Structure cv_typeTheory
signature cv_typeTheory =
type thm = Thm.thm
(* Definitions *)
val from_char_def : thm
val from_int_def : thm
val from_list_def : thm
val from_option_def : thm
val from_pair_def : thm
val from_rat_def : thm
val from_sum_def : thm
val from_to_def : thm
val from_unit_def : thm
val from_word_def : thm
val to_char_def : thm
val to_int_def : thm
val to_list_def : thm
val to_option_def : thm
val to_rat_def : thm
val to_sum_def : thm
val to_unit_def : thm
val to_word_def : thm
(* Theorems *)
val cv_has_shape_def : thm
val cv_has_shape_expand : thm
val cv_has_shape_ind : thm
val from_to_bool : thm
val from_to_char : thm
val from_to_int : thm
val from_to_list : thm
val from_to_num : thm
val from_to_option : thm
val from_to_pair : thm
val from_to_rat : thm
val from_to_sum : thm
val from_to_unit : thm
val from_to_word : thm
val get_from_option : thm
val get_from_pair : thm
val get_from_sum : thm
val get_to_option : thm
val get_to_pair : thm
val get_to_sum : thm
val to_pair_def : thm
val to_pair_ind : thm
val cv_type_grammars : type_grammar.grammar * term_grammar.grammar
[rat] Parent theory of "cv_type"
[words] Parent theory of "cv_type"
[from_char_def] Definition
⊢ ∀c. from_char c = Num (ORD c)
[from_int_def] Definition
⊢ ∀i. from_int i =
if integer$int_lt i (integer$int_of_num 0) then
Pair (Num (integer$Num i)) (Num 0)
else Num (integer$Num i)
[from_list_def] Definition
⊢ (∀f. from_list f [] = Num 0) ∧
∀f x xs. from_list f (x::xs) = Pair (f x) (from_list f xs)
[from_option_def] Definition
⊢ (∀f. from_option f NONE = Num 0) ∧
∀f x. from_option f (SOME x) = Pair (Num 1) (f x)
[from_pair_def] Definition
⊢ ∀f1 f2 x y. from_pair f1 f2 (x,y) = Pair (f1 x) (f2 y)
[from_rat_def] Definition
⊢ ∀r. from_rat r = Pair (from_int (rat$RATN r)) (Num (rat$RATD r))
[from_sum_def] Definition
⊢ (∀f1 f2 x. from_sum f1 f2 (INL x) = Pair (Num 0) (f1 x)) ∧
∀f1 f2 y. from_sum f1 f2 (INR y) = Pair (Num 1) (f2 y)
[from_to_def] Definition
⊢ ∀f t. from_to f t ⇔ ∀x. t (f x) = x
[from_unit_def] Definition
⊢ from_unit () = Num 0
[from_word_def] Definition
⊢ ∀w. from_word w = Num (w2n w)
[to_char_def] Definition
⊢ ∀x. to_char x = CHR (c2n x)
[to_int_def] Definition
⊢ (∀n. to_int (Num n) = integer$int_of_num n) ∧
∀x y.
to_int (Pair x y) = integer$int_neg (integer$int_of_num (c2n x))
[to_list_def] Definition
⊢ (∀f n. to_list f (Num n) = []) ∧
∀f x y. to_list f (Pair x y) = f x::to_list f y
[to_option_def] Definition
⊢ (∀t n. to_option t (Num n) = NONE) ∧
∀t x y. to_option t (Pair x y) = SOME (t y)
[to_rat_def] Definition
⊢ (∀n. to_rat (Num n) = rat$rat_of_num 0) ∧
∀x y.
to_rat (Pair x y) =
rat$rat_div (rat$rat_of_int (to_int x)) (rat$rat_of_num (c2n y))
[to_sum_def] Definition
⊢ (∀t1 t2 n. to_sum t1 t2 (Num n) = ARB) ∧
∀t1 t2 x y.
