Structure tacticToe
signature tacticToe =
include Abbrev
type tnn = mlTreeNeuralNetwork.tnn
val build_searchobj : mlThmData.thmdata * mlTacticData.tacdata ->
tnn option * tnn option * tnn option ->
goal -> tttSearch.searchobj
val main_tactictoe :
mlThmData.thmdata * mlTacticData.tacdata ->
tnn option * tnn option * tnn option ->
goal -> tttSearch.proofstatus * tttSearch.tree
val clean_ttt_tacdata_cache : unit -> unit
val set_timeout : real -> unit
val prioritize_stacl : string list ref
(* tactics on prioritize_stacl are added to tactictoe and
first tactics on the list are applied first *)
val ttt : tactic
val tactictoe : term -> thm
HOL 4, Kananaskis-14