RENAME_TAC : term quotation list -> tactic
Renames free variables or subterms within a goal.
A call to RENAME_TAC qs searches the current goal for matches to the patterns in the list qs, and then substitutes out the matches (in the “reverse direction”) so that the goal becomes one that uses the names from qs. This can cause subterms within the goal to turn into simple variables, but the usual intention is to rename free variables into the variables that appear in the patterns.

The matching is done without reference to the goal’s existing free variables. If a variable in qs clashes with an existing variable in the goal, then the goal’s variable will be renamed away. It is sufficient for variables to have the same name to “clash”; they need not also have the same type. The search for matches begins by attempting to find matches against the whole of the goal, against whole assumptions, for sub-terms within the goal, and then sub-terms of assumptions. If multiple matches are possible, a variant tactic, Q.kRENAME_TAC, can be used: this tactic takes an additional “continuation” tactic argument that can be used to discriminate between these matches.

Patterns can use underscores to match anything without any change in the goal’s naming being introduced. Underscores can match against sub-terms that include bound variables. Matching is first-order.

Fails if it is impossible to consistently match the combination of patterns in the provided list of quotations (qs).
If the goal is of the form
   x < y, y < z ?- x < f a
then invoking Q.RENAME_TAC [`b < c`, `a < b`] will produce the sub-goal:
   a < b, b < c ?- a < f a'
where the goal’s original a variable (which is not even of type num), has been renamed away from a because that variable occurs in the patterns. (If the right hand side of the inequality was simply a and was thus of type num, it would also be renamed to a'.)

If Q.RENAME_TAC [`b < c`] is invoked on the same initial goal, the result is:

   b < y, y < z ?- b < c
illustrating the way in which variables can eliminate more complicated sub-terms.

The useful way in which underscores in patterns can be used to “dodge” terms including bound variables is illustrated in the next example, where the initial goal is:

   (!a. f a < z), z < c ?- z < d
After applying Q.RENAME_TAC [`_ < x`, `x < c`], the goal becomes
   (!a. f a < x), x < c' ?- x < c
The goal was chosen for the match to the second pattern because the goal is considered first. If the initial goal had been
   (!a. f a < z), z < c ?- z < d /\ P z
then the result of the same application would be
   (!a. f a < z), z < c ?- x < d /\ P x
because whole assumptions are considered before sub-terms of the goal.
This function is also available under the name bossLib.rename.

Note that Q.RENAME_TAC [q] is not the same as Q.RENAME1_TAC q. The latter pays attention to the goal’s free variables, using these to constrain the match to the pattern. In contrast, Q.RENAME_TAC completely ignores all of the goal’s free variables, such that using an existing name in a pattern doesn’t make any difference to the matching behaviour.

HOL  Trindemossen-1