ty_antiq : hol_type -> term
Make a variable named ty_antiq.
Given a type ty, the ML invocation ty_antiq ty returns the HOL variable ty_antiq : ty. This provides a way to antiquote types into terms, which is necessary because the HOL term parser only allows terms to be antiquoted. The use of ty_antiq promotes a type to a term variable which can be antiquoted. The HOL parser detects occurrences of ty_antiq ty and inserts ty as a constraint.
Suppose we want to constrain a term to have type num list, which is bound to ML value ty. Attempting to antiquote ty directly into the term won’t work:
val ty = ``:num list``;
> val ty = `:num list` : hol_type

- ``x : ^ty``;
! Toplevel input:
! Term `x : ^ty`;
!            ^^
! Type clash: expression of type
!   hol_type
! cannot have type
!   term
Use of ty_antiq solves the problem:
- ``x : ^(ty_antiq ty)``;
> val it = `x` : term

- type_of it;
> val it = `:num list` : hol_type
HOL  Trindemossen-1