STRIP_TAC : tactic
Splits a goal by eliminating one outermost connective.
Given a goal (A,t), STRIP_TAC removes one outermost occurrence of one of the connectives !, ==>, ~ or /\ from the conclusion of the goal t. If t is a universally quantified term, then STRIP_TAC strips off the quantifier:
      A ?- !x.u
   ==============  STRIP_TAC
     A ?- u[x'/x]
where x' is a primed variant that does not appear free in the assumptions A. If t is a conjunction, then STRIP_TAC simply splits the conjunction into two subgoals:
      A ?- v /\ w
   =================  STRIP_TAC
    A ?- v   A ?- w
If t is an implication, STRIP_TAC moves the antecedent into the assumptions, stripping conjunctions, disjunctions and existential quantifiers according to the following rules:
    A ?- v1 /\ ... /\ vn ==> v            A ?- v1 \/ ... \/ vn ==> v
   ============================        =================================
       A u {v1,...,vn} ?- v             A u {v1} ?- v ... A u {vn} ?- v

     A ?- ?x.w ==> v
    A u {w[x'/x]} ?- v
where x' is a primed variant of x that does not appear free in A. Finally, a negation ~t is treated as the implication t ==> F.
STRIP_TAC (A,t) fails if t is not a universally quantified term, an implication, a negation or a conjunction.
Applying STRIP_TAC twice to the goal:
    ?- !n. m <= n /\ n <= m ==> (m = n)
results in the subgoal:
   {n <= m, m <= n} ?- m = n

When trying to solve a goal, often the best thing to do first is REPEAT STRIP_TAC to split the goal up into manageable pieces.
HOL  Trindemossen-1