norm_subst : ((term, term) subst * term set) *
     ((hol_type, hol_type) subst * hol_type list) ->
   (term, term) subst * (hol_type, hol_type) subst
Instantiate term substitution by a type substitution.
Given a term substitution and a type substitution, norm_subst applies the type substitution to the redexes of the term substitution.

The substitutions coming from raw_match need to be normalized before they can be applied by inference rules like INST_TY_TERM. An invocation raw_match avoid_tys avoid_tms pat ob A returns a pair of substitutions ((S,Ids),(T,Idt)). The Id components can be ignored. The S component is a substitution for term variables, but it has to be instantiated by the type substitution T in order to be suitable for use by INST_TY_TERM. In this case, one uses norm_subst ((S,Ids),(T,Idt)) as the first argument for INST_TY_TERM.

norm_subst ((S,Ids),(T,Idt)) ignores Ids and Idt, and returns T unchanged. Where a type-substituted term redex becomes equal to the corresponding residue, that term redex-residue pair is omitted from the term substitution returned.

Never fails.
- val ((S,Ids),(T,Idt)) = raw_match [] empty_varset
                    (Term `\x:'a. x = f (y:'b)`)
                    (Term `\a.    a = ~p`) ([],[]);
> val S = [{redex = `(f :'b -> 'a)`, residue = `$~`},
           {redex = `(y :'b)`,       residue = `(p :bool)`}]
	: (term, term) subst

  val T = [{redex = `:'b`, residue = `:bool`},
           {redex = `:'a`, residue = `:bool`}]
        : (hol_type, hol_type) subst

- val (S',_) = norm_subst ((S,Ids),(T,Idt)) ;
> val S' = [{redex = `(y :bool)`,          residue = `(p :bool)`},
	    {redex = `(f :bool -> bool)`, residue = `$~`}]
      : (term, term) subst

Higher level matching routines, like match_term and match_terml already return normalized substitutions.
HOL  Trindemossen-1