RULE_L_ASSUM_TAC : ((thm -> thm list) -> tactic)
{A1,...,An} ?- t ==================================== RULE_L_ASSUM_TAC f {f(A1 |- A1),...,f(An |- An)} ?- t
g ------------------------------------ 0. a /\ b 1. c 2. d /\ e /\ f
the tactic RULE_L_ASSUM_TAC CONJUNCTS gives the new goal
g ------------------------------------ 0. a 1. b 2. c 3. d 4. e 5. f
RULE_L_ASSUM_TAC can also be used to delete unwanted assumptions: let f ass = [ass] for an assumption which is to be kept, and f ass = [] for an assumption which is to be deleted.