mk_thm : term list * term -> thm
Creates an arbitrary theorem (dangerous!).
The function mk_thm can be used to construct an arbitrary theorem. It is applied to a pair consisting of the desired assumption list (possibly empty) and conclusion. All the terms therein should be of type bool.
   mk_thm([a1,...,an],c) = ({a1,...,an} |- c)
mk_thm is an application of mk_oracle_thm, and every application of it tags the resulting theorem with MK_THM.
Fails unless all the terms provided for assumptions and conclusion are of type bool.
The following shows how to create a simple contradiction:
   - val falsity = mk_thm([],boolSyntax.F);
   > val falsity = |- F : thm

   - Globals.show_tags := true;
   > val it = () : unit

   - falsity;
   > val it = [oracles: MK_THM] [axioms: ] [] |- F : thm

Although mk_thm can be useful for experimentation or temporarily plugging gaps, its use should be avoided if at all possible in important proofs, because it can be used to create theorems leading to contradictions. The example above is a trivial case, but it is all too easy to create a contradiction by asserting ‘obviously sound’ theorems.

All theorems which are likely to be needed can be derived using only HOL’s inbuilt axioms and primitive inference rules, which are provably sound (see the DESCRIPTION). Basing all proofs, normally via derived rules and tactics, on just these axioms and inference rules gives proofs which are (apart from bugs in HOL or the underlying system) completely secure. This is one of the great strengths of HOL, and it is foolish to sacrifice it to save a little work.

Because of the way tags are propagated during proof, a theorem proved with the aid of mk_thm is detectable by examining its tag.

HOL  Trindemossen-1