EVERY_CONV : (conv list -> conv)
Applies in sequence all the conversions in a given list of conversions.
EVERY_CONV [c1;...;cn] "t" returns the result of applying the conversions c1, ..., cn in sequence to the term "t". The conversions are applied in the order in which they are given in the list. In particular, if ci "ti" returns |- ti=ti+1 for i from 1 to n, then EVERY_CONV [c1;...;cn] "t1" returns |- t1=t(n+1). If the supplied list of conversions is empty, then EVERY_CONV returns the identity conversion. That is, EVERY_CONV [] "t" raises UNCHANGED, which indicates the result |- t=t.
EVERY_CONV [c1;...;cn] "t" fails if any one of the conversions c1, ..., cn fails (other than by raising UNCHANGED) when applied in sequence as specified above.
HOL  Trindemossen-1