to_sum t1 t2 (Pair x y) =
if x = Num 0 then INL (t1 y) else INR (t2 y)
[to_unit_def] Definition
⊢ ∀x. to_unit x = ()
[to_word_def] Definition
⊢ ∀n. to_word n = n2w (c2n n)
[cv_has_shape_def] Theorem
⊢ (∀y xs x n.
cv_has_shape (SOME n::xs) (Pair x y) ⇔
x = Num n ∧ cv_has_shape xs y) ∧
(∀y xs x. cv_has_shape (NONE::xs) (Pair x y) ⇔ cv_has_shape xs y) ∧
(∀xs v1 v0. cv_has_shape (v0::xs) (Num v1) ⇔ F) ∧
∀c. cv_has_shape [] c ⇔ T
[cv_has_shape_expand] Theorem
⊢ (cv_has_shape [] cv ⇔ T) ∧
(cv_has_shape (NONE::xs) cv ⇔
∃x y. cv = Pair x y ∧ cv_has_shape xs y) ∧
(cv_has_shape (SOME n::xs) cv ⇔
∃y. cv = Pair (Num n) y ∧ cv_has_shape xs y)
[cv_has_shape_ind] Theorem
⊢ ∀P. (∀n xs x y. P xs y ⇒ P (SOME n::xs) (Pair x y)) ∧
(∀xs x y. P xs y ⇒ P (NONE::xs) (Pair x y)) ∧
(∀v0 xs v1. P (v0::xs) (Num v1)) ∧ (∀c. P [] c) ⇒
∀v v1. P v v1
[from_to_bool] Theorem
⊢ from_to b2c c2b
[from_to_char] Theorem
⊢ from_to from_char to_char
[from_to_int] Theorem
⊢ from_to from_int to_int
[from_to_list] Theorem
⊢ from_to f t ⇒ from_to (from_list f) (to_list t)
[from_to_num] Theorem
⊢ from_to Num c2n
[from_to_option] Theorem
⊢ from_to f t ⇒ from_to (from_option f) (to_option t)
[from_to_pair] Theorem
⊢ from_to f1 t1 ∧ from_to f2 t2 ⇒
from_to (from_pair f1 f2) (to_pair t1 t2)
[from_to_rat] Theorem
⊢ from_to from_rat to_rat
[from_to_sum] Theorem
⊢ from_to f1 t1 ∧ from_to f2 t2 ⇒
from_to (from_sum f1 f2) (to_sum t1 t2)
[from_to_unit] Theorem
⊢ from_to from_unit to_unit
[from_to_word] Theorem
⊢ from_to from_word to_word
[get_from_option] Theorem
⊢ (case v of NONE => Num 0 | SOME x => Pair (Num 1) (f x)) =
from_option f v
[get_from_pair] Theorem
⊢ (case v of (v0,v1) => Pair (f0 v0) (f1 v1)) = from_pair f0 f1 v
[get_from_sum] Theorem
⊢ (case v of
INL x => Pair (Num 0) (f0 x)
| INR y => Pair (Num 1) (f1 y)) =
from_sum f0 f1 v
[get_to_option] Theorem
⊢ (if cv_has_shape [NONE] v then SOME (t (cv_snd v)) else NONE) =
to_option t v
[get_to_pair] Theorem
⊢ (if cv_has_shape [NONE] v then (t1 (cv_fst v),t2 (cv_snd v))
else ARB) =
to_pair t1 t2 v
[get_to_sum] Theorem
⊢ (if cv_has_shape [SOME 0] v then INL (t1 (cv_snd v))
else if cv_has_shape [NONE] v then INR (t2 (cv_snd v))
else ARB) =
to_sum t1 t2 v
[to_pair_def] Theorem
⊢ to_pair t1 t2 (Pair x y) = (t1 x,t2 y) ∧
to_pair t1 t2 (Num v4) = ARB
[to_pair_ind] Theorem
⊢ ∀P. (∀t1 t2 x y. P t1 t2 (Pair x y)) ∧
(∀t1 t2 v4. P t1 t2 (Num v4)) ⇒
∀v v1 v2. P v v1 v2
HOL 4, Trindemossen-1