GEN_ABS : term option -> term list -> thm -> thm
Rule of inference for building binder-equations.
The GEN_ABS function is, semantically at least, a derived rule that combines applications of the primitive rules ABS and MK_COMB. When the first argument, a term option, is the value NONE, the effect is an iterated application of the rule ABS (as per List.foldl. Thus,
                  G |- x = y
   --------------------------------------------  GEN_ABS NONE [v1,v2,...,vn]
    G |- (\v1 v2 .. vn. x) = (\v1 v2 .. vn. y)
If the first argument is SOME b for some term b, this term b is to be a binder, usually of polymorphic type :('a -> bool) -> bool. Then the effect is to interleave the effect of ABS and a call to AP_TERM. For every variable v in the list, the following theorem transformation will occur
            G |- x = y
     ------------------------ ABS v
      G |- (\v. x) = (\v. y)
   ---------------------------- AP_TERM b'
    G |- b (\v. x) = b (\v. x)
where b' is a version of b that has been instantiated to match the type of the term to which it is applied (AP_TERM doesn’t do this).
- val th = REWRITE_CONV [] ``t /\ u /\ u``
> val th = |- t /\ u /\ u = t /\ u : thm

- GEN_ABS (SOME ``$!``) [``t:bool``, ``u:bool``] th;
> val it = |- (!t u. t /\ u /\ u) <=> (!t u. t /\ u) : thm
Fails if the theorem argument is not an equality. Fails if the second argument (the list of terms) does not consist of variables. Fails if any of the variables in the list appears in the hypotheses of the theorem. Fails if the first argument is SOME b and the type of b is either not of type :('a -> bool) -> bool, or some :(ty -> bool) -> bool where all the variables have type ty.
Though semantically a derived rule, a HOL kernel may implement this as part of its core for reasons of efficiency.
HOL  Trindemossen-1