ttt : tactic
General purpose tactic relying on a automatic selection of tactics extracted from human-written proof scripts. It returns an automatically generated proof script that solves the goal. A good practice is to replace the call of tacticToe.ttt by the generated proof script.
Select relevant tactics and theorems for proving a goal using the k-nearest neighbor premise selection algorithm and relies on Monte Carlo tree search to expand multiple proof trees. In practice, this means that the intermediate goals created by better ranked tactics are explored more deeply.
Fails if the supplied goal does not contain boolean terms only. Or if the search saturates, this typically happens when there is not enough recorded tactics. Or if the search times out. This timeout can be modifed by tacticToe.set_timeout. Or if the proof fails to reconstruct.
- load "tttUnfold"; load "tacticToe"; open tacticToe;
(* output omitted *)
> val it = () : unit

- tttUnfold.ttt_record (); (* takes multiple hours the first time it is called *)
(* output omitted *)
> val it = (): unit

- ttt ([],``1+1=2``);
Loading 3091 theorems 
Loading 12126 tactics
tactictoe found a proof:
  (SRW_TAC []) []
> val it = ([], fn): goal list * validation

See src/tactictoe/README for more information on how to record the tactic data. See more examples in src/tactictoe/examples.
HOL  Trindemossen-1