structure TypeBase
The interface to TypeBase is intended to provide support for writers of high-level tools for reasoning about datatypes.
> Datatype `tree = Leaf | Node 'a tree tree`; <<HOL message: Defined type: "tree">> val it = () : unit > {Thy = current_theory(), Tyop = "tree"}; val it = SOME ----------------------- ----------------------- HOL datatype: "scratch$tree" Primitive recursion: |- !f0 f1. ?fn. (fn Leaf = f0) /\ !a0 a1 a2. fn (Node a0 a1 a2) = f1 a0 a1 a2 (fn a1) (fn a2) Case analysis: |- (!v f. tree_CASE Leaf v f = v) /\ !a0 a1 a2 v f. tree_CASE (Node a0 a1 a2) v f = f a0 a1 a2 Size: |- (!f. tree_size f Leaf = 0) /\ !f a0 a1 a2. tree_size f (Node a0 a1 a2) = 1 + (f a0 + (tree_size f a1 + tree_size f a2)) Induction: |- !P. P Leaf /\ (!t t0. P t /\ P t0 ==> !a. P (Node a t t0)) ==> !t. P t Case completeness: |- !tt. (tt = Leaf) \/ ?a t t0. tt = Node a t t0 Case-const equality split: |- (tree_CASE x v f = v') <=> (x = Leaf) /\ (v = v') \/ ?a t t0. (x = Node a t t0) /\ (f a t t0 = v') Extras: [ ] One-to-one: |- !a0 a1 a2 a0' a1' a2'. (Node a0 a1 a2 = Node a0' a1' a2') <=> (a0 = a0') /\ (a1 = a1') /\ (a2 = a2') Distinctness: |- !a2 a1 a0. Leaf <> Node a0 a1 a2: tyinfo option