timeout : real -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
Interrupts a function f after a time limit.
In case the limit is reached, the exception FunctionTimeout is raised, otherwise it behaves in the same way as a call to "f" on its argument.
Fails when the call to f exceeds the time limit or if f fails.
- load "smlTimeout"; open smlTimeout;
(* output omitted *)
> val it = () : unit

- timeout 0.1 (fn (x:int) => (raise Match):int) 5;
> Exception- Match raised

- timeout 0.2 OS.Process.sleep (Time.fromReal 2.0);
> Exception- FunctionTimeout raised

- timeout 1.0 (fn x => x) 5;
> val it = 5: int
Relies on a conditional variable to decide if and when to send an Interrupt signal to the worker thread in which the function f is called. In the case an interrupt is needed, a bit of time is given to the function f to catch the Interrupt and return a result. This last step has been implemented with a busy waiting loop that has experimentally been determined to be more efficient than relying on an additional condition variable.
HOL  Trindemossen-1