PRUNE_RIGHT_RULE : (thm -> thm)
Prunes all hidden variables.
PRUNE_RIGHT_RULE behaves as follows:
    A |- !z1 ... zr.
          t = ?l1 ... lr. t1 /\ ... /\ eqn1 /\ ... /\ eqnr /\ ... /\ tp
                   A |- !z1 ... zr. t = t1 /\ ... /\ tp
where each eqni has the form "!y1 ... ym. li x1 ... xn = b" and li does not appear free in any of the other conjuncts or in b. The rule works if one or more of the eqni’s are not present, that is if li is not free in any of the conjuncts, but does not work if li appears free in more than one of the conjuncts. p may be zero, that is, all the conjuncts may be eqni’s. In this case the result will be simply T (true). Also, for each eqni, m and n may be zero.
Fails if the argument theorem is not of the specified form or if any of the li’s are free in more than one of the conjuncts or if the equation for any li is recursive.
#   "!(in:num->bool) (out:num->bool).
#     DEV (in,out) =
#      ?(l1:num->bool) l2.
#       (!x. l1 x = F) /\ (!x. l2 x = ~(in x)) /\ (!x. out x = ~(in x))");;
. |- !in out. DEV(in,out) = (!x. out x = ~in x)
HOL  Trindemossen-1