value; hurdUtils)
- vary (value; wfrecUtils)
- vAtom (constructor; goalTree)
- vect (type; mlNeuralNetwork, mlMatrix, mlTreeNeuralNetwork)
- vect_add (value; mlMatrix)
- vector_max (value; aiLib)
- vector_maxi (value; aiLib)
- vector_mini (value; aiLib)
- vector_to_list (value; aiLib, mlMatrix)
- vector_topsort (value; Lib, Portable)
- Verbose (constructor; cv_memLib)
- verbose (value; Grobner)
- verbose_level (value; RealArith)
- verbosity (type; cv_memLib)
- verbosity_level (value; cv_memLib)
- verdict (type; Portable)
- verdict (value; Lib)
- verdict (type; Lib)
- verdict (value; Portable)
- verify_combination (value; OmegaSimple)
- verify_contr (value; OmegaSimple)
- verify_derivation (value; OmegaSimple)
- verify_gcd_check (value; OmegaSimple)
- verify_result (value; OmegaSimple)
- verify_satisfaction (value; OmegaSimple)
- version (value; Globals, Systeml)
- vfilter (value; Ho_Net)
- vfree_names (value; matchTools)
- vfree_vars (value; matchTools)
- vGoal (constructor; goalTree)
- via (value; Tactic)
- view_struct (value; smlOpen)
- view_struct_cached (value; smlOpen)
- VisArg (constructor; tttSearch)
- VisGoal (constructor; tttSearch)
- VisNode (constructor; tttSearch)
- VisTac (constructor; tttSearch)
- vistoken (type; tttSearch)
- vistree (type; tttSearch)
- vistreel_of_searchtree (value; tttSearch)
- vmatch (value; matchTools)
- vmatch_type (value; matchTools)
- vmatch_uty (value; matchTools)
- vs_cons_special (value; GrammarSpecials)
- vstruct (type; Absyn)
- VSUBST_TAC (value; Tactic)
- vt100_terminal (value; PPBackEnd)
- vterm (type; hurdUtils)
- vThen (constructor; goalTree)
- vThenl (constructor; goalTree)
- vthm (type; hurdUtils)
- vthm_to_thm (value; hurdUtils)
- vunify (value; matchTools)
- vunify_type (value; matchTools)
- vunifyl (value; matchTools)
- vunifyl_type (value; matchTools)
- W (value; Portable, Lib, hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- w2i_tm (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- w2l_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- w2n_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- w2s_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- w2v_tm (value; bitstringSyntax)
- w2w_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- W_tm (value; combinSyntax)
- warn (value; mlibUseful)
- WARNING_outstream (value; Feedback)
- WARNING_to_string (value; Feedback)
- WARNINGs_as_ERRs (value; Feedback)
- wcr_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- WEAK_CBV_CONV (value; computeLib)
- WEAK_CNF_CONV (value; normalForms)
- WEAK_DNF_CONV (value; normalForms)
- weak_enable_monad (value; monadsyntax)
- WEAKEN (value; mlibThm)
- WEAKEN_CONSEQ_CONV (value; ConseqConv)
- WEAKEN_CONSEQ_CONV_RULE (value; ConseqConv)
- WEAKEN_TAC (value; Tactic)
- weakener_data (type; simpLib)
- weaklinearorder_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- weakorder_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- WEIGHTED_SUM (value; Solve_ineqs)
- WF_REL_TAC (value; TotalDefn, bossLib)
- WF_TAC (value; TotalDefn)
- WF_thms (value; TotalDefn)
- wf_tm (value; relationSyntax, sptreeSyntax)
- wfp_tm (value; relationSyntax)
- wfrec_eqns (value; Defn)
- wfrecUtils (structure)
- while_tm (value; numSyntax)
- whitestar (value; UnicodeChars)
- widen_tm (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- Win (constructor; psMCTS)
- with_classic_heuristic (value; Pmatch, PmatchHeuristics)
- with_exn (value; Lib, Portable)
- with_flag (value; Lib, Portable, mlibUseful)
- with_flagM (value; errormonad)
- with_heuristic (value; PmatchHeuristics)
- with_manual_heuristic (value; Pmatch, PmatchHeuristics)
- with_pp (value; OldPP)
- with_ppstream (value; OldPP, Portable)
- with_simpset_updates (value; BasicProvers)
- with_temp_value (value; AncestryData)
- with_termsimps (value; TotalDefn)
- WITHOUT_ABBREVS (value; bossLib, markerLib)
- wlog_tac (value; bossLib, wlogLib)
- wlog_then (value; bossLib, wlogLib)
- wlogLib (structure)
- word_1comp_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_2comp_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_abs_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- WORD_ADD_CANON_CONV (value; wordsLib)
- word_add_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_and_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- WORD_ARITH_CONV (value; wordsLib)
- WORD_ARITH_EQ_ss (value; wordsLib)
- WORD_ARITH_PROVE (value; wordsLib)
- WORD_ARITH_ss (value; wordsLib)
- word_asr_bv_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_asr_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_bit_CONV (value; bitstringLib)
- WORD_BIT_EQ_CONV (value; wordsLib)
- WORD_BIT_EQ_ss (value; wordsLib)
- WORD_BIT_INDEX_CONV (value; wordsLib)
- word_bit_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_bits_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- WORD_CANCEL_CONV (value; wordsLib)
- WORD_CANCEL_ss (value; wordsLib)
- word_compare_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- WORD_CONCAT_ASSOC_ss (value; wordsLib)
- word_concat_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- WORD_CONV (value; wordsLib)
- WORD_DECIDE (value; integer_wordLib, wordsLib)
- WORD_DECIDE_TAC (value; wordsLib)
- WORD_DIV_LSR_CONV (value; wordsLib)
- word_div_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- WORD_DP (value; wordsLib)
- word_EQ_CONV (value; wordsLib)
- word_eq_CONV (value; bitstringLib)
- WORD_EVAL_CONV (value; wordsLib)
- WORD_EVAL_RULE (value; wordsLib)
- WORD_EVAL_TAC (value; wordsLib)
- WORD_EXTRACT_ss (value; wordsLib)
- word_extract_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_from_bin_list_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_from_bin_string_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_from_dec_list_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_from_dec_string_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_from_hex_list_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_from_hex_string_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_from_oct_list_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_from_oct_string_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_ge_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- WORD_GROUND_CONV (value; wordsLib)
- WORD_GROUND_ss (value; wordsLib)
