trye : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
Maps exceptions into HOL_ERR
The standard exception for HOL applications to raise is HOL_ERR. The use of a single exception simplifies the writing of exception handlers and facilities for decoding and printing error messages. However, ML functions that raise exceptions, such as hd and many others, are often used to implement HOL programs. In such cases, trye may be used to coerce exceptions into applications of HOL_ERR. Note however, that the Interrupt exception is not coerced by trye.

The application trye f x evaluates f x; if this evaluates to y, then y is returned. However, if evaluation raises an exception e, there are three cases: if e is Interrupt, then it is raised; if e is HOL_ERR, then it is raised; otherwise, e is mapped to an application of HOL_ERR and then raised.

Fails if the function application fails.
- hd [];
! Uncaught exception:
! Empty

- trye hd [];
! Uncaught exception:

- trye (fn _ => raise Interrupt) 1;
> Interrupted

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