EVERY_CONJ_CONV : conv -> conv
Applies a conversion to every top-level conjunct in a term.
The term EVERY_CONJ_CONV c t takes the conversion c and applies this to every top-level conjunct within term t. A top-level conjunct is a sub-term that can be reached from the root of the term by breaking apart only conjunctions. The terms affected by c are those that would be returned by a call to strip_conj c. In particular, if the term as a whole is not a conjunction, then the conversion will be applied to the whole term.

If the result of the application of the conversion to one of the conjuncts is one of the constants true or false, then one of two standard rewrites is applied, simplifying the resulting term. If one of the conjuncts is converted to false, then the conversion will not be applied to the remaining conjuncts (the conjuncts are worked on from left to right), and the result of the whole application will simply be false. Alternatively, conjuncts that are converted to true will not appear in the final result at all.

Fails if the conversion argument fails when applied to one of the top-level conjuncts in a term.
- EVERY_CONJ_CONV BETA_CONV (Term`(\x. x /\ y) p`);
> val it = |- (\x. x /\ y) p = p /\ y : thm
- EVERY_CONJ_CONV BETA_CONV (Term`(\y. y /\ p) q /\ (\z. z) r`);
> val it = |- (\y. y /\ p) q /\ (\z. z) r = (q /\ p) /\ r : thm

Useful for applying a conversion to all of the “significant” sub-terms within a term without having to worry about the exact structure of its conjunctive skeleton.
HOL  Trindemossen-1