non_type_definitions : string -> (string * thm) list
A versions of definitions that attempts to filter out definitions created by Hol_datatype.
An invocation non_type_definitions thy, where thy is the name of a currently loaded theory segment, will return a list of the definitions stored in that theory. Each definition is paired with its name in the result.
Never fails. If thy is not the name of a currently loaded theory segment, the empty list is returned.
- new_theory "example";
<<HOL message: Created theory "example">>
> val it = () : unit
- val _ = Hol_datatype `example = First | Second`;
<<HOL message: Defined type: "example">>
- val example_def = Define
    `(example First = Second) /\ (example Second = First)`;
Definition has been stored under "example_def".
> val example_def = |- (example First = Second) /\ (example Second = First) :

- definitions "example";
> val it =
    [("example_TY_DEF", |- ?rep. TYPE_DEFINITION (\n. n < 2) rep),
      |- (!a. num2example (example2num a) = a) /\
         !r. (\n. n < 2) r = (example2num (num2example r) = r)),
     ("First", |- First = num2example 0),
     ("Second", |- Second = num2example 1),
     ("example_size_def", |- !x. example_size x = 0),
      |- !v0 v1 x.
           (case x of First -> v0 || Second -> v1) =
           (\m. (if m = 0 then v0 else v1)) (example2num x)),
     ("example_def", |- (example First = Second) /\ (example Second = First))]
     : (string * thm) list

- EmitTeX.non_type_definitions "example";
> val it =
    [("example_def", |- (example First = Second) /\ (example Second = First))]
     : (string * thm) list
HOL  Trindemossen-1