uptodate_thm : thm -> bool
Tells if a theorem is out of date.
Operations in the current theory segment of HOL allow one to redefine types and constants. This can cause theorems to become invalid. As a result, HOL has a rudimentary consistency maintenance system built around the notion of whether type operators and term constants are "up-to-date".

An invocation uptodate_thm th should check th to see if it has been proved from any out-of-date components. However, HOL does not currently keep the proofs of theorems, so a simpler approach is taken. Instead, th is checked to see if its hypotheses and conclusions are up-to-date.

All items from ancestor theories are fixed, and unable to be overwritten, thus are always up-to-date.

Never fails.
- Define `fact x = if x=0 then 1 else x * fact (x-1)`;
Equations stored under "fact_def".
Induction stored under "fact_ind".
> val it = |- fact x = (if x = 0 then 1 else x * fact (x - 1)) : thm

- val th = EVAL (Term `fact 3`);
> val th = |- fact 3 = 6 : thm

- uptodate_thm th;
> val it = true : bool

- delete_const "fact";
> val it = () : unit

- uptodate_thm th;
> val it = false : bool
It may happen that a theorem th is proved with the use of another theorem th1 that subsequently becomes garbage because a constant c was deleted. If c does not occur in th, then th does not become garbage, which may be contrary to expectation. The conservative extension property of HOL says that th is still provable, even in the absence of c.
HOL  Trindemossen-1