ONCE_DEPTH_CONV : (conv -> conv)
Applies a conversion once to the first suitable sub-term(s) encountered in top-down order.
ONCE_DEPTH_CONV c tm applies the conversion c once to the first subterm or subterms encountered in a top-down ‘parallel’ search of the term tm for which c succeeds. If the conversion c fails on all subterms of tm, the theorem returned is |- tm = tm.
Never fails.
The following example shows how ONCE_DEPTH_CONV applies a conversion to only the first suitable subterm(s) found in a top-down search:
   - ONCE_DEPTH_CONV BETA_CONV (Term `(\x. (\y. y + x) 1) 2`);
   > val it = |- (\x. (\y. y + x)1)2 = (\y. y + 2) 1 : thm
Here, there are two beta-redexes in the input term. One of these occurs within the other, so BETA_CONV is applied only to the outermost one.

Note that the supplied conversion is applied by ONCE_DEPTH_CONV to all independent subterms at which it succeeds. That is, the conversion is applied to every suitable subterm not contained in some other subterm for which the conversions also succeeds, as illustrated by the following example:

   - ONCE_DEPTH_CONV numLib.num_CONV (Term `(\x. (\y. y + x) 1) 2`);
   > val it = |- (\x. (\y. y + x)1)2 = (\x. (\y. y + x)(SUC 0))(SUC 1) : thm
Here num_CONV is applied to both 1 and 2, since neither term occurs within a larger subterm for which the conversion num_CONV succeeds.
ONCE_DEPTH_CONV is frequently used when there is only one subterm to which the desired conversion applies. This can be much faster than using other functions that attempt to apply a conversion to all subterms of a term (e.g. DEPTH_CONV). If, for example, the current goal in a goal-directed proof contains only one beta-redex, and one wishes to apply BETA_CONV to it, then the tactic
may, depending on where the beta-redex occurs, be much faster than

ONCE_DEPTH_CONV c may also be used when the supplied conversion c never fails, in which case using a conversion such as DEPTH_CONV c, which applies c repeatedly would never terminate.

The implementation of this function uses failure to avoid rebuilding unchanged subterms. That is to say, during execution the exception QConv.UNCHANGED may be generated and later trapped. The behaviour of the function is dependent on this use of failure. So, if the conversion given as an argument happens to generate the same exception, the operation of ONCE_DEPTH_CONV will be unpredictable.
HOL  Trindemossen-1