PATH_CONV : string -> conv -> conv
Applies a conversion to the subterm indicated by a path string.
A call to PATH_CONV p c returns a new conversion that applies c to the subterm of a term identified by the path string p. This path string is interpreted as a sequence of direction indications: "a": take the body of an abstraction; "b": take the body of an abstraction or binder (such as universal or existential quantification); "l": take the left (rator) path in an application; "r": take the right (rand) path in an application.
The call to the path string and conversion fails if the provided string includes characters other than a, b, l or r. When applied to a term the resulting conversion will fail if the path is not meaningful or if the conversion itself fails on the indicated subterm.
> PATH_CONV "lrr" numLib.REDUCE_CONV ``(1 + 2) + (3 + 4) + (5 + 6)``;
val it = |- 1 + 2 + (3 + 4) + (5 + 6) = 1 + 2 + 7 + (5 + 6) : thm

> PATH_CONV "br" numLib.REDUCE_CONV ``!x. x > 10 + 3``;
val it = |- (!x. x > 10 + 3) <=> !x. x > 13 : thm
This function provides a more concise indication of sub-conversion application than by composing RATOR_CONV, RAND_CONV and ABS_CONV.
HOL  Trindemossen-1