PairCases_on : term quotation -> tactic
Recursively split variables of product type.
An application PairCases_on q first parses q in the context of the goal to obtain v, which should be a variable of product type. Then, it introduces new variables of the form vn, where n is a number, representing the atomic components of v after all nested pair structure is expanded away. Finally, all occurrences of v in the goal (including in the assumptions) are replaced by the explicit pair structure (with the new variables at its leaves).

The new variables are numbered from zero according to a depth-first traversal. (Therefore, they should appear in increasing order from left to right when the tree is pretty-printed.) Primed variants of the new numbered variables are used if necessary (i.e. vn already occurs free in the goal).

Fails if v is not a variable of product type.
> val PairCases_on = pairLib.PairCases_on; > g(‘(x = y) ==> ((x:((bool#bool)#bool#(bool#((bool#bool)#bool))))=z)‘);

Initial goal:

(x = y) ==> (x = z)

> e(DISCH_TAC); OK.. 1 subgoal:

x = z ------------------------------------ x = y

> e(PairCases_on ‘y‘); OK.. 1 subgoal:

x = z ------------------------------------ x = ((y0,y1),y2,y3,(y4,y5),y6)

> e(PairCases_on‘x‘); OK.. 1 subgoal:

((x0,x1),x2,x3,(x4,x5),x6) = z ------------------------------------ ((x0,x1),x2,x3,(x4,x5),x6) = ((y0,y1),y2,y3,(y4,y5),y6)

HOL  Trindemossen-1