Structure cv_stdTheory

Source File Identifier index Theory binding index

signature cv_stdTheory =
  type thm = Thm.thm
  (*  Definitions  *)
    val FOLDL_lam_lam_pair_CASE_lam_la_def : thm
    val combine_rle_isEmpty_def : thm
    val cv_ALL_DISTINCT_def : thm
    val cv_ALOOKUP_def : thm
    val cv_DROP_def : thm
    val cv_EL_def : thm
    val cv_FLAT_def_primitive : thm
    val cv_FOLDL_lam_lam_pair_CASE_lam_la_def : thm
    val cv_FRONT_def_primitive : thm
    val cv_ISL_def : thm
    val cv_ISR_def : thm
    val cv_LAST_def : thm
    val cv_LENGTH_def : thm
    val cv_LEN_def : thm
    val cv_NULL_def : thm
    val cv_OUTL_def : thm
    val cv_OUTR_def : thm
    val cv_PAD_LEFT_def : thm
    val cv_PAD_RIGHT_def : thm
    val cv_REPLICATE_def : thm
    val cv_REVERSE_def : thm
    val cv_REV_def : thm
    val cv_SUM_ACC_def : thm
    val cv_SUM_def : thm
    val cv_UNZIP_def_primitive : thm
    val cv_ZIP_def_primitive : thm
    val cv_apsnd_cons_def : thm
    val cv_combine_rle_isEmpty_def_primitive : thm
    val cv_every_empty_snd_def : thm
    val cv_fromList_def : thm
    val cv_isPREFIX_def : thm
    val cv_list_insert_def : thm
    val cv_list_mem_def : thm
    val cv_list_to_num_set_def_primitive : thm
    val cv_lookup_def : thm
    val cv_lrnext_def_primitive : thm
    val cv_map_fst_def_primitive : thm
    val cv_map_snd_def_primitive : thm
    val cv_mk_BN_def : thm
    val cv_mk_BS_def : thm
    val cv_mk_wf_def_primitive : thm
    val cv_nub_def_primitive : thm
    val cv_oEL_def : thm
    val cv_oHD_def : thm
    val cv_replicate_acc_def : thm
    val cv_right_depth_def : thm
    val cv_size'_def_primitive : thm
    val cv_spt_center_def : thm
    val cv_spt_left_def : thm
    val cv_spt_right_def : thm
    val cv_subspt_def_tupled_AUX : thm
    val cv_toAList_def : thm
    val cv_toAList_foldi_def_tupled_AUX : thm
    val cv_toListA_def_tupled_AUX : thm
    val cv_toList_def : thm
    val cv_v2n_custom_def : thm
    val every_empty_snd_def_primitive : thm
    val from_fmap_def : thm
    val from_sptree_sptree_spt_def : thm
    val genlist_def : thm
    val list_mapi_def : thm
    val list_mem_def : thm
    val map_spt_left_def_primitive : thm
    val map_spt_right_def_primitive : thm
    val toAList_foldi_def : thm
    val to_fmap_def : thm
  (*  Theorems  *)
    val EL_pre : thm
    val EL_pre_cases : thm
    val EL_pre_ind : thm
    val EL_pre_rules : thm
    val EL_pre_strongind : thm
    val FOLDL_lam_lam_pair_CASE_lam_la_ho : thm
    val FRONT_pre : thm
    val FRONT_pre_cases : thm
    val FRONT_pre_ind : thm
    val FRONT_pre_rules : thm
    val FRONT_pre_strongind : thm
    val INDEX_OF_pre_cases : thm
    val INDEX_OF_pre_ind : thm
    val INDEX_OF_pre_rules : thm
    val INDEX_OF_pre_strongind : thm
    val I_THM : thm
    val K_THM : thm
    val LAST_pre : thm
    val LAST_pre_cases : thm
    val LAST_pre_ind : thm
    val LAST_pre_rules : thm
    val LAST_pre_strongind : thm
    val MAPi_eq_list_mapi : thm
    val OUTL_pre : thm
    val OUTL_pre_cases : thm
    val OUTL_pre_ind : thm
    val OUTL_pre_rules : thm
    val OUTL_pre_strongind : thm
    val OUTR_pre : thm
    val OUTR_pre_cases : thm
    val OUTR_pre_ind : thm
    val OUTR_pre_rules : thm
    val OUTR_pre_strongind : thm
    val REPLICATE : thm
    val UNZIP_eq : thm
    val combine_rle_isEmpty_eq : thm
    val combine_rle_isEmpty_pre : thm
    val combine_rle_isEmpty_pre_cases : thm
    val combine_rle_isEmpty_pre_ind : thm
    val combine_rle_isEmpty_pre_rules : thm
    val combine_rle_isEmpty_pre_strongind : thm
    val cv_ALL_DISTINCT_thm : thm
    val cv_ALOOKUP_thm : thm
    val cv_APPEND_def : thm
    val cv_APPEND_ind : thm
    val cv_APPEND_thm : thm
    val cv_DROP_thm : thm
    val cv_EL_thm : thm
    val cv_FLAT_def : thm
    val cv_FLAT_ind : thm
    val cv_FLAT_thm : thm
    val cv_FOLDL_lam_lam_pair_CASE_lam_la_thm : thm
    val cv_FRONT_def : thm
    val cv_FRONT_ind : thm
    val cv_FRONT_thm : thm
    val cv_FST : thm
    val cv_HD : thm
    val cv_INDEX_OF_def : thm
    val cv_INDEX_OF_ind : thm
    val cv_INDEX_OF_thm : thm
    val cv_ISL_thm : thm
    val cv_ISR_thm : thm
    val cv_IS_NONE : thm
    val cv_IS_SOME : thm
    val cv_LAST_thm : thm
    val cv_LENGTH_thm : thm
    val cv_LEN_thm : thm
    val cv_LUPDATE_def : thm
    val cv_LUPDATE_ind : thm
    val cv_LUPDATE_thm : thm
    val cv_MAP_FST : thm
    val cv_MAP_SND : thm
    val cv_NULL_thm : thm
    val cv_OUTL_thm : thm
    val cv_OUTR_thm : thm
    val cv_PAD_LEFT_thm : thm
    val cv_PAD_RIGHT_thm : thm
    val cv_REPLICATE_thm : thm
    val cv_REVERSE_thm : thm
    val cv_REV_thm : thm
    val cv_SND : thm
    val cv_SNOC_def : thm
    val cv_SNOC_ind : thm
    val cv_SNOC_thm : thm
    val cv_SUM_ACC_thm : thm
    val cv_SUM_thm : thm
    val cv_TAKE_def : thm
    val cv_TAKE_ind : thm
    val cv_TAKE_thm : thm
    val cv_THE : thm
    val cv_TL : thm
    val cv_UNZIP_def : thm
    val cv_UNZIP_ind : thm
    val cv_UNZIP_thm : thm
    val cv_ZIP_def : thm
    val cv_ZIP_ind : thm
    val cv_ZIP_thm : thm
    val cv_alist_insert_def : thm
    val cv_alist_insert_ind : thm
    val cv_alist_insert_thm : thm
    val cv_apsnd_cons_thm : thm
    val cv_combine_rle_isEmpty_def : thm
    val cv_combine_rle_isEmpty_ind : thm
    val cv_combine_rle_isEmpty_thm : thm
    val cv_delete_def : thm
    val cv_delete_ind : thm
    val cv_delete_thm : thm
    val cv_difference_def : thm
    val cv_difference_ind : thm
    val cv_difference_thm : thm
    val cv_every_empty_snd_thm : thm
    val cv_findi_def : thm
    val cv_findi_ind : thm
    val cv_findi_thm : thm
    val cv_fromList_thm : thm
    val cv_insert_def : thm
    val cv_insert_ind : thm
    val cv_insert_thm : thm
    val cv_inter_def : thm
    val cv_inter_ind : thm
    val cv_inter_thm : thm
    val cv_isPREFIX_thm : thm
    val cv_list_insert_thm : thm
    val cv_list_mem_thm : thm
    val cv_list_to_num_set_def : thm
    val cv_list_to_num_set_ind : thm
    val cv_list_to_num_set_thm : thm
    val cv_lookup_thm : thm
    val cv_lrnext_def : thm
    val cv_lrnext_ind : thm
    val cv_lrnext_thm : thm
    val cv_map_fst_def : thm
    val cv_map_fst_ind : thm
    val cv_map_snd_def : thm
    val cv_map_snd_ind : thm
    val cv_mk_BN_thm : thm
    val cv_mk_BS_thm : thm
    val cv_mk_wf_def : thm
    val cv_mk_wf_ind : thm
    val cv_mk_wf_thm : thm
    val cv_nub_def : thm
    val cv_nub_ind : thm
    val cv_nub_thm : thm
    val cv_oEL_thm : thm
    val cv_oHD_thm : thm
    val cv_rep_FEMPTY : thm
    val cv_rep_FLOOKUP : thm
    val cv_rep_FUPDATE : thm
    val cv_rep_MEM : thm
    val cv_rep_list_datatype : thm
    val cv_rep_option_datatype : thm
    val cv_rep_pair_datatype : thm
    val cv_rep_sptree_sptree_spt_datatype : thm
    val cv_rep_sum_datatype : thm
    val cv_rep_unit_datatype : thm
    val cv_replicate_acc_thm : thm
    val cv_size'_def : thm
    val cv_size'_ind : thm
    val cv_size'_thm : thm
    val cv_spt_center_thm : thm
    val cv_spt_centers_def : thm
    val cv_spt_centers_ind : thm
    val cv_spt_centers_thm : thm
    val cv_spt_left_thm : thm
    val cv_spt_right_thm : thm
    val cv_subspt_def : thm
    val cv_subspt_ind : thm
    val cv_subspt_thm : thm
    val cv_toAList_foldi_def : thm
    val cv_toAList_foldi_ind : thm
    val cv_toAList_foldi_thm : thm
    val cv_toAList_thm : thm
    val cv_toListA_def : thm
    val cv_toListA_ind : thm
    val cv_toListA_thm : thm
    val cv_toList_thm : thm
    val cv_union_def : thm
    val cv_union_ind : thm
    val cv_union_thm : thm
    val cv_v2n_custom_thm : thm
    val every_empty_snd : thm
    val every_empty_snd_def : thm
    val every_empty_snd_ind : thm
    val from_sptree_spt_def : thm
    val from_sptree_to_sptree_spt_thm : thm
    val from_to_fmap : thm
    val genlist_compute : thm
    val genlist_eq_GENLIST : thm
    val map_spt_left_def : thm
    val map_spt_left_ind : thm
    val map_spt_right_def : thm
    val map_spt_right_ind : thm
    val map_spt_right_left : thm
    val o_THM : thm
    val replicate_acc_def : thm
    val replicate_acc_ind : thm
    val spt_centers_pre_cases : thm
    val spt_centers_pre_ind : thm
    val spt_centers_pre_rules : thm
    val spt_centers_pre_strongind : thm
    val toAList_foldi_pre : thm
    val toAList_foldi_pre_cases : thm
    val toAList_foldi_pre_ind : thm
    val toAList_foldi_pre_rules : thm
    val toAList_foldi_pre_strongind : thm
    val to_sptree_spt_def : thm
  val cv_std_grammars : type_grammar.grammar * term_grammar.grammar
   [cv_prim] Parent theory of "cv_std"
   [sptree] Parent theory of "cv_std"
   [FOLDL_lam_lam_pair_CASE_lam_la_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀x_v x_e.
          FOLDL_lam_lam_pair_CASE_lam_la x_v x_e =
          FOLDL (λv0 v1. case v0 of (v2,v3) => (v2 + 1,insert v2 v1 v3))
            x_e x_v
   [combine_rle_isEmpty_def]  Definition
      ⊢ combine_rle_isEmpty = combine_rle (λt. isEmpty t)
   [cv_ALL_DISTINCT_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_v.
          cv_ALL_DISTINCT cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_list_mem (cv_fst cv_v) (cv_snd cv_v)) (Num 0)
               (cv_ALL_DISTINCT (cv_snd cv_v))) (Num 1)
   [cv_ALOOKUP_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_v cv_q.
          cv_ALOOKUP cv_v cv_q =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_ispair (cv_fst cv_v))
               (cv_if (cv_eq (cv_fst (cv_fst cv_v)) cv_q)
                  (Pair (Num 1) (cv_snd (cv_fst cv_v)))
                  (cv_ALOOKUP (cv_snd cv_v) cv_q)) (Num 0)) (Num 0)
   [cv_DROP_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_n cv_v.
          cv_DROP cv_n cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_n)
               (cv_DROP (cv_sub cv_n (Num 1)) (cv_snd cv_v))
               (Pair (cv_fst cv_v) (cv_snd cv_v))) (Num 0)
   [cv_EL_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_v cv_l.
          cv_EL cv_v cv_l =
          cv_if (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_v)
            (let cv0 = cv_sub cv_v (Num 1) in cv_EL cv0 (cv_snd cv_l))
            (cv_fst cv_l)
   [cv_FLAT_def_primitive]  Definition
      ⊢ cv_FLAT =
          (@R. WF R ∧ ∀cv_v. cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ⇒ R (cv_snd cv_v) cv_v)
          (λcv_FLAT a.
