add_infix : string * int * HOLgrammars.associativity -> unit
Adds a string as an infix with the given precedence and associativity to the term grammar.
This function adds the given string to the global term grammar such that the string
   <str1> s <str2>
will be parsed as
   s <t1> <t2>
where <str1> and <str2> have been parsed to two terms <t1> and <t2>. The parsing process does not pay any attention to whether or not s corresponds to a constant or not. This resolution happens later in the parse, and will result in either a constant or a variable with name s. In fact, if this name is overloaded, the eventual term generated may have a constant of quite a different name again; the resolution of overloading comes as a separate phase (see the entry for overload_on).
add_infix fails if the precedence level chosen for the new infix is the same as a different type of grammar rule (e.g., suffix or binder), or if the specified precedence level has infixes already but of a different associativity.

It is also possible that the choice of string s will result in an ambiguous grammar. This will be marked with a warning. The parser may behave in strange ways if it encounters ambiguous phrases, but will work normally otherwise.

Though we may not have + defined as a constant, we can still define it as an infix for the purposes of printing and parsing:
   - add_infix ("+", 500, HOLgrammars.LEFT);
   > val it = () : unit

   - val t = Term`x + y`;
   <<HOL message: inventing new type variable names: 'a, 'b, 'c.>>
   > val t = `x + y` : term
We can confirm that this new infix has indeed been parsed that way by taking the resulting term apart:
   - dest_comb t;
   > val it = (`$+ x`, `y`) : term * term
With its new status, + has to be “quoted” with a dollar-sign if we wish to use it in a position where it is not an infix, as in the binding list of an abstraction:
   - Term`\$+. x + y`;
   <<HOL message: inventing new type variable names: 'a, 'b, 'c.>>
   > val it = `\$+. x + y` : term
   - dest_abs it;
   > val it = (`$+`,`x + y`) : term * term
The generation of three new type variables in the examples above emphasises the fact that the terms in the first example and the body of the second are really no different from f x y (where f is a variable), and don’t have anything to do with the constant for addition from arithmeticTheory. The new + infix is left associative:
   - Term`x + y + z`;
   <<HOL message: inventing new type variable names: 'a, 'b.>>
   > val it = `x + y + z` : term

   - dest_comb it;
   > val it = (`$+ (x + y)`, `z`) : term * term
It is also more tightly binding than /\ (which has precedence 400 by default):
   - Term`p /\ q + r`;
   <<HOL message: inventing new type variable names: 'a, 'b.>>
   > val it = `p /\ q + r` : term

   - dest_comb it;
   > val it = (`$/\ p`, `q + r`) : term * term
An attempt to define a right associative operator at the same level fails:
   Lib.try add_infix("-", 500, HOLgrammars.RIGHT);

   Exception raised at Parse.add_infix:
   Grammar Error: Attempt to have differently associated infixes
                  (RIGHT and LEFT) at same level
Similarly we can’t define an infix at level 900, because this is where the (true prefix) rule for logical negation (~) is.
   - Lib.try add_infix("-", 900, HOLgrammars.RIGHT);

   Exception raised at Parse.add_infix:
   Grammar Error: Attempt to have different forms at same level
Finally, an attempt to have a second + infix at a different precedence level causes grief when we later attempt to use the parser:
   - add_infix("+", 400, HOLgrammars.RIGHT);
   > val it = () : unit

   - Term`p + q`;
   <<HOL warning: Parse.Term: Grammar ambiguous on token pair + and +,
                  and probably others too>>
   <<HOL message: inventing new type variable names: 'a, 'b, 'c>>
   > val it = ``p + q`` : term
In this situation, the behaviour of the parser will become quite unpredictable whenever the + token is encountered. In particular, + may parse with either fixity.

Most use of infixes will want to have them associated with a particular constant in which case the definitional principles (new_infixl_definition etc) are more likely to be appropriate. However, a development of a theory of abstract algebra may well want to have infix variables such as + above.
As with other functions in the Parse structure, there is a companion temp_add_infix function, which has the same effect on the global grammar, but which does not cause this effect to persist when the current theory is exported.
HOL  Trindemossen-1