Define_mk_ptree : string -> term_ptree -> thm
Define a new Patricia tree constant.
A call to Define_mk_ptree c t builds a HOL Patricia tree from the ML tree t and uses this to define a new constant c. This provides and efficient mechanism to define large patricia trees in HOL: the trees can be quickly built in ML and then imported into HOL via patriciaLib.mk_ptree. Provided the tree is not too large, a side-effect of Define_mk_ptree is to prove the theorem |- IS_PTREE c. This is controlled by the reference is_ptree_term_size_limit.

To avoid producing large terms, a call to EVAL will not expand out the definition of the new constant c. However, it will efficiently evaluate operations performed on c, e.g. PEEK c n for ground n.

Define_mk_ptree will fail when patriciaLib.mk_ptree fails.
The following session shows the construction of Patricia trees in ML, which are then imported into HOL.

open patriciaLib;
> val ptree = Define_mk_ptree "ptree" (int_ptree_of_list [(1,``1``), (2, ``2``)]);
<<HOL message: Saved IS_PTREE theorem for new constant "ptree">>
val ptree = |- ptree = Branch 0 0 (Leaf 1 1) (Leaf 2 2): thm
> DB.theorem "ptree_is_ptree_thm";
val it = |- IS_PTREE ptree: thm

> val _ = Globals.max_print_depth := 7;
> let
    fun pp _ _ (_: term_ptree) = PolyML.PrettyString "<ptree>"
    PolyML.addPrettyPrinter pp
val it = (): unit

> val random_ptree =
  real_time patriciaLib.ptree_of_ints
    (Random.rangelist (0,100000) (10000,Random.newgenseed 1.0));
realtime: 0.091s
val random_ptree = <ptree>: term_ptree

> val random = real_time (patriciaLib.Define_mk_ptree "random") random_ptree;
<<HOL warning: patriciaLib.Define_ptree: Failed to prove IS_PTREE (is_ptree_term_size_limit might be too small).>>
realtime: 0.196s
val random =
   |- random =
   Branch 0 0
     (... ... 1 (... ... (... ... ))
        (... ... (... ... ) (... ... (... ... ))))
     (Branch 0 1 (... ... (... ... ) (... ... (... ... )))
        (... ... 2 (... ... (... ... ))
           (... ... (... ... ) (... ... (... ... ))))):

> patriciaLib.size random_ptree;
val it = 9517: int
> real_time EVAL ``SIZE random``;
realtime: 3.531s
val it = |- SIZE random = 9517: thm

> int_peek random_ptree 3;
val it = SOME ``()``: term option
> real_time EVAL ``random ' 3``;
realtime: 0.004s
val it = |- random ' 3 = SOME (): thm

> int_peek random_ptree 100;
val it = NONE: term option
> real_time EVAL ``random ' 100``;
realtime: 0.004s
val it = |- random ' 100 = NONE: thm
HOL  Trindemossen-1