gs : thm list -> tactic
Simplifies assumptions and goal conclusion until a normal form is reached.
A call to gs ths produces a simplification tactic that repeatedly simplifies with the theorems ths, the stateful simpset, the natural number arithmetic decision procedure and normalizer, and let-elimination (as done by simp) over both a goal’s assumptions and the goal’s conclusion.

Assumptions are simplified first, with assumption terms simplified in turn in a context that includes all of the other assumptions. After simplification, if an assumption has been reduced to T (truth), it is dropped. Otherwise, it is added back to the assumption list using STRIP_ASSUME_TAC. After this process of assumption simplification produces no further change (assessed using CHANGED_TAC), the goal’s conclusion is also simplified, in a context that assumes all of the (now simplified) asssumptions.

Theorems with restrictions (Once, Ntimes) passed to the gs tactic will not have those restrictions refreshed as invocations of the base simplification procedure are repeated. This means that the restricted theorems will likely only be applied to the first assumption where the left-hand-sides match.

Never fails, but may loop.
The theorem SUB_CANCEL has two preconditions:
   > arithmeticTheory.SUB_CANCEL;
   val it = ⊢ ∀p n m. n ≤ p ∧ m ≤ p ⇒ (p − n = p − m ⇔ n = m): thm
If those preconditions are distributed awkwardly in a goal, neither fs nor rfs (which make passes over the assumptions in a particular order) may be able to apply the rewrite. However, gs will make progress:
   x ≤ b, b - x = b - y, y ≤ b   ?- x * y < 10
  ==============================================  gs[SUB_CANCEL]
           y ≤ b, x = y          ?- y ** 2 < 10
The accompanying functions gvs, gnvs and gns are similar, but tweak the behaviours slightly. The functions with v in their name eliminate equalities (the x = y in the example above, say), and the functions with n in the name do not use STRIP_ASSUME_TAC when adding assumptions back to the goal. The latter can prevent case-splits.

The rgs variant attacks the assumptions in the reverse order to gs. The latter simplifies older assumptions using newer assumptions, but rgs uses the opposite order. If, for example, the assumption list includes both 0 < n and n ≠ 0, then gs will preserve one of these and rgs will preserve the other.

HOL  Trindemossen-1