(term -> term -> ((term * term) list * (type * type) list) list) ->
A lower level tactic used to implement simple conditional rewriting tactic.
COND_REWR_TAC is one of the basic building blocks for the implementation of conditional rewriting in the HOL system. In particular, the conditional term replacement or rewriting done by all the built-in conditional rewriting tactics is ultimately done by applications of COND_REWR_TAC. The description given here for COND_REWR_TAC may therefore be taken as a specification of the atomic action of replacing equals by equals in the goal under certain conditions that aare used in all these higher level conditional rewriting tactics.

The first argument to COND_REWR_TAC is expected to be a function which returns a list of matches. Each of these matches is in the form of the value returned by the built-in function match. It is used to search the goal for instances which may be rewritten.

The second argument to COND_REWR_TAC is expected to be an implicative theorem in the following form:

   A |- !x1 ... xn. P1 ==> ... Pm ==> (Q[x1,...,xn] = R[x1,...,xn])
where x1, ..., xn are all the variables that occur free in the left-hand side of the conclusion of the theorem but do not occur free in the assumptions.

If fn is a function and th is an implicative theorem of the kind shown above, then COND_REWR_TAC fn th will be a tactic which returns a list of subgoals if evaluating

   fn Q[x1,...,xn] gl
returns a non-empty list of matches when applied to a goal (asm,gl).

Let ml be the match list returned by evaluating fn Q[x1,...,xn] gl. Each element in this list is in the form of

   ([(e1,x1);...;(ep,xp)], [(ty1,vty1);...;(tyq,vtyq)])
which specifies the term and type instantiations of the input theorem th. Either the term pair list or the type pair list may be empty. In the case that both lists are empty, an exact match is found, i.e., no instantiation is required. If ml is an empty list, no match has been found and the tactic will fail.

For each match in ml, COND_REWR_TAC will perform the following: 1) instantiate the input theorem th to get

   th' = A |- P1' ==> ... ==> Pm' ==> (Q' = R')
where the primed subterms are instances of the corresponding unprimed subterms obtained by applying INST_TYPE with [(ty1,vty1);...;(tyq,vtyq)] and then INST with [(e1,x1);...;(ep,xp)]; 2) search the assumption list asm for occurrences of any antecedents P1', ..., Pm'; 3) if all antecedents appear in asm, the goal gl is reduced to gl' by substituting R' for each free occurrence of Q', otherwise, in addition to the substitution, all antecedents which do not appear in asm are added to it and new subgoals corresponding to these antecedents are created. For example, if Pk', ..., Pm' do not appear in asm, the following subgoals are returned:
   asm ?- Pk'  ...  asm ?- Pm'   {{asm,Pk',...,Pm'}} ?- gl'

If COND_REWR_TAC is given a theorem th:

   A |- !x1 ... xn y1 ... yk. P1 ==> ... ==> Pm ==> (Q = R)
where the variables y1, ..., ym do not occur free in the left-hand side of the conclusion Q but they do occur free in the antecedents, then, when carrying out Step 2 described above, COND_REWR_TAC will attempt to find instantiations for these variables from the assumption asm. For example, if x1 and y1 occur free in P1, and a match is found in which e1 is an instantiation of x1, then P1' will become P1[e1/x1, y1]. If a term P1'' = P1[e1,e1'/x1,y1] appears in asm, th' is instantiated with (e1', y1) to get
   th'' = A |- P1'' ==> ... ==> Pm'' ==> (Q' = R'')
then R'' is substituted into gl for all free occurrences of Q'. If no consistent instantiation is found, then P1' which contains the uninstantiated variable y1 will become one of the new subgoals. In such a case, the user has no control over the choice of the variable yi.
COND_REWR_TAC fn th fails if th is not an implication of the form described above. If th is such an equation, but the function fn returns a null list of matches, or the function fn returns a non-empty list of matches, but the term or type instantiation fails.
The following example illustrates a straightforward use of COND_REWR_TAC. We use the built-in theorem LESS_MOD as the input theorem, and the function search_top_down as the search function.
   Theorem LESS_MOD autoloading from theory `arithmetic` ...
   LESS_MOD = |- !n k. k < n ==> (k MOD n = k)

   |- !n k. k < n ==> (k MOD n = k)

   - : (term -> term -> ((term # term) list # (type # type) list) list)
We set up a goal
   #g"2 MOD 3 = 2";;
   "2 MOD 3 = 2"

   () : void
and then apply the tactic
   #e(COND_REWR_TAC search_top_down LESS_MOD);;
   2 subgoals
   "2 = 2"
       [ "2 < 3" ]

   "2 < 3"

    () : void
HOL  Trindemossen-1