std_ss : simpset
Basic simplification set.
The simplification set std_ss extends bool_ss with a useful set of rewrite rules for terms involving options, pairs, and sums. It also performs beta and eta reduction. It applies some standard rewrites to evaluate expressions involving only numerals.

The following rewrites from pairTheory are included in std_ss:

   |- !x. (FST x,SND x) = x
   |- !x y. FST (x,y) = x
   |- !x y. SND (x,y) = y
   |- !x y a b. ((x,y) = (a,b)) = (x = a) /\ (y = b)
   |- !f. CURRY (UNCURRY f) = f
   |- !f. UNCURRY (CURRY f) = f
   |- (CURRY f = CURRY g) = (f = g)
   |- (UNCURRY f = UNCURRY g) = (f = g)
   |- !f x y. CURRY f x y = f (x,y)
   |- !f x y. UNCURRY f (x,y) = f x y
   |- !f g x y. (f ## g) (x,y) = (f x,g y)
The following rewrites from sumTheory are included in std_ss:
   |- !x. ISL x ==> (INL (OUTL x) = x)
   |- !x. ISR x ==> (INR (OUTR x) = x)
   |- (!x. ISL (INL x)) /\ !y. ~ISL (INR y)
   |- (!x. ISR (INR x)) /\ !y. ~ISR (INL y)
   |- !x. OUTL (INL x) = x
   |- !x. OUTR (INR x) = x
   |- !x y. ~(INL x = INR y)
   |- !x y. ~(INR y = INL x)
   |- (!y x. (INL x = INL y) = (x = y)) /\
      (!y x. (INR x = INR y) = (x = y))
   |- (!f g x. case f g (INL x) = f x) /\
      (!f g y. case f g (INR y) = g y)
The following rewrites from optionTheory are included in std_ss:
   |- (!x y. (SOME x = SOME y) = (x = y))
   |- (!x. ~(NONE = SOME x))
   |- (!x. ~(SOME x = NONE))
   |- (!x. THE (SOME x) = x)
   |- (!x. IS_SOME (SOME x) = T)
   |- (IS_SOME NONE = F)
   |- (!x. IS_NONE x = (x = NONE))
   |- (!x. ~IS_SOME x = (x = NONE))
   |- (!x. IS_SOME x ==> (SOME (THE x) = x))
   |- (!x. case NONE SOME x = x)
   |- (!x. case x SOME x = x)
   |- (!x. IS_NONE x ==> (case e f x = e))
   |- (!x. IS_SOME x ==> (case e f x = f (THE x)))
   |- (!x. IS_SOME x ==> (case e SOME x = x))
   |- (!u f. case u f NONE = u)
   |- (!u f x. case u f (SOME x) = f x)
   |- (!f x. OPTION_MAP f (SOME x) = SOME (f x))
   |- (!f. OPTION_MAP f NONE = NONE)
   |- (!x. OPTION_JOIN (SOME x) = x)
   |- !f x y. (OPTION_MAP f x = SOME y) = ?z. (x = SOME z) /\ (y = f z)
   |- !f x. (OPTION_MAP f x = NONE) = (x = NONE)
For performing obvious simplification steps on terms, formulas, and goals. Also, sometimes simplification with more powerful simpsets, like arith_ss, becomes too slow, in which case one can use std_ss supplemented with whatever theorems are needed.
The simplification sets provided in BasicProvers and bossLib (currently bool_ss, std_ss, arith_ss, and list_ss) do not include useful rewrites stemming from HOL datatype declarations, such as injectivity and distinctness of constructors. However, the simplification routines RW_TAC and SRW_TAC automatically load these rewrites.
HOL  Trindemossen-1