                 (cv_if (cv_ispair a)
                    (cv_APPEND (cv_fst a) (cv_FLAT (cv_snd a))) (Num 0)))
   [cv_FOLDL_lam_lam_pair_CASE_lam_la_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_x_v cv_x_e.
          cv_FOLDL_lam_lam_pair_CASE_lam_la cv_x_v cv_x_e =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_x_v)
            (cv_FOLDL_lam_lam_pair_CASE_lam_la (cv_snd cv_x_v)
               (cv_if (cv_ispair cv_x_e)
                  (Pair (cv_add (cv_fst cv_x_e) (Num 1))
                     (cv_insert (cv_fst cv_x_e) (cv_fst cv_x_v)
                        (cv_snd cv_x_e))) (Num 0))) cv_x_e
   [cv_FRONT_def_primitive]  Definition
      ⊢ cv_FRONT =
          (@R. WF R ∧
                 cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧ cv$c2b (cv_ispair (cv_snd cv_v)) ⇒
                 R (cv_snd cv_v) cv_v)
          (λcv_FRONT a.
                 (cv_if (cv_ispair a)
                    (cv_if (cv_ispair (cv_snd a))
                       (Pair (cv_fst a) (cv_FRONT (cv_snd a))) (Num 0))
                    (Num 0)))
   [cv_ISL_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_v.
          cv_ISL cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_lt (Num 0) (cv_fst cv_v)) (Num 0)
            (cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v) (Num 1) (Num 0))
   [cv_ISR_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_v.
          cv_ISR cv_v = cv_if (cv_lt (Num 0) (cv_fst cv_v)) (Num 1) (Num 0)
   [cv_LAST_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_v.
          cv_LAST cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_ispair (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_LAST (cv_snd cv_v))
               (cv_fst cv_v)) (Num 0)
   [cv_LENGTH_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_L. cv_LENGTH cv_L = cv_LEN cv_L (Num 0)
   [cv_LEN_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_v cv_n.
          cv_LEN cv_v cv_n =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_LEN (cv_snd cv_v) (cv_add cv_n (Num 1))) cv_n
   [cv_NULL_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_v. cv_NULL cv_v = cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v) (Num 0) (Num 1)
   [cv_OUTL_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_v.
          cv_OUTL cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_lt (Num 0) (cv_fst cv_v)) (Num 0)
            (cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v) (cv_snd cv_v) (Num 0))
   [cv_OUTR_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_v.
          cv_OUTR cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_lt (Num 0) (cv_fst cv_v)) (cv_snd cv_v) (Num 0)
   [cv_PAD_LEFT_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_c cv_n cv_s.
          cv_PAD_LEFT cv_c cv_n cv_s =
          cv_APPEND (cv_REPLICATE (cv_sub cv_n (cv_LENGTH cv_s)) cv_c) cv_s
   [cv_PAD_RIGHT_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_c cv_n cv_s.
          cv_PAD_RIGHT cv_c cv_n cv_s =
          cv_APPEND cv_s (cv_REPLICATE (cv_sub cv_n (cv_LENGTH cv_s)) cv_c)
   [cv_REPLICATE_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_n cv_c.
          cv_REPLICATE cv_n cv_c = cv_replicate_acc cv_n cv_c (Num 0)
   [cv_REVERSE_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_L. cv_REVERSE cv_L = cv_REV cv_L (Num 0)
   [cv_REV_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_v cv_acc.
          cv_REV cv_v cv_acc =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_REV (cv_snd cv_v) (Pair (cv_fst cv_v) cv_acc)) cv_acc
   [cv_SUM_ACC_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_v cv_acc.
          cv_SUM_ACC cv_v cv_acc =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_SUM_ACC (cv_snd cv_v) (cv_add (cv_fst cv_v) cv_acc)) cv_acc
   [cv_SUM_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_L. cv_SUM cv_L = cv_SUM_ACC cv_L (Num 0)
   [cv_UNZIP_def_primitive]  Definition
      ⊢ cv_UNZIP =
          (@R. WF R ∧
               ∀cv_ts. cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_ts) ⇒ R (cv_snd cv_ts) cv_ts)
          (λcv_UNZIP a.
                 (cv_if (cv_ispair a)
                       cv0 = cv_UNZIP (cv_snd a)
                       cv_if (cv_ispair cv0)
                         (Pair (Pair (cv_fst (cv_fst a)) (cv_fst cv0))
                            (Pair (cv_snd (cv_fst a)) (cv_snd cv0)))
                         (Num 0)) (Pair (Num 0) (Num 0))))
   [cv_ZIP_def_primitive]  Definition
      ⊢ cv_ZIP =
          (@R. WF R ∧
                 cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                 cv$c2b (cv_ispair (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                 cv$c2b (cv_ispair (cv_snd cv_v)) ⇒
                 R (Pair (cv_snd (cv_fst cv_v)) (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
          (λcv_ZIP a.
                 (cv_if (cv_ispair a)
                    (cv_if (cv_ispair (cv_fst a))
                       (cv_if (cv_ispair (cv_snd a))
                             (Pair (cv_fst (cv_fst a)) (cv_fst (cv_snd a)))
                                (Pair (cv_snd (cv_fst a))
                                   (cv_snd (cv_snd a))))) (Num 0)) (Num 0))
                    (Num 0)))
   [cv_apsnd_cons_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_x cv_v.
          cv_apsnd_cons cv_x cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (Pair (cv_fst cv_v) (Pair cv_x (cv_snd cv_v))) (Num 0)
   [cv_combine_rle_isEmpty_def_primitive]  Definition
      ⊢ cv_combine_rle_isEmpty =
          (@R. WF R ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_xs) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_ispair (cv_snd cv_xs)) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_ispair (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_xs))) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_ispair (cv_fst cv_xs)) ∧
                    (cv_if (cv_eq (cv_snd (cv_fst cv_xs)) (Num 0))
                       (cv_eq (cv_snd (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_xs))) (Num 0))
                       (Num 0)) ⇒
                          (cv_add (cv_fst (cv_fst cv_xs))
                             (cv_fst (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_xs))))
                          (cv_snd (cv_fst cv_xs))) (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_xs)))
                    cv_xs) ∧
                 cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_xs) ∧
                 cv$c2b (cv_ispair (cv_snd cv_xs)) ∧
                 cv$c2b (cv_ispair (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_xs))) ∧
                 cv$c2b (cv_ispair (cv_fst cv_xs)) ∧
                   (cv_if (cv_eq (cv_snd (cv_fst cv_xs)) (Num 0))
                      (cv_eq (cv_snd (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_xs))) (Num 0))
                      (Num 0)) ⇒
                      (Pair (cv_fst (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_xs)))
                         (cv_snd (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_xs))))
                      (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_xs))) cv_xs)
          (λcv_combine_rle_isEmpty a.
                 (cv_if (cv_ispair a)
                    (cv_if (cv_ispair (cv_snd a))
                       (cv_if (cv_ispair (cv_fst (cv_snd a)))
                          (cv_if (cv_ispair (cv_fst a))
                                (cv_if (cv_eq (cv_snd (cv_fst a)) (Num 0))
                                   (cv_eq (cv_snd (cv_fst (cv_snd a)))
                                      (Num 0)) (Num 0))
                                         (cv_add (cv_fst (cv_fst a))
                                            (cv_fst (cv_fst (cv_snd a))))
                                         (cv_snd (cv_fst a)))
                                      (cv_snd (cv_snd a))))
                                   (Pair (cv_fst (cv_fst a))
                                      (cv_snd (cv_fst a)))
                                         (Pair (cv_fst (cv_fst (cv_snd a)))
                                            (cv_snd (cv_fst (cv_snd a))))
                                         (cv_snd (cv_snd a)))))) (Num 0))
                          (Num 0)) (Pair (cv_fst a) (Num 0))) (Num 0)))
   [cv_every_empty_snd_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_v.
          cv_every_empty_snd cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_ispair (cv_fst cv_v))
               (cv_if (cv_eq (cv_snd (cv_fst cv_v)) (Num 0))
                  (cv_every_empty_snd (cv_snd cv_v)) (Num 0)) (Num 0))
            (Num 1)
   [cv_fromList_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_l.
          cv_fromList cv_l =
            (cv_FOLDL_lam_lam_pair_CASE_lam_la cv_l (Pair (Num 0) (Num 0)))
   [cv_isPREFIX_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_v cv_l.
          cv_isPREFIX cv_v cv_l =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_ispair cv_l)
               (cv_if (cv_eq (cv_fst cv_v) (cv_fst cv_l))
                  (cv_isPREFIX (cv_snd cv_v) (cv_snd cv_l)) (Num 0))
               (Num 0)) (Num 1)
   [cv_list_insert_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_v cv_t.
          cv_list_insert cv_v cv_t =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_list_insert (cv_snd cv_v)
               (cv_insert (cv_fst cv_v) (Num 0) cv_t)) cv_t
   [cv_list_mem_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_y cv_v.
          cv_list_mem cv_y cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_eq (cv_fst cv_v) cv_y) (Num 1)
               (cv_list_mem cv_y (cv_snd cv_v))) (Num 0)
   [cv_list_to_num_set_def_primitive]  Definition
      ⊢ cv_list_to_num_set =
          (@R. WF R ∧ ∀cv_v. cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ⇒ R (cv_snd cv_v) cv_v)
          (λcv_list_to_num_set a.
                 (cv_if (cv_ispair a)
                    (cv_insert (cv_fst a) (Num 0)
                       (cv_list_to_num_set (cv_snd a))) (Num 0)))
   [cv_lookup_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_k cv_v.
          cv_lookup cv_k cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v))
               (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v))
                  (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_k)
                     (cv_lookup (cv_div (cv_sub cv_k (Num 1)) (Num 2))
                        (cv_if (cv_sub (Num 1) (cv_mod cv_k (Num 2)))
                           (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))
                           (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))))
                     (Pair (Num 1) (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))))
                  (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_k)
                     (cv_lookup (cv_div (cv_sub cv_k (Num 1)) (Num 2))
                        (cv_if (cv_sub (Num 1) (cv_mod cv_k (Num 2)))
                           (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))))
                     (Num 0)))
               (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_k) (Num 0)
                  (Pair (Num 1) (cv_snd cv_v)))) (Num 0)
   [cv_lrnext_def_primitive]  Definition
      ⊢ cv_lrnext =
          (@R. WF R ∧
                 cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_n) ⇒
                 R (cv_div (cv_sub cv_n (Num 1)) (Num 2)) cv_n)
          (λcv_lrnext a.
                 (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 0) a)
                    (cv_mul (Num 2)
                       (cv_lrnext (cv_div (cv_sub a (Num 1)) (Num 2))))
                    (Num 1)))
   [cv_map_fst_def_primitive]  Definition
      ⊢ cv_map_fst =
        WFREC (@R. WF R ∧ ∀cv. cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv) ⇒ R (cv_snd cv) cv)
          (λcv_map_fst a.
                 (cv_if (cv_ispair a)
                    (Pair (cv_fst (cv_fst a)) (cv_map_fst (cv_snd a)))
                    (Num 0)))
   [cv_map_snd_def_primitive]  Definition
      ⊢ cv_map_snd =
        WFREC (@R. WF R ∧ ∀cv. cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv) ⇒ R (cv_snd cv) cv)
          (λcv_map_snd a.
                 (cv_if (cv_ispair a)
                    (Pair (cv_snd (cv_fst a)) (cv_map_snd (cv_snd a)))
                    (Num 0)))
   [cv_mk_BN_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_v0 cv_v.
          cv_mk_BN cv_v0 cv_v =
             cv0 = Pair cv_v0 cv_v
             cv_if (cv_ispair cv0)
               (cv_if (cv_ispair (cv_fst cv0))
                  (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst (cv_fst cv0)))
                     (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst (cv_fst cv0)))
                        (Pair (Num 2)
                              (Pair (Num 3)
                                 (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0)))
                                          (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0))))
                                          (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0)))))))
                              (cv_snd cv0)))
                        (Pair (Num 2)
                              (Pair (Num 2)
                                 (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0)))
                                    (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0)))))
                              (cv_snd cv0))))
                     (Pair (Num 2)
                        (Pair (Pair (Num 1) (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0)))
                           (cv_snd cv0))))
                  (cv_if (cv_ispair (cv_snd cv0))
                     (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst (cv_snd cv0)))
                        (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst (cv_snd cv0)))
                           (Pair (Num 2)
                              (Pair (Num 0)
                                 (Pair (Num 3)
                                    (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv0)))
                                             (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv0))))
                                             (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv0)))))))))
                           (Pair (Num 2)
                              (Pair (Num 0)
                                 (Pair (Num 2)
                                    (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv0)))
                                       (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv0))))))))
                        (Pair (Num 2)
                           (Pair (Num 0)
                              (Pair (Num 1) (cv_snd (cv_snd cv0))))))
                     (Num 0))) (Num 0))
   [cv_mk_BS_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_v0 cv_x cv_v.
