Partial decision procedure for a subset of linear natural number arithmetic.
ARITH_CONV is a partial decision procedure for Presburger natural arithmetic. Presburger natural arithmetic is the subset of arithmetic formulae made up from natural number constants, numeric variables, addition, multiplication by a constant, the relations <, <=, =, >=, > and the logical connectives ~, /\, \/, ==>, = (if-and-only-if), ! (‘forall’) and ? (‘there exists’). Products of two expressions which both contain variables are not included in the subset, but the functions SUC and PRE which are not normally included in a specification of Presburger arithmetic are allowed in this HOL implementation.

ARITH_CONV further restricts the subset as follows: when the formula has been put in prenex normal form it must contain only one kind of quantifier, that is the quantifiers must either all be universal (‘forall’) or all existential. Variables may appear free (unquantified) provided any quantifiers that do appear in the prenex normal form are universal; free variables are taken as being implicitly universally quantified so mixing them with existential quantifiers would violate the above restriction.

Given a formula in the permitted subset, ARITH_CONV attempts to prove that it is equal to T (true). For universally quantified formulae the procedure only works if the formula would also be true of the non-negative rationals; it cannot prove formulae whose truth depends on the integral properties of the natural numbers. The procedure is also incomplete for existentially quantified formulae, but in this case there is no rule-of-thumb for determining whether the procedure will work.

The function features a number of preprocessors which extend the coverage beyond the subset specified above. In particular, natural number subtraction and conditional statements are allowed. Another permits substitution instances of universally quantified formulae to be accepted. Note that Boolean-valued variables are not allowed.

The function can fail in two ways. It fails if the argument term is not a formula in the specified subset, and it also fails if it is unable to prove the formula. The failure strings are different in each case. However, the function may announce that it is unable to prove a formula that one would expect it to reject as being outside the subset. This is due to it looking for substitution instances; it has generalised the formula so that the new formula is in the subset but is not valid.
A simple example containing a free variable:
   - ARITH_CONV ``m < SUC m``;
   > val it = |- m < (SUC m) = T : thm
A more complex example with subtraction and universal quantifiers, and which is not initially in prenex normal form:
     ``!m p. p < m ==> !q r. (m < (p + q) + r) ==> ((m - p) < q + r)``;
   > val it = |- (!m p. p < m ==> (!q r. m < ((p + q) + r) ==> (m - p) < (q + r))) = T
Two examples with existential quantifiers:
   - ARITH_CONV ``?m n. m < n``;
   > val it = |- (?m n. m < n) = T

   - ARITH_CONV ``?m n. (2 * m) + (3 * n) = 10``;
   > val it = |- (?m n. (2 * m) + (3 * n) = 10) = T
An instance of a universally quantified formula involving a conditional statement and subtraction:
     ``((p + 3) <= n) ==> (!m. ((m EXP 2 = 0) => (n - 1) | (n - 2)) > p)``;
   > val it = |- (p + 3) <= n ==> (!m. ((m EXP 2 = 0) => n - 1 | n - 2) > p) = T
Failure due to mixing quantifiers:
   - ARITH_CONV ``!m. ?n. m < n``;
   evaluation failed     ARITH_CONV -- formula not in the allowed subset
Failure because the truth of the formula relies on the fact that the variables cannot have fractional values:
   - ARITH_CONV ``!m n. ~(SUC (2 * m) = 2 * n)``;
   evaluation failed     ARITH_CONV -- cannot prove formula
HOL  Trindemossen-1