- word_gt_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_H_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_hi_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_hs_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_join_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_L2_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_L_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_le_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_len_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_lo_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_log2_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- WORD_LOGIC_CONV (value; wordsLib)
- WORD_LOGIC_ss (value; wordsLib)
- word_ls_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_lsb_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_lsl_bv_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_lsl_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_lsr_bv_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_lsr_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_lt_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_max_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_min_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- WORD_MOD_BITS_CONV (value; wordsLib)
- word_mod_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_modify_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_msb_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- WORD_MUL_LSL_CONV (value; wordsLib)
- WORD_MUL_LSL_ss (value; wordsLib)
- word_mul_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_nand_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_nor_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_or_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_quot_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_reduce_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_rem_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_replicate_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_reverse_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_rol_bv_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_rol_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_ror_bv_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_ror_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_rrx_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_sdiv_tm (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- WORD_SHIFT_ss (value; wordsLib)
- word_sign_extend_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_slice_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_smax_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_smin_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_smod_tm (value; integer_wordSyntax)
- WORD_ss (value; wordsLib)
- WORD_SUB_CONV (value; wordsLib)
- WORD_SUB_ss (value; wordsLib)
- word_sub_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_T_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_to_bin_list_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_to_bin_string_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_to_dec_list_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_to_dec_string_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_to_hex_list_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_to_hex_string_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_to_oct_list_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_to_oct_string_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- WORD_UINT_MAX_ss (value; wordsLib)
- word_xnor_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- word_xor_tm (value; wordsSyntax)
- wordempty_tm (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- words2 (value; Lib, Portable)
- words_cast_printer (value; wordspp)
- words_compset (value; wordsLib)
- words_printer (value; wordspp)
- wordset_of_ptree_tm (value; patricia_castsSyntax)
- wordsLib (structure)
- wordspp (structure)
- wordsSyntax (structure)
- wordToReal (value; native_ieeeLib)
- work (value; OmegaMLShadow, mlibOmega)
- worker_start (value; smlParallel)
- wrap (value; hurdUtils)
- wrap_exn (value; Feedback)
- wrap_exn_loc (value; Feedback)
- write (value; TypeBase, mlibTptp)
- write_congs (value; DefnBase)
- write_data (value; aiLib)
- write_datatype_info (value; computeLib)
- write_evalscript (value; tttEval)
- write_exl (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- write_file (value; DiskThms, aiLib)
- write_formula (value; hhTptp)
- write_nn (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- write_pred (value; hhTptp)
- write_raw (value; FinalTerm)
- write_rlex (value; mlReinforce)
- write_schedule (value; mlNeuralNetwork)
- write_stream (value; DiskThms)
- write_string (value; SharingTables)
- write_term (value; SharingTables, hhTptp)
- write_texgraph (value; aiLib)
- write_thmdata (value; tttRecord)
- write_tm (value; state_transformerSyntax)
- write_tmdata (value; aiLib)
- write_tnn (value; mlTreeNeuralNetwork)
- write_tnndim (value; mlTreeNeuralNetwork)
- write_tnnex (value; mlTreeNeuralNetwork)
- write_tptp (value; hhTptp)
- write_tptp_file (value; hhTptp)
- write_type (value; SharingTables, hhTptp)
- writel (value; aiLib)
- writel_atomic (value; aiLib)
- writel_path (value; aiLib)
- Z3 (constructor; holyHammer)
- Z3_ORACLE_PROVE (value; HolSmtLib)
- Z3_ORACLE_TAC (value; HolSmtLib)
- Z3_PROVE (value; HolSmtLib)
- Z3_TAC (value; HolSmtLib)
- Zabs (constructor; compute_rules)
- ZAP_CONSTS_RULE (value; hurdUtils)
- ZAP_TAC (value; bossLib)
- zDefine (value; bossLib)
- zero (value; Arbrat, mlibArbint, Arbnumcore, mlibArbnum, Arbintcore, mlibOmegaint)
- zero_extend_tm (value; bitstringSyntax)
- ZERO_LESS_EQ_ONE_TIMES (value; Theorems)
- ZERO_LESS_EQ_T (value; Theorems)
- ZERO_MULT (value; Theorems)
- ZERO_MULT_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- ZERO_MULT_PLUS_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- ZERO_PLUS (value; Theorems)
- ZERO_PLUS_CONV (value; Thm_convs)
- zero_reading (value; mlibMeter)
- zero_tm (value; numSyntax, intSyntax, realSyntax)
- zeta (value; UnicodeChars)
- zip (value; Lib, hurdUtils, mlibStream, mlibUseful)
- zip3 (value; Portable, wfrecUtils)
- zip_tm (value; listSyntax)
- zipwith (value; mlibStream, hurdUtils, mlibUseful)
- Zrand (constructor; compute_rules)
- Zrator (constructor; compute_rules)
- ZSAT_ORACLE (value; minisatProve)
- ZSAT_PROVE (value; minisatProve)
- Ztop (constructor; compute_rules)
HOL 4, Trindemossen-1