Structure SharingTables

Source File Identifier index Theory binding index

signature SharingTables =

  structure Map : Binarymap
  exception SharingTables of string

  type id = {Thy : string, Other : string}
  datatype shared_type = TYV of string
                       | TYOP of int list

  val shared_type_decode : shared_type HOLsexp.decoder
  val shared_type_encode : shared_type HOLsexp.encoder

  datatype shared_term = TMV of string * int
                       | TMC of int * int
                       | TMAp of int * int
                       | TMAbs of int * int
  val shared_term_decode : shared_term HOLsexp.decoder
  val shared_term_encode : shared_term HOLsexp.encoder

  type stringtable =
       {size : int, map : (string,int) Map.dict, list : string list}
  type idtable = {idsize : int,
                  idmap : (id, int) Map.dict,
                  idlist : (int * int) list}
  type typetable = {tysize : int,
                    tymap : (Type.hol_type, int)Map.dict,
                    tylist : shared_type list}
  type termtable = {termsize : int,
                    termmap : (Term.term, int)Map.dict,
                    termlist : shared_term list}

  val empty_strtable : stringtable
  val empty_idtable : idtable
  val empty_tytable : typetable
  val empty_termtable : termtable

  val enc_strtable : stringtable HOLsexp.encoder
  val enc_idtable  : idtable HOLsexp.encoder
  val enc_tytable  : typetable HOLsexp.encoder
  val enc_tmtable  : termtable HOLsexp.encoder

  val dec_strings  : string Vector.vector HOLsexp.decoder
  val dec_ids      : string Vector.vector -> id Vector.vector HOLsexp.decoder

  val make_shared_type : Type.hol_type -> stringtable -> idtable -> typetable ->
                         (int * stringtable * idtable * typetable)

  val make_shared_term : Term.term ->
                         (stringtable * idtable * typetable * termtable) ->
                         int * (stringtable * idtable * typetable * termtable)

  val build_id_vector   : string Vector.vector -> (int * int) list ->
                          id Vector.vector
  val build_type_vector : id Vector.vector -> shared_type list ->
                          Type.hol_type Vector.vector

  val build_term_vector : id Vector.vector -> Type.hol_type Vector.vector ->
                          shared_term list -> Term.term Vector.vector

  type sharing_data_in
  type sharing_data_out
  type extract_data = {named_terms : (string * Term.term) list,
                       unnamed_terms : Term.term list,
                       named_types : (string * Type.hol_type) list,
                       unnamed_types : Type.hol_type list,
                       theorems : (string * Thm.thm) list}
  val build_sharing_data : extract_data -> sharing_data_in
  val add_strings : string list -> sharing_data_in -> sharing_data_in
  val add_types : Type.hol_type list -> sharing_data_in -> sharing_data_in
  val add_terms : Term.term list -> sharing_data_in -> sharing_data_in
  val write_string : sharing_data_in -> string -> int
  val write_type : sharing_data_in -> Type.hol_type -> int
  val write_term : sharing_data_in -> Term.term -> string
  val enc_sdata : sharing_data_in HOLsexp.encoder

  val dec_sdata :
      {with_strings: (int -> string) -> unit,
         (int -> string) * (int -> id) * Type.hol_type Vector.vector -> unit} ->
      sharing_data_out HOLsexp.decoder
  val export_from_sharing_data : sharing_data_out -> extract_data
  val read_term : sharing_data_out -> string -> Term.term
  val read_string : sharing_data_out -> int -> string


    [export_from_sharing_data{data,with_strings,with_stridty}] will
    return the represented data. The functions with_strings and
    with_stridty give the caller a chance to update the state of the
    theory context before types and then terms are constructed. This
    is necessary in the theory-loading situation where the desired
    values may depend on new type operators and new term constants
    that have to be defined before the rest of the process can be

Source File Identifier index Theory binding index

HOL 4, Trindemossen-1