DEP_REWRITE_TAC : thm list -> tactic
Rewrites a goal using implications of equalites, adding proof obligations as required.
In a call DEP_REWRITE_TAC [thm1,...], the argument theorems thm1,... are typically implications. The tactic identifies the consequents of the argument theorems, and attempt to match these against the current goal. If a match is found, the goal is rewritten according to the matched instance of the consequent, after which the corresponding hypotheses of the argument theorems are added to the goal as new conjuncts on the left.

Care needs to be taken that the implications will match the goal properly, that is, instances where the hypotheses in fact can be proven. Also, even more commonly than with REWRITE_TAC, the rewriting process may diverge.

Each implication theorem for rewriting may have a number of layers of universal quantification and implications. At the bottom of these layers is the base, which will either be an equality, a negation, or a general term. The pattern for matching will be the left-hand-side of an equality, the term negated of a negation, or the term itself in the third case. The search is top-to-bottom left-to-right, depending on the quantifications of variables.

To assist in focusing the matching to useful cases, the goal is searched for a subterm matching the pattern. The matching of the pattern to subterms is performed by higher-order matching, so for example, !x. P x will match the term !n. (n+m) < 4*n.

The argument theorems may each be either an implication or not. For those which are implications, the hypotheses of the instance of each theorem which matched the goal are added to the goal as conjuncts on the left side. For those argument theorems which are not implications, the goal is simply rewritten with them. This rewriting is also higher order.

Deep inner universal quantifications of consequents are supported. Thus, an argument theorem like EQ_LIST:
|- !h1 h2. (h1 = h2) ==> (!l1 l2. (l1 = l2) ==>
                 (CONS h1 l1 = CONS h2 l2))
before it is used, is internally converted to appear as
|- !h1 h2 l1 l2. (h1 = h2) /\ (l1 = l2) ==>
                 (CONS h1 l1 = CONS h2 l2)

As much as possible, the newly added hypotheses are analyzed to remove duplicates; thus, several theorems with the same hypothesis, or several uses of the same theorem, will generate a minimal additional proof burden.

The new hypotheses are added as conjuncts rather than as a separate subgoal to reduce the user’s burden of subgoal splits when creating tactics to prove theorems. If a separate subgoal is desired, simply use CONJ_TAC after the dependent rewriting to split the goal into two, where the first contains the hypotheses and the second contains the rewritten version of the original goal.

HOL  Trindemossen-1