add_infix_type : {Assoc : associativity,
                  Name : string,
                  ParseName : string option,
                  Prec : int} ->
Adds a type infix.
A call to add_infix_type adds an infix type symbol to the type grammar. The argument is a record of four values providing information about the infix.

The Assoc field specifies the associativity of the symbol (possible values: LEFT, RIGHT and NONASSOC). The standard HOL type infixes (+, #, -> and |->) are all right-associative. The Name field specifies the name of the binary type operator that is being mapped to. If the name of the type is not the same as the concrete syntax (as in all the standard HOL examples above), the concrete syntax can be provided in the ParseName field. The Prec field specifies the binding precedence of the infix. This should be a number less than 100, and probably greater than or equal to 50, where the function -> symbol lies. The greater the number, the more tightly the symbol attempts to “grab” its arguments.

Fails if the desired precedence level contains an existing infix with a different associativity.
- Hol_datatype `atree = Nd of 'v => ('k # atree) list`;
<<HOL message: Defined type: "atree">>
> val it = () : unit

- add_infix_type { Assoc = LEFT, Name = "atree",
                   ParseName = SOME ">->", Prec = 65 };
> val it = () : unit

- type_of ``Nd``;
<<HOL message: inventing new type variable names: 'a, 'b>>
> val it = ``:'a -> ('b # ('b >-> 'a)) list -> 'b >-> 'a`` : hol_type
HOL  Trindemossen-1