In the following example, a function is added to a compset without
also adding functions that get "called" by it:
> load "sortingTheory";
val it = (): unit
> sortingTheory.QSORT_DEF;
val it =
|- (!ord. QSORT ord [] = []) /\
!t ord h.
QSORT ord (h::t) =
(let (l1,l2) = PARTITION (\y. ord y h) t
QSORT ord l1 ++ [h] ++ QSORT ord l2) : thm
> val () = computeLib.add_thms [sortingTheory.QSORT_DEF] compset;
> computeLib.unmapped compset;
val it =
[("APPEND", "list"),
("BIT1", "arithmetic"),
("BIT2", "arithmetic"),
("PARTITION", "sorting"),
("UNCURRY", "pair"),
("ZERO", "arithmetic")]
:(string * string) list