          cv_mk_BS cv_v0 cv_x cv_v =
             cv0 = Pair cv_v0 cv_v
             cv_if (cv_ispair cv0)
               (cv_if (cv_ispair (cv_fst cv0))
                  (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst (cv_fst cv0)))
                     (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst (cv_fst cv0)))
                        (cv_if (cv_ispair (cv_snd cv0))
                           (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst (cv_snd cv0)))
                              (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst (cv_snd cv0)))
                                 (Pair (Num 3)
                                       (Pair (Num 3)
                                             (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0)))
                                                      (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0))))
                                                      (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0)))))))
                                       (Pair cv_x
                                          (Pair (Num 3)
                                                   (cv_snd (cv_snd cv0)))
                                                            (cv_snd cv0))))
                                                            (cv_snd cv0))))))))))
                                 (Pair (Num 3)
                                       (Pair (Num 3)
                                             (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0)))
                                                      (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0))))
                                                      (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0)))))))
                                       (Pair cv_x
                                          (Pair (Num 2)
                                                   (cv_snd (cv_snd cv0)))
                                                   (cv_snd (cv_snd cv0)))))))))
                              (Pair (Num 3)
                                    (Pair (Num 3)
                                       (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0)))
                                                   (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0))))
                                                   (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0)))))))
                                    (Pair cv_x
                                       (Pair (Num 1) (cv_snd (cv_snd cv0)))))))
                           (Pair (Num 3)
                                 (Pair (Num 3)
                                    (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0)))
                                             (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0))))
                                             (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0)))))))
                                 (Pair cv_x (Num 0)))))
                        (cv_if (cv_ispair (cv_snd cv0))
                           (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst (cv_snd cv0)))
                              (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst (cv_snd cv0)))
                                 (Pair (Num 3)
                                       (Pair (Num 2)
                                             (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0)))
                                             (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0)))))
                                       (Pair cv_x
                                          (Pair (Num 3)
                                                   (cv_snd (cv_snd cv0)))
                                                            (cv_snd cv0))))
                                                            (cv_snd cv0))))))))))
                                 (Pair (Num 3)
                                       (Pair (Num 2)
                                             (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0)))
                                             (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0)))))
                                       (Pair cv_x
                                          (Pair (Num 2)
                                                   (cv_snd (cv_snd cv0)))
                                                   (cv_snd (cv_snd cv0)))))))))
                              (Pair (Num 3)
                                    (Pair (Num 2)
                                       (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0)))
                                          (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0)))))
                                    (Pair cv_x
                                       (Pair (Num 1) (cv_snd (cv_snd cv0)))))))
                           (Pair (Num 3)
                                 (Pair (Num 2)
                                    (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0)))
                                       (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0)))))
                                 (Pair cv_x (Num 0))))))
                     (cv_if (cv_ispair (cv_snd cv0))
                        (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst (cv_snd cv0)))
                           (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst (cv_snd cv0)))
                              (Pair (Num 3)
                                 (Pair (Pair (Num 1) (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0)))
                                    (Pair cv_x
                                       (Pair (Num 3)
                                             (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv0)))
                                                      (cv_snd (cv_snd cv0))))
                                                      (cv_snd (cv_snd cv0))))))))))
                              (Pair (Num 3)
                                 (Pair (Pair (Num 1) (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0)))
                                    (Pair cv_x
                                       (Pair (Num 2)
                                             (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv0)))
                                             (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv0)))))))))
                           (Pair (Num 3)
                              (Pair (Pair (Num 1) (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0)))
                                 (Pair cv_x
                                    (Pair (Num 1) (cv_snd (cv_snd cv0)))))))
                        (Pair (Num 3)
                           (Pair (Pair (Num 1) (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0)))
                              (Pair cv_x (Num 0))))))
                  (cv_if (cv_ispair (cv_snd cv0))
                     (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst (cv_snd cv0)))
                        (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst (cv_snd cv0)))
                           (Pair (Num 3)
                              (Pair (Num 0)
                                 (Pair cv_x
                                    (Pair (Num 3)
                                       (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv0)))
                                                   (cv_snd (cv_snd cv0))))
                                                   (cv_snd (cv_snd cv0))))))))))
                           (Pair (Num 3)
                              (Pair (Num 0)
                                 (Pair cv_x
                                    (Pair (Num 2)
                                       (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv0)))
                                          (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv0)))))))))
                        (Pair (Num 3)
                           (Pair (Num 0)
                              (Pair cv_x
                                 (Pair (Num 1) (cv_snd (cv_snd cv0)))))))
                     (Pair (Num 1) cv_x))) (Num 0))
   [cv_mk_wf_def_primitive]  Definition
      ⊢ cv_mk_wf =
          (@R. WF R ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ⇒
                  R (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)) cv_v) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ⇒
                  R (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))) cv_v) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                  ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ⇒
                  R (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)) cv_v) ∧
                 cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                 cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                 ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ⇒
                 R (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)) cv_v)
          (λcv_mk_wf a.
                 (cv_if (cv_ispair a)
                    (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst a))
                       (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst a))
                          (cv_mk_BS (cv_mk_wf (cv_fst (cv_snd a)))
                             (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd a)))
                             (cv_mk_wf (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd a)))))
                          (cv_mk_BN (cv_mk_wf (cv_fst (cv_snd a)))
                             (cv_mk_wf (cv_snd (cv_snd a)))))
                       (Pair (Num 1) (cv_snd a))) (Num 0)))
   [cv_nub_def_primitive]  Definition
      ⊢ cv_nub =
          (@R. WF R ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_list_mem (cv_fst cv_v) (cv_snd cv_v)) ⇒
                  R (cv_snd cv_v) cv_v) ∧
                 cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                 ¬cv$c2b (cv_list_mem (cv_fst cv_v) (cv_snd cv_v)) ⇒
                 R (cv_snd cv_v) cv_v)
          (λcv_nub a.
                 (cv_if (cv_ispair a)
                    (cv_if (cv_list_mem (cv_fst a) (cv_snd a))
                       (cv_nub (cv_snd a))
                       (Pair (cv_fst a) (cv_nub (cv_snd a)))) (Num 0)))
   [cv_oEL_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_n cv_v.
          cv_oEL cv_n cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_n)
               (cv_oEL (cv_sub cv_n (Num 1)) (cv_snd cv_v))
               (Pair (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v))) (Num 0)
   [cv_oHD_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_l.
          cv_oHD cv_l =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_l) (Pair (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_l)) (Num 0)
   [cv_replicate_acc_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_n cv_x cv_acc.
          cv_replicate_acc cv_n cv_x cv_acc =
          cv_if (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_n)
            (cv_replicate_acc (cv_sub cv_n (Num 1)) cv_x (Pair cv_x cv_acc))
   [cv_right_depth_def]  Definition
      ⊢ (∀v0. cv_right_depth (Num v0) = 0) ∧
        ∀x y. cv_right_depth (Pair x y) = cv_right_depth y + 1
   [cv_size'_def_primitive]  Definition
      ⊢ cv_size' =
          (@R. WF R ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ⇒
                  R (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)) cv_v) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ⇒
                  R (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))) cv_v) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                  ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ⇒
                  R (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)) cv_v) ∧
                 cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                 cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                 ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ⇒
                 R (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)) cv_v)
          (λcv_size' a.
                 (cv_if (cv_ispair a)
                    (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst a))
                       (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst a))
                             (cv_add (cv_size' (cv_fst (cv_snd a)))
                                (cv_size' (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd a)))))
                             (Num 1))
                          (cv_add (cv_size' (cv_fst (cv_snd a)))
                             (cv_size' (cv_snd (cv_snd a))))) (Num 1))
                    (Num 0)))
   [cv_spt_center_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_v.
          cv_spt_center cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v))
               (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v))
                  (Pair (Num 1) (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))) (Num 0))
               (Pair (Num 1) (cv_snd cv_v))) (Num 0)
   [cv_spt_left_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_v.
          cv_spt_left cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))
               (Num 0)) (Num 0)
   [cv_spt_right_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_v.
          cv_spt_right cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v))
               (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v))
                  (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))) (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
               (Num 0)) (Num 0)
   [cv_subspt_def_tupled_AUX]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀R. cv_subspt_def_tupled_aux R =
            WFREC R
              (λcv_subspt_def_tupled a.
                   case a of
                     (cv_v,cv_t) =>
                         (cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
                            (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v))
                               (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v))
                                     (cv_eq (cv_spt_center cv_t)
                                        (Pair (Num 1)
                                           (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))))
                                           (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v),
                                            cv_spt_left cv_t))
                                           (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)),
                                            cv_spt_right cv_t)) (Num 0))
                                     (Num 0))
                                        (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v),
                                         cv_spt_left cv_t))
                                        (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v),
                                         cv_spt_right cv_t)) (Num 0)))
                               (cv_eq (cv_spt_center cv_t)
                                  (Pair (Num 1) (cv_snd cv_v)))) (Num 1)))
   [cv_toAList_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_x. cv_toAList cv_x = cv_toAList_foldi (Num 0) (Num 0) cv_x
   [cv_toAList_foldi_def_tupled_AUX]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀R. cv_toAList_foldi_def_tupled_aux R =
            WFREC R
              (λcv_toAList_foldi_def_tupled a.
                   case a of
                     (cv_i,cv_acc,cv_v) =>
                         (cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
                            (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v))
                               (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v))
                                     cv0 = cv_lrnext cv_i
                                       (cv_add cv_i cv0,
                                          (Pair cv_i
                                             (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))))
                                             (cv_add cv_i
                                                (cv_mul (Num 2) cv0),
                                              cv_acc,cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))),
                                        cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))))
                                     cv0 = cv_lrnext cv_i
                                       (cv_add cv_i cv0,
                                          (cv_add cv_i (cv_mul (Num 2) cv0),
                                           cv_acc,cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)),
                                        cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))))
                               (Pair (Pair cv_i (cv_snd cv_v)) cv_acc))
   [cv_toListA_def_tupled_AUX]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀R. cv_toListA_def_tupled_aux R =
            WFREC R
              (λcv_toListA_def_tupled a.
                   case a of
                     (cv_acc,cv_v) =>
                         (cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
                            (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v))
                               (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v))
                                     (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
                                            cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))),
                                      cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)))
                                        (cv_acc,cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)),
                                      cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))))
                               (Pair (cv_snd cv_v) cv_acc)) cv_acc))
   [cv_toList_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_m. cv_toList cv_m = cv_toListA (Num 0) cv_m
   [cv_v2n_custom_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀cv_acc cv_v.
          cv_v2n_custom cv_acc cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_fst cv_v)
               (cv_v2n_custom (cv_add (cv_mul (Num 2) cv_acc) (Num 1))
                  (cv_snd cv_v))
               (cv_v2n_custom (cv_mul (Num 2) cv_acc) (cv_snd cv_v)))
   [every_empty_snd_def_primitive]  Definition
      ⊢ every_empty_snd =
        WFREC (@R. WF R ∧ ∀n xs x. isEmpty x ⇒ R xs ((n,x)::xs))
          (λevery_empty_snd a.
               case a of
                 [] => I T
               | (n,x)::xs =>
                 I (if isEmpty x then every_empty_snd xs else F))
   [from_fmap_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀f m.
          from_fmap f m =
          from_sptree_sptree_spt f (fromAList (fmap_to_alist m))
   [from_sptree_sptree_spt_def]  Definition
      ⊢ (∀f0. from_sptree_sptree_spt f0 LN = Num 0) ∧
        (∀f0 v0.
           from_sptree_sptree_spt f0 ⦕ 0 ↦ v0 ⦖ = Pair (Num 1) (f0 v0)) ∧
        (∀f0 v0 v1.
           from_sptree_sptree_spt f0 (BN v0 v1) =
           Pair (Num 2)
             (Pair (from_sptree_sptree_spt f0 v0)
                (from_sptree_sptree_spt f0 v1))) ∧
        ∀f0 v0 v1 v2.
          from_sptree_sptree_spt f0 (BS v0 v1 v2) =
          Pair (Num 3)
            (Pair (from_sptree_sptree_spt f0 v0)
               (Pair (f0 v1) (from_sptree_sptree_spt f0 v2)))
   [genlist_def]  Definition
      ⊢ (∀i f. genlist i f 0 = []) ∧
        ∀i f n. genlist i f (SUC n) = f i::genlist (i + 1) f n
   [list_mapi_def]  Definition
      ⊢ (∀i f. list_mapi i f [] = []) ∧
        ∀i f x xs. list_mapi i f (x::xs) = f i x::list_mapi (i + 1) f xs
   [list_mem_def]  Definition
      ⊢ (∀y. list_mem y [] ⇔ F) ∧
        ∀y x xs. list_mem y (x::xs) ⇔ if x = y then T else list_mem y xs
   [map_spt_left_def_primitive]  Definition
      ⊢ map_spt_left =
        WFREC (@R. WF R ∧ ∀x i xs. R xs ((i,x)::xs))
          (λmap_spt_left a.
               case a of
                 [] => I []
               | (i,x)::xs => I ((i,spt_left x)::map_spt_left xs))
   [map_spt_right_def_primitive]  Definition
      ⊢ map_spt_right =
        WFREC (@R. WF R ∧ ∀x i xs. R xs ((i,x)::xs))
          (λmap_spt_right a.
               case a of
                 [] => I []
               | (i,x)::xs => I ((i,spt_right x)::map_spt_right xs))
   [toAList_foldi_def]  Definition
      ⊢ toAList_foldi = foldi (λk v a. (k,v)::a)
   [to_fmap_def]  Definition
      ⊢ ∀t m. to_fmap t m = alist_to_fmap (toAList (to_sptree_spt t m))
   [EL_pre]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀n xs. EL_pre n xs ⇔ n < LENGTH xs
   [EL_pre_cases]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀a0 a1.
          EL_pre a0 a1 ⇔
          (a0 = 0 ⇒ a1 ≠ []) ∧ ∀n. a0 = SUC n ⇒ EL_pre n (TL a1)
   [EL_pre_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀EL_pre'.
          (∀v l.
             (v = 0 ⇒ l ≠ []) ∧ (∀n. v = SUC n ⇒ EL_pre' n (TL l)) ⇒
             EL_pre' v l) ⇒
          ∀a0 a1. EL_pre a0 a1 ⇒ EL_pre' a0 a1
   [EL_pre_rules]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀v l.
