UNDISCH_TAC : term -> tactic
Undischarges an assumption and deletes all assumptions that are alpha-equivalent to it.
Let a1 to an be the assumptions that are alpha-equivalent to v, then
               A ?- t
   ==============================  UNDISCH_TAC v
    A - {a1, ..., an} ?- v ==> t

In particular, if v is among the assumptions of the goal and no other assumption is alpha-equivalent to it, then UNDISCH_TAC behaves as the opposite of DISCH_TAC:

          A ?- t
   ====================  UNDISCH_TAC v
    A - {v} ?- v ==> t
UNDISCH_TAC fails if no assumption is alpha-equivalent to v.
In the typical use v is among the assumptions. If only a single assumption alpha-equivalent to v, but it is different from v then the action of UNDISCH_TAC can be seen as undischarging followed by alpha-conversion.
HOL  Trindemossen-1