An invocation EVAL M symbolically evaluates M by applying the defining
equations of constants occurring in M. These equations are held
in a mutable datastructure that is automatically added to
by Hol_datatype, Define, and tprove. The underlying
algorithm is call-by-value with a few differences, see the entry for
CBV_CONV for details.
Never fails, but may diverge.
- EVAL (Term `REVERSE (MAP (\x. x + a) [x;y;z])`);
> val it = |- REVERSE (MAP (\x. x + a) [x; y; z]) = [z + a; y + a; x + a]
: thm
In order for recursive functions over numbers to be applied by EVAL,
pattern matching over SUC and 0 needs to be replaced by destructors.
For example, the equations for FACT would have to be rephrased
as FACT n = if n = 0 then 1 else n * FACT (n-1).