          (v = 0 ⇒ l ≠ []) ∧ (∀n. v = SUC n ⇒ EL_pre n (TL l)) ⇒ EL_pre v l
   [EL_pre_strongind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀EL_pre'.
          (∀v l.
             (v = 0 ⇒ l ≠ []) ∧
             (∀n. v = SUC n ⇒ EL_pre n (TL l) ∧ EL_pre' n (TL l)) ⇒
             EL_pre' v l) ⇒
          ∀a0 a1. EL_pre a0 a1 ⇒ EL_pre' a0 a1
   [FOLDL_lam_lam_pair_CASE_lam_la_ho]  Theorem
      ⊢ T ⇒
        from_pair Num (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a)
          (FOLDL (λv0 v1. case v0 of (v2,v3) => (v2 + 1,insert v2 v1 v3))
             x_e x_v) =
        cv_FOLDL_lam_lam_pair_CASE_lam_la (from_list f_a x_v)
          (from_pair Num (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a) x_e)
   [FRONT_pre]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀xs. FRONT_pre xs ⇔ xs ≠ []
   [FRONT_pre_cases]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀a0.
          FRONT_pre a0 ⇔
          (∃xs x. a0 = x::xs) ∧ a0 ≠ [] ∧
          ∀v0 v1. a0 = v0::v1 ⇒ ∀v0 v1'. v1 = v0::v1' ⇒ FRONT_pre v1
   [FRONT_pre_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀FRONT_pre'.
          (∀v. (∃xs x. v = x::xs) ∧ v ≠ [] ∧
               (∀v0 v1. v = v0::v1 ⇒ ∀v0 v1'. v1 = v0::v1' ⇒ FRONT_pre' v1) ⇒
               FRONT_pre' v) ⇒
          ∀a0. FRONT_pre a0 ⇒ FRONT_pre' a0
   [FRONT_pre_rules]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀v. (∃xs x. v = x::xs) ∧ v ≠ [] ∧
            (∀v0 v1. v = v0::v1 ⇒ ∀v0 v1'. v1 = v0::v1' ⇒ FRONT_pre v1) ⇒
            FRONT_pre v
   [FRONT_pre_strongind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀FRONT_pre'.
          (∀v. (∃xs x. v = x::xs) ∧ v ≠ [] ∧
               (∀v0 v1.
                  v = v0::v1 ⇒
                  ∀v0 v1'. v1 = v0::v1' ⇒ FRONT_pre v1 ∧ FRONT_pre' v1) ⇒
               FRONT_pre' v) ⇒
          ∀a0. FRONT_pre a0 ⇒ FRONT_pre' a0
   [INDEX_OF_pre_cases]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀a0 a1.
          INDEX_OF_pre a0 a1 ⇔
          ∀v0 v1. a1 = v0::v1 ⇒ a0 ≠ v0 ⇒ INDEX_OF_pre a0 v1
   [INDEX_OF_pre_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀INDEX_OF_pre'.
          (∀x v.
             (∀v0 v1. v = v0::v1 ⇒ x ≠ v0 ⇒ INDEX_OF_pre' x v1) ⇒
             INDEX_OF_pre' x v) ⇒
          ∀a0 a1. INDEX_OF_pre a0 a1 ⇒ INDEX_OF_pre' a0 a1
   [INDEX_OF_pre_rules]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀x v.
          (∀v0 v1. v = v0::v1 ⇒ x ≠ v0 ⇒ INDEX_OF_pre x v1) ⇒
          INDEX_OF_pre x v
   [INDEX_OF_pre_strongind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀INDEX_OF_pre'.
          (∀x v.
             (∀v0 v1.
                v = v0::v1 ⇒
                x ≠ v0 ⇒
                INDEX_OF_pre x v1 ∧ INDEX_OF_pre' x v1) ⇒
             INDEX_OF_pre' x v) ⇒
          ∀a0 a1. INDEX_OF_pre a0 a1 ⇒ INDEX_OF_pre' a0 a1
   [I_THM]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀x. I x = x
   [K_THM]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀x y. K x y = x
   [LAST_pre]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀xs. LAST_pre xs ⇔ xs ≠ []
   [LAST_pre_cases]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀a0.
          LAST_pre a0 ⇔
          (∃xs x. a0 = x::xs) ∧ a0 ≠ [] ∧
          ∀v0 v1. a0 = v0::v1 ⇒ ∀v0 v1'. v1 = v0::v1' ⇒ LAST_pre v1
   [LAST_pre_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀LAST_pre'.
          (∀v. (∃xs x. v = x::xs) ∧ v ≠ [] ∧
               (∀v0 v1. v = v0::v1 ⇒ ∀v0 v1'. v1 = v0::v1' ⇒ LAST_pre' v1) ⇒
               LAST_pre' v) ⇒
          ∀a0. LAST_pre a0 ⇒ LAST_pre' a0
   [LAST_pre_rules]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀v. (∃xs x. v = x::xs) ∧ v ≠ [] ∧
            (∀v0 v1. v = v0::v1 ⇒ ∀v0 v1'. v1 = v0::v1' ⇒ LAST_pre v1) ⇒
            LAST_pre v
   [LAST_pre_strongind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀LAST_pre'.
          (∀v. (∃xs x. v = x::xs) ∧ v ≠ [] ∧
               (∀v0 v1.
                  v = v0::v1 ⇒
                  ∀v0 v1'. v1 = v0::v1' ⇒ LAST_pre v1 ∧ LAST_pre' v1) ⇒
               LAST_pre' v) ⇒
          ∀a0. LAST_pre a0 ⇒ LAST_pre' a0
   [MAPi_eq_list_mapi]  Theorem
      ⊢ MAPi = list_mapi 0
   [OUTL_pre]  Theorem
      ⊢ OUTL_pre x ⇔ ISL x
   [OUTL_pre_cases]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀a0. OUTL_pre a0 ⇔ (∃x. a0 = INL x) ∧ ∀v0. a0 ≠ INR v0
   [OUTL_pre_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀OUTL_pre'.
          (∀v. (∃x. v = INL x) ∧ (∀v0. v ≠ INR v0) ⇒ OUTL_pre' v) ⇒
          ∀a0. OUTL_pre a0 ⇒ OUTL_pre' a0
   [OUTL_pre_rules]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀v. (∃x. v = INL x) ∧ (∀v0. v ≠ INR v0) ⇒ OUTL_pre v
   [OUTL_pre_strongind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀OUTL_pre'.
          (∀v. (∃x. v = INL x) ∧ (∀v0. v ≠ INR v0) ⇒ OUTL_pre' v) ⇒
          ∀a0. OUTL_pre a0 ⇒ OUTL_pre' a0
   [OUTR_pre]  Theorem
      ⊢ OUTR_pre x ⇔ ISR x
   [OUTR_pre_cases]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀a0. OUTR_pre a0 ⇔ (∃x. a0 = INR x) ∧ ∀v0. a0 ≠ INL v0
   [OUTR_pre_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀OUTR_pre'.
          (∀v. (∃x. v = INR x) ∧ (∀v0. v ≠ INL v0) ⇒ OUTR_pre' v) ⇒
          ∀a0. OUTR_pre a0 ⇒ OUTR_pre' a0
   [OUTR_pre_rules]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀v. (∃x. v = INR x) ∧ (∀v0. v ≠ INL v0) ⇒ OUTR_pre v
   [OUTR_pre_strongind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀OUTR_pre'.
          (∀v. (∃x. v = INR x) ∧ (∀v0. v ≠ INL v0) ⇒ OUTR_pre' v) ⇒
          ∀a0. OUTR_pre a0 ⇒ OUTR_pre' a0
   [REPLICATE]  Theorem
      ⊢ REPLICATE n c = replicate_acc n c []
   [UNZIP_eq]  Theorem
      ⊢ UNZIP ts =
        case ts of
          [] => ([],[])
        | x::xs => (let (t1,t2) = UNZIP xs in (FST x::t1,SND x::t2))
   [combine_rle_isEmpty_eq]  Theorem
      ⊢ combine_rle_isEmpty xs =
        case xs of
          [] => []
        | [t] => [t]
        | (i,x)::(j,y)::xs =>
          if isEmpty x ∧ isEmpty y then combine_rle_isEmpty ((i + j,x)::xs)
          else (i,x)::combine_rle_isEmpty ((j,y)::xs)
   [combine_rle_isEmpty_pre]  Theorem
      ⊢ combine_rle_isEmpty_pre xs
   [combine_rle_isEmpty_pre_cases]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀a0.
          combine_rle_isEmpty_pre a0 ⇔
          ∀v0 v1.
            a0 = v0::v1 ⇒
            ∀v0' v1'.
              v1 = v0'::v1' ⇒
              ∀v0'' v1''.
                v0' = (v0'',v1'') ⇒
                ∀v0'³' v1'³'.
                  v0 = (v0'³',v1'³') ⇒
                  (isEmpty v1'³' ∧ isEmpty v1'' ⇒
                   combine_rle_isEmpty_pre ((v0'³' + v0'',v1'³')::v1')) ∧
                  ((isEmpty v1'³' ⇒ v1'' ≠ LN) ⇒
                   combine_rle_isEmpty_pre ((v0'',v1'')::v1'))
   [combine_rle_isEmpty_pre_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀combine_rle_isEmpty_pre'.
             (∀v0 v1.
                xs = v0::v1 ⇒
                ∀v0' v1'.
                  v1 = v0'::v1' ⇒
                  ∀v0'' v1''.
                    v0' = (v0'',v1'') ⇒
                    ∀v0'³' v1'³'.
                      v0 = (v0'³',v1'³') ⇒
                      (isEmpty v1'³' ∧ isEmpty v1'' ⇒
                       combine_rle_isEmpty_pre' ((v0'³' + v0'',v1'³')::v1')) ∧
                      ((isEmpty v1'³' ⇒ v1'' ≠ LN) ⇒
                       combine_rle_isEmpty_pre' ((v0'',v1'')::v1'))) ⇒
             combine_rle_isEmpty_pre' xs) ⇒
          ∀a0. combine_rle_isEmpty_pre a0 ⇒ combine_rle_isEmpty_pre' a0
   [combine_rle_isEmpty_pre_rules]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀xs.
          (∀v0 v1.
             xs = v0::v1 ⇒
             ∀v0' v1'.
               v1 = v0'::v1' ⇒
               ∀v0'' v1''.
                 v0' = (v0'',v1'') ⇒
                 ∀v0'³' v1'³'.
                   v0 = (v0'³',v1'³') ⇒
                   (isEmpty v1'³' ∧ isEmpty v1'' ⇒
                    combine_rle_isEmpty_pre ((v0'³' + v0'',v1'³')::v1')) ∧
                   ((isEmpty v1'³' ⇒ v1'' ≠ LN) ⇒
                    combine_rle_isEmpty_pre ((v0'',v1'')::v1'))) ⇒
          combine_rle_isEmpty_pre xs
   [combine_rle_isEmpty_pre_strongind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀combine_rle_isEmpty_pre'.
             (∀v0 v1.
                xs = v0::v1 ⇒
                ∀v0' v1'.
                  v1 = v0'::v1' ⇒
                  ∀v0'' v1''.
                    v0' = (v0'',v1'') ⇒
                    ∀v0'³' v1'³'.
                      v0 = (v0'³',v1'³') ⇒
                      (isEmpty v1'³' ∧ isEmpty v1'' ⇒
                       combine_rle_isEmpty_pre ((v0'³' + v0'',v1'³')::v1') ∧
                       combine_rle_isEmpty_pre' ((v0'³' + v0'',v1'³')::v1')) ∧
                      ((isEmpty v1'³' ⇒ v1'' ≠ LN) ⇒
                       combine_rle_isEmpty_pre ((v0'',v1'')::v1') ∧
                       combine_rle_isEmpty_pre' ((v0'',v1'')::v1'))) ⇒
             combine_rle_isEmpty_pre' xs) ⇒
          ∀a0. combine_rle_isEmpty_pre a0 ⇒ combine_rle_isEmpty_pre' a0
   [cv_ALL_DISTINCT_thm]  Theorem
      [oracles: DISK_THM] [axioms: ] [from_to f_a t_a]
      ⊢ b2c (ALL_DISTINCT v) = cv_ALL_DISTINCT (from_list f_a v)
   [cv_ALOOKUP_thm]  Theorem
      [oracles: DISK_THM] [axioms: ] [from_to f_b t_b]
      ⊢ from_option f_a (ALOOKUP v q) =
        cv_ALOOKUP (from_list (from_pair f_b f_a) v) (f_b q)
   [cv_APPEND_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀cv_v cv_l.
          cv_APPEND cv_v cv_l =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (Pair (cv_fst cv_v) (cv_APPEND (cv_snd cv_v) cv_l)) cv_l
   [cv_APPEND_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀cv_v cv_l.
