bvk_find_term : (term list * term -> bool) -> (term -> 'a) -> term -> 'a option
Finds a sub-term satisfying predicate argument; applies a continuation.
A call to bvk_find_term P k tm searches tm for a sub-term satisfying P and calls the continuation k on the first that it finds. If k succeeds on this sub-term, the result is wrapped in SOME and returned to the caller. If k raises a HOL_ERR exception on the sub-term, control returns to bvk_find_term, which continues to look for a sub-term satisfying P. Other exceptions are returned to the caller. If there is no sub-term that both satisfies P and on which k operates successfully, the result is NONE.

The search order is top-down, left-to-right (i.e., rators of combs are examined before rands).

As with find_term, P should be total. In addition, P is given not just the sub-term of interest, but also the stack of bound variables that have scope over the sub-term, with the innermost bound variables appearing earlier in the list.

Fails if the predicate argument fails (i.e., raises an exception; returning false is acceptable) on a sub-term, or if the contination argument raises a non-HOL_ERR exception on a sub-term on which the predicate has returned true.
The RED_CONV function from reduceLib reduces a ground arithmetic term over the natural numbers, failing if the term is not of the right shape.
   - val find = bvk_find_term (equal ``:num`` o type_of o #2)
   > val find = fn : term -> thm option

   - find ``SUC n``;
   > val it = NONE : thm option

   - find ``2 * 3 + SUC n``;
   > val it = SOME |- 2 * 3 = 6 : thm option

   - find ``SUC n + 2 * 3``;
   > val it = SOME |- 2 * 3 = 6 : thm option

   - find ``2 + 1 + SUC n + 2 * 3``;
   > val it = SOME |- 2 + 1 = 3 : thm option
HOL  Trindemossen-1