Structure OldPP
signature OldPP =
(* PP -- pretty-printing -- from the SML/NJ library *)
type ppstream
type ppconsumer = { consumer : string -> unit,
linewidth : int,
flush : unit -> unit }
datatype break_style = datatype HOLPP.break_style
type ppstream_interface =
{ add_stringsz : (string * int) -> unit,
add_break : int * int -> unit,
begin_block : break_style -> int -> unit,
clear_ppstream : unit -> unit,
end_block : unit -> unit,
flush : unit -> unit,
linewidth : int}
datatype frag = datatype HOLPP.frag
type 'a quotation = 'a frag list
val mk_ppstream : ppconsumer -> ppstream
val pps_from_iface : ppstream_interface -> ppstream
val add_break : ppstream -> int * int -> unit
val add_newline : ppstream -> unit
val add_string : ppstream -> string -> unit
val add_stringsz : ppstream -> (string * int) -> unit
val begin_block : ppstream -> break_style -> int -> unit
val end_block : ppstream -> unit
val clear_ppstream : ppstream -> unit
val flush_ppstream : ppstream -> unit
val with_pp : ppconsumer -> (ppstream -> unit) -> unit
val pp_to_string : int -> (ppstream -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> string
val lineWidth : ppstream -> int
val catch_withpp_err : bool ref
val pr_list : ('a -> unit) -> (unit -> 'b) -> (unit -> 'c) -> 'a list ->
val with_ppstream : ppstream ->
{add_break : int * int -> unit,
add_newline : unit -> unit,
add_string : string -> unit,
begin_block : HOLPP.break_style -> int -> unit,
clear_ppstream : unit -> unit,
end_block : unit -> unit,
flush_ppstream : unit -> unit}
This structure provides tools for creating customized Oppen-style
pretty-printers, based on the type ppstream. A ppstream is an
output stream that contains prettyprinting commands. The commands
are placed in the stream by various function calls listed below.
There following primitives add commands to the stream:
begin_block, end_block, add_string, add_break, and add_newline.
All calls to add_string, add_break, and add_newline must happen
between a pair of calls to begin_block and end_block must be
properly nested dynamically. All calls to begin_block and
end_block must be properly nested (dynamically).
[ppconsumer] is the type of sinks for pretty-printing. A value of
type ppconsumer is a record
{ consumer : string -> unit,
linewidth : int,
flush : unit -> unit }
of a string consumer, a specified linewidth, and a flush function
which is called whenever flush_ppstream is called.
A prettyprinter can be called outright to print a value. In
addition, a prettyprinter for a base type or nullary datatype ty
can be installed in the top-level system. Then the installed
prettyprinter will be invoked automatically whenever a value of
type ty is to be printed.
[break_style] is the type of line break styles for blocks:
[CONSISTENT] specifies that if any line break occurs inside the
block, then all indicated line breaks occur.
[INCONSISTENT] specifies that breaks will be inserted to only to
avoid overfull lines.
[mk_ppstream {consumer, linewidth, flush}] creates a new ppstream
which invokes the consumer to output text, putting at most
linewidth characters on each line.
[dest_ppstream ppstrm] extracts the linewidth, flush function, and
consumer from a ppstream.
[add_break ppstrm (size, offset)] notifies the pretty-printer that
a line break is possible at this point.
* When the current block style is CONSISTENT:
** if the entire block fits on the remainder of the line, then
output size spaces; else
** increase the current indentation by the block offset;
further indent every item of the block by offset, and add
one newline at every add_break in the block.
* When the current block style is INCONSISTENT:
** if the next component of the block fits on the remainder of
the line, then output size spaces; else
** issue a newline and indent to the current indentation level
plus the block offset plus the offset.
[add_newline ppstrm] issues a newline.
[add_stringsz ppstrm str] outputs the string str to the ppstream
(calculating its width using the UTF8.size function).
[add_string ppstrm (str,sz)] outputs the string str to the ppstream
but the ppstream treats it as if it were sz many characters wide
rather than its true width.
[begin_block ppstrm style blockoffset] begins a new block and
level of indentation, with the given style and block offset.
[end_block ppstrm] closes the current block.
[clear_ppstream ppstrm] restarts the stream, without affecting the
underlying consumer.
[flush_ppstream ppstrm] executes any remaining commands in the
ppstream (that is, flushes currently accumulated output to the
consumer associated with ppstrm); executes the flush function
associated with the consumer; and calls clear_ppstream.
[with_pp consumer f] makes a new ppstream from the consumer and
applies f (which can be thought of as a producer) to that
ppstream, then flushed the ppstream and returns the value of f.
[pp_to_string linewidth printit x] constructs a new ppstream
ppstrm whose consumer accumulates the output in a string s. Then
evaluates (printit ppstrm x) and finally returns the string s.
HOL 4, Trindemossen-1