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ⇒ P (cv_snd cv_v) cv_l) ⇒
               P cv_v cv_l) ⇒
            ∀v v1. P v v1
   [cv_APPEND_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_list f_a (v ⧺ l) =
        cv_APPEND (from_list f_a v) (from_list f_a l)
   [cv_DROP_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_list f_a (DROP n v) = cv_DROP (Num n) (from_list f_a v)
   [cv_EL_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ EL_pre v l ⇒ f_a (EL v l) = cv_EL (Num v) (from_list f_a l)
   [cv_FLAT_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀cv_v.
          cv_FLAT cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_APPEND (cv_fst cv_v) (cv_FLAT (cv_snd cv_v))) (Num 0)
   [cv_FLAT_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀cv_v. (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ⇒ P (cv_snd cv_v)) ⇒ P cv_v) ⇒
            ∀v. P v
   [cv_FLAT_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_list f_a (FLAT v) = cv_FLAT (from_list (from_list f_a) v)
   [cv_FOLDL_lam_lam_pair_CASE_lam_la_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_pair Num (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a)
          (FOLDL_lam_lam_pair_CASE_lam_la x_v x_e) =
        cv_FOLDL_lam_lam_pair_CASE_lam_la (from_list f_a x_v)
          (from_pair Num (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a) x_e)
   [cv_FRONT_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀cv_v.
          cv_FRONT cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_ispair (cv_snd cv_v))
               (Pair (cv_fst cv_v) (cv_FRONT (cv_snd cv_v))) (Num 0))
            (Num 0)
   [cv_FRONT_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀cv_v.
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧ cv$c2b (cv_ispair (cv_snd cv_v)) ⇒
                P (cv_snd cv_v)) ⇒
               P cv_v) ⇒
            ∀v. P v
   [cv_FRONT_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ FRONT_pre v ⇒ from_list f_a (FRONT v) = cv_FRONT (from_list f_a v)
   [cv_FST]  Theorem
      ⊢ f_a (FST v) = cv_fst (from_pair f_a f_b v)
   [cv_HD]  Theorem
      ⊢ v ≠ [] ⇒ f_a (HD v) = cv_fst (from_list f_a v)
   [cv_INDEX_OF_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀cv_x cv_v.
          cv_INDEX_OF cv_x cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_eq cv_x (cv_fst cv_v)) (Pair (Num 1) (Num 0))
                  cv0 = cv_INDEX_OF cv_x (cv_snd cv_v)
                  cv_if (cv_ispair cv0)
                    (Pair (Num 1) (cv_add (cv_snd cv0) (Num 1))) (Num 0)))
            (Num 0)
   [cv_INDEX_OF_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀cv_x cv_v.
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_eq cv_x (cv_fst cv_v)) ⇒ P cv_x (cv_snd cv_v)) ⇒
               P cv_x cv_v) ⇒
            ∀v v1. P v v1
   [cv_INDEX_OF_thm]  Theorem
      [oracles: DISK_THM] [axioms: ] [from_to f_a t_a]
      ⊢ INDEX_OF_pre x v ⇒
        from_option Num (INDEX_OF x v) =
        cv_INDEX_OF (f_a x) (from_list f_a v)
   [cv_ISL_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (ISL v) = cv_ISL (from_sum f_a f_b v)
   [cv_ISR_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (ISR v) = cv_ISR (from_sum f_a f_b v)
   [cv_IS_NONE]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (IS_NONE v) = cv_sub (Num 1) (cv_ispair (from_option f_a v))
   [cv_IS_SOME]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (IS_SOME v) = cv_ispair (from_option f_a v)
   [cv_LAST_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ LAST_pre v ⇒ f_a (LAST v) = cv_LAST (from_list f_a v)
   [cv_LENGTH_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ Num (LENGTH L) = cv_LENGTH (from_list f_a L)
   [cv_LEN_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ Num (LEN v n) = cv_LEN (from_list f_a v) (Num n)
   [cv_LUPDATE_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀cv_v cv_n cv_e.
          cv_LUPDATE cv_e cv_n cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_n)
               (Pair (cv_fst cv_v)
                  (cv_LUPDATE cv_e (cv_sub cv_n (Num 1)) (cv_snd cv_v)))
               (Pair cv_e (cv_snd cv_v))) (Num 0)
   [cv_LUPDATE_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀cv_e cv_n cv_v.
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧ cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_n) ⇒
                P cv_e (cv_sub cv_n (Num 1)) (cv_snd cv_v)) ⇒
               P cv_e cv_n cv_v) ⇒
            ∀v v1 v2. P v v1 v2
   [cv_LUPDATE_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_list f_a (LUPDATE e n v) =
        cv_LUPDATE (f_a e) (Num n) (from_list f_a v)
   [cv_MAP_FST]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_list a (MAP FST l) = cv_map_fst (from_list (from_pair a b) l)
   [cv_MAP_SND]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_list b (MAP SND l) = cv_map_snd (from_list (from_pair a b) l)
   [cv_NULL_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ b2c (NULL v) = cv_NULL (from_list f_a v)
   [cv_OUTL_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ OUTL_pre v ⇒ f_a (OUTL v) = cv_OUTL (from_sum f_a f_b v)
   [cv_OUTR_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ OUTR_pre v ⇒ f_b (OUTR v) = cv_OUTR (from_sum f_a f_b v)
   [cv_PAD_LEFT_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_list f_a (PAD_LEFT c n s) =
        cv_PAD_LEFT (f_a c) (Num n) (from_list f_a s)
   [cv_PAD_RIGHT_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_list f_a (PAD_RIGHT c n s) =
        cv_PAD_RIGHT (f_a c) (Num n) (from_list f_a s)
   [cv_REPLICATE_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_list f_a (REPLICATE n c) = cv_REPLICATE (Num n) (f_a c)
   [cv_REVERSE_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_list f_a (REVERSE L) = cv_REVERSE (from_list f_a L)
   [cv_REV_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_list f_a (REV v acc) =
        cv_REV (from_list f_a v) (from_list f_a acc)
   [cv_SND]  Theorem
      ⊢ f_b (SND v) = cv_snd (from_pair f_a f_b v)
   [cv_SNOC_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀cv_x cv_v.
          cv_SNOC cv_x cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (Pair (cv_fst cv_v) (cv_SNOC cv_x (cv_snd cv_v)))
            (Pair cv_x (Num 0))
   [cv_SNOC_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀cv_x cv_v.
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ⇒ P cv_x (cv_snd cv_v)) ⇒
               P cv_x cv_v) ⇒
            ∀v v1. P v v1
   [cv_SNOC_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_list f_a (SNOC x v) = cv_SNOC (f_a x) (from_list f_a v)
   [cv_SUM_ACC_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ Num (SUM_ACC v acc) = cv_SUM_ACC (from_list Num v) (Num acc)
   [cv_SUM_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ Num (SUM L) = cv_SUM (from_list Num L)
   [cv_TAKE_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀cv_v cv_n.
          cv_TAKE cv_n cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_n)
               (Pair (cv_fst cv_v)
                  (cv_TAKE (cv_sub cv_n (Num 1)) (cv_snd cv_v))) (Num 0))
            (Num 0)
   [cv_TAKE_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀cv_n cv_v.
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧ cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_n) ⇒
                P (cv_sub cv_n (Num 1)) (cv_snd cv_v)) ⇒
               P cv_n cv_v) ⇒
            ∀v v1. P v v1
   [cv_TAKE_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_list f_a (TAKE n v) = cv_TAKE (Num n) (from_list f_a v)
   [cv_THE]  Theorem
      ⊢ v ≠ NONE ⇒ f_a (THE v) = cv_snd (from_option f_a v)
   [cv_TL]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_list f_a (TL v) = cv_snd (from_list f_a v)
   [cv_UNZIP_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀cv_ts.
          cv_UNZIP cv_ts =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_ts)
               cv0 = cv_UNZIP (cv_snd cv_ts)
               cv_if (cv_ispair cv0)
                 (Pair (Pair (cv_fst (cv_fst cv_ts)) (cv_fst cv0))
                    (Pair (cv_snd (cv_fst cv_ts)) (cv_snd cv0))) (Num 0))
            (Pair (Num 0) (Num 0))
   [cv_UNZIP_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀cv_ts.
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_ts) ⇒ P (cv_snd cv_ts)) ⇒ P cv_ts) ⇒
            ∀v. P v
   [cv_UNZIP_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_pair (from_list f_a) (from_list f_b) (UNZIP ts) =
        cv_UNZIP (from_list (from_pair f_a f_b) ts)
   [cv_ZIP_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀cv_v.
          cv_ZIP cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_ispair (cv_fst cv_v))
               (cv_if (cv_ispair (cv_snd cv_v))
                     (Pair (cv_fst (cv_fst cv_v)) (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)))
                        (Pair (cv_snd (cv_fst cv_v)) (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))))
                  (Num 0)) (Num 0)) (Num 0)
   [cv_ZIP_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀cv_v.
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair (cv_snd cv_v)) ⇒
                P (Pair (cv_snd (cv_fst cv_v)) (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))) ⇒
               P cv_v) ⇒
            ∀v. P v
   [cv_ZIP_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_list (from_pair f_a f_b) (ZIP v) =
        cv_ZIP (from_pair (from_list f_a) (from_list f_b) v)
   [cv_alist_insert_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀cv_v0 cv_v cv_t.
          cv_alist_insert cv_v0 cv_v cv_t =
             cv0 = Pair cv_v0 cv_v
             cv_if (cv_ispair cv0)
               (cv_if (cv_ispair (cv_fst cv0))
                  (cv_if (cv_ispair (cv_snd cv0))
                     (cv_insert (cv_fst (cv_fst cv0)) (cv_fst (cv_snd cv0))
                        (cv_alist_insert (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0))
                           (cv_snd (cv_snd cv0)) cv_t)) cv_t) cv_t) (Num 0))
   [cv_alist_insert_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀cv_v0 cv_v cv_t.
                  cv0 = Pair cv_v0 cv_v ∧ cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv0) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_ispair (cv_fst cv0)) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_ispair (cv_snd cv0)) ⇒
                  P (cv_snd (cv_fst cv0)) (cv_snd (cv_snd cv0)) cv_t) ⇒
               P cv_v0 cv_v cv_t) ⇒
            ∀v v1 v2. P v v1 v2
   [cv_alist_insert_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a (alist_insert v0 v t) =
        cv_alist_insert (from_list Num v0) (from_list f_a v)
          (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a t)
   [cv_apsnd_cons_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_pair f_a (from_list f_b) (apsnd_cons x v) =
        cv_apsnd_cons (f_b x) (from_pair f_a (from_list f_b) v)
   [cv_combine_rle_isEmpty_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀cv_xs.
          cv_combine_rle_isEmpty cv_xs =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_xs)
            (cv_if (cv_ispair (cv_snd cv_xs))
               (cv_if (cv_ispair (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_xs)))
                  (cv_if (cv_ispair (cv_fst cv_xs))
                        (cv_if (cv_eq (cv_snd (cv_fst cv_xs)) (Num 0))
                           (cv_eq (cv_snd (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_xs))) (Num 0))
                           (Num 0))
                                 (cv_add (cv_fst (cv_fst cv_xs))
                                    (cv_fst (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_xs))))
                                 (cv_snd (cv_fst cv_xs)))
                              (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_xs))))
                           (Pair (cv_fst (cv_fst cv_xs))
                              (cv_snd (cv_fst cv_xs)))
                                 (Pair (cv_fst (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_xs)))
                                    (cv_snd (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_xs))))
                                 (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_xs)))))) (Num 0))
                  (Num 0)) (Pair (cv_fst cv_xs) (Num 0))) (Num 0)
   [cv_combine_rle_isEmpty_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀cv_xs.
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_xs) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair (cv_snd cv_xs)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_xs))) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair (cv_fst cv_xs)) ∧
                  (cv_if (cv_eq (cv_snd (cv_fst cv_xs)) (Num 0))
                     (cv_eq (cv_snd (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_xs))) (Num 0))
                     (Num 0)) ⇒
                        (cv_add (cv_fst (cv_fst cv_xs))
                           (cv_fst (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_xs))))
                        (cv_snd (cv_fst cv_xs))) (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_xs)))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_xs) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair (cv_snd cv_xs)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_xs))) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair (cv_fst cv_xs)) ∧
                  (cv_if (cv_eq (cv_snd (cv_fst cv_xs)) (Num 0))
                     (cv_eq (cv_snd (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_xs))) (Num 0))
                     (Num 0)) ⇒
                     (Pair (cv_fst (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_xs)))
                        (cv_snd (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_xs))))
                     (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_xs)))) ⇒
               P cv_xs) ⇒
            ∀v. P v
   [cv_combine_rle_isEmpty_thm]  Theorem
      [oracles: DISK_THM] [axioms: ] [from_to f_a t_a]
      ⊢ combine_rle_isEmpty_pre xs ⇒
        from_list (from_pair Num (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a))
          (combine_rle_isEmpty xs) =
          (from_list (from_pair Num (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a)) xs)
   [cv_delete_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀cv_v cv_k.
          cv_delete cv_k cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v))
               (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v))
                  (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_k)
                     (cv_if (cv_sub (Num 1) (cv_mod cv_k (Num 2)))
                              (cv_div (cv_sub cv_k (Num 1)) (Num 2))
                              (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)))
                           (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
                           (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))))
                        (cv_mk_BS (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))
                           (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
                              (cv_div (cv_sub cv_k (Num 1)) (Num 2))
                              (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))))))
                     (Pair (Num 2)
                        (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))
                           (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))))))
                  (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_k)
                     (cv_if (cv_sub (Num 1) (cv_mod cv_k (Num 2)))
                              (cv_div (cv_sub cv_k (Num 1)) (Num 2))
                              (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)))
                           (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
                        (cv_mk_BN (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))
                              (cv_div (cv_sub cv_k (Num 1)) (Num 2))
                              (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))))
                     (Pair (Num 2)
                        (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))))))
               (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_k) (Pair (Num 1) (cv_snd cv_v))
                  (Num 0))) (Num 0)
   [cv_delete_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀cv_k cv_v.
