Structure TotalDefn
signature TotalDefn =
include Abbrev
type defn = DefnBase.defn
(* Support for automated termination proofs *)
val guessR : defn -> term list
val proveTotal : tactic -> defn -> defn * thm option
(* Support for interactive termination proofs *)
val WF_thms : unit -> thm list
val export_WF_thm : string -> unit
val termination_simps : unit -> thm list
val termination_simpdb : unit -> (string,thm) Binarymap.dict
val temp_exclude_termsimp : string -> unit
val exclude_termsimp : string -> unit
val temp_export_termsimp : string -> unit
val export_termsimp : string -> unit
val with_termsimps : thm list -> ('a -> 'b) -> ('a -> 'b)
val termination_solve_simps : thm list ref
val PRIM_WF_TAC : thm list -> tactic
val PRIM_TC_SIMP_CONV : thm list -> conv
val PRIM_TC_SIMP_TAC : thm list -> thm list -> tactic
val PRIM_WF_REL_TAC : term quotation -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list -> tactic
val size_eq_conv : conv
val WF_TAC : tactic
val TC_SIMP_CONV : conv
val TC_SIMP_TAC : tactic
val STD_TERM_TAC : tactic
val WF_REL_TAC : term quotation -> tactic
(* Definitions with automated termination proof support *)
val defnDefine : tactic -> defn -> thm * thm option * thm option
val primDefine : defn -> thm * thm option * thm option
val tailrecDefine: string -> term quotation -> thm
val tDefine : string -> term quotation -> tactic -> thm * thm option
val xDefine : string -> term quotation -> thm * thm option
val Define : term quotation -> thm
val multiDefine : term quotation -> thm list
val qDefine : string -> term quotation -> tactic option -> thm
datatype phase
= PARSE of term quotation
| BUILD of term
type apidefn = (defn * thm option, phase * exn) Lib.verdict
val apiDefine : (defn->term list) -> tactic -> string * term -> apidefn
val apiDefineq : (defn->term list) -> tactic -> term quotation -> apidefn
val std_apiDefine : string * term -> apidefn
val std_apiDefineq : term quotation -> apidefn
val xDefineSchema : string -> term quotation -> thm * thm option
val DefineSchema : term quotation -> thm
HOL 4, Trindemossen-1