Partial decision procedure for non-universal Presburger natural arithmetic.
EXISTS_ARITH_CONV is a partial decision procedure for formulae of Presburger natural arithmetic which are in prenex normal form and have all variables existentially quantified. Presburger natural arithmetic is the subset of arithmetic formulae made up from natural number constants, numeric variables, addition, multiplication by a constant, the relations <, <=, =, >=, > and the logical connectives ~, /\, \/, ==>, = (if-and-only-if), ! (‘forall’) and ? (‘there exists’). Products of two expressions which both contain variables are not included in the subset, but the function SUC which is not normally included in a specification of Presburger arithmetic is allowed in this HOL implementation.

Given a formula in the specified subset, the function attempts to prove that it is equal to T (true). The procedure is incomplete; it is not able to prove all formulae in the subset.

The function can fail in two ways. It fails if the argument term is not a formula in the specified subset, and it also fails if it is unable to prove the formula. The failure strings are different in each case.
#EXISTS_ARITH_CONV "?m n. m < n";;
|- (?m n. m < n) = T

#EXISTS_ARITH_CONV "?m n. (2 * m) + (3 * n) = 10";;
|- (?m n. (2 * m) + (3 * n) = 10) = T
HOL  Trindemossen-1