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_k) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_sub (Num 1) (cv_mod cv_k (Num 2))) ⇒
                P (cv_div (cv_sub cv_k (Num 1)) (Num 2))
                  (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_k) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_sub (Num 1) (cv_mod cv_k (Num 2))) ⇒
                P (cv_div (cv_sub cv_k (Num 1)) (Num 2))
                  (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_k) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_sub (Num 1) (cv_mod cv_k (Num 2))) ⇒
                P (cv_div (cv_sub cv_k (Num 1)) (Num 2))
                  (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_k) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_sub (Num 1) (cv_mod cv_k (Num 2))) ⇒
                P (cv_div (cv_sub cv_k (Num 1)) (Num 2))
                  (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))) ⇒
               P cv_k cv_v) ⇒
            ∀v v1. P v v1
   [cv_delete_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a (delete k v) =
        cv_delete (Num k) (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a v)
   [cv_difference_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀cv_v cv_t.
          cv_difference cv_v cv_t =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v))
               (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v))
                  (cv_if (cv_ispair cv_t)
                     (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t))
                        (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t))
                              (cv_difference (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))
                                 (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_t)))
                                 (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
                                 (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_t)))))
                              (cv_difference (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))
                                 (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_t)))
                              (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
                                 (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
                                 (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_t)))))
                        (Pair (Num 2)
                           (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))
                              (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))))))
                     (Pair (Num 3)
                        (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))
                           (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
                              (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))))))
                  (cv_if (cv_ispair cv_t)
                     (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t))
                        (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t))
                              (cv_difference (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))
                                 (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_t)))
                              (cv_difference (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))
                                 (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_t)))))
                              (cv_difference (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))
                                 (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_t)))
                              (cv_difference (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))
                                 (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_t)))))
                        (Pair (Num 2)
                           (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))
                              (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))))
                     (Pair (Num 2)
                        (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))))))
               (cv_if (cv_ispair cv_t)
                  (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t))
                     (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t)) (Num 0)
                        (Pair (Num 1) (cv_snd cv_v))) (Num 0))
                  (Pair (Num 1) (cv_snd cv_v)))) (Num 0)
   [cv_difference_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀cv_v cv_t.
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_t) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t)) ⇒
                P (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_t))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_t) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t)) ⇒
                P (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
                  (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_t)))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_t) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t)) ⇒
                P (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_t))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_t) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t)) ⇒
                P (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))) (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_t))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_t) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t)) ⇒
                P (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_t))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_t) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t)) ⇒
                P (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_t)))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_t) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t)) ⇒
                P (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_t))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_t) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t)) ⇒
                P (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_t))) ⇒
               P cv_v cv_t) ⇒
            ∀v v1. P v v1
   [cv_difference_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a (difference v t) =
        cv_difference (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a v)
          (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_b t)
   [cv_every_empty_snd_thm]  Theorem
      [oracles: DISK_THM] [axioms: ] [from_to f_b t_b]
      ⊢ b2c (every_empty_snd v) =
          (from_list (from_pair f_a (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_b)) v)
   [cv_findi_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀cv_x cv_v.
          cv_findi cv_x cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_eq cv_x (cv_fst cv_v)) (Num 0)
               (cv_add (Num 1) (cv_findi cv_x (cv_snd cv_v)))) (Num 0)
   [cv_findi_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀cv_x cv_v.
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_eq cv_x (cv_fst cv_v)) ⇒ P cv_x (cv_snd cv_v)) ⇒
               P cv_x cv_v) ⇒
            ∀v v1. P v v1
   [cv_findi_thm]  Theorem
      [oracles: DISK_THM] [axioms: ] [from_to f_a t_a]
      ⊢ Num (findi x v) = cv_findi (f_a x) (from_list f_a v)
   [cv_fromList_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a (fromList l) =
        cv_fromList (from_list f_a l)
   [cv_insert_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀cv_v cv_k cv_a.
          cv_insert cv_k cv_a cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v))
               (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v))
                  (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_k)
                     (cv_if (cv_sub (Num 1) (cv_mod cv_k (Num 2)))
                        (Pair (Num 3)
                                 (cv_div (cv_sub cv_k (Num 1)) (Num 2))
                                 cv_a (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)))
                              (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
                                 (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))))))
                        (Pair (Num 3)
                           (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))
                              (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
                                    (cv_div (cv_sub cv_k (Num 1)) (Num 2))
                                    cv_a (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))))))))
                     (Pair (Num 3)
                        (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))
                           (Pair cv_a (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))))))
                  (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_k)
                     (cv_if (cv_sub (Num 1) (cv_mod cv_k (Num 2)))
                        (Pair (Num 2)
                                 (cv_div (cv_sub cv_k (Num 1)) (Num 2))
                                 cv_a (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)))
                              (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))))
                        (Pair (Num 2)
                           (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))
                                 (cv_div (cv_sub cv_k (Num 1)) (Num 2))
                                 cv_a (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))))))
                     (Pair (Num 3)
                        (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))
                           (Pair cv_a (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))))))
               (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_k)
                  (cv_if (cv_sub (Num 1) (cv_mod cv_k (Num 2)))
                     (Pair (Num 3)
                              (cv_div (cv_sub cv_k (Num 1)) (Num 2)) cv_a
                              (Num 0)) (Pair (cv_snd cv_v) (Num 0))))
                     (Pair (Num 3)
                        (Pair (Num 0)
                           (Pair (cv_snd cv_v)
                                 (cv_div (cv_sub cv_k (Num 1)) (Num 2))
                                 cv_a (Num 0)))))) (Pair (Num 1) cv_a)))
            (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_k)
               (cv_if (cv_sub (Num 1) (cv_mod cv_k (Num 2)))
                  (Pair (Num 2)
                        (cv_insert (cv_div (cv_sub cv_k (Num 1)) (Num 2))
                           cv_a (Num 0)) (Num 0)))
                  (Pair (Num 2)
                     (Pair (Num 0)
                        (cv_insert (cv_div (cv_sub cv_k (Num 1)) (Num 2))
                           cv_a (Num 0))))) (Pair (Num 1) cv_a))
   [cv_insert_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀cv_k cv_a cv_v.
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_k) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_sub (Num 1) (cv_mod cv_k (Num 2))) ⇒
                P (cv_div (cv_sub cv_k (Num 1)) (Num 2)) cv_a
                  (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_k) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_sub (Num 1) (cv_mod cv_k (Num 2))) ⇒
                P (cv_div (cv_sub cv_k (Num 1)) (Num 2)) cv_a
                  (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_k) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_sub (Num 1) (cv_mod cv_k (Num 2))) ⇒
                P (cv_div (cv_sub cv_k (Num 1)) (Num 2)) cv_a
                  (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_k) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_sub (Num 1) (cv_mod cv_k (Num 2))) ⇒
                P (cv_div (cv_sub cv_k (Num 1)) (Num 2)) cv_a
                  (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_k) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_sub (Num 1) (cv_mod cv_k (Num 2))) ⇒
                P (cv_div (cv_sub cv_k (Num 1)) (Num 2)) cv_a (Num 0)) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_k) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_sub (Num 1) (cv_mod cv_k (Num 2))) ⇒
                P (cv_div (cv_sub cv_k (Num 1)) (Num 2)) cv_a (Num 0)) ∧
               (¬cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧ cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_k) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_sub (Num 1) (cv_mod cv_k (Num 2))) ⇒
                P (cv_div (cv_sub cv_k (Num 1)) (Num 2)) cv_a (Num 0)) ∧
               (¬cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧ cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_k) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_sub (Num 1) (cv_mod cv_k (Num 2))) ⇒
                P (cv_div (cv_sub cv_k (Num 1)) (Num 2)) cv_a (Num 0)) ⇒
               P cv_k cv_a cv_v) ⇒
            ∀v v1 v2. P v v1 v2
   [cv_insert_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a (insert k a v) =
        cv_insert (Num k) (f_a a) (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a v)
   [cv_inter_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀cv_v cv_t.
          cv_inter cv_v cv_t =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v))
               (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v))
                  (cv_if (cv_ispair cv_t)
                     (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t))
                        (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t))
                              (cv_inter (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))
                                 (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_t)))
                              (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
                              (cv_inter (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
                                 (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_t)))))
                              (cv_inter (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))
                                 (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_t)))
                              (cv_inter (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
                                 (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_t)))))
                        (Pair (Num 1) (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))))
                     (Num 0))
                  (cv_if (cv_ispair cv_t)
                     (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t))
                        (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t))
                              (cv_inter (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))
                                 (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_t)))
                              (cv_inter (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))
                                 (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_t)))))
                              (cv_inter (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))
                                 (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_t)))
                              (cv_inter (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))
                                 (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_t))))) (Num 0)) (Num 0)))
               (cv_if (cv_ispair cv_t)
                  (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t))
                     (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t))
                        (Pair (Num 1) (cv_snd cv_v)) (Num 0))
                     (Pair (Num 1) (cv_snd cv_v))) (Num 0))) (Num 0)
   [cv_inter_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀cv_v cv_t.
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_t) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t)) ⇒
                P (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_t))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_t) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t)) ⇒
                P (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
                  (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_t)))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_t) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t)) ⇒
                P (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_t))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_t) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t)) ⇒
                P (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))) (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_t))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_t) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t)) ⇒
                P (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_t))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_t) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t)) ⇒
                P (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_t)))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_t) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t)) ⇒
                P (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_t))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_t) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t)) ⇒
                P (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_t))) ⇒
               P cv_v cv_t) ⇒
            ∀v v1. P v v1
   [cv_inter_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a (inter v t) =
        cv_inter (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a v)
          (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_b t)
   [cv_isPREFIX_thm]  Theorem
      [oracles: DISK_THM] [axioms: ] [from_to f_a t_a]
      ⊢ b2c (v ≼ l) = cv_isPREFIX (from_list f_a v) (from_list f_a l)
   [cv_list_insert_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_sptree_sptree_spt from_unit (list_insert v t) =
        cv_list_insert (from_list Num v)
          (from_sptree_sptree_spt from_unit t)
   [cv_list_mem_thm]  Theorem
      [oracles: DISK_THM] [axioms: ] [from_to f_a t_a]
      ⊢ b2c (list_mem y v) = cv_list_mem (f_a y) (from_list f_a v)
   [cv_list_to_num_set_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀cv_v.
          cv_list_to_num_set cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_insert (cv_fst cv_v) (Num 0)
               (cv_list_to_num_set (cv_snd cv_v))) (Num 0)
   [cv_list_to_num_set_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀cv_v. (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ⇒ P (cv_snd cv_v)) ⇒ P cv_v) ⇒
            ∀v. P v
   [cv_list_to_num_set_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_sptree_sptree_spt from_unit (list_to_num_set v) =
        cv_list_to_num_set (from_list Num v)
   [cv_lookup_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_option f_a (lookup k v) =
        cv_lookup (Num k) (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a v)
   [cv_lrnext_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀cv_n.
          cv_lrnext cv_n =
          cv_if (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_n)
            (cv_mul (Num 2)
               (cv_lrnext (cv_div (cv_sub cv_n (Num 1)) (Num 2)))) (Num 1)
   [cv_lrnext_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀cv_n.
               (cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 0) cv_n) ⇒
                P (cv_div (cv_sub cv_n (Num 1)) (Num 2))) ⇒
               P cv_n) ⇒
            ∀v. P v
   [cv_lrnext_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ Num (sptree$lrnext n) = cv_lrnext (Num n)
   [cv_map_fst_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀cv.
          cv_map_fst cv =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv)
            (Pair (cv_fst (cv_fst cv)) (cv_map_fst (cv_snd cv))) (Num 0)
   [cv_map_fst_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀cv. (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv) ⇒ P (cv_snd cv)) ⇒ P cv) ⇒ ∀v. P v
   [cv_map_snd_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀cv.
          cv_map_snd cv =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv)
            (Pair (cv_snd (cv_fst cv)) (cv_map_snd (cv_snd cv))) (Num 0)
   [cv_map_snd_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀cv. (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv) ⇒ P (cv_snd cv)) ⇒ P cv) ⇒ ∀v. P v
   [cv_mk_BN_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a (mk_BN v0 v) =
        cv_mk_BN (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a v0)
          (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a v)
   [cv_mk_BS_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a (mk_BS v0 x v) =
        cv_mk_BS (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a v0) (f_a x)
          (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a v)
   [cv_mk_wf_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀cv_v.
          cv_mk_wf cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v))
               (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v))
                  (cv_mk_BS (cv_mk_wf (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)))
                     (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
                     (cv_mk_wf (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))))
                  (cv_mk_BN (cv_mk_wf (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)))
                     (cv_mk_wf (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))))
               (Pair (Num 1) (cv_snd cv_v))) (Num 0)
   [cv_mk_wf_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀cv_v.
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ⇒
                P (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ⇒
                P (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ⇒
                P (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ⇒
                P (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))) ⇒
               P cv_v) ⇒
            ∀v. P v
   [cv_mk_wf_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a (mk_wf v) =
        cv_mk_wf (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a v)
   [cv_nub_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀cv_v.
          cv_nub cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_list_mem (cv_fst cv_v) (cv_snd cv_v))
               (cv_nub (cv_snd cv_v))
               (Pair (cv_fst cv_v) (cv_nub (cv_snd cv_v)))) (Num 0)
   [cv_nub_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀cv_v.
