Eliminates natural number subtraction, PRE, and conditional statements from a formula.
This function eliminates natural number subtraction and the predecessor function, PRE, from a formula, but in doing so may generate conditional statements, so these are eliminated too. The conditional statements are moved up through the term and if at any point the branches of the conditional become Boolean-valued the conditional is eliminated. Subtraction operators are moved up until a relation (such as less-than) is reached. The subtraction can then be transformed into an addition. Provided the argument term is a formula, only an abstraction can prevent a conditional being moved up far enough to be eliminated. If the term is not a formula it may not be possible to eliminate the subtraction. The function is also incapable of eliminating subtractions that appear in arguments to functions other than the standard operators of arithmetic.

The function is not as delicate as it could be; it tries to eliminate all conditionals in a formula when it need only eliminate those that have to be removed in order to eliminate subtraction.

Never fails.
# "((p + 3) <= n) ==> (!m. ((m = 0) => (n - 1) | (n - 2)) > p)";;
|- (p + 3) <= n ==> (!m. ((m = 0) => n - 1 | n - 2) > p) =
   (p + 3) <= n ==>
   (!m. (~(m = 0) \/ n > (1 + p)) /\ ((m = 0) \/ n > (2 + p)))

# "!f n. f ((SUC n = 0) => 0 | (SUC n - 1)) < (f n) + 1";;
|- (!f n. (f((SUC n = 0) => 0 | (SUC n) - 1)) < ((f n) + 1)) =
   (!f n.
     (~(SUC n = 0) \/ (f 0) < ((f n) + 1)) /\
     ((SUC n = 0) \/ (f((SUC n) - 1)) < ((f n) + 1)))

# "!f n. (\m. f ((m = 0) => 0 | (m - 1))) (SUC n) < (f n) + 1";;
|- (!f n. ((\m. f((m = 0) => 0 | m - 1))(SUC n)) < ((f n) + 1)) =
   (!f n. ((\m. ((m = 0) => f 0 | f(m - 1)))(SUC n)) < ((f n) + 1))
Useful as a preprocessor to decision procedures which do not allow natural number subtraction in their argument formula.
HOL  Trindemossen-1