Given the following primitive recursion theorem for labelled binary trees:
|- !f0 f1.
(!a. fn (LEAF a) = f0 a) /\
!a0 a1. fn (NODE a0 a1) = f1 a0 a1 (fn a0) (fn a1) : thm
prove_rec_fn_exists can be used to prove the existence of primitive
recursive functions over binary trees. Suppose the value of th is this
theorem. Then the existence of a recursive function Leaves, which computes
the number of leaves in a binary tree, can be proved as shown below:
- prove_rec_fn_exists th
``(Leaves (LEAF (x:'a)) = 1) /\
(Leaves (NODE t1 t2) = (Leaves t1) + (Leaves t2))``;
> val it =
|- ?Leaves.
(!x. Leaves (LEAF x) = 1) /\
!t1 t2. Leaves (NODE t1 t2) = Leaves t1 + Leaves t2 : thm
The result should be compared with the example given under