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_list_mem (cv_fst cv_v) (cv_snd cv_v)) ⇒
                P (cv_snd cv_v)) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_list_mem (cv_fst cv_v) (cv_snd cv_v)) ⇒
                P (cv_snd cv_v)) ⇒
               P cv_v) ⇒
            ∀v. P v
   [cv_nub_thm]  Theorem
      [oracles: DISK_THM] [axioms: ] [from_to f_a t_a]
      ⊢ from_list f_a (nub v) = cv_nub (from_list f_a v)
   [cv_oEL_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_option f_a (oEL n v) = cv_oEL (Num n) (from_list f_a v)
   [cv_oHD_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_option f_a (oHD l) = cv_oHD (from_list f_a l)
   [cv_rep_FEMPTY]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_fmap f FEMPTY = Num 0
   [cv_rep_FLOOKUP]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_option f (FLOOKUP m n) = cv_lookup (Num n) (from_fmap f m)
   [cv_rep_FUPDATE]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_fmap f (m |+ (k,v)) = cv_insert (Num k) (f v) (from_fmap f m)
   [cv_rep_MEM]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_to f_a t_a ⇒
        cv_rep T (cv_list_mem (f_a x) (from_list f_a xs)) b2c (MEM x xs)
   [cv_rep_list_datatype]  Theorem
      ⊢ (cv_rep p cv (from_list f_a) x ∧ cv_rep NIL_pre NIL_cv f_b f0 ∧
         (∀v0 v1.
            cv_rep (CONS_pre v0 v1) (CONS_cv (f_a v0) (from_list f_a v1))
              f_b (f1 v0 v1)) ⇒
           (p ∧ (x = [] ⇒ NIL_pre) ∧ ∀v0 v1. x = v0::v1 ⇒ CONS_pre v0 v1)
           (cv_if (cv_ispair cv) (CONS_cv (cv_fst cv) (cv_snd cv)) NIL_cv)
           f_b (list_CASE x f0 f1)) ∧ from_list f [] = Num 0 ∧
        from_list f (x::xs) = Pair (f x) (from_list f xs)
   [cv_rep_option_datatype]  Theorem
      ⊢ (cv_rep p cv (from_option f_a) x ∧ cv_rep NONE_pre NONE_cv f_b f0 ∧
         (∀v0. cv_rep (SOME_pre v0) (SOME_cv (f_a v0)) f_b (f1 v0)) ⇒
           (p ∧ (x = NONE ⇒ NONE_pre) ∧ ∀v0. x = SOME v0 ⇒ SOME_pre v0)
           (cv_if (cv_ispair cv) (SOME_cv (cv_snd cv)) NONE_cv) f_b
           (option_CASE x f0 f1)) ∧ from_option f NONE = Num 0 ∧
        from_option f (SOME x) = Pair (Num 1) (f x)
   [cv_rep_pair_datatype]  Theorem
      ⊢ (cv_rep p cv (from_pair f_b f_c) x ∧
         (∀v0 v1.
            cv_rep ($var$(,_pre) v0 v1) ($var$(,_cv) (f_b v0) (f_c v1)) f_a
              (f0 v0 v1)) ⇒
         cv_rep (p ∧ ∀v0 v1. x = (v0,v1) ⇒ $var$(,_pre) v0 v1)
           (cv_if (cv_ispair cv) ($var$(,_cv) (cv_fst cv) (cv_snd cv))
              (Num 0)) f_a (pair_CASE x f0)) ∧
        from_pair f1 f2 (x,y) = Pair (f1 x) (f2 y)
   [cv_rep_sptree_sptree_spt_datatype]  Theorem
      ⊢ (cv_rep p cv (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a) x ∧
         cv_rep LN_pre LN_cv f_b f0 ∧
         (∀v0. cv_rep (LS_pre v0) (LS_cv (f_a v0)) f_b (f1 v0)) ∧
         (∀v0 v1.
            cv_rep (BN_pre v0 v1)
              (BN_cv (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a v0)
                 (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a v1)) f_b (f2 v0 v1)) ∧
         (∀v0 v1 v2.
            cv_rep (BS_pre v0 v1 v2)
              (BS_cv (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a v0) (f_a v1)
                 (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a v2)) f_b (f3 v0 v1 v2)) ⇒
           (p ∧ (isEmpty x ⇒ LN_pre) ∧ (∀v0. x = ⦕ 0 ↦ v0 ⦖ ⇒ LS_pre v0) ∧
            (∀v0 v1. x = BN v0 v1 ⇒ BN_pre v0 v1) ∧
            ∀v0 v1 v2. x = BS v0 v1 v2 ⇒ BS_pre v0 v1 v2)
           (cv_if (cv_ispair cv)
              (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv))
                 (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv))
                    (BS_cv (cv_fst (cv_snd cv))
                       (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv)))
                       (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv))))
                    (BN_cv (cv_fst (cv_snd cv)) (cv_snd (cv_snd cv))))
                 (LS_cv (cv_snd cv))) LN_cv) f_b (spt_CASE x f0 f1 f2 f3)) ∧
        from_sptree_sptree_spt f0 LN = Num 0 ∧
        from_sptree_sptree_spt f0 ⦕ 0 ↦ v0 ⦖ = Pair (Num 1) (f0 v0) ∧
        from_sptree_sptree_spt f0 (BN v0 v1) =
        Pair (Num 2)
          (Pair (from_sptree_sptree_spt f0 v0)
             (from_sptree_sptree_spt f0 v1)) ∧
        from_sptree_sptree_spt f0 (BS v0 v1 v2) =
        Pair (Num 3)
          (Pair (from_sptree_sptree_spt f0 v0)
             (Pair (f0 v1) (from_sptree_sptree_spt f0 v2)))
   [cv_rep_sum_datatype]  Theorem
      ⊢ (cv_rep p cv (from_sum f_a f_b) x ∧
         (∀v0. cv_rep (INL_pre v0) (INL_cv (f_a v0)) f_c (f0 v0)) ∧
         (∀v0. cv_rep (INR_pre v0) (INR_cv (f_b v0)) f_c (f1 v0)) ⇒
           (p ∧ (∀v0. x = INL v0 ⇒ INL_pre v0) ∧
            ∀v0. x = INR v0 ⇒ INR_pre v0)
           (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 0) (cv_fst cv)) (INR_cv (cv_snd cv))
              (cv_if (cv_ispair cv) (INL_cv (cv_snd cv)) (Num 0))) f_c
           (sum_CASE x f0 f1)) ∧
        from_sum f1 f2 (INL x) = Pair (Num 0) (f1 x) ∧
        from_sum f1 f2 (INR y) = Pair (Num 1) (f2 y)
   [cv_rep_unit_datatype]  Theorem
      ⊢ (cv_rep p cv from_unit x ∧ cv_rep one_pre one_cv f_a f0 ⇒
         cv_rep (p ∧ one_pre) one_cv f_a (one_CASE x f0)) ∧
        from_unit () = Num 0
   [cv_replicate_acc_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_list f_a (replicate_acc n x acc) =
        cv_replicate_acc (Num n) (f_a x) (from_list f_a acc)
   [cv_size'_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀cv_v.
          cv_size' cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v))
               (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v))
                     (cv_add (cv_size' (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)))
                        (cv_size' (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))))) (Num 1))
                  (cv_add (cv_size' (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)))
                     (cv_size' (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))))) (Num 1)) (Num 0)
   [cv_size'_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀cv_v.
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ⇒
                P (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ⇒
                P (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ⇒
                P (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ⇒
                P (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))) ⇒
               P cv_v) ⇒
            ∀v. P v
   [cv_size'_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ Num (size v) = cv_size' (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a v)
   [cv_spt_center_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_option f_a (spt_center v) =
        cv_spt_center (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a v)
   [cv_spt_centers_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀cv_v cv_i.
          cv_spt_centers cv_i cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_ispair (cv_fst cv_v))
                  cv0 = cv_spt_center (cv_snd (cv_fst cv_v))
                  cv_if (cv_ispair cv0)
                    (cv_apsnd_cons (Pair cv_i (cv_snd cv0))
                       (cv_spt_centers (cv_add cv_i (cv_fst (cv_fst cv_v)))
                          (cv_snd cv_v)))
                    (cv_spt_centers (cv_add cv_i (cv_fst (cv_fst cv_v)))
                       (cv_snd cv_v))) (Num 0)) (Pair cv_i (Num 0))
   [cv_spt_centers_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀cv_i cv_v.
                  cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_ispair (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                  cv0 = cv_spt_center (cv_snd (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv0) ⇒
                  P (cv_add cv_i (cv_fst (cv_fst cv_v))) (cv_snd cv_v)) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_ispair (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                  cv0 = cv_spt_center (cv_snd (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                  ¬cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv0) ⇒
                  P (cv_add cv_i (cv_fst (cv_fst cv_v))) (cv_snd cv_v)) ⇒
               P cv_i cv_v) ⇒
            ∀v v1. P v v1
   [cv_spt_centers_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ spt_centers_pre i v ⇒
        from_pair Num (from_list (from_pair Num f_a)) (spt_centers i v) =
        cv_spt_centers (Num i)
          (from_list (from_pair Num (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a)) v)
   [cv_spt_left_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a (spt_left v) =
        cv_spt_left (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a v)
   [cv_spt_right_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a (spt_right v) =
        cv_spt_right (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a v)
   [cv_subspt_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀cv_v cv_t.
          cv_subspt cv_v cv_t =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v))
               (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v))
                     (cv_eq (cv_spt_center cv_t)
                        (Pair (Num 1) (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))))
                        (cv_subspt (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))
                           (cv_spt_left cv_t))
                        (cv_subspt (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
                           (cv_spt_right cv_t)) (Num 0)) (Num 0))
                     (cv_subspt (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_spt_left cv_t))
                     (cv_subspt (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_spt_right cv_t))
                     (Num 0)))
               (cv_eq (cv_spt_center cv_t) (Pair (Num 1) (cv_snd cv_v))))
            (Num 1)
   [cv_subspt_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀cv_v cv_t.
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ⇒
                P (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_spt_left cv_t)) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                  (cv_eq (cv_spt_center cv_t)
                     (Pair (Num 1) (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))))) ⇒
                P (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_spt_left cv_t)) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                  (cv_eq (cv_spt_center cv_t)
                     (Pair (Num 1) (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))))) ∧
                  (cv_subspt (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_spt_left cv_t)) ⇒
                P (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))) (cv_spt_right cv_t)) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                  (cv_subspt (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_spt_left cv_t)) ⇒
                P (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_spt_right cv_t)) ⇒
               P cv_v cv_t) ⇒
            ∀v v1. P v v1
   [cv_subspt_thm]  Theorem
      [oracles: DISK_THM] [axioms: ] [from_to f_a t_a]
      ⊢ b2c (subspt v t) =
        cv_subspt (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a v)
          (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a t)
   [cv_toAList_foldi_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀cv_v cv_i cv_acc.
          cv_toAList_foldi cv_i cv_acc cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v))
               (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v))
                     cv0 = cv_lrnext cv_i
                     cv_toAList_foldi (cv_add cv_i cv0)
                       (Pair (Pair cv_i (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))))
                             (cv_add cv_i (cv_mul (Num 2) cv0)) cv_acc
                             (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))))
                       (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))))
                     cv0 = cv_lrnext cv_i
                     cv_toAList_foldi (cv_add cv_i cv0)
                       (cv_toAList_foldi (cv_add cv_i (cv_mul (Num 2) cv0))
                          cv_acc (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)))
                       (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))))
               (Pair (Pair cv_i (cv_snd cv_v)) cv_acc)) cv_acc
   [cv_toAList_foldi_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀cv_i cv_acc cv_v.
                  cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                  cv0 = cv_lrnext cv_i ⇒
                  P (cv_add cv_i cv0)
                    (Pair (Pair cv_i (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))))
                       (cv_toAList_foldi (cv_add cv_i (cv_mul (Num 2) cv0))
                          cv_acc (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))))
                    (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                  cv0 = cv_lrnext cv_i ⇒
                  P (cv_add cv_i (cv_mul (Num 2) cv0)) cv_acc
                    (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                  ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                  cv0 = cv_lrnext cv_i ⇒
                  P (cv_add cv_i cv0)
                    (cv_toAList_foldi (cv_add cv_i (cv_mul (Num 2) cv0))
                       cv_acc (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)))
                    (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                  cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                  ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                  cv0 = cv_lrnext cv_i ⇒
                  P (cv_add cv_i (cv_mul (Num 2) cv0)) cv_acc
                    (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))) ⇒
               P cv_i cv_acc cv_v) ⇒
            ∀v v1 v2. P v v1 v2
   [cv_toAList_foldi_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ toAList_foldi_pre i acc v ⇒
        from_list (from_pair Num f_a) (toAList_foldi i acc v) =
        cv_toAList_foldi (Num i) (from_list (from_pair Num f_a) acc)
          (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a v)
   [cv_toAList_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_list (from_pair Num f_a) (toAList x) =
        cv_toAList (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a x)
   [cv_toListA_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀cv_v cv_acc.
          cv_toListA cv_acc cv_v =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v))
               (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v))
                     (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
                        (cv_toListA cv_acc (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))))
                     (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)))
                  (cv_toListA (cv_toListA cv_acc (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
                     (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)))) (Pair (cv_snd cv_v) cv_acc))
   [cv_toListA_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀cv_acc cv_v.
