DEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV : directed_conseq_conv -> directed_conseq_conv
Notice that some operators switch the direction that is passed to c, e.g. to strengthen a term ~t, DEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV tries to weaken t.
|- !f x y. FEVERY P (f |+ (x,y)) /\ P (x,y) ==> FEVERY P (f |+ (x,y))
DEPTH_CONSEQ_CONV c CONSEQ_CONV_STRENGTHEN_direction ``!y2. FEVERY P (f |+ (x1, y1) |+ (x2,y2)) /\ Q z`` = |- (!y2. FEVERY P f /\ P (x1, y1) /\ P (x2,y2) /\ Q z) ==> (!y2. FEVERY P (f |+ (x1, y1) |+ (x2,y2)) /\ Q z)