EXPAND_AUTO_CONV : (thm list -> conv)
Unfolds, then unwinds as much as possible, then prunes the unwound lines.
EXPAND_AUTO_CONV thl when applied to the following term:
   "?l1 ... lm. t1 /\ ... /\ ui1 /\ ... /\ uik /\ ... /\ tn"
returns a theorem of the form:
   B |- (?l1 ... lm. t1 /\ ... /\ ui1 /\ ... /\ uik /\ ... /\ tn) =
        (?li(k+1) ... lim. t1' /\ ... /\ tn')
where each ti' is the result of rewriting ti with the theorems in thl. The set of assumptions B is the union of the instantiated assumptions of the theorems used for rewriting. If none of the rewrites are applicable to a conjunct, it is unchanged. After rewriting, the function decides which of the resulting terms to use for unwinding, by performing a loop analysis on the graph representing the dependencies of the lines.

Suppose the function decides to unwind li1,...,lik using the terms ui1',...,uik' respectively. Then, after unwinding, the lines li1,...,lik are pruned (provided they have been eliminated from the right-hand sides of the conjuncts that are equations, and from the whole of any other conjuncts) resulting in the elimination of ui1',...,uik'.

The li’s are related by the equation:

   {{li1,...,lik}} u {{li(k+1),...,lim}} = {{l1,...,lm}}
The loop analysis allows the term to be unwound as much as possible without the risk of looping. The user is left to deal with the recursive equations.
The function may fail if the argument term is not of the specified form. It also fails if there is more than one equation for any line variable.
# [ASSUME "!in out. INV (in,out) = !(t:num). out t = ~(in t)"]
# "?l1 l2.
#   INV (l1,l2) /\ INV (l2,out) /\ (!(t:num). l1 t = l2 (t-1) \/ out (t-1))";;
. |- (?l1 l2.
       INV(l1,l2) /\ INV(l2,out) /\ (!t. l1 t = l2(t - 1) \/ out(t - 1))) =
       (!t. l2 t = ~(l2(t - 1) \/ ~l2(t - 1))) /\ (!t. out t = ~l2 t))
HOL  Trindemossen-1