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ⇒
                P cv_acc (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ⇒
                  (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
                     (cv_toListA cv_acc (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))))
                  (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ⇒
                P cv_acc (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ⇒
                P (cv_toListA cv_acc (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
                  (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))) ⇒
               P cv_acc cv_v) ⇒
            ∀v v1. P v v1
   [cv_toListA_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_list f_a (toListA acc v) =
        cv_toListA (from_list f_a acc) (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a v)
   [cv_toList_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_list f_a (toList m) = cv_toList (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a m)
   [cv_union_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀cv_v cv_t.
          cv_union cv_v cv_t =
          cv_if (cv_ispair cv_v)
            (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v))
               (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v))
                  (cv_if (cv_ispair cv_t)
                     (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t))
                        (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t))
                           (Pair (Num 3)
                                 (cv_union (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))
                                    (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_t)))
                                 (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
                                       (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
                                       (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_t)))))))
                           (Pair (Num 3)
                                 (cv_union (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))
                                    (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_t)))
                                 (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
                                       (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
                                       (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_t)))))))
                        (Pair (Num 3)
                           (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))
                              (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
                                 (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))))))
                     (Pair (Num 3)
                        (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))
                           (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
                              (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))))))
                  (cv_if (cv_ispair cv_t)
                     (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t))
                        (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t))
                           (Pair (Num 3)
                                 (cv_union (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))
                                    (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_t)))
                                 (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_t)))
                                    (cv_union (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))
                                       (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_t)))))))
                           (Pair (Num 2)
                                 (cv_union (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))
                                    (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_t)))
                                 (cv_union (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))
                                    (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_t))))))
                        (Pair (Num 3)
                           (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v))
                              (Pair (cv_snd cv_t) (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))))))
                     (Pair (Num 2)
                        (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))))))
               (cv_if (cv_ispair cv_t)
                  (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t))
                     (cv_if (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t))
                        (Pair (Num 3)
                           (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_t))
                              (Pair (cv_snd cv_v)
                                 (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_t))))))
                        (Pair (Num 3)
                           (Pair (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_t))
                              (Pair (cv_snd cv_v) (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_t))))))
                     (Pair (Num 1) (cv_snd cv_v)))
                  (Pair (Num 1) (cv_snd cv_v)))) cv_t
   [cv_union_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀cv_v cv_t.
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_t) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t)) ⇒
                P (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_t))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_t) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t)) ⇒
                P (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)))
                  (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_t)))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_t) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t)) ⇒
                P (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_t))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_t) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t)) ⇒
                P (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v))) (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_t))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_t) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t)) ⇒
                P (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_t))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_t) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t)) ⇒
                P (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_t)))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_t) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t)) ⇒
                P (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_fst (cv_snd cv_t))) ∧
               (cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_v) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_v)) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_ispair cv_t) ∧
                cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 1) (cv_fst cv_t)) ∧
                ¬cv$c2b (cv_lt (Num 2) (cv_fst cv_t)) ⇒
                P (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_v)) (cv_snd (cv_snd cv_t))) ⇒
               P cv_v cv_t) ⇒
            ∀v v1. P v v1
   [cv_union_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a (union v t) =
        cv_union (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a v)
          (from_sptree_sptree_spt f_a t)
   [cv_v2n_custom_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ Num (v2n_custom acc v) = cv_v2n_custom (Num acc) (from_list b2c v)
   [every_empty_snd]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀ys. EVERY ((λt. isEmpty t) ∘ SND) ys ⇔ every_empty_snd ys
   [every_empty_snd_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ (every_empty_snd [] ⇔ T) ∧
        ∀xs x n.
          every_empty_snd ((n,x)::xs) ⇔
          if isEmpty x then every_empty_snd xs else F
   [every_empty_snd_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. P [] ∧ (∀n x xs. (isEmpty x ⇒ P xs) ⇒ P ((n,x)::xs)) ⇒ ∀v. P v
   [from_sptree_spt_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_sptree_sptree_spt f0 LN = Num 0 ∧
        from_sptree_sptree_spt f0 ⦕ 0 ↦ v0 ⦖ = Pair (Num 1) (f0 v0) ∧
        from_sptree_sptree_spt f0 (BN v0 v1) =
        Pair (Num 2)
          (Pair (from_sptree_sptree_spt f0 v0)
             (from_sptree_sptree_spt f0 v1)) ∧
        from_sptree_sptree_spt f0 (BS v0 v1 v2) =
        Pair (Num 3)
          (Pair (from_sptree_sptree_spt f0 v0)
             (Pair (f0 v1) (from_sptree_sptree_spt f0 v2)))
   [from_sptree_to_sptree_spt_thm]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_to f0 t0 ⇒
        from_to (from_sptree_sptree_spt f0) (to_sptree_spt t0)
   [from_to_fmap]  Theorem
      ⊢ from_to f0 t0 ⇒ from_to (from_fmap f0) (to_fmap t0)
   [genlist_compute]  Theorem
      ⊢ (∀i f. genlist i f 0 = []) ∧
        (∀i f n.
           genlist i f (NUMERAL (BIT1 n)) =
           f i::genlist (i + 1) f (NUMERAL (BIT1 n) − 1)) ∧
        ∀i f n.
          genlist i f (NUMERAL (BIT2 n)) =
          f i::genlist (i + 1) f (NUMERAL (BIT1 n))
   [genlist_eq_GENLIST]  Theorem
      ⊢ GENLIST = genlist 0
   [map_spt_left_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ map_spt_left [] = [] ∧
        ∀xs x i. map_spt_left ((i,x)::xs) = (i,spt_left x)::map_spt_left xs
   [map_spt_left_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. P [] ∧ (∀i x xs. P xs ⇒ P ((i,x)::xs)) ⇒ ∀v. P v
   [map_spt_right_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ map_spt_right [] = [] ∧
        ∀xs x i.
          map_spt_right ((i,x)::xs) = (i,spt_right x)::map_spt_right xs
   [map_spt_right_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. P [] ∧ (∀i x xs. P xs ⇒ P ((i,x)::xs)) ⇒ ∀v. P v
   [map_spt_right_left]  Theorem
      ⊢ MAP (λ(i,t). (i,spt_right t)) ys = map_spt_right ys ∧
        MAP (λ(i,t). (i,spt_left t)) ys = map_spt_left ys
   [o_THM]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀f g x. (f ∘ g) x = f (g x)
   [replicate_acc_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀x n acc.
          replicate_acc n x acc =
          if n = 0 then acc else replicate_acc (n − 1) x (x::acc)
   [replicate_acc_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀P. (∀n x acc. (n ≠ 0 ⇒ P (n − 1) x (x::acc)) ⇒ P n x acc) ⇒
            ∀v v1 v2. P v v1 v2
   [spt_centers_pre_cases]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀a0 a1.
          spt_centers_pre a0 a1 ⇔
          ∀v0 v1.
            a1 = v0::v1 ⇒
            ∀v0' v1'.
              v0 = (v0',v1') ⇒
              ∀v. v = spt_center v1' ⇒
                  (v = NONE ⇒ spt_centers_pre (a0 + v0') v1) ∧
                  ∀v0''. v = SOME v0'' ⇒ spt_centers_pre (a0 + v0') v1
   [spt_centers_pre_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀spt_centers_pre'.
          (∀i v.
             (∀v0 v1.
                v = v0::v1 ⇒
                ∀v0' v1'.
                  v0 = (v0',v1') ⇒
                  ∀v. v = spt_center v1' ⇒
                      (v = NONE ⇒ spt_centers_pre' (i + v0') v1) ∧
                      ∀v0''. v = SOME v0'' ⇒ spt_centers_pre' (i + v0') v1) ⇒
             spt_centers_pre' i v) ⇒
          ∀a0 a1. spt_centers_pre a0 a1 ⇒ spt_centers_pre' a0 a1
   [spt_centers_pre_rules]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀i v.
          (∀v0 v1.
             v = v0::v1 ⇒
             ∀v0' v1'.
               v0 = (v0',v1') ⇒
               ∀v. v = spt_center v1' ⇒
                   (v = NONE ⇒ spt_centers_pre (i + v0') v1) ∧
                   ∀v0''. v = SOME v0'' ⇒ spt_centers_pre (i + v0') v1) ⇒
          spt_centers_pre i v
   [spt_centers_pre_strongind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀spt_centers_pre'.
          (∀i v.
             (∀v0 v1.
                v = v0::v1 ⇒
                ∀v0' v1'.
                  v0 = (v0',v1') ⇒
                  ∀v. v = spt_center v1' ⇒
                      (v = NONE ⇒
                       spt_centers_pre (i + v0') v1 ∧
                       spt_centers_pre' (i + v0') v1) ∧
                        v = SOME v0'' ⇒
                        spt_centers_pre (i + v0') v1 ∧
                        spt_centers_pre' (i + v0') v1) ⇒
             spt_centers_pre' i v) ⇒
          ∀a0 a1. spt_centers_pre a0 a1 ⇒ spt_centers_pre' a0 a1
   [toAList_foldi_pre]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀a0 a1 a2. toAList_foldi_pre a0 a1 a2
   [toAList_foldi_pre_cases]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀a0 a1 a2.
          toAList_foldi_pre a0 a1 a2 ⇔
          (∀v0 v1.
             a2 = BN v0 v1 ⇒
             ∀v. v = sptree$lrnext a0 ⇒
                 toAList_foldi_pre (a0 + 2 * v) a1 v0 ∧
                 toAList_foldi_pre (a0 + v)
                   (toAList_foldi (a0 + 2 * v) a1 v0) v1) ∧
          ∀v0 v1 v2.
            a2 = BS v0 v1 v2 ⇒
            ∀v. v = sptree$lrnext a0 ⇒
                toAList_foldi_pre (a0 + 2 * v) a1 v0 ∧
                toAList_foldi_pre (a0 + v)
                  ((a0,v1)::toAList_foldi (a0 + 2 * v) a1 v0) v2
   [toAList_foldi_pre_ind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀toAList_foldi_pre'.
          (∀i acc v.
             (∀v0 v1.
                v = BN v0 v1 ⇒
                ∀v. v = sptree$lrnext i ⇒
                    toAList_foldi_pre' (i + 2 * v) acc v0 ∧
                    toAList_foldi_pre' (i + v)
                      (toAList_foldi (i + 2 * v) acc v0) v1) ∧
             (∀v0 v1 v2.
                v = BS v0 v1 v2 ⇒
                ∀v. v = sptree$lrnext i ⇒
                    toAList_foldi_pre' (i + 2 * v) acc v0 ∧
                    toAList_foldi_pre' (i + v)
                      ((i,v1)::toAList_foldi (i + 2 * v) acc v0) v2) ⇒
             toAList_foldi_pre' i acc v) ⇒
          ∀a0 a1 a2.
            toAList_foldi_pre a0 a1 a2 ⇒ toAList_foldi_pre' a0 a1 a2
   [toAList_foldi_pre_rules]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀i acc v.
          (∀v0 v1.
             v = BN v0 v1 ⇒
             ∀v. v = sptree$lrnext i ⇒
                 toAList_foldi_pre (i + 2 * v) acc v0 ∧
                 toAList_foldi_pre (i + v)
                   (toAList_foldi (i + 2 * v) acc v0) v1) ∧
          (∀v0 v1 v2.
             v = BS v0 v1 v2 ⇒
             ∀v. v = sptree$lrnext i ⇒
                 toAList_foldi_pre (i + 2 * v) acc v0 ∧
                 toAList_foldi_pre (i + v)
                   ((i,v1)::toAList_foldi (i + 2 * v) acc v0) v2) ⇒
          toAList_foldi_pre i acc v
   [toAList_foldi_pre_strongind]  Theorem
      ⊢ ∀toAList_foldi_pre'.
          (∀i acc v.
             (∀v0 v1.
                v = BN v0 v1 ⇒
                ∀v. v = sptree$lrnext i ⇒
                    toAList_foldi_pre (i + 2 * v) acc v0 ∧
                    toAList_foldi_pre' (i + 2 * v) acc v0 ∧
                    toAList_foldi_pre (i + v)
                      (toAList_foldi (i + 2 * v) acc v0) v1 ∧
                    toAList_foldi_pre' (i + v)
                      (toAList_foldi (i + 2 * v) acc v0) v1) ∧
             (∀v0 v1 v2.
                v = BS v0 v1 v2 ⇒
                ∀v. v = sptree$lrnext i ⇒
                    toAList_foldi_pre (i + 2 * v) acc v0 ∧
                    toAList_foldi_pre' (i + 2 * v) acc v0 ∧
                    toAList_foldi_pre (i + v)
                      ((i,v1)::toAList_foldi (i + 2 * v) acc v0) v2 ∧
                    toAList_foldi_pre' (i + v)
                      ((i,v1)::toAList_foldi (i + 2 * v) acc v0) v2) ⇒
             toAList_foldi_pre' i acc v) ⇒
          ∀a0 a1 a2.
            toAList_foldi_pre a0 a1 a2 ⇒ toAList_foldi_pre' a0 a1 a2
   [to_sptree_spt_def]  Theorem
      ⊢ to_sptree_spt t0 v =
        if cv_has_shape [SOME 2; NONE] v then
          BN (to_sptree_spt t0 (cv_fst (cv_snd v)))
            (to_sptree_spt t0 (cv_snd (cv_snd v)))
        else if cv_has_shape [SOME 3; NONE; NONE] v then
          BS (to_sptree_spt t0 (cv_fst (cv_snd v)))
            (t0 (cv_fst (cv_snd (cv_snd v))))
            (to_sptree_spt t0 (cv_snd (cv_snd (cv_snd v))))
        else if v = Num 0 then LN
        else ⦕ 0 ↦ t0 (cv_snd v) ⦖

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HOL 4, Trindemossen-1