thytype_abbrev : {Name:string,Thy:string} * hol_type * bool -> unit
Abbreviates a type to a specific theory-qualified name.
A call to thytype_abbrev({Name=n,Thy=t}, ty, prp) establishes the “kernel” name t$n as an abbreviation for the type ty, as happens with type_abbrev. The boolean flag prp indicates whether or not this abbreviation will also be used when the printer comes to print the given type. In other words, after the call it becomes possible to write ``:args t$n`` to stand for type ty. If there are type variables in ty they become the parameters to the new abbreviated type operator. These parameters need to be filled in in the args position above. If there are no type variables in ty then abbreviation is of a whole type, and args must be blank.

If there was an existing abbreviation for t$n, then this will be replaced by the call.

In addition, after the given call, this abbreviation will become the preferred binding for the bare name n. Other abbreviations in different theories will need to use the form with fully-qualified names (thy1$n, thy2$n etc).

If the boolean flag is false, this invocation is comparable to the behaviour after intputonly_type_abbrev: the abbreviation can be used to input types of the desired pattern, but such types will print as they did previously.

Fails if ty is a variable type.
As with other parsing and pretty-printing functions, there is a companion function, temp_thytype_abbrev, which has the same effect on the global grammar but does not cause the change to persist when the theory is exported.

It is legitimate to use a string for the theory component of the record that does not correspond to the current theory. Indeed, it is perfectly reasonable to do this, if one wants to give priority to a particular ancestral abbreviation.

HOL  Trindemossen-1