enable_monadsyntax : unit -> unit
Enables parsing and printing of monadic do/od syntax.
A call to enable_monadsyntax() alters the parser and pretty-printer to support the do/od syntax for writing monadic values. This call should be followed by calls to enable_monad (or weak_enable_monad) so that the do/od syntax can be linked to actual monadic types.
Never fails.
This first example gives a clear demonstration of the nature of the syntactic translation that the monad syntax implements because there is no specific enabled monad for the syntax to map to:
   > monadsyntax.enable_monadsyntax();
   val it = () : unit

   > “do M1 ; M2; od”;
   val it = “monad_unitbind M1 M2” : term;

   > “do v <- M1; w <- M2 v 3; return (v + w); od”;
   val it = “monad_bind M1 (λv. monad_bind (M2 v 3) (λw. return (v + w)))”
            : term
The monad_bind, monad_unitbind and return terms above are variables that would be instantiated with the appropriate terms given the available choices of enabled monads.
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