RESQ_REWRITE1_TAC : thm_tactic
Rewriting with a restricted universally quantified theorem.
RESQ_REWRITE1_TAC takes an equational theorem which is restricted universally quantified at the outer level. It calls RESQ_REWR_CANON to convert the theorem to the form accepted by COND_REWR_TAC and passes the resulting theorem to this tactic which carries out conditional rewriting.

Suppose that th is the following theorem

   A |- !x::P. Q[x] = R[x])
Applying the tactic RESQ_REWRITE1_TAC th to a goal (asml,gl) will return a main subgoal (asml',gl') where gl' is obtained by substituting instances of R[x'/x] for corresponding instances of Q[x'/x] in the original goal gl. All instances of P x' which do not appear in the original assumption asml are added to it to form asml', and they also become new subgoals (asml,P x').
RESQ_REWRITE1_TAC th fails if th cannot be transformed into the required form by the function RESQ_REWR_CANON. Otherwise, it fails if no match is found or the theorem cannot be instantiated.

HOL